102073 tn?1309549099

I didn't know I was Pregnant, is it possible?

Is this really possible? I mean for those of you are or have been pregnant, is it really possible to not know you were pregnant until you actually went in to labor? what about baby movements? I have watched that show and some stories are really hard to beleive...what do you think? I am curious.
21 Responses
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294666 tn?1253495323
Yeah, that was definately the one!  
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562884 tn?1279632334
I think most of these "stories" originate from girls who are afraid to tell anyone they are pregnant and then convince themselves they are not, or they're using the same old "thats my story and I'm stickin to it!" LOL

Although there was 2 so far that I thought maybe...One someone mentioned who had PCOS, had her dd in the toilet, but the other was the older lady who thought she was going through the change.

All in all it is getting ratings LOL
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299260 tn?1304216105
usuk: Haha! I agree w/the poppy seed vs. baby in your belly analogy! :) That's too funny.

GiGiGiGi: I know, it probably makes teens think everything will always be okay, even w/out prenatal care, drinking, partying, etc. I think a spinoff is in order ;)
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102073 tn?1309549099
I see I am not the only one watching the show ...LOL

felsha: was that the one when her husband got home and she was like "Surprise honey we have a baby" ? .... I did too watch that episode with DH and we both were like is this woman even fit to be a MOM....I mean, she waited a few days to even get checked out (her and baby) by a doctor!! ...I think is too "perfect" to even be true.

usuk: ha ha! that's a good title for the show!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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i have a tiny friend who this actually happened to. i guess its because she grew up the only girl with a single father that she didnt know..she was a total tomboy..got her periods normally and had to go to the er for severe back pain an ta da...a baby boy....this shocks my but after 3 years ttc if i hiccup funny i think im preggers so....wow
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294666 tn?1253495323
I just wanna say what was up with the one lady, who everyone kept telling her to go to the DR's, go to the hospital, & she said ok, but didn't.  Then she was describing all this pain she was in & how when husband aclled, she said she was ok.   Then the baby comes & she didn't tell any one or her own husband.  Not even thought "ok, I better go to the hospital."  That one I watched with DH & he could not even believe it.
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631676 tn?1333718203
There needs to be a spin-off from that show. Maybe call it "I did not realize how many people are clueless." Come on now - you can have a poppy seed in your tooth and it will drive you crazy until you get some dental floss. But a 5,7 or 9 pound baby gave you no discomfort? Check their debit cards I bet there are some HPT test expenses on there. LOL.  
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865566 tn?1356700362
Grrr, the unfairness of the whole situation makes me mad and saddens me a little when I think of all the hoops we all have to jump through just to even TRY to get pregnant.

Oh well, no one ever said that life is fair!
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330481 tn?1309488243
I know! These people smoke and drink and party and get no prenatal care and their kids are fine! And I saw the twins in the tub one!! WTH?
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865566 tn?1356700362
LOL - my coworker was telling me that she saw an episode where the woman delivered decent sized TWINS in her bathtub.... COME ON NOW!    

I think from time to time they should show people the consequences of not having your pregnancy monitored by a doctor.  You never see babies on this show with developmental problems.  The stories always have a happy ending.  I worry that showing people that ignoring a pregnancy is ok and that things always turn out ok in the end is really doing a huge disservice to young women and to these babies.
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330481 tn?1309488243
I have to admit that I have it record on my DVR and I just sit in shock the whole time? I can understand the "no weight gain" (well, I can't - remeber I gained 70 freaking pounds) but it could happen, i guess. But you would still have some sort of baby belly - that thing in your belly isn't small. And all of the babies are good sized babies - you RARELY hear of a preemie being born on that show. I seriously think these women don't realize you can get pregnant from having sex! "I don't know how this happened?" WHAT? YOU HAD SEX STUPID!! That is how it happened...jeesh. This makes sex education even more NEEDED! We had a student that knew she was pregnant but didn't tell her folks until her 8.5 month! She is really tall and kinda big (but it fit her statue) and no one else knew BUT she KNEW how to hide it. We all flipped out when we found out! BUT BY GOD - she KNEW!!
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865566 tn?1356700362
I cant believe that I waste any of my time watching that show, but I do!  It is ridiculous.  I think that those women are most of the time in huge DENIAL.  either that or REALLY stupid.

I have a 19 year old petite cousin who claimed that she didnt know that she was pregnant up till she was 8 months.  I think that was "B.S.".  We all figured she was pregnant but did not want to confront her because of family issues.  She waddled around smoking and drinking diet coke all day long.  She is very lucky that her little guy came out ok.

DH and I watch that show and laugh.  It is so funny that these dummies dont even realize that they are pregnant when there are so many of us who would give our right arms just to have a baby!  Oh... the injustice... sigh..... LOL - I dont have plans tonight - maybe I Didnt know i was Pregnant will be on!!  I need some mindless drivel to get my thoughts off TTC.

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1047147 tn?1328906154
I was watching the one where the womans breasts started leaking ,,, ummmmmmmmmmmmmm CLUE!lmaooo, I was like c'mon now DUMMY!
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102073 tn?1309549099
You are right....they can be really funny!!, especially with the big babies an all! ha ha ha!

I do think that maybe, just maybe, some stories might be true, like this lady, obese, she started crying when she saw the maybe in the toilet, like she felt really bad for not knowing....but she did say she felt the urge to push something after taking something to make her go to the bathroom...I think that one, might be true....and maybe college girls that don't really pay attention to their bodies or heatlh...I don't know...that's what I think.

thanks girls for the "chat" !!

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294666 tn?1253495323
So, I have to respond here because I just recently started watching that show.  Yeah I seen that episode & I never laughed so hard!  Those re-enactments are tooo funny sometimes.
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299260 tn?1304216105
I saw that one, too! The last one I saw was a college student who thought she had bad cramps, went to the bathroom & there was a baby in the toilet! Crazy! :)
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102073 tn?1309549099
ha ha ha!!! and what about one episode were the lady had given birth and didn't "notice" until the nurse cut off her pants?!! ha ha ha !! I mean could you actually pass a baby and think it was something else.....LOL!
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330481 tn?1309488243
There was no way I wouldn't have figured it out! I puked with DD for 3 solid months 10-20 times a day. I gained 70 pounds and looked like I had eaten a small village (we all gain about 50-70 lbs in my family). I had irregular cycles too but the puking signaled to me that something wasn't right and sure enough DD was in there. The movement alone could not have been gas - it looked like an alien was in there!  I even saw actually feet and hands through my tummy close to the end! So, I personally think that it is a crock of poo that these people had noooooo idea they were preggers!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
no way! I was overweight with DD and I still started showing at 4 months, as early as most petite women, and the baby's movement was so strong sometimes she would move ME from side to side when she kicked. by 9 months my belly was huge and definitely baby-bellyish. Of course I'm overweight but not obese so maybe that does make a difference...
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299260 tn?1304216105
I watch those too & it is hard to believe! :) Keyan, you, luvkayln & I are petite, so perhaps if you're overweight, you might not notice the weight gain or feel the baby move as much?!? I don't know, but I'll tell ya, the way that I've gained weight, there's no mistaking that I'm pregnant :)
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449498 tn?1338772039
Girl, I watch those shows too, and I don't buy it!! I mean, I've been pregnant 3 times now, and there's NO way I could have NOT known! Even if your periods are irregular or some of the excuses they come up with, my periods were very irregular with my first 2 pregnancies, but I still KNEW! lol ;)
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