398459 tn?1262186144

AGP Rocks!

We needed a new thread!
80 Responses
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507875 tn?1423160261
Krista - Good luck on your appointment tomorrow.

Ladies, I too have gained a lot of weight, with just the first cycle. My stomach looks like I am already expecting. So with that being said, My DH and I have decided to start walking everynight (the clomid has caused him to gain weight) and also watching what we eat...no more fast food (boo hoo, I have a weakness for french fries)...I enjoy it beacuse it gives us the oppurtunity to clear our heads and talk about things other than TTC. The Fertility center I go to here in chicago offers a fertility cleanse, couples massage and also a fertility yoga class free of charge so I think we will sign up for those as well...sorry for rambling on...I just felt like sharing! ~smile~

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398459 tn?1262186144
Ahhh, Sally, I always look forward to your posts.  They do make me giggle.  Think positive, my little cupcake (can you tell I am hungry having started my diet today?), as that will make a difference.  Visualize those stubborn follicles growing... How was the menopur?  I hear that burns.  True?  It seems you and I really are similar.  My antral follicle count was 13, too.  Both cycles, however, I only had 6-7 follicles there that month.  My follicles are stupid though.  Stupid stupid stupid.

I, too, have been going the eastern medicine route.  I have been getting accupuncture 1-2 times per week since February.  It is very relaxing, and I think it is one of the reasons that I haven't had a mental breakdown.  Seriously!

A couple of you have asked my thoughts on DE's.  Like all of you, I want my own eggs, but at some point I may have to "get real" (thank you Dr. Phil).  I have only done two cycles, which I know isn't alot, but the results have been very minimal.  It is not realistic to think that a different protocol is going to make a HUGE difference.  It may certainly work better, and I may respond better, but the odds are still quite low for me.  And, no, I am not being pessimistic here.  I am simply trying to be realistic and take out as much emotion as possible (yeah, that's real easy) to make my next decision.  If money were no object, then I would certainly continue IVF with my eggs.  Unfortunately, the time will come soon that the cash is gone and I won't be able to do anything.  At the end of all this, I don't want to be broke and without a child.  I want to be pregnant and create a life.  I want to be a mother and raise a kind and funny child.  That really is what is most important.  So, if that means using a DE, then I guess that is what I will do.  It is my body, my blood, DH's sperm...not a bad combination.  

Thanks for all the support girls.  I have an appt tomorrow with the RE.  Will let you know how it goes.  

xoxo, Krista  
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458090 tn?1256321162
See, I go to sleep early last night and something exciting happens.  Congrats Amberlee!!! And what an awesome Beta so early.  Ya know, your embies could have split after transfer too.  So, maybe there's more than 2!! OMG.. How exciting for you.  Can't wait to see how many!!!!

Magda.. Ya know.. I really look like a thoroughbred race horse these days too, so svelte and rippling musculature... NOT!  LOL.. more like the running of the bulls!  heehee... "She's out of the gate.. watch those big boobies swing around and those inner thighs, careful, she might start a fire with that friction.. ooh.. and that belly.. caution spectators, she may knock herself out with it!!"  LOL.. Im crackin myself up again.  And even though I freely admit to being a weirdo, the follicles I mentioned are Antral follicles, or resting follicles..to both you and Helen.. that's about a lowish average number, and its not the antral follicles I have a problem with, its making those suckers grow!  And Im so glad you'll be joining me this month!  Yah!!!!!

Jen.. Don't you love Acupuncture?  I love it!  Have another appt today.  And I have totally stopped all my obsessive "googling". My cycle had started, so it's pretty much out of my hands now.  I hope your detox diet includes protein.  Some of those diets are only powders and veggies, and you really need protein to build muscle mass which in turn increases your resting metabolism and burns calories faster.  Not that I pay one iota of attention to that stuff anymore.  Heck, I woke up this morning with oreo residue on my fingers. Im such a slob these days.  
Can't wait to see you on your next cycle!  Go Jen, Go!

Helen.. Like i said to Magda.. My follicles are the "resting"ones.. maybe if Im lucky most of them will grow, but since Im a poor responder, they probably won't.  How are you doing, BTW?  Been thinking about you, hope your okay.

Krista...I totally understand the stresses that are making you a ticked off beyotch!  I was thinking yesterday that there should be some sort of fertility retreat for women going through all this.  It would be a two week program, week 1:  Lots of alcoholic beverages, smoking ciggies or "whatever", and light fare to eat.  Combine that with group discussion, yoga, meditation and hikes.  Week 2: More strenuous exercise like harder hikes and weight training, mountain biking, etc...Along with acupuncture and massage.  And also in week 2 there will be a stricter diet, no alcohol, etc..  What do you think?  Ok, now all I have to do is uh.. start a multi-million dollar spa somewhere really gorgeous.  Back to you: Have you tried the "estrogen priming or lupron flare" protocols?  You're a fighter girl, I think things will start to look up.. says sage Sally.

heather.. So happy to see you here again!!!!!  You're one of the reasons I started posting here.. I hope your doing well.  Sorry about the m/s!  

renell and kari.. how you guys doin?  Do you both have m/s too?  Keep in touch, ladies!

