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i have had a rash above my lip for about a week or two now.  I put this cheap chapstick on my lip and all of a sudden it got all red and I figured my skin gets irritated by chapstick and to never use it again. So since every five minutes I cannot move my upper lip, I put vaseline on it.  I have been doing this for the two weeks I have had it about three times a day. It stops the burning and lets me move my lip, but is doesn't make the redness go away.  Please help I have a big concert tomorrow and I don't want to look like a clown! Are there any products to reduce the redness? Can anything help it?

10 Responses
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681148 tn?1437661591
Aquaphor is a good product, but I need something that works ON the lips, not the section ABOVE the lips, which is the area you were dealing with.  I'm familiar with using products in the area above the lip, because the eczema keeps moving around.  I sure am glad you had just some temporary rash that isn't related to eczema, because eczema on and around the lips can be really tricky to deal with.  I am glad you're not dealing with eczema, because it's a condition of the skin that I will always have with me, as I've had flare-ups my whole life.  One can be free of flare-ups for a while, but then the flare-ups can show up again and can be tricky to find the root of the problem.  Apparently, the eczema can be affected by allergies and intolerances, too.  But, the tricky part is figuring out such allergies and sensitivities/intolerances.  

You will notice that the doctor who answered your post did agree with me about the B complex.  It is one that I discovered is all the more important for me to take now that I'm getting older.  I actually still take additional riboflavin, also called B 2, as instructed by the neurologist.  This won't hurt anything, because it is a water soluble vitamin.  Like vitamin C, it would take a whole lot more of this water soluble vitamin than what I'm instructed to take before it would be toxic.  And, yes, there is such a thing as too much vitamin C, even though it's water soluble, contrary to what most people were told when I was a youngster.  The neurologist only instructed me to take the additional B 2 for a specific reason.  When I added the right B complex for me, that only helped me more.  Even though I still have problems with the eczema on my lips, it is definitely less severe than it was when taking the correct B complex for me.  I definitely don't get it above the lips as much as I did beforehand.  That's how I knew I was giving you the correct information about taking B complex.  

The eczema ON the lips is less severe than it was, but it's still chronic and frustrating.  I just wanted the doctor to tell me what would a doctor use specifically ON the lips for flare-ups ON the lips.  I do know for sure that if the doctor mentions just petroleum jelly, that from personal experience that just doesn't always work and actually can and does irriatate at times.  It isn't something I can rely on solely.  I know what I mentioned to use AROUND the mouth, like above the lip where your rash WAS is fine to do, though.  Temporary use of steroid ointments, such as the one I mentioned that is prescribed for me for the flare-ups, is fine for use in the area you were experiencing the rash you had, but it isn't meant to be used ON the lips.  No doubt, because of the potential to ingest some of the stuff.  Yeah, that could be bad, and definitely--yuck.  

I really am glad you just had a temporary rash that is gone and no longer bothering you.  I don't wish eczema on anyone.  It is actually a form of autoimmune issue, which is why it's more complicated than what you dealt with on a temporary basis.  And, I saw some Google images of eczema that were really serious and even worse than my worst flare-ups.  And, my PCP has seen my worst flare-ups and will tell you that those flare-ups were pretty bad for sure.  I have a couple of friends who are also dealing with eczema flare-ups, but at least their flare-ups aren't right on the lips.
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Please, use the product *Aquaphor.* It made my rash go away in just a few days.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Can you explain to me this word you used in your suggestion to the original poster?  It is "cheilitis".  I am interested and want to know more.  I do have the eczema issues that are greatly decreased because of the information that I suggested myself, which was essentially what you said, too, as you can see in the comments I made above--including making a visit with the MD in the second comment.  I'm glad Abby doesn't have eczema, but others are like me and do have eczema, and it's a challenge when it affects the lips themselves.  It's definitely much more than chapping.  It is often much more than skin peeling, as what happens with a friend who has psoriasis.  Sometimes, the skin on the lips is also irritated and red.  I saw that you confirmed what I said myself about the B vitamins.  I'm doing that on a regular basis now that I have a B complex that actually agrees with me.  The B vitamins do lessen the severity of eczema in my own case.  Over all, my eczema is better in my whole body since eliminating gluten from my diet as well, but the issue on the lips has a bad habit of staying chronic and will really flare up irritated and red.  I hate seeing doctors who don't know me about the condition and getting dismissed as if it's nothing but chapped lips.  Anyone who knows anything about eczema at all ought to know that a lot more is involved than dry skin or chapped lips or allergy, especially if they're like my regular doctor who does know me and knows I'm not an idiot and I already know all those basic things about moisturizing, using non-irritating products and staying hydrated.

