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puffy palms

you had a post regarding excessive skin wrinkling on palms when the skin is wet for only a matter of seconds.

i have this condition and have been to see specialists but no one can fathom out what the reason for this is. over the years it has got worse, the symptons include;
puffy raised white area on the palms of my hands these go after apprx half an hour of being dry
little clusters of small holes/pores that seem to follow the lines on the palms of my hand, only in the area that is raised and puffy.
this happens even when my hands sweat in the summer when driving, washing dishes, showering, bathing, cleaning.. all connected with water.
it doesn't hurt but my hands feel so dry it's uncomfortable to touch anything.
a specalist mention that it maybe a karatin deficiencey previously but this has been going on for at least 7 years so i can be sure it'snot something i've just noticed, it also gets worse if i'm stressed.
Please help, i'd love to find a cure or even a reason behind it!

This discussion is related to Puffy Skin on Palms of Hands..
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Also I don't think its a specific area since I have lived in Afghanistan, North Carolina, and Washington DC with these symptoms all of which have different climates.  Mine seems to come with a change in the season.
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I am a 29 yr old female and my condition started in 2011 while deployed in Afghanistan.  I originally thought I had overused hand sanitation but its been almost 3 years and I still have it.  When it first started my palms looked like I had soaked them in water for hours and there were huge white raised pores.  It did not go away completely but would reduce if I peeled off chunks of the skin which did not hurt.  The navy doctors first diagnosed it as fungus but none of the fungus treatments did anything.  They gave me some type of medication (topical cream) that helped tremendously but I cant recall the name.  After returning it went away but now comes back in waves.  It seems to come during a change in the season or if I am stressed out.  At first it will be very noticeable when I get out of the shower  and then looks like whitish patches after a few hours.  After a few days I scrape off a lot of the skin in the shower when it builds up with my figner nails and then it drys up after a week and returns to normal looking palms.  I went back to the doctor once when it came up but they had no idea and said I needed to see a dermatologist.  Unfortunately it doesn't stick around long enough for me to schedule an appointment and show a doctor the symptoms or take samples.  I haven't used any medicine since 2011 and just let it come in its waves since really its just annoying.  I do noticed that if the air is very dry or I have a dehumidifier on in my room at night then my palms are normal.  It seems any amount of moisture or sweat causes it to flare up.
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Just wondering if anyone on here can come back and confirm that their palm wrinkling is not related to CF?  One of my children has this happening at the moment and Im a bit worried it could be from undiagnosed CF.
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This is also happening to my daughter. Our family Dr says why go searching for something when she has no other symptoms for Cf.  Our dermalogost has called us twice now to see if we have received the cf test because he thinks there is a connection. So confused
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I'm in the military and I began seeing this same thing happen to me while I was at bootcamp at age 18. I don't believe the condition is associated with the weather because this started in the dead of winter in IL and now I'm in CA a little less than two years later and it's started to come back again.

Mine seems to just come in waves as well and becomes almost painful when I try using my hands after showing or washing dishes. Even after using Clorox Wipes in my barracks room.

I do my hair when it's wet in the morning and even the short amount of time it takes me to do that makes my hands feel uncomfortable.

I plan on trying some of these suggestions and hopefully will be able to see some improvement!

Thanks all!
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I have had AWP for 15 years and have no issues with dexterity- for me AWP is mainly a superficial issue. I type on a keyboard sometimes up to 11 hours a day and no problems-- just the annoying white patches on the palms after showers. I'm now 32, so far so good!
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5253761 tn?1365626192
Good evening.
First excuse my English but I'm French...
After looking for informations in my country about AWP (I could not find anything usefull), I found answers here.
My 8-years-old daughter has AWP since december 2012. It is very difficult to find informations about this diseace.
Yesterday we went to hospital to make the test for FC, and it is --- (relief...).
I am very happy to talk with people who have the same problem. I have a lot of questions about the evolution of this. First I would like to know if you keep on swimming, and what your doctors say about going into the water. Is there a risk? I wonder if, after several years with AWP, some other problems appear? (more dammaged skin, less sensations in the fingers, less dexterity?...). My daughter is so young, I'm sad and afraid that she can not chose the job, the hobbies that she would like... Please if you have answers, thank you for your help.
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