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skin itchy in the evening/lying in bed


For the past 6 months I have been plagued by really intense itching all over the body which prevents me from sleeping every night. It is really affecting my life now and driving me crazy. The itch feels like something is crawling on my skin. The itch can be anywhere from my eyes, face, groin, anus, soles of my feet, etc. I do notice that it tends to itch a little bit more in the lower half of my body. I noticed most of the time it happens in the evenings or when I am lying in my bed. I thought it might have been bedbugs or mites or something so I tried washing all my sheets, blankets, pillows. That didn't work so next I switched all the sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. Still was happening, so i switched mattresses with my father and its still itchy. He doesn't seem to have any problems with my old mattress and blankets, and sheets. I also don't really see any rashes on my body. I went to my family doctor
and he prescribed antihistamine and hydroxyzine, and reactine. None of that stuff worked. I also switched from soap to body wash and then dove hypo allergic soap  thinking it could have dry skin and also tried to put lotion all over my body right before I went to bed or after showing but that didn't solve the itch.

My family doctor sent me to an allergerist and she did a allergy test on my skin where she pricked it with a needle or something then put drops of chemicals on my skin. The results well negative except one thing, I forgot what it was but she suggested that it may have been positive due to me taking those medication the night before seeing her. She told me to take a blood test which I did and she said she would call if anything was wrong with my test results and also if I want to go see her again in 2mths time, that was back in february, I have an appointment with her again this august.

I have also been to a dermatologist and they gave me reactine, tiamol/comphor/menthol cream but none of that stuff works. I also did another blood test for them. They said the results looked fine. They couldn't figure out why it was itchy either. They suggested I do light theraphy, so I am in the process of trying to do that.

This is really frustrating and driving me crazy. Please help!
107 Responses
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My itching comes from soy lecithin, an emulsifier used in a lot of foods including chocolate.  I can never eat wheat or I break out shortly thereafter.   I take a Zyrtec at night which helps.  I also can't eat a lot of nuts. I have been suffering for years.  Ice packs numb the itching right away.  This sounds ridiculous but I sleep w a cooling towel on the headboard to cool myself she itching wake me.  If you find another solution I would be so grateful.
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I am also a guy with these kind of issues. I think this itching is mind/nerves damage. Let me know at what field you are working. I think it has to do a lot with stress. I am mostly sitting through day and staring at screen, trying to build my own business. I would like to recognize some sort of pattern which are simmilar to majority of people with these kind of problem.

I get itching mostly at the evening, probably has to do something with the bio rythm (our day cycle /phases).  In the past i was going to sleep very late (1 - 3 in a morning) for quiet long time...This might be a problem. Going to sleep so late is not proper for our mind and body....Let me know if you do some of the things i face with...

I think that when our mind is slowing down (evening)  then our body try to "reproduce / simulate" strees and the intensity of our mind when it is working hard which usually is through whole day and it is expresed as itching. But sometimes i get itching also through day but it is weak....I don't know how have i come to that explenation but it seems logical... When i move i don't get itching, when i am fixed and stady i do...

When i am watching in the screen sometimes i lost a perspective for depth and think that screen is very close (this probably is not related to that but anyway, if you face something like that let me know!)

My breathing is overall very weak which probably paralyze and freeze our bodies due to strees in office...i have to encourage myself to start breathing deeper during the day.

In the past 2 years i was not physical active a lot. I started working out few weeks ago, maybe body reflected to that...

I have very dry mouth but i drink a lot of water during the day.

Sometimes (very very rare) i get a taste of blood or iron at the evening in my mouth.

When i am a little bit dizzy from alchohol i don't itch at all. So it is 99% nerves stuff...

I had a hives when i was younger

2 years ago i was working on sun (summer) a lot for 2 months. I had HEAD & FOOT alergy. Since then this is happening...in periods.

I had jaundice when i was a baby..

2 years ago in our city, very near my home, a industry for making some sort of plastic have been made. Don't know what the hell they are dropping out in that gas...

Let me know if you are facing any any of these patterns. We might get a same symptoms

Things which might help you (help me)!
1. Face that doctor won't help you. Start searching for problem inside you. Take responsebility for your lifestyle and itching. I am workholic exposed to stress and not exercising enough and this is probably the reason for that...Face that!

2. I started using magnesium and itching is reduced (magnesium has impact on nerve system and other usefull stuff as far as i know)

3. DON'T OVERTHINK..When you are not working, forget about it. When you are going out of the office or room where you work, say to your self. Now i have stopped working! I will enjoy for the rest of my day and don't care at all!

