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small pebble like sore under skin on foot

small pebble like sore under skin on foot. i treated the first one like a wart, but it wasn't one, now there is a second on coming up onthe sole of my heel. looks like a pimple or small white stone under shin but there is nothing 'in' it. nothing to drain per say. hurts to press on it...and i step in it a lot walking. what could it be?
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563773 tn?1374246539

I cannot confirm a diagnosis without examination,but it can be calluses, foot blisters or fibromas.

A callus is an especially toughened area of skin which has become relatively thick and hard as a response to repeated contact or pressure.

When a foot is hot and sweaty, the sock sticks to the foot. The sock and foot then rub against each other and the inside of the shoe causing blisters to appear.Plantar fibromas are firm, nodular masses which occur as a single mass or in clusters on the arches of the foot.

Place protective covering or bandages over the sore to decrease friction on the skin until the sore heals. Rub sandpaper disks or pumice stone over hard thickened regions. Soak feet or hands in warm soapy water to soften calluses.Then rub with a pumice stone and apply some moisturizer. Wear shoes that fit properly and keep feet as dry as possible.Wearing wet shoes, boots and socks willaggravate the problem.So change socks regularly and use foot powder to help keep your feet dry.

If still the lumps persist,then pls go in for removal by surgical means or with keratolytic agents (medicines that break up hardened areas of skin). Shaving or cutting off the hardened area on the skin by a doctor is also helpful.

Hope it helps .Take care and pls do keep us posted in case you have any additional queries.Kind regards.

