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Low abdominal pain when running

I just wanted to see if anyone has experienced some of my problems. I am a 27 year old female; I am in a pretty good shape. I exercise regularly and for the last 3 months I have been running 3 to 5 times a week for 2 miles. My problem is that sometimes I would get very severe LOW abdominal pain when running.  Sometimes is on the right side, sometimes is on the left side. It does not happen all the time, though. I worm up and increase my speed gradually. I am not sure if I should I see a doctor about that. If anyone has had anything similar, please share. Thank you!
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Most of the people suffer from this pain while running so I was thinking about it whether should go to a doctor or not? so I took a lot of advices from different people but each time they gave solutions in different ways so I just was just looking for that is some going through this kind of problem so I found a simple answer to this problem which I would like to share with all of you.

Note:- I have no motive to promote this or any kind of website I am just sharing a resource through which I got my answer.
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I read every one of these responses from the last 10 years. I’m so grateful that I’m not alone. Of course I have all the same symptoms, brought on only around 3-4 days around ovulation. I’ve had every test done under the sun as I’m now trying to conceive a baby (I’m 36, been trying for a year). Has ANYONE been able to get pregnant with this? I have no other symptoms of infertility.

Keeping the chain alive for over a decade now!  
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The lower abdominal pain may be due to problems with the colon, bladder or abdominal and pelvic muscles. Cramping in the colon may be due to retained stool. Inflammatory bowel disease may be exacerbated by exercise and cause pain and weakness.
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20797011 tn?1513631048
re they cramps or stitches?  These happen more often if you eat within the few hours before a run and/or if you don't breath properly.  Side stitches are a good indication your running too fast.  If your going to eat prior to exercising keep it light and eat slowly making sure you can digest smoothly.  If you experience abdominal pain or cramps when running slow down to walking speed and stretch out the muscle.  Exercise Related Transient Abdominal Pain (ERTAP) is something everyone encounters and is really nothing to worry about but if your still concerned there's no harm in consulting a physician
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If people still view this thread I may have a possible solution. if there is not a more obvious underlying cause like endometriosis the cramping may be caused by a magnesium deficiency. You can try taking magnesium supplements for a few months and see if it helps with the problem. Magnesium deficiency is very common and causes muscle cramping and contractions along with other symptoms.
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I'm 19 and have been experiencing similar symptoms since I was 14. I first started getting it after running, then realized that running up and down bleachers was MUCH worse. I was put on birth control for extreme cramps and any time I'm on a good pill (some aren't strong enough and seem to have no effect), any pain after exercising goes away. I now do crossfit, and only experience the pain when I forget a pill or when I went off for a month. And even then I don't experience the pain after every workout. It does seem to happen more often when there's a cardio aspect to the workout, such as running or rowing. I went to the doctor today and she suggested it could just be a physical side effect of PMSing or possibly endometriosis. I haven't been tested for either.

