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299260 tn?1304216105

Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.
Michelle: You have our continuing support & prayers!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 36 weeks!!!
Jessie: BFP - 31 weeks!  
ArmyPrincess - 29 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 23 weeks! (appt 5/25)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 18 weeks! (u/s today!)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 7 weeks!!! (u/s 5/26!)

Arlotheslug:  Adoption in June!
Keyan:  lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Consultation Friday!
Naf:  Consultation 5/26!
Guesito:  Started Estrace, u/s Thursday, progesterone 5/18, FET 5/22!
pyar:  Awaiting AF...

Candie: CD4 ;(
jmh2005:  CD9
Mrspace:  CD12
wishandaprayer:  CD22
Lina:  CD24

Rachjas:  4dpo! (IVF appt today!)
Hannah:  5dpo! (doc appt tomorrow, B-day on Friday!)
dnikki:  14dpiui! (beta today!)

dnikki:  I'm so sorry about your beta ;(  I'm glad you're looking forward, though & I'm proud of you that you already put in a few job applications!  That's great :)  Let us know how things turn out!  So, are you sure you'll have a month on bcp's or will you find that out at your next appt?  Hang in there!!! ;)

Candie:  I'm glad that made you smile =)  Yes, I'm excited about our consultation!  It's a step forward ;)

Hannah:  I think I'd run, too!  haha! ;)
50 Responses
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342988 tn?1299782356
hey ladies- long week so far at work and i still have 2 more days to go.  we are going through changes, my agency lost the contract they had to provide services to mental health clients so now on july 1st i will work for the new company that won the contarct and it is confusing and lots of work at the current moment.

i feel like i have neglected you ladies and i want to write notes to each and everyone of you right now but its almost 11pm here and i have to get some sleep before i have to wake up and give jaedyn a bottle.

jaedyn is doing great.  he was 13 weeks yesterday which i can not beleive.  he did have to go to the dr.s today cause he developed a rash on his chest but he was diagnosed with eczema so i have to put a lotion on his chest 2 times a day and make sure he doesnt get too hot.  but he was 12.9lbs, almost doubled his weight since birth.  he is such a good baby.  he will take a bottle around 8pm, then go to bed and sleep til between 3-5am, then wake up, take a bottle and go back to bed til between 7-8.  he does baby babble, lil laughs, huge smiles.  he now reaches for you when he wants to be picked up and has learned how to fake cry to get attention, its funny.  he also loves the show wonder pets, he is amazed by them when they are on the tv.  i end up signing the damn songs all day long at work.

i will try to chat with each person within the next few days.  i miss you all and hope all is well.  SSBD to all the ladies with upcoming IVF, IUI's and transfers.
Helpful - 0
255732 tn?1318517822
I am doing okay ladies. Dh and I talked last night and I told him that I want to go back to the RE as soon as he'll let me come back. So if all goes well we will be going back in July not August. It's been nice not having to worry about going to the RE, but then again it stinks! Kind of like it'll never just happen on it's own, but we'll see. We haven't been trying to prevent anything, I just haven't been using OPK's or anything.  Ever Monday starts off pretty rough, just because I would be 1 more week along....but that is something that I will work out for myself. It took me a long time to get through my 1st m/c. That is why I want back in the "game" as soon as possible.... I have also been thinking about going to school, just haven't made my mind up...lol My job is so convenient because my boss is so understanding, and I get to be with my stepson on the weekends....so I haven't made my mind up....I just know I need more $$$!!! lol That would make my TTC alot easier. Well I hope you girls are doing well. I'll pop in from time to time :) I'm on CD 20, so AF shall be coming pretty soon.......that would be 1 cycle down......1 to go....lol Talk to you soon!!
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
Guesito- Wow, 3 little embies!!!!! That's awesome! :) If they all stick, well.... that would be a miracle!!! :) I know you'll be happy with whatever you get! God already knows, and he won't give you more than you can handle! :) Maybe he thinks you can handle 3... Hhmm...! LOL :) Well, we're all praying for you! You've been waiting a while for this, and you deserve for the outcome to be a GREAT one! Good luck!! :)
Helpful - 0
574521 tn?1313495146
We have 3 frozen babies...Dh and I decided to transfer them all. Can you imagine they all stick? Would be great but would be just as happy with one.
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
Stacey- OK, that was too cute! I love your  "running man" comment!! Haha! ;) I think it's time for new belly pics little miss!!?? ;)

