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Abnormally High EBV levels

Two weeks ago I was tested for several things due to the following symptoms: fatigue and generalized lymphadenopathy that is painful and lasting for 7 weeks (at this point). The only thing I tested positive for was EBV. However, my levels were extremely high.
EBV early antigen IGG: 124 (positive is greater than 10.9)
EBV AB VCA IGG: >600 (pos is greater than 21.9)
EBV Nuclear antigen AB IGG: >600 (pos is greater than 21.9)

Basically, I have had a reactivation of this virus.
I am extremely scared and concerned because I've read that a compromised immune system causes a reactivation of EBV. In late April, I had an oral sexual encounter with a male of unknown status and I have been very anxious about HIV due to these persistent symptoms. It has been 20.5 weeks since the exposure and I have tested up to 18 weeks with 3rd generation antibody test which was negative and an oral swab Oraquick test yesterday which was negative, too. My question is what else can cause such high levels of reactivation and have any of you had EBV and had lymph nodes swell all over and be tender for so long? Any help would be appreciated.
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So boss,how did it turn out? I mean did u test again?
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OK, take care.
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Ok, that's good to know. Thanks for the information. I will let you know how it turns out.
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Yes if the Infectious Disease specialist wants to know if your immune system is low he/she can check your CD4 count. It would be very low if you had HIV and some other problems. It is a separate test they don't normally take unless they suspect HIV or something that affects your immune system. So the other doctor much not be worried about it.
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I really think she is exaggerating the HIV thing. How is your CD4 count? I guess it can't hurt to see an infectious disease specialist. It would be interesting to see if they can think of anything. Let me know.
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My GP has me coming in for my 6 month HIV test at the end of this month. She said that I basically have a 1% chance of my symptoms being HIV related, but that's what I am most afraid of having. However, if the 6 month HIV test is negative, she is referring me to an Infectious Disease specialist.
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