The pain is similar to period cramps but much worse. I am doubled over anywhere from 5-15 minutes when it happens, and it typically comes on about 1 minute after completing an exercise that gets my heart rate way up (I can usually finish the workout, and the pain comes on right after). I've been told my face gets as white as school walls when it's happening. Birth control is the only thing that makes it subside so far. But I don't want to take it forever.
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i wont run when it is very stressful
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I get this too. Female 34 no kids. It is the same feeling as day 1 period pain. Not the same as intestinal cramps, not the same as muscle spasms after hard ab work out, nor is it a stitch. These running cramps can come any time in the month. I know my body well and can distinguish between period pain and gut pain. It feels like the uterus contracting.  More specifically, it feels like overproduction of prostaglandins. I get exactly the same pain as period pain about 10 mins into a run. Starts as dull aching, becomes severe low contractions, radiating pain down both thighs to the knees and diarrhea (yes what to do on the side of the road?!), then additional symptoms past what usually comes with a period, which i believe are just the bodies reaction to the pain level (profuse sweating, nausea, difficulty standing, dizziness, blurry vision, shaking) I dont have any relatives with the same symptoms or even the same level of pain during periods. I react well to naproxen (naprogesic) during period pain, stops it within half an hour. I carry it everywhere for the 2 days leading up to my period. Next time I run I will take one before the run and post my findings. Thanks to the lady who posted about chinese herbal solutions and estrogen imbalance, i will look in to this. To anyone reading this who has the same symptoms please post your findings too and hopefully between us well work it out. Yes its a shame our doctors dont take an interest in researching whats wrong with us, perhaps that only happens on tv.
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I'm 40 years old and have been a runner since I was 15 years old. I have the same horrible, menstral-like cramps (although they are so bad at times that contractions is a better word). I run regularly ten miles of trails, averaging about 30 miles a week. It doesn't happen on every run (although I seem to be in a cycle where it has been) when it does, it's within the first two miles. It's so bad that I need to find a private place on the ground to roll into a ball. A few times it was so bad that I thought that I'd need to call an ambulance. After about ten minutes, it goes away and then I'm fine for the rest of the run. I've had this since I was a teenager. I also have horrible menstral cycles, and Celiac disease.
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Drink more water (:
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I can't believe that after all these years, I found this blog. I'm now 38 years old and I've suffered with this issue for about 11 years. Let me first give you a timeline
Age 13 - was put on birth control because my periods caused such severe pain and cramping
Age 16 - had freezing for abnormal cells
Aged 13 - 27 I reminded on birth control and my periods were virtually pain free and I was yet to experience this exercise pain
Age 27 - I went off birth control during my first marriage and so the nightmare began. When I exercised strenuously cycling or running (those were my sexercises that I really went hard) the unbearable cramping pain would start. It was what I imagine labour to be like. It was the worst menstral cramps that would bring me to my knees. It didn't happen every time I exercised hard but too many times it did. The first time it happened at the gym, they called an ambulance . But by the time the ambulance arrived , it was over. The pain always lasts 10 min or less but feels like an eternity . I started exercising a lot at home to be able to deal with the situation when it happened .   During the mist of all of all of this , my periods had become very painful just like before I went on birth control at 13 years. I would also get bad ovulation pain and sometimes random cramping. Doctors saiid it sounds like endometrosis and that the pill was the best option. So at 35 I've had enough and i go back on the pill and magically everything goes away.

