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How Do I move on after cataract surgery?

Hello everyone, I am very much regretting getting cataract surgery done and am concerned what my vision will be like for the rest of my life. I am waking up with anxiety attacks in the middle of the night ever since getting this done, and it's ALL I can think about. I know it's early days yet (got this done in April) and know that I would have had to get it done irregardless in a few years (early onset and getting worse) - but still. I'm only 52! Why did no one bother to inform me about the side effects? i.e. dry irritated days, edge glare, trouble focusing my eyes on anything for more than a few seconds, and light sensitivity. It's like wearing a really irritating pair of contact lenses every day, except that you can't take the lenses out to get some relief! Will my eyes ever feel "normal" again? Some help, please, or suggestions about how I can move on....I just don't know what to do and I panic every day I wake up and realize I don't have my own lenses anymore. Thanks.
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Hi JodieJ, no worries about you and Troy52 intruding on my thread! I did start to read through them but you both got a little too technical for me...I'm always amazed by how much knowledge people on this forum have about the human eye!

I was on vacation last week so my eyes got a well-deserved rest from the computer. The dry eye problem is slowly getting better, I've gone from putting drops in every hour to about 4 times a day - a HUGE improvement for me! I'm also now off all of my prescription drops so maybe that is making a difference as well. First day back at work today and my eyes were fine.

As for my other problems - the edge glare and the reflection/shimmer off of my left lens - unfortunately, those problems have not diminished. I find I still need sunglasses in stores - especially the big box stores like WalMart - and most definitely need them outside and to drive. I've stopped wearing them in the house but only because I got really annoyed being "in the dark" all the time! I find that when I read, I need to make sure there is no light source on my left hand side - that makes it tolerable.

My surgeon did tell me to come back in a month or so if there was no improvement, and I will do so, but I'm just not sure what can be done for me at this point. Your thoughts, JodieJ? I know that you are not an eye "professional" but I do value your input and advice - you seem to be very knowledgeable. THanks....

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I have very mixed feelings about the FILMS technique, which (as far as I know) is not used outside the Alabama hospital where it was invented.  My surgery was done by a top American retinal specialist, and he did not seem to view FILMS very highly when I asked him about it.  Per a post in the Google group sci.med.vision, neither did the faculty at the prestigious Wills Eye Institute.  However, for whatever reasons, the FILMS website gets a lot of hits from Google and other search engines.

My retinal surgery was done with 20-gauge equipment (my surgeon's choice), and it restored the acuity in my affected eye to 20/20+.  It did not involve ILM peeling, which (per my surgeon) is generally reserved for cases in which a macular hole is present.  I've read that macular pucker surgery is now done in cases where pre-surgery vision is better than 20/30; in the not-so-distant past, only cases where vision was 20/70 or worse were treated.  (Some of the above quoted text about mainstream surgical technique may be dated.)

Despite the excellent acuity in my affected eye, the image size in that eye (central vision) is about 2-10% larger than in the fellow eye.  This condition (retinally-induced aniseikonia)  is probably attributable to residual damage from the pucker, although it could have been caused by the retinal surgery.  My image size difference was not considered noteworthy by my retinal surgeon, although it has caused me to have binocular vision problems/discomfort (mainly excessive tearing).  There is no data on the frequency of post-surgery retinally-induced aniseikonia, although there are many reports of cases in the literature and on online forums.  Through email correspondence, Dr. Steve Charles in Memphis suggested that peeling the ILM might prevent/resolve the aniseikonia (point "d" above).  So perhaps the FILMS technique is really valuable after all, but has been overlooked in mainstream surgical practice.  However, Troy52, I'd be very reluctant to rely on any technique that was not backed by some solid research.

(Lorac0813, I apologize for this intrusion on your thread.  I've been following your posts, and I keep hoping to read about improvements in your symptoms.)    
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. . .cont'd. . .

The present invention allows surgeons to operate, for the first time, inside the human retina (intraretinal) rather than above its surface. In so doing, it enables the surgeon to gently, predictably, and rapidly remove the ILM and all EMP adhered to the neural retina. The gentleness of the invented method eliminates risk of mechanical traction from pulling on the nerve fibers. The speed of the method, typically 4 minutes as opposed to 15 minutes, substantially reduces the risk of light toxicity. The predictability of the method allows for a more certain benefit from the surgery. Moreover, the method affords a significant decrease in the surgical skill level needed to treat traction maculopathy and makes visual recovery more rapid, more certain, and more complete. The sum effect is to enable patients suffering visual loss due to traction maculopathy of any type to seek and find earlier and more certain relief from distorted and reduced visual acuity, while the associated neural retinal abnormality is still reversible.”