What do doctors suggest the patient use when the lips become red and irritated due to chronic eczema that is more than dry and chapped lips?  No, not the moisturizing aspect of the treatment, I know about that.  Anyone who knows me at all knows I'm always treating the lips with non-irritating lip balms.  What do I use when there is red, irritation and inflammation from the eczema on the lips themselves and just moisturizing with non-irritating lip balm is not enough?
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Hello, the rash is gone now and I do not have eczema.
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Hello, the rash is gone now and I do not have eczema.
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563773 tn?1374246539
The symptoms are suggestive of cheilitis and contact dermatitis. Firstly,It can be due to vit B deficiency. Take some vitamin B complex for some days and see if your symptoms improve.
Secondly, it can be due to atopic dermatitis or eczema("Atopic" refers to a group of diseases where there is often an inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever). Cheilitis(Inflammation of the skin on and around the lips)is often seen in atopic dermatitis. Treatment is by topical steroids or oral therapy of corticosteroids in severe cases. Topical creams like tacrolimus ointment and pimecrolimus cream are also useful. They are available under prescription and hence please get an evaluation done from a dermatologist.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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681148 tn?1437661591
Right:  To cut down what I was talking about:  I have been using a prescription called Triamcinolone, which is a steroid ointment usually prescribed for eczema.  I mentioned all that other stuff, because there are a lot of factors necessary to look at.  The prescription should help, even if you don't have eczema.

B vitamins are helpful, because they support skin and nails.  If you're anything like me, you need to supplement these necessary vitamins.  A B 100 complex should be enough for most people.  I take additional individual B vitamins for specific reasons under doctor's advice.

I myself am affected by specific food intolerances which definitely aggravate the issue.  I am also affected by sensitivities to which lip balms I use.  I can't use the cheap Chap Stick you're referring to, for similar reasons as you mentioned that you can't.  There is something in that stuff that irritates the condition.

In any case, the medication I'm talking about is still a prescription, so you still need to see your doctor.  I do think it could be similar to what I experience, but you should still see a doctor anyway--just in case it's something else going on.  However, for the inflammation part of the irritation, the medication I mentioned should help, because it's a type of steroid, a mild one.  I've tried OTC cortisone--forget about it, even if one uses the cream and adds the Vaseline separately, cortisone is too drying and will irritate it more.  So, I would advise you not to try that one and spare yourself worse issues.  There can be weird skin infections, so still see the doctor.
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You write a lot. I debt read it all. Anyways I don't have eczema it's just on my upper lip is a rash...
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You write a lot. I debt read it all. Anyways I don't have eczema it's just on my upper lip is a rash...
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681148 tn?1437661591
I've had a similar issue.  Do you have eczema anywhere else on the body, like the scalp or hands or arms?  It's possible you're starting to get eczema on and around your lips, like I have.  In such a case, I have found that vaseline just isn't enough.  Eczema is more than what some people think it is, as it is actually a form of skin autoimmune issue.  For some people, it can actually get worse than what psoriasis sufferers get, if you can imagine.  All you need to do is do an image search on Google to see just how horrific eczema can be for people.  I've had it pretty bad on my hands before, and I've had it on my scalp since I can remember.  If you've ever been diagnosed with contact dermatitis, that is actually very similar to eczema and some people say it is like a lesser form of eczema.