At 36, I'm trying to get pregnant with my 2nd husband so I go off the pill again. Everything comes back. After a year of trying, we get more tests. HSG shows the uterus is fine, ultrasound shows ovaries are good and endometrium is not thickened.  Looks good so what  is happening ? Endometrosis is the only thing they cannot see on ultrasound. It is not known exactly how many women have endometriosis, but it is believed that more than 5 million American women, including teen girls, are affected. It's not always diagnosed right away in teens because at first they or their doctors assume that their painful periods are a normal part of menstruating, or that their abdominal pain is due to another problem.  This would explain how many young girls on this blog are affected.  
My husband who is a doctor believes protaglandins are the culprit which explains why Advil helps and the pill. IThe question is why is not every women affected ? I personally think we all have some extent of Endometrosis . We also have to keep in mind that not every female exercises to break a sweat little along strenuously so many females with endo may not experience this particular issue. I'm curious to know other factors from you ladies like your experiences with birth control , what your periods are/were like . This is a big piece of the puzzle.
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Wow, your life story is similar. For me, I will have my 2nd leep in 3 years. I was on bc from 13 to 31, with 3 years at 18 to 21 on the shot. Even with bc I always had major cramping up to 2 weeks before that time and for 3 days during. Laparoscopy confirmed nothing but yet now I can't shake cervical cancer. Recently started back on HIIP training and today, my first jog, I felt like my period came back times 10. So now I;m confused. I'm 33, within my bmi and routinely exercise competitively. So wtf now?!? I'm ready to pull it all out. Anyway it lasted 10 minutes, ruined the rest of the class and my pride. I have felt the same intense pain now for at least 5 years after aggressive (and loving)intercourse, but never with exercise until today. Previously I have seen specialists regarding the sex pain with no definitive answers. So, that's my side of the story today. Put my own pieces together and I think cervical issues is my cause. If you have ever had a colposcopic exam, leep, or cone biopsy, well you know the feeling. If you don't ,  you might want to get checked out. Good luck everyone.
Didn't know I had endometriosis until I had an MRI which showed a shadow, the investigation started an they found a 5-6inch cyst on my ovarie filled with endometriosis I had laparoscopy in December 2016 op went well and I heeled pretty quickly I've always been very active and my periods throughout have  never caused me discomfort. After op doctor advised to go on birth control which I'm on nearly 3months I decided to go back to my hiit exercise training and today was my first extremely painful cramping to the extent I was rolling around my room crying the pain lasted nearly 30min before easing however I did take 2 iburphen as I was in so much pain and it was the quickest answer I could find on net before getting some1 to take me to hospital honestly never felt pain like it surley this is not normal and has to be a solution I'm only 31 and have no kids yet I'm afraid to exercise as I'm worried of doing damage.
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So glad I'm not alone-
I'm 18 and first started noticing this last year when running during gym, which was incredibly weird considering that I had a more rigorous gym class years prior (running 2-3 miles twice a week). I also wrestled for two years before the onset of the pain. Last year I began feeling this pain during my matches or hard practices. I can't do anything but wait it out, and it is the most incredible pain I have ever felt. I feel like God has blessed me when it goes away, but have begun feeling incredibly weak and lightheaded after the pain dissipates.
I also noticed that I have not felt it on a treadmill- could this be because of the slow start I saw others talking about?

I really hope we find a solution to this
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I am also suffering from this from last few moths. I do fitness very rarely and I thought because of that only it pains like this.
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I have found one solution and one only.

I've had this pain for about 6 years now. It feels like a burning cramping whenever I am about 7 to 9 minutes in my run. I end up keeled over, mostly on bathroom floors if I can make it to one. The pain subdues anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. Sometimes these cramps induce my menstrual cycles which have never been regular in the first place. This is how I know it has to do with either my ovaries or my Uterus. I have had cameras in me ultrasounds left and right to see if they could find anything to no avail. I am a gluten free vegetarian and while that has helped with many other health related things, it has not healed this.

The ONLY thing that got rid of it for me was being put on birth control.

They called me a 'medical mystery' and because of the side effects clearly having something to do with my uterus they put me on BC. It worked and I still do not know why. However I do not encourage birth control as it has awful long lasting and damaging side effects directly related to your hormones. For that reason I decided to come of of BC in February of this year and wouldn't you know without missing a beat I was suffering from these debilitating pains again. I wish I had a better answer but honestly that was the only thing to help me.
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I would be very careful using the pill.  My 17 year old daughter has all of these symptoms and is a cross country runner.  In hopes of helping her through this we used the pill as the solution.  It worked, but caused a much larger problem- a blood clot in her lung.  She just finished blood thinners after 6 months.  It has been a journey and I would welcome an alternative to the pill as I am sure it is hormonal.  
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Guys this is really common so nothing to worry about, because I had this problem while i was swimming and running, I have seen a doctor and they say nothing is the problem so i found out how to get rid of this problem every day morning when you wake up go for 80 jumping jacks, while you are doing this make sure that you have a empty stomach the first two days when you do it, it's gonna pain then the pain will subside trust me..
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Hi Stanimira,

I have red your post around 7 months ago while I was searching on internet to find out what might cause this huge lower abdominal pain every time I do intense cardio and I wanted to see if any other people are having this problem and what they experiencing. To be honest any Doctor couldn't explain this to me?

My pain all gone now and let me tell you what happen. 7 months ago I had a Laparoscopy for my Endometriosis issue that was causing infertility.

After recovery I started my regular routine and exercises. Since then I have no problem at all after any intense cardio.