dnikki- Oh, sorry about the -ve beta and about the spotting! :( I was really hoping.... Well, hopefully your left ovary will be down to regular size and you WON'T have to do those darn BC pills again! I know that was pure torture! :( I'll be praying that all goes well on your u/s on CD 3 when AF shows up fully! Good for you for getting a couple app's in! I hope you find a job soon! :)

Kaylee_Frye- Congrats on the baby girl! How exciting!! :) I'm already so ready to find out what we're having, but I don't care either way! I'm just SO happy our little one is doing so well! :)

Guesito- Good luck with your u/s tomorrow! I'm sure everything will be just fine, and what a great attitude you're having! Good for you! :) God will take care of you, He is truely amazing! :) Can't wait for next Friday!! Oh, how many do they think they will transfer? I'm so excited for you!! :)

Rachjas- Wow, sounds like you had a long night! But how cool that you got all your detailed info in one setting with other couples that are enduring the same road as you! I think it's so neat that they do classes for IVF so you're fully prepared for what's going to happen! I'm sure you and dh are SO ready for this! :) OK, what's this about a temp dip at 5 dpo??? I'm definately checking out your chart! ;)

Mrspace- Ooh, I'd be very PO'd too about that! Hhmm... maybe don't leave your debit card sitting around when there's company coming over, even if it's a friend! Hope you get all that taken care of, and the charges are released from your account. Gosh, sorry you're still having AF! Why do you think that is??? Did you say you have an appointment soon? Maybe they can tell you what the heck is going on?! Well, I hope it stops soon. No body likes her anyways, and her stay has definately been outwelcomed for you!

Mommyin10- Just wanted to give you a (HUG)! :) Haven't talked to you in forever I feel like! Friday is almost here, yay! :) What time is your appointment? I wonder what brand of injections they'll put you on? I can tell you that Follistim worked really well for me, and my lining was always super nice and thick on it! How's your excercising been going? I know it makes you feel so great when  you're doing it! :) That's what I'm sure really helped get your BFP last time, so that's great you're doing it again and right before your injects cycle! I have a very good feeling for your upcoming cycle! I'm excited! ;) Sean's almost here with dinner, slackin' tonight... really don't feel like cooking! ;) I've been very proud of myself though! The only "junk" food I've eaten is Taco Bell! With Kayln, Oh gosh, I was bad! I ate whatever I wanted! I craved a little bit of everything with her though, that must've just meant she wasn't a picky eater! lol :) Well, enjoy the rest of your day, and hopefully Friday will hurry up and get here, better yet, hopefully AF will hurry up and get here so you can move on to your BFP! ;)

Pyar- OMG, STILL NO AF????!!!! Where the heck is she??? I hope she hurries up and just comes on! You are a very patient woman! ;)

ad_06- Hope you are doing ok! We're all thinking of you, and will be here waiting when you and dh decide to start ttc again! :) (HUGS)

Hope everyone is doing great, and had a good Wednesday! :) I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow! Woo hoo! :) Already starting to feel like it's going by quickly... hhmmm...I'm honestly ready for it to be December so I can hold my little one! :) I think about it everyday!! :)
Helpful - 0
574521 tn?1313495146
Hi Ladies.. Happy Wednesday!!!

Just an update tomorrow is my U/S to see if everything is ready for my Transfer on Friday (5/22) Im very calm and just chilling this time around. Im just letting god take charge and decide.. :)

Hope everybody is doing great and for mommying hope your appt goes great!

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