4. Have fun...Watch movies, play games, drink beer or go walk or run. LIFE should be FUN! Take a break! (when i lay down in bed this itching comes, but not immidiately only after 20 - 30 minutes, if i am lucky i get a sleep before otherwise night can be very long... :/)

5. Things which helps me while i am in bed.
Listen to guided meditation  via mp3 or talk to your self like this gentelman in video...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i50ZAs7v9es

6. Sometimes i realize that some muscles especially in neck or my lower back are tensed all the time. Try to relax them conciously.

7. When you are in bed try to exhalate and hold it and in the mean time try to relax whole body 100%. Let your hands, legs and head sink/relax. This is also early stage of hypnosis.

8. Luckly i have got an ability to hypnose myself very fast in bed which gives me even better relexation. Try with self hypnosis if you are interested about.

9. When you lay down think on one or few things which were the best in that day (more happy, fun emotional type of event...For example one girl smilled at me very nice and said hello and then try to imagine that you chat with her and so on...DREAM PEOPLE DREAM!!! Or imagine that one guy oppened a door for you, dream about that. Use your imagination!

10. When you are in bad or when you want to relax. And when you are talking in your mind speak in slow motion, it might calm you down. Example : (talk in mind slow  & calm, not LOUD!!) Toooooddaaaayyy iiiiii haaavvee haaaad a veeeeerrryy niceeee daaaay . Firstly it might be annoying but you will soon sink into alpha phase. And probably gett a sleep faster.

11. Listen to brain waves. When we are nervous or just living classic day, we are in BETA state...I think everyone of us who is itching is too much in beta state (these are frequencies of brains). I sometimes turn on my alpha waves or thetha or even delta...Google about brain waves and their effect.

12. Have sex..Seriusly..I am not living with my gf yet but when we have great long sex there is no itching that evening at all... If you can't have sex often, dream about sex YOU WANT!, mastrubate. It will reduce strees and let you sleep easier.

13. This one is funny but it works for me...Ask a partner to tickle your feet. Yes tickling feet you are right.. Be gentle and funny. If you don't have partner, tickle your self. PLAY PEOPLE! Also try that on your hands if you are ticklish enough. (do that in bed)

14. Other reason why this is nerve problem...check out that...
When i read very serious and hard book in my bad about money i get itching...If i read a book i enjoy about self healing and so on i do not get itching so much..When i play poker game on phone i get itching, if i play some sort of fun car game i don't get it at all... See? HAVE FUN!

15. SWEAT and clean your body of toxic elemennts

16. Drink a lot of water and clean your body of toxic elements

17. Caffeine might get us itching or any suppliment which empower us...Last half year i started drinkink coffie.

18. Maybe increasing omega 3 would have positive effect...Fish oil is the purest, i will try that soon.

19. Hydrate your skin with natural creams or butters. Especially after showering. Shower with cold water!

20. Go on massages, find peacful hobies, enjoy life...

21. If itching is too intense go outside and jump and roll naked on snow at night (if you have ability to have privacy) BE CRAZY!

22. Smile, smile, smile, smile

23. Start writting your diary or blog about feelings and expressing  them or even better talk to someone very personally 1on1 about your day. (BE POSITIVE)

23. I am also courious if monitor screen exposure (electro magnetic waves) are responsable for itching.

Ok, that was my brainstorming :) Hopefully i havent forgot anything. I do apologize for my bad english and grammar but i think you will understand everything. Some examples are very absurd, but this is my honest thinking. I know that we will all go through that itching with positive life and thinking. My itching is getting weaker because of my way of thinking on this world is changing! WE WILL SUCCEED!  TOGETHER!

In life there is only ONE GOAL. This goal is that YOU FEEL GREAT! Don't take life to serious, because you are missing a lot!

Let me know about patterns i was talking previously!
Best Regards
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15276043 tn?1439743951
I also have the itchies I agree with Tevin I'm glad I'm not the only one who has it....
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I'm so happy to see I'm not the only one suffering from this nightmare.  
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Is there a common thread?
Same detergent? I use Purex Free
Sugar substitute? I use Stevia
Pets?  I have a cat?
Where we live?  I live in Florida..west coast.
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I have the same problem. Its usually the insides of my ankles or the tops of my toes/feet that itch.  I scratch and it makes it worse. I've often scratched until it looks like my feet were attacked by a wild animal. I try to not scratch and just get up, spray the area with alcohol and go back to bed.  My friend said he thought it was athletes feet. I do notice it to be worse when I wear crocs. Anytime your feet don't breathe it can cause this, not just something you get from a locker room floor.  My friend said when hes in hunting boots a lot he has the same problem. Once I started earing healthy and working out the problem went away so it could be the after effect of just eating junk and something in the food is triggering the issue. Weird its only at night though. good luck all
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