Some of the advantages seem, less retinal damage, lower light toxicity because of shorter operation time, shorter recovery period, and a better flattening of the folded retina because of a locally produced fluid cyst which applies greater pressure to the retina to flatten it. That’s why I’d like to find it in Canada, if I could, as our medical system might cover it here. But, I cannot yet find anyone up here who does it.

Some other issues in considering macular pucker surgery are:

a)  the type of stain used by the surgeon to highlight the membrane for removal. Tryphan Blue does not cause toxicity to the retina while Indocyanine Green (ICG) does. Some surgeons still use Indocyanine Green.
b) the size of the surgical instruments used. Gauge 23 and 25 sized instruments are smaller than Gauge 20. The smaller the instruments, the lower the trauma to the eye and the shorter the recovery period. More surgeons are moving to the smaller instruments it is said.
c) In the event of a post-operative retinal detachment, some surgeons use gas and others use silicone oil to stabilize the retinal membrane against the eye’s surface. However, the silicone oil can cause damage to the retina and requires a subsequent operation for its removal. The inert gas seems preferable.
d) Some surgeons peel away only the superficial scar tissue, but this scar sits stuck on the ILM (Inner Limiting Membrane). It has been found that a peeling of the ILM with its scar tissue attached above gives better results.
e) It is the vitrectomy which causes potential lens cataracts (an oxygen effect?) and possible retinal tears, post-operatively, yet surgeons routinely do the vitrectomy. I suppose this is because of the possible recurrence of membrane formation if certain vitreous cells (glial cells) are not removed via vitrectomy.

So, there are questions to be asked prior to surgery. The surgery is very delicate and results vary depending on the techniques used.

My best to the group and the difficult situations each is being faced with. You have to be a little pushy and try to get informed in order to find the best care possible. The specialists are very busy, but I believe they will respond if asked pertinent questions and are informed of the difficulties each person is going through.

Nevertheless, even with all the best information you can find, the eye remains a work in progress and a mystery in many ways. The cause of macular pucker is still largely unknown, idiopathic (no known cause).
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Hi Jodie,

I’m a 56 year old male with newly discovered macular pucker in his right eye, which occurred this March. I have yet to see the retinal specialist here in Montreal, Canada, but two ophthalmologists here have said it is macular pucker. I'm slated to see the retinal specialist here June the 3rd, and given how much in demand these specialists are, I may be faced with making a decision about surgery fairly quickly in order to get into the queue. With my right eye, I can only see the big E at the top of a Snellen eye chart, so, I'm close to being legally blind in the right eye and surgery would be justifiable. I cannot drive or read with this eye. Fortunately, my left eye is unaffected so far, but the risks of bilateral macular pucker are around 30% so I feel I need to restore the right eye as much as possible in the event the left goes. My understanding of the Montreal retinal specialist is that he is highly competent. Both ophthalmologists independently recommended him. However, he may not use the FILMS technique, and I might begin the hunt again for a surgeon who does it. Given that delay may produce poorer macular restoration as the retina remains folded longer, I have been searching in the meantime to find a surgeon in Canada who uses the FILMS, (Fluidic Inner Limiting Membrane Separation) technique, the fluidic lifting of the epiretinal and ILM membrane as performed in Alabama, rather than the mechanical method of peeling off the ILM (Inner Limiting Membrane) with forceps. Despite wide searches, I have been unable to find a surgeon in Canada. The medical associations will not divulge their membership or the techniques each uses, which means calling up each, one at a time, an impossible task, to find the needle in the haystack.

I spoke with a representative at the Retina Specialists of Alabama, LLC
about their procedure for the epiretinal FILMS peel and the price for such surgery is between 40 and 60 thousand dollars U.S., somewhat out of my range. And, I was told, that the FILMS technique is not even done there in the majority of cases, even if you pay for it as a possibility. It may be a procedure suitable for a membrane growing just over the macula, whereas perhaps most membranes are more widespread on the retinal surface and therefore require the manual peel. Despite this, why other surgeons in North America do not use the FILMS technique for its several advantages puzzles me.

One of the possible post-op effects of epiretinal membrane peeling is an increase in cataract formation, the cataract usually occurring within two years. Given your experience with the gradual formation of the yellowing cataract, multiple visits for eye contacts, would it be wiser to accept the inevitable and ask for the cataract surgery at or around the time of the peel?

A rather persuasive and convincing write-up on the Alabama macular pucker surgery follows. Perhaps it is too good to be true.

