1268735 tn?1295491165

Why am I so bloated?

I'm 23yrs old, and I was in a motorcycle accident about 2yrs ago.  I was flown to a big hospital with broken clavicle, (all ribs), back, and scapula along with a brain bleed and lacerated liver, inflamed  pancreas, kidneys, and spleen.  My lungs collapsed also.  I had to live in rehab for a month to learn to walk again with rods in my back and had to remain in rehab after I went home for about 9 mos.  my weight was 98lbs before the accident I'm supposed to be small and petite.  Finally after taking all the med and believe me there was a lot I gained a lot of weight now I weigh about 140lbs.   I diet, exercise, and drink nothing but water.  I have lost a little bit of weight but I have a huge belly on me like I'm really bloated 24/7....  The only time I feel good naked is in the morning but as soon as I start moving around my belly seems to return to being bloated.  I am getting married in a couple of months so I really am trying to loose the belly.  Also we are trying to conceive so I stopped taking my bc pills, and started taking prenatals.  I just can seem to understand what I'm doing wrong the the weight is not coming off and belly not going down.  I always had a tiny bit of a belly but now its huge...HELP!!!!!!!
2 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
Have you talked to your doctor regarding the bloating?  In someone who has had the injuries you have, I would be hesitant to advise you too much for fear that there may be a medical issue causing this.  

That said, what type of exercise do you do?  And what type of diet are you on?  
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1268735 tn?1295491165
I do Pilates everyday at the gym with cardio, and I'm on a low calorie diet.  I eat a salad everyday and baked chicken for dinner pretty much every night with a veg.  I have not talked to my doctor considering I do not have any health insurance until I marry.  I have no restrictions even with rods in my back,  I do what I feel I can handle.  I only have back aches once in a while where I just take tylenol.  I had the bloating problem for yrs now.  Just it got a lot worse after the accident.  Like I said I always had a little pooch but now its just CRAZY..... I'm not fat I know that just the belly
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