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I have a similar problem.  Last June I developed three sore lumps on the bottom of my right foot (one on the heel and two on the ball).  Two podiatrists have diagnosed them as chronic reoccuring calluses.  As you can imagine, I didn't like this diagnosis because they are painful and apparently they are not preventable.  I never had anything like this before in my life and today (February) I have a fourth painful lump starting.  They are small (about the size of a pea) but have not gone away even when the podiatrists dug them mostly out last summer - which by the way was not painful apparently because inside the small lump the skin is dead white callus tissue.  I am hopeful if I go in and have them dug out completely that they will NOT grow back, but I am obviously concerned.  I wear comfortable shoes, am generally healthy and can't accept that this is a chronic, painful and apparently spreading condition.  Any thoughts on what this could be besides a callus?
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I have the same thing. I get them on the balls of my feet and sometimes on my thumbs and index fingers. I think I get the ones on my hands from knitting and crocheting so much. To get rid of them, so far I have tried having my doctor freeze it (he thought it was a wart the first time I got one), or just picking it out, usually with nail clippers. This time, when I tried to pick one out of my foot, I was able to expose it, and some white, powdery stuff came out! Weird!
But yeah, mine also hurt when I walk on them. It's like they start deep in my skin and slowly rise to the surface; the closer they get to the surface, the more they hurt. But they are always the same size, very small, about .2cm.
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1717681 tn?1308973458
I have quite a few of those as well. About 5 or 6 on each foot, and they're all in the same vicinity, on the callouses of the balls of my feet and big toe. They're extremely uncomfortable, not exactly painful, but they do hurt, especially when direct pressure is applied. Definitely not something I'd want to attack with clippers... It's not a wart or pimple. Doesn't match any pictures I've looked up for typical foot warts and the like. Mine aren't very big, not even the size of a pea. Look just like a pimple, definitely nothing to pop...
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sounds exactly like what I have...my massage therapist told me that reflexology might help...they are called crystals and they correlate to certain organs in your body that are stressed...mine are very painful lately. I also have RA so I am not sure if it is related. :(
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I have the same thing buy mine followed the bottom edge of my heel in an arch shape... they hurt so bad i couldnt get my shoes on but after about a month of me using a pumice on my heal and using clippers to try to get rid of the "blisters" that were empty when i cut them they just left little holes in my heel i woke up one morning and my foot itches and i felt a bunch of hard things sticking out of my foot... as i scratched them they came out. i saved all of them incase it comes back i can take it to a dr... the went from the size of a pin head and white to one the size of a pea and that one was black :-( not sure what it is but my heel feels brand new again.. i have done a ton of research and found nothing like this until i found this page.... :-) id appreciate any ideas you can give me on what these little pains were :-)
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I have the same thing. Four small white bumps. Pimple sized. I am a triathlete training for an Ironman (my fourth). They go down and stop hurting after a few days of rest but come back after a long run or back to back runs. Thanks for the comments. I was worried they were contagious and would spread to others or other parts of the body.
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I dealt with painful lump in bottom if my heel for about 10 years, following different kinds of advice (doctors professionals and others)  and treatments, that never worked.
I just resorted to shoes with soft padded soles.  Finally when I saw a podiatrist for a different reason,I asked him to look at my heel lump.  He asked me if I wanted it removed & I said, "Yes."   He performed surgery in the hospital, with full anesthesia, and removed a benign tumor than had grown slowly bigger & more painful.  The tumor turned out to be bigger than he expected.  Grateful for that kind Dr. who totally removed my pain.
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I have these white hard things growing in the the bottom of my feet.They are below my small toe on each foot I keep cutting them out but can never get all of it.There is hard skin around them but can't cut to deep.Tried a corn remove able plaster but didn't get it all out.When I stand say on a small stone or something like this it bloody well hurts.
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Same here... No ones came across anything
I cut all the hard skin around I could...
Still a white lump with "nothing" in it...
I painfully stick a needle pretty deep into it,
Not a good idea really. Just blood no nothin else:(
Thinking about getting professionally scooped out
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I had the exact same thing and just got it out. You need to take a small piece of towel paper soak it with apple cider vinegar hook it on with a piece of medical tape and leave it over night. Repeat it each night till it comes out or gets soft enough to cut around. This method worked for it came out as a white ball. Hope this helps.
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I recently got this. Even my dermatologist does not know what it is. It seems to be an athlete's problem. Anyway the doctor shaved the lump and froze what remained. Hope it works.
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It's called a seed corn or porokeratosis.  Small lesion on heel or sometimes lateral edge below pinkie toe (mostly weight bearing parts).  Looks similar to a plantar wart starting or crack.  Painful when pushed, moved side to side or walked on for long time.  Actually contains a hard material like toenail.  My podiatrist uses a small cheese grater and debrides skin and then pulls out horny but.  Instant relief, not painful procedure,  Takes seconds and no need for freezing.
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Tyvm, it is very annoying n painful
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Fluid fill lump or bump on the back of my heel
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Hi, i had the same little white ball, i removed it myself with a nail cutter, nice what a relief.
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18019617 tn?1462396668
