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299260 tn?1304216105

Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.
Michelle: You have our continuing support & prayers!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 36 weeks!!!
Jessie: BFP - 31 weeks!  
ArmyPrincess - 29 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 23 weeks! (appt 5/25)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 18 weeks! (u/s today!)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 7 weeks!!! (u/s 5/26!)

Arlotheslug:  Adoption in June!
Keyan:  lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Consultation Friday!
Naf:  Consultation 5/26!
Guesito:  Started Estrace, u/s Thursday, progesterone 5/18, FET 5/22!
pyar:  Awaiting AF...

Candie: CD4 ;(
jmh2005:  CD9
Mrspace:  CD12
wishandaprayer:  CD22
Lina:  CD24

Rachjas:  4dpo! (IVF appt today!)
Hannah:  5dpo! (doc appt tomorrow, B-day on Friday!)
dnikki:  14dpiui! (beta today!)

dnikki:  I'm so sorry about your beta ;(  I'm glad you're looking forward, though & I'm proud of you that you already put in a few job applications!  That's great :)  Let us know how things turn out!  So, are you sure you'll have a month on bcp's or will you find that out at your next appt?  Hang in there!!! ;)

Candie:  I'm glad that made you smile =)  Yes, I'm excited about our consultation!  It's a step forward ;)

Hannah:  I think I'd run, too!  haha! ;)
50 Responses
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574521 tn?1313495146
Good morning lovely ladies!!!

My U/S went great my lining was already at 11 my nurse said it looked excellent and ready to receive my babies.Hubby had the cutest smile when he heard the nurse say it...Dh and I had a long conversation on the way back and we are ok with whatever happens. But everything looks gooooooood!!!!

I go back on Monday 5/18 for blood work (Porgesterone levels) and Friday 5/22 is the DAY!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.. Your well wishes and prayers are wonderful!
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Michelle: You have our continuing support & prayers!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 36 weeks!!!
Jessie: BFP - 31 weeks!  
ArmyPrincess - 30 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 23 weeks! (appt 5/25)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 19 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 8 weeks!!! (u/s 5/26!)

Arlotheslug:  Adoption in June!
Keyan:  lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Consultation tomorrow!
Naf:  Consultation 5/26!

Guesito:  Started Estrace, u/s today, progesterone 5/18, FET 5/22!

pyar:  Awaiting AF...

dnikki:  CD1
Candie: CD6
jmh2005:  CD11
Mrspace:  CD14
wishandaprayer:  CD24
Lina:  CD26

Rachjas: 6dpo!
Hannah:  7dpo! (B-day tomorrow!)

Luvkayln:  I know, it's been too long!  We won't let that happen again ;)  Happy 8 weeks!!!  How exciting!!! =) Yay, my appt is tomorrow!  I'm excited.  I decided to take the afternoon off work, just so I'm not stressing over whether we'll finish in time.  dh is off all day, so he'll be putting the finishing coat of paint on the windows in our front room & then we'll go to our appt at 4:00.  Yeah, he didn't mention what kind of meds, just that we'd do a lower dose of injections.  So, I'm sure I'll get lots of info tomorrow & will update asap! =)  Well, still no +opk!  Yesterday I was bloated and crampy & felt like I was O'ing, but I always get a +, so who knows!?  I ran out of tests, so didn't test this morning, but I'll pick some up today & test when I get home from work...  That's great that you're eating healthy!  I can imagine it would be easy to just give in & eat anything in site! haha! =)  Well, I will talk to you soon.  Have a great day!

Keyan:  Hey there!  I still can't go to your home page.  I wonder what's going on with Medhelp?!  I really want to see your pics from your trip.  I'm sure they're just beautiful!!!  Well, I hope you're having at least a little less stressful day at work & luckily it's Thursday, so you will have time to rest soon!  Take care!!! =)

dnikki:  Sorry about AF, but I'm glad you weren't kept waiting!  So, you'll go in on Sat, then to check on your ovary?  I hope all is well & you can move forward quickly ;)  Sorry, too, about the crappy day yesterday.  Stay dry & good luck with your job search! =)

jmh2005:  Wow, what a day!  I'm sorry you've had to deal with more than you expected with your bathroom, but at least you're getting it all done at once.  Hopefully there won't be any more surprises & then you can relax a bit!!!  That is really great that your clinic will donate half your meds!  I know that will help, but hopefully you'll be able to manage the rest, with all your unexpected expenses.  Best wishes! =)

pyar:  Hmmm...  this is so strange, huh?!  Hopefully you can make that appt and get an understanding of why AF is playing these tricks on you!  (Are you still occasionally taking an hpt, though?)  I'm thinking of you & hoping you get some answers soon!  Take care!!!

leighanne:  Wow, 13 weeks already & he's twice as big!?  That's great =)  That's so cute that he learned to fake cry for attention!  I can imagine he gets a lot of attention ;)  It's so funny 'cause whenever I visit my nieces, I end up singing the goofiest songs in my head for weeks to come! haha!  They just watch the same things over and over and over....  I'm sorry you're going through changes at work.  I know that can be stressful.  Hang in there & at least you always know you can come home to your little one to brighten your day ;)

ad_06:  Hi.  It's good to hear you're thinking about ttc again :)  I know how you feel, today is 4 weeks since I got my BFP...  it's crazy to look back at how many emotions filled that 4-week span...  That's great that you're thinking about going back to school, but yes, it is a big decision, especially when you're ttc.  Your boss sounds great & the time you spend with your step-son is also a huge factor.  Let us know what you decide & good luck =)

Guesito:  Good luck today!!!!  I'll be thinking of you & awaiting your update =)

Candie:  How are you doing?  I've been thinking about your cruise & now I'm jealous!!! haha =)  You're going to have an amazing time!