“The current method employed for removal of both EMP and the macular ILM consists of cutting and then grasping, or directly grasping, the macular EMP/ILM with specially designed micro-forceps, 1 mm in maximum diameter, and slowly pulling it apart from the neural retina. This is done with great care in order to avoid engaging the neurosensory retina.

One problem with the current method of tearing and peeling away the macular ILM is the physical trauma associated with pulling on the ILM until it separates thereby unavoidably stressing the underlying nerve tissue, sometimes causing irreparable nerve damage with worsened vision than may have been present preoperatively. Accordingly, the surgeon may proceed slowly and carefully but if too slowly the retina may be injured from light toxicity coming from the fiberoptic probe inside the eyeball enabling the surgeon's view. If the surgeon grasps too shallow then his movements are ineffectual, adding to the time of surgery and the chance of light toxicity. If the surgeon grasps too deep, permanent nerve damage and hemorrhage results. The difference is usually a matter of microns of forceps movement, causing the surgeon's mindset to be what has justly been described as "nerve-wracking." The mass of the forceps, although ever so small, often obscures the surgeon's view, further adding to the chance of surgical damage to the retina. As a result of the above factors, complete traction release is the exception rather than the rule. Finally, even in the unusual case of complete traction release, the nerve tissue will usually require several months to resume a smooth contour with best vision returning. Thus, for some twenty years, the removal of epimacular proliferation so as to restore central vision in the eyes that are approaching legal blindness has remained a vexing problem for vitreoretinal surgeons worldwide. The potential surgical risks and the uncertain benefits, as well as the high level of skill required to perform such surgery has caused many surgeons to be reluctant to intervene until vision is substantially lost. This has been true, despite the knowledge that persistence of EMP causes permanent destruction of nerve function at the center of vision, such that visual acuity is only partially restorable, and progressively less so, as the EMP is allowed to persist.

. . .

Briefly, the present invention is directed to a method of separating the ILM layer of the retina from the neural layer of the retina in order to remove the macular internal limiting membrane and all EMP on its surface. The method comprises inserting a hollow microcannula, considerably smaller than any such cannula heretofore, which is shaped at its distal end to conform tangentially to the surface of the retina, between the retinal ILM and the neural retina. After the microcannula is inserted, a sterile fluid is injected at a pressure of about 25 mm Hg through the microcannula between the ILM layer of the retina and the neural layer of the retina. The fluid pressure lifts the macular internal limiting membrane layer away from the neural layer of the retina, separating it in the process of lifting away and allowing for its easy forceps removal from the eye without inflicting any physical trauma upon the neural retina. The lifted macular internal limiting membrane is removed by grasping the free-floating macular internal limiting membrane with forceps and extending the macular internal limiting membrane separation as distant from the fovea as desired before tearing circumferentially about the fovea and removing from the eye. The present invention allows for the removal of the macular internal limiting membrane without mechanically peeling or tearing it away from the fovea, so as to minimize foveal traction and the resultant physical trauma to the fovea. Moreover, the present invention simultaneously actively smoothes the underlying distorted and wrinkled neural retina by an intentional build-up of localized pressure within the confines of the developing FILMS cyst of which it is the posterior border. Thus, visual recovery, the ultimate surgical goal, is substantially accelerated as compared to the months needed for passive, spontaneous retinal smoothing after forceps traction removal. The preferred substance for use in practicing the invention and achieving complete removal of the macular internal limiting membrane is sodium hyaluronate (Healon.RTM.), as manufactured by Pharmacia & Upjohn Inc. or chondroitin sodium hyaluronate (Viscoat.RTM.) as manufactured by Alcon, Inc.

. . .more to come. . .
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Hi indi,

I do hope you're right about the right pair of glasses making all the difference! If I can get fitted with a pair that lets me see close AND far, so much the better. I am still worried about night driving, though, haven't done any since my surgeries but when I'm out with my husband at night, (he is driving of course) I find it really distracting because of the glare around the headlights and street lamps. How have you found night driving since your surgery?

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Hi again,
               I just had my normal eye test...and yes i will need glasses...but you will be truly amazed once you have the correct prescription ...I was shocked...clarity and I have gained about 20-25 % in my distace vision ,,that is aamazing and things are clearer ...but before this eyecheck...I have been feeling exactly as you are...so again bit of time and I am Very ceartain you will feel better and you will be amazed.
The reason for your hadaches is probably because you currently have an a minor prescription imbalance with your eyes...anything nearing a diference of +/- 3 diopters between the 2 eyes will give you headaches...but that is NOT A PROBLEM...as this than can be corrected so EASILY with glasses...I know you are gonna be totaally amazed ...once this is sorted out.
have faith in god ...he has taken care of you thus far ..I am sure he wont fail you now.
or in future...Good Luck
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