Make sure you are taking the right vitamin B complex for your body.  I've always had problems taking B complexes, as I would always get an upset stomach.  A friend with similar health issues as myself did a lot of research concerning this and learned about the proper formulation being key.  She doesnt remember which B vitamins were the key for which problem, but it was reverse priority for her body, as she had also discovered.  I asked her which B 100 brand she was taking, figuring it was going to be a good point of reference to start with.  To my delight, oh my goodness, I finally got a B complex that actually works for me that doesn't upset my stomach.  B vitamins are definitely important support for the skin.  Anyway, it definitely matters which brand you use.  The inexpensive brand I found at Trader Joe's?  Not good.  It made my stomach upset, regardless of whether I took it with food or on an empty stomach.  The brand I got is NOW brand.  I would recommend getting it at your local discount vitamin place for the first time, since you need to start taking it right away.  After that, a great place to buy vitamins with a great reputation that is online is the Swanson vitamin company.  I've never had any problems with them, and I've known others who use them.  Their shipping is low, too.

Now, I've talked to my doctors about this before.  They seem to be okay with my using my prescription meant for eczema elsewhere on that portion above my lip where you're talking about.  They're not okay with it directly on the lips, but that portion you're talking about, they're okay with.  I already have the ointment, so they didn't feel it was necessary to write a new prescription just yet.  I do believe you should see your doctor, because I do believe you're going to need either the same or a similar prescription.  Even if it's not eczema, the ointment prescribed for eczema is basically a steroid in white petroleum jelly (aka vaseline).  So, you will probably get prescribed the same thing, as you no doubt need the steroid to calm this skin inflammation down.  The name of the one I'm prescribed for my eczema flare-ups is Triamcinolone 0.1%.  It seems to matter with me which steroid I use, so do make sure you talk to your doctor.

However, don't forget about the whole body approach, which is why I emphasized the vitamin B complex.  Also, you might want to consider changing to a natural lip balm.  There are several out there.  I can't tell you which one to get, because we're all different.  I have so many sensitivities it isn't funny.  And, when one of these seems okay for a while, I start to have problems with it, too.  So, no, I haven't gotten the entire issue resolved myself, but at least I've gotten it tamed and under some sort of control.  It does, indeed, matter what you eat and drink.  Some things I learn the hard way that even things that are otherwise healthy foods just don't work for me, as my body is intolerant of these things.  You may have heard of kefir, which is like a yogurt drink and has healthy probiotics in it.  Well, I've learned the hard way that I can't have yogurt or kefir either one, not even the healthiest ones that are plain and have no sugar.  My lips will instantaneously dry up like leather that can't be penatrated with the various moisturizers.  No citrus either.  I get blisters inside of my mouth and it bothers my GERD and it does the same thing as the kefir and yogurt does on my lips.  So, what this means is that you really need to find out which foods you are intolerant to, because your body is telling you that something you're taking in is also bothering you and this is how it is telling you.  Allergy tests are somewhat helpful, but not entirely.  You can have what are sometimes referred to as "hidden" food allergies.  What this means is that the standard IgE tests done in an allergist's office usually don't show that you have an INTOLERANCE to something versus a full blown allergy.  This is where food elimination diets come in.  It's very important to do these food elimination diets, so you can avoid the problem foods your body doesn't like.

Definitely avoid processed and packaged and canned foods.  You may be allergic or intolerant to sulfites and preservatives.  So much of that stuff is used these days, it's pitiful.  All those preservatives can make some of us really sick.  It's when we ourselves as individuals have to ignore what the FDA says about whether it approves of something or not, including these so-called "safe" preservatives, and we have to be pro-active for ourselves personally.  Not politically, but personally.  In other words, we have to make better choices about what we consume based on what our bodies want and not rely on some government agency to tell us whether something is good for us or bad for us.  Think about how many drug recalls there have been over the past two decades.  There is your evidence that you have to take charge of your own health and do the best you can to navigate in this modern world to make the best and healthiest food choices possible based on what works best for you and not what some government agency says is "safe".  Too many of these preservatives is definitely a bad idea for anyone, but especially for those of us who are in the more sensitive groups.  That's really my main point about the preservatives.
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