Stacey:  Are you at home or work today?  Wow, tomorrow will be 24 weeks!  Time sure does fly ;)
Helpful - 0
688022 tn?1275944889
Good morning everyone.

I am very ready for the weekend.  My little sister is SUPPOSED to be coming up to visit tonight, but I still haven't heard from her on the finalized plans.  So we'll see what happens there.  I told DH that he needed to get the bed set up downstairs for guests.  He still hasn't done it.  He's decided that he no longer needs to help clean the house at all. Just because.  No real reason.  So I did my best not to get angry at him last night when I came home (yet again) to a messy house.  I would have cleaned it all, but I fell asleep early.

Kya is doing fine.  She's real needy right now, which got annoying last night.  She jumped into my lap and ripped the t-shirt I was wearing. I wasn't too happy about that, but oh well.  The puppies are good. They have learned how to fight.  They are biting each other (they have no teeth) and knocking each other down, and growling all the time.  A few have started to howl too, which is cute.  They will be 3 weeks old on Saturday.  

luvkayln- Yeah, I'm not too happy about having af for 2 weeks now.  I was supposed to have a dr. appointment next week, but I had to reschedule because of some family stuff that's going on.  We're going to try to get in soon.  Especially if AF doesn't stop.  Last time this happened (right after m/c) Af lasted for 6 1/2 months.  Yup, not doing that again.  No flippin' way.  Oh, and Happy 8 weeks!!!

geusito- I'm so excited for your FET. Three lovely little emby's!!!  My fingers are crossed, dear.

mommyin10- I hope you're doing well!!  I'm excited for your consultation tomorrow.  

dnikki- I'm sorry about AF, hun. It'll happen.  I know it will.

stacey- Running Man... that's priceless.  He's going to be an active little guy when he gets here too.  I'm so happy for you.

**** side note:  Just have to share this.  I bought the Twilight soundtrack.  I'm in love with it.  Fantastic music.  
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Hi girls well no more spotting i had a little show yesterday once when i wiped sorry tmi and thought 'yay here we go 'but after that nothing nadda so back to waiting. Dh and I have been so busy with his work and my takeaway business so we havent really spoke about getting on with making an appt with the new clinic so now i'm going to make we find time to sit,talk, and take some action. I hope you are all well x
luvkayln thanks for your note.
Helpful - 0
478429 tn?1265244387
Luvkayln: Happy 8 weeks! Congrats Girl!!!

GUESITO: Yay! It's not too much longer:-) I hope you get some little stickies in there :-)

Leighanne: I can't believe he's 13 weeks old already!!! They just don't stay young long enough...

jmh: I hate dealing with unexpected costs and such. It makes everything that much more stressful... That's great your RE is donating 1/2 your injects, that should really help. I hope you get to do the injects this month and get your BFP!!!

Well I am officialy CD1 and very crampy...TMI but yesterday I wasn't really bleeding but just a lot of black junk. It's gross but nothing new for me I guess. So I'll have an u/s on Saturday...I had a set back with unemployment yesterday. Apparently they are saying my last name doesn't match my SS# - Yeah umm okay... then they needed DS's SS# and his birth certificate! That literally took all morning since I didn't have his birth certificate. Had to go get that which was 20 flipping dollars and on top of that they don't accept credit cards. I had $14 in cash then luckily I had $6 in change in my purse lol - yeah that's sad lol!!! So it took all morning literally. So of course I didn't get any resumes out. I get to do that today which really s u c k s b/c it's rainy, windy and c r a p p y out!  Well sorry about the little vent... I'll check in later :-)

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
Helpful - 0
546831 tn?1262742429
Hey girls! I feel so terrible I haven't posted in a long while! Life here has been very crazy. My DH and I are off this week to do what we thought was going to be a bathroom floor repair. We had a rotting spot underneath the vinyl and figure it was water so a little patch repair and some new floor and we thought we were golden. NOT THE CASE!

We first ripped our tub by accident and planed on keeping it. Since the tub toilet and sink are all grey, cha ching! we had to buy all new (white this time). Ok no big deal, w budgeted money for this so we should be ok. NO! We pull up the floor and its TERMITES! AHHHHH I wanted to scream, but I actually cried instead. Another 1400 dllars on top of the 1000 to replace everything else. I have been ready to scream all week so far.

To top it off, Im not sure if we can afford injectibles next month. They are donating half so I only need around 630 dollars for them.  I am hoping after everything settles down this week we will see..

Congrats luvkayln I knew everything would be going great. Im so excited for you
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