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losing weight!!

What is the easiest way to lose belly fat and get toned? What should i eat?
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649848 tn?1534633700
Yoga is an excellent way to lose belly or any other fat. Also eating enough monounsaturated fats can help you lose belly fat, but you have research it and get the right amounts. Walking is also good for losing belly fat, as are other exercises.  Aim for at least 30 min, 3 times/week

As far as what you should eat --- concentrate on veggies and lean protein, such as lean meats, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs and low/no fat dairy.

Limit fruit to one or two servings/day, because it has a lot of sugar, which, if not used right away is turned to fat.

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My ages 32 yo and 10 days ago my weight 74kg. I try my diet program call OCD (obsessive corbuzier diet) and now my weight 68kg and still doing the OCD. The main idea is we must keep away from calorie consume to our body for 16 hour a day. Within 16 hour only pure water and tea. Trust me it's work for me.
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