Land.. The only reason mine goes into such detail is b/c I am pushy!  Hee hee. Im like.. how many this? and how much that?  And I think you should do this!  Try it.. I swear they'll be more forthcoming!

Juana..Thanks for the sweet notes.. youre such a kind soul.  And good luck on your FET!  Im jealous, I really doubt I'll have any to freeze..

As for me, Im grateful my RE said I could have a cup of regular coffee in the a.m. If I don't p=oop, then I am one cranky SOB! (maybe some of that has to do with the fact that after my myomectomy, i have severe scar tissue attaching my uterus to my bowel.. nice, huh?)  RE also said I could have some fiber caps. to help me "go".. thank you baby Jesus!  And I had my first shot last night.. 4 frikkin amps. of menopur per shot.  I wish they made those packages bigger.. so much paper waste b/c of my infertility! (Yeah, that's right, Im thinking green here, ladies!)  My next RE appt. is Friday, so everyone cross thir fingers that my silly follies actually grow!

Big fat girl hugs!!!!!!!
Helpful - 0
381606 tn?1242090749
Hi everyone!

I'm with Krista...just needed a little break after the bad news last week. I needed a week to not think about ttc, although I guess it's kinda always on my mind. I'm taking the month off til next cycle (at least). I started acupuncture and cupping today and detox diet tomorrow (maybe it will help shed the pounds). The eastern med doc was fantastic and very helpful; said my body is WAAAAYYYYY out of balance and that I should consider taking 2-3 cycles off; I don't think so. So thats it for me...just here to support all ya'll...

Krista - My a*s*s is HUGE these days so I can totally relate. I actually stepped on the scale the other day and almost started crying on the spot. I have NEVER been this big and none of my clothes fit either. I actually gave in to elastic waist slacks (thank you Target) for work cuz i was so desperate. So I hope you don't feel alone in this battle. Also, have you tried acupuncture? I was amazed at how relaxed I was afterwards and hopeful that it would improve the quality of my eggs and such. Just a thought..

Sally - my rockstar, so excited for you to start the process! But you really need to CHILL OUT girlfriend! All that stress and anxiety is only going to hurt you in this process. Do me a favor...stop looking up stats and such! Each case is unique so the stats are not that generalizable. Take this opportunity to focus on relaxing a bit. I know its hard - trust me, I've been there - but you gotta do it. I think in retrospect I realize that my stress levels were way to high during the cycle and I'm sure that wasn't good for me.  Deep breath sister...aaaahhhhhh

Juana and Lisa - good luck with this cycle! Glad you joined the gang!

Helen - my dear...any news? I'm thinking about you all the time and hoping for only good things.

Kari and Amberlee - I can't stop smiling cuz I'm so happy and excited to hear the news! Keep it coming! All these BFP's continue to give me an inkling of hope that all of this will be worth it in the end.

Heather - you are welcome to "drop in" ANYTIME!!! Aren't you a founding sister of AGP? :)

Hope all is well with everyone else. Sorry if i missed anyone, there was a ton to catch up on and it is after midnight here so i am signing off...

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324913 tn?1302869517
... And Sally'd out of the gate... she's off to a great start... Off you go SALLY!!!
I have my appointment tonight and hopefully will be joining you on stims tomorrow!
God I hope that 4 really is a lucky number and that this time works!
Okay, feel stupid asking this but how does one get 12 follies before stimming?  Isn't that like, not natural?  Always knew there was something funny about you!!!

Amber, I was going to say that when I switched doctors I went from PIO to the suppositories and was told they're just as good if not better but I guess that's not important now!!! Congratulations... that's fantastic!!

Krista, I'm so sorry for what you're going through.  I seem to respond just fine but I've had 3 failed cycles and equally can't understand what the problem is.  I know it's a different situation but just as frustrating.  And it packs on the weight just as much.  I fully understand the frustration there.  And so many non ttc-ers just don't.  I HATE that I can't fit into my clothes.  I have been living in this one pair of jeans, one skirt and one sun dress for the last several months.  Sometimes I look at the clothes in my cupboard and try to remember what it was like to be a little trendy / funky !!!

Miky, how are you doing??

Hope everyone's well...
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328927 tn?1227761840
Kari--Congrats on your triple blessing!!!! Every triplet pg scenario is different, so just stick to what your docs are telling you, and don't imagine worst-case scenarios. You know in your heart you want all 3, and your heart will ultimately tell you what to do if for some reason you may be faced with a health dilemma. I had a unique health dilemma when I was carrying triplets, and made my personal choice. SInce you do not seem to be facing these obstacles, just enjoy being pregnant!!! !


I know I haven't been around a lot, but I try to keep up with what's going on with you guys. I have still been suffering with severe morning sickness, plus a few other problems, so I spend most of my days sleeping, puking, resting, eating. . .Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Hope it's OK if I just pop in and out as I am able, and please know you guys can pm me anytime, as I will be doing for you.

Heather Jo
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