I would say if your periods are usually very painful and if you have to take pain killers for first few days, you should go and see your GP and ask for if you have Endometriosis. Surgery (Laparoscopy) is not a nice thing to have but having pain free periods and cardio really worth it.

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Hi Girls

I just got back from the gym, and I am writing because after doing 5 minutes of HIIT on the rowing machine my cramps kicked in big time. I have been getting the cramps you all describe for years, especially when running. As you describe 10 minutes in severe pain, can't breathe and horribly need to sit on the toilet sometimes. My entire pelvis is essentially in spasm. Womb and all. I also have very very painful periods (radiates through my bones) and heavy bleeds on my monthly cycle.

I have had a laparoscpy which didn't find anything and had a coil inserted to control my menstruation. Whilst the coil was in I didn't experience the cramps during exercise but the stupid thing didn't agree with me hormonally so I had it removed.

So now coil free back at the gym and today was my first cramping episode. It stops me in my tracks for 15 minutes and 1 hour later I am still tender in my womb.

I am convinced its to do with circulation and oxygen getting to the pelvic region, and was very interested to hear the earlier post about arterial aneurysm. What is obvious is GP's do not know anything about this but its affecting many women and could be serious.

I will go to the GP to ask for a referral to check my circulation. Once I have the results I will post.

We need to understand this better. xxxxx

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figure anything out ?
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1912374 tn?1322165024
Which pill exactly do u take take... can u name it pls?
Cause i am too suffering with this irritating pain :(
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Oops sorry for all my typos! Was writing on my iPhone
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I have this too and have had it since I was 14 (I'm 36 now).  Always get it 15-20 minutes into a run when my heart rate has been near my max doe at least 10 minutes. It had happened when biking hard and during competitive rowing and biking too so it's not just running. Definitely feels like menstrual cramps, except i don't get menstrual cramps when j have PMS -- only when I run! Advil helps a lot. So does sleeping way down at the 10-15 minute Marc and not speeding up until I'm well past 20-25 minutes. If I walk them off the second they come and wait until they go away, they never come back, I can run for an hour and be fine. It's weird that is happens during the time when your body is changing over from anaerobic to aerobic exercise, which happens around 20 minutes right? Could it be related to glucose metabolism? Low blood sugar during that transition? No doctor I have ever talked to has ever heard of this but clearly there are hundreds afflicted.
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im 17 and yesterday i had a soccer game. while i was running it started to hurt really bad like i was on my period, but i wasnt. i am sexuallly active with my boyfriend. now sure what it could be. need some help please
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This actually just happened to me tonight...and this isn't the first time.  I was doing some cardio and had to suddenly stop bc I started having horrible pain in my lower abdomen that felt like severe menstral cramps, contractions and/or the need to go #2.  I'm not any where close to having my period nor am I on my period at the moment.  I was sweating like crazy, white as a ghost and sobbing like a baby.  The only thing that works for me is to soak in a very hot bath tub and of course immediately take a strong pain killer.  The hot bath works very quickly each time this has happened....Thank God!  Thank God my husband was home to help me off the ground and get me into the tub bc I thought I was dying!  'Don't know what is wrong with me but I have to keep my cardio very limited unfortunately.  I guess I'll just have to stick to weight/strength training.  I have IBS and endometriosis so maybe they have something to do with it?
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Has anyone been given a diagnosis for their severe lower (pelvic) abdominal pain (feels like uterus possibly contracting) during and/or after running? I have the same issue (shaking, sweating, sensation of needing to have a BM, vomiting and/or dry heaving, lightheaded, all from the severe pain at the end of a run).  Not one Doctor or specialist has been able to figure it out so I am reaching out to this community to see if anyone has had a diagnosis.  **No, mine are not period related, I am not dehydrated, I am not a smoker or drinker, Not over weight, i eat healthy, and I am not lacking vitamins.**
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Amacon - did that resolve it?  My 15 year old daughter has same pain,, and it is almost always there as low grade, but when she does strenuous excercise it really increases dramatically (running, basketball)

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