334926 tn?1436811523

Need to vent!

Hi everyone,
So yesterday I was at a small family gathering..and it was great except for some comments my cousin made..She knows Ive been going thru IVF and infertility for quiet some time..So she tells me that she has a friend who went thru IVF and how her daughter has autism and because she goes to a special school this friend told her that most of the kids in the class were born thru IVF...she said she was just warning and so Id be prepared..I told her that everything that I have read states that doing IVF doesnt increase your chances of having a child with a disability its the same percentage as having them naturally...then she says yeah that depends on who you talk to..Ugh I wanted to ring her neck..then she tells me well if I havent gotten pregnant by now or this IVF doesnt work then maybe its for a reason and maybe Im not meant to have kids...I couldve slapped her ! but I kept my cool and said yeah well I dont believe that Im not meant to be a mother..whether that means that I give birth to the child or end up adopting..How rude can a person be? Im doing my retrieval tomorrow and Im trying not to let her comments bother me..but Im just PO'd...
15 Responses
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676775 tn?1276810560
Not only are you going to get a BFP but your baby(ies) are going to be smarter, sharper and finer than your very insensitive cousin's kids!!
I'd also suggest you avoid her during this period, so you don't have anyone giving you negative thots and bringing you down.
And all we ladies out there who have been ttc and have had insensitive remarks made about it - Let's all know, We are going to have our own children!!
Baby dust to you all!!
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627733 tn?1222173760
GURL!!! You have to remember that misery loves company, and that as long as you are striving for a goal there will always be some one there to hate on you!!! Just keep doing what you, and the Lord know is possible. Don't worry what staticstics and what haters have to save!! she's probably jealous, of your drive and determination!!! she's probably never been focused on one thing in her life!!! just do you baby and the rest will fall into place. when the baby comes she is gonna be the first one begging to babysit!
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660642 tn?1227282796
Unfortunately, something very similar happened in my case too when my very jealous cousin invited me to her baby shower and claimed in front of a whole bunch of people that I am not pregnant right now because probably I was not fit to be a mom.  It was totally rude of her to tell this, especially a couple of days from when I had my ET (she totally knew this).  I was shocked speechless and got so frustrated I just wanted to smash the "food arrangements" that were "artistically placed".  My friend however made me stay cool and got me out of there.  Suffice to say I shall never be communicating with her again EVER.  So I know how you are feeling butterflybabies.. Hang in there... Just try to stay away from those negative vibes... thats what I am doing now
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393893 tn?1283551230
OH MY GOD. I can not believe your cousin, how dare her.  You need to totally distance yourself from her.  She sounds like she is so negative and unhappy, you do not deserve or need that, especially right now.  Jeesh, some people, I tell you.
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215752 tn?1278004771
That is so stupid. Babies born through IVF have the same development as conceved normally. Don't think about it so much and good luck with your cycle. Your cousin needs to go to a school to educate herself how to talk to someone who has fertility problems.
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294043 tn?1354207946
Your cousin is an idiot!  Causes of autism are unknown!

Good luck to you tomorrow!!  Let me know how many eggs are retrieved.
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334926 tn?1436811523
Thanks my friends!! She is completely insane...now that I have vented I feel much better! I will not let her ruin this exciting time...And thanks for the good lucks and the baby dust!! Im am nervous about the retrival though! BTW I love this site and all of you and the support we give to each other...(hugs)
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Oh yeah, and I wish you the stickiest of SSBD for your upcoming retrieval and transfer!
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That is so ludicrous! What, did she poll the whole class??? Out of the 5 babies I know very well that were conceived through IVF, none of them (including my daughter) have autism. It sounds like she is just one of those toxic people who like to get people because they are so miserable about their own lives. The most important piece, you are giving her the power to irritate you so take that power back. The best thing to do is to ignore the insane comments no matter how hard it is so spit fire back. Your healthy baby will prove her wrong : )
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685595 tn?1262279076
You could have smacked her and blamed it on the drugs!  You're completely right though, there is nothing to suggest that IVF increases your chances of having a child with a disability... hang in there & good luck with the retrieval.
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282955 tn?1394730951
that is not true.  I know a couple of friends who have undergone the same thing.  and one of them is already 5years old completely normal.  Other one are twins baby girls and still completely normal.. She is an idiot and needs some slapping.  I wouldn't blame you if you do it to her or else I will do it for you LOL>... keep your head up sweet!  she is a not worth your time.  Just happy thoughts for now since you are having a baby soon.
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how completely OBNOXIOUS.  i'm stunned, really, i wouldn't know how to handle someone like that!
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562884 tn?1279632334
It just shows ignorance! Every woman who has that ache should have the chance to be a mommy! good luck with your retreival! I wish you a BIG BFP! :)
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334926 tn?1436811523
Thanks! I know I have done alot of reading and none of it suggested it was true..but she made it seem like they wont tell you that! I would think that if it was true that they would have to give you a warning or they'd be liable for not telling you...but whatever...Im not gonna worry about it..like I said I was just pissed that she could be so insensitive...
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143123 tn?1274300825
That was pretty rude of her to make comments like that.  None of that is true that I've read up on.  Don't let her get to you!  You will be a great mother, one way or another.  Good luck on your retrieval and your IVF journey!
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