I'm only 18 and I've been suffering with this exact thing for months. I do a lot of exercising and things of that like, and it makes it very hard to put full pressure on that foot. Sadly, I have no doctor I can go to, and I'm willing to try these "home remedies" to relieve my pain. It's right on the heel of my foot, a bit towards the arch and out towards the side of my foot, and I'm growing another one right on the seam of skin between the ball of my foot and the arch. It's small, but I'm hoping if I can fix my heel, I can stop this thing in it's tracks.
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I have never been on this site before, and don't know exactly what I am supposed to do. This is becoming quite alarming to me. I have several of these bb size knots on both feet no one will listen. I have walked by my own power into an emergency room with a broken ankle and heal. These people who know me should know what my tolerance for pain is. Yet act like nothing is wrong. My friend had one that he cut out and got infected. He no longer has a leg, and will most likely die. Said that it was his diabetes weaken emune system. Know saying staff. I also have a friend who is experiencing the same. None of us have ever had problems with our feet now we all do. I am getting breakage of the skin between the toes from my skin being so dry but to use moisturizer turns the skin dead and white like being in a bathtub for hours. Common areas wet concrete, livestock, cats,and old bid droppings(1chicen-1turkey) we all are completely different from each other otherwise. This is getting worse with my swelling and discoloration of legs, swelling of hands. I don't have insurance and not so sure that I want to. Kind of like to keep my feet in place. I am in good shape 44 and yes this can matter, white from European decent. I am not sure that I will be able to get back to this site so good luck to all.
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My husband has something similar on his foot now. It started as a small, white, hard spot the size of a hair that was causing him pain when he walked. Now it is bigger than the tip of a pinky, looks like a wart, but is making it difficult for him to walk. When I find a solution, I will be sure to let you know.
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Anyone ever find anything out? I had never heard of it seen such until about 5 months ago when I developed my first one. Thinking there was a splinter or piece of glass or such I went to "digging" it out to no avail. It seemed to have eased off after that only irritating me from time to time but now the pain is back with a vengance and two more very small spots have popped up next to it making it nearly impossible to walk normal. Please help!! I have googled and researched everything!! I've tried tweezers stuck pins bail clippers...none of those work because I can't "find" anything to remove yet the pain and hard clear bb type "bumps" are still there. Help!
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I have suffered with the same problem off and on for over a year. Can dig it out..with nothing in it as soon as skin heals its back. Very painful. I experimented a little.. I bought Dr Scholls Ingrown Toenail pain relief. I had a small ingrown toenail so I doctored that problem and thought wth?? So I put the pad down over the peeple like sore and filled it with the gel and wrapped with the bandaid that comes with the kit. I went to sleep and during the night I guess I kicked off the bandaid...I'm telling you that to let you know I don't know how long it was attached. I took a bath and went to work on my feet as a ritualistic thing I do. And to my happiness it was no longer sore and apparently no longer a problem. It is 5 days later and still no pain. So this medicine I bought for something else apparently fixed this other problem. Thank God...I am a very active person and have had to suffer through this problem for quite sometime.
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I think I have something similar to this. First of all, had a normal callus on my big toe. Noticed that it started to hurt when walking on it. No big deal I thought, it's just a callus. Then a few days ago, these tiny lumps/knots/spots appeared next to it. They're slightly redder than my skin tone, but whiteish in the middle. They itch, and hurt A LOT to touch and walk on. They're not warts or pimples or blisters. My skin is lumpy underneath, but smooth on top. On the surface it stings like a burn, but then when pressed on I feel a deep pain. Now four more have popped up on the ball of my foot. Only one of them is painful, but I fear the other ones will start to get sore soon as well. It's weird, when I walk on it, it's like I can feel it deep in my foot, almost as if it has a long root. Scary!!! I have an appointment in a couple days. Will update!
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I have the same thing. Heavy calloused foot (on my feet all day, and run a bunch) but these little things are a pain.I have been using a dremel tool to grind them out as deep as I can, but they come back in less than two weeks. Finally went to a Pediatrist (thinking they were plantars warts, which he informed me they weren't). He said that they were "whole bunch of big words" (just like mentioned a few posts back) and that they were cause by pressure and possibly some rotation in my foot, but, the problem was similar to having a tiny foreign object in your foot that the callus is growing around to protect the foot.    He dug them out for me and said to continue to dig (dremel) every three days or so to eventually get rid of them.    However the root of the problem is pressure and the only true way to cure it would be with orthotics.....at $500.00.

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Sounds like plantars warts to me. They keep coming back , because you haven't gotten the seed out. They will grow towards your bone of your foot until you get it out. I had one in my foot that was an half inch long. So you want to catch it early. My plantar left a hole in my foot. Dr. Sholes plantar wart remover is the best. It comes with special band aid for it.
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I have small bumps under my skin. They hurt when I apply presser. My shoes are uncomfortable. I have not yet found a way to get rid of them and the sound of digging them out sounds slightly scary. Although I believe not wearing socks may let my feet be less sweaty and then avoid further problems.
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I have a similar thing on the bottom of my foot where the arch meets the heel. It's the size of a small pebble. I will cut around it until I start to feel pain and then pop it out of my foot and all pain is gone. I saved the pebble this time and plan on calling my doctor to see what it could be. It hurts like hell if I don't do this and in a few months it will grow right back
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Yes I think I have. A cure for you, every morning for a week, soak you foot in warm hot water with detol for 20 minutes every morning! Then dry you feet, and apply some wart kill on the lump, wart looking thing,  band aid it with cotton wool, try to keep less active and lump clean,  prevention in week should cure it, mine cured in a week!
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