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328927 tn?1227761840

AGP Easter Egg-A-Thon

Our ovaries are working overtime producing the highest quality eggs with minimal loss-of-product this Easter Season. The DH Sperm-finders need to step up at the Easter Egg Hunt this year and find those Golden Eggs to maximize reproduction and ensure future hunts for generations to come!
91 Responses
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380530 tn?1239162538
Started a new thread, took Jackson's idea of gardening....and my own idea of the sisterhood of the traveling BFP's. See ya there!
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Hi all ~
..just checking in ~ pain is a little less today ~ but belly has EXPLODED ~ awfully puffy ~ hadn't happened before ~ and since I don't remember 11+yrs ago with first pregnancy ~ don't know if it's from the meds or what..??..~anyone know..??..~Perhaps Heather..??..:-))**...think it took.......??????????????!!!!!!:-))))
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294043 tn?1354207946
My next u/s is tomorrow.  I'll give you the latest on my damn cyst.  
I would wait for your beta results before transferring the documents.  

I think it will be pretty late here but I will not rest till I read your update!!!

thank you for your friendship and good wishes.  I hope that morning sickness gives you a break really soon.
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Hi Ladies,
Dee, thanks for the update.  Good luck tomorrow this your u/s.  
Heather, glad you're feeling better.  It must be awful to feel sick all the time.
Lisa, sorry about af.  What's happening now?
Helen, how are you feeling?  What's the story with your cyst?
Madga, you're getting close to retrieval.  How are you?
J_A, Sam, Jen.  how are you coping with tww?
Mary, where are you?

TWW has been fine because I never felt I had a chance.  My beta is Monday but like I said I'm not optimistic.  I need to have my records transferred to my new RE but don't know should i wait until after beta or do it now?  I takes 2-3 weeks to transfer, my appt. is april 22.

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186627 tn?1257877774
happy you are back!
Your update is awesome:-)
SSBD and good luck on your U/S tomorrow!
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Jen -
did your IUI hurt? someone told me that very often the 1st IUI doesn't hurt but the 2nd one does - I don't know if there's any truth in that - only that that is EXACTLY what happened to me. IUI N°3 (last week) was absolutely fine. DH certainly deserves a trophy!!!WOW! when did you last BD? 'Cos it sounds like he's been producing and storing them for weeks! Good luck! I still have some cramping, even though my IUI was 5 days ago...

Dee -
are the "injectable-effects" getting any easier? When I was on Menogon I felt washed out..but then on Gonal, much less so...what are you on? Have a really fantastic DH's birthday - make the most of it, what with all the house/job/ttc going on!

HeathJo + Helen -
Thanks for the baby dust!! yes, let's hope this is THE month for some of us (well, for ALL of us would be perfect, but unfortunately we all know that that's being a bit too optimistic)!

J_Angel -
I love the proposed title for the new thread! :-D

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126702 tn?1240888250
Hi Guys

I have been a little busy these last few days with interviews and blood tests. As much as I would love to stay home  and not work, the reality of having the costs of meds and mortgages is a little tricky. So I am back to looking for publishing work without the travel which is a little tricky as most of these jobs require travel. I am just trying to stay true to my promise that TTC comes first this year before my career and a few of my AGP sisters will be aware of this battle I have had the past year! Anyhow the good news is things are moving along on the job front and replacing my heating and cooling will be the first thing I do with my next pay check - its a little old! It will be DHs birthday tomorrow we are going to have a lovely dinner which I am so looking forward to.

Anyhow thats been my last few days and you guys know I am thinking of you always.

Heather - you poor love. You have 3 times the morning sickness to cope with. If i were there, I would help you out. Whats the date of the OB u/s appt?

Helen - I am so glad to hear from you and thank you for your kind words. Its nice to be missed.

Lisa - I hope youre ok - you know I always think of you!

Mary &  FiFi- where are you?

Magda - I know youre with yourster and yes Albury Wodongs is the place!

I will let you guys know how I go tomorrow.

7.45pm Wed
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328927 tn?1227761840
Hey guys--After a few more long and hellish days I finally have a respite.

Lisa: Sorry you have to wait this cycle out--how frustrating!!!!!!!!And thanks for being sensitive to my nausea with the twirling :-)

Helen: Crying is indeed healthy, and if you need to do it, then don't hold back. I cry when I am angry, frustrated, annoyed and many other emotions besides just sadness. It is such a release. I just hope you cheer up soon. Although I haven't been very available lately, please know how much I adore you and how you are in my thoughts always :-)

Jen, J_Angel, Sam, Sasparilla: SSBD to you all during this 2ww! I have a feeling we will see at least one BFP from ya'll!

Fiona--Anxiously waiting for your BETA results. My prayers are with you :-)

Dee--The shots made me extremely tired and fatigued as well. I'm sorry to hear they are having the same effect on you. And, thanks for posting the updated calendar. I do have an addition:first OB u/s appt.

Mary and Magda--Glad ya'll are back on board starting your protocols without delay. SSBD to you both!

I love you guys so much and miss you when I am laying here to ill to even turn on the computer :-( This will pass, I know, but just be assured I am not going anywhere!

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380530 tn?1239162538
Great idea Jackson!  I'll work on it.  I'm VERY tired at the moment.  Had a long day of shopping at IKEA with a friend I only get to see about two or three times a year,  spring break, winter break and once during the summer.  We are both teachers and live about an hr apart so we only get to see eachother on our breaks.  She had a baby this past year.  So, it was really fun to see my little surrogate neice and spend time with the new mommy.  Anyhow, AI is on, I've got a headache and I'm exhausted.  So, unless someone else gets a rush of creativity, I'll start that new spring tulip themed thread by morning.   I thought of all of you a lot today while with the new mommy and baby.  Sprinkling baby dust to you all.   (-:

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~Out of it a bit ~ read a little ~ in a bit of pain ~ but idea for new thread ~ "Growing Tulips"..about to sprout ..??..(Follies) ~ just imagine it ~ the look the same !!~~:-))))~
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294043 tn?1354207946
I am sooo happy you are back!
I just talked with Lisa last night about how lost we are without you.  

Good luck on your u/s tomorrow!  I'll be looking for your update.

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126702 tn?1240888250
Guys heres an updated list. Please let me know if things are incorrect.

Jackson Angel - TWW
Jen - TWW
Sam- TWW
FiFi - TWW
Sasparilla - TWW?
Lisa - waiting to see RE for next protocol
Miky72 - waiting to start b/c once A/F comes
Helen - 5th week on b/c
Dee - u/s tomorrow 27th March
Magda - on Menogan. Retrieval approx 2nd April
Heather - Perinatologist appt April 7th
Mary - u/s and bloods 6th April

Wed 9.30am
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186627 tn?1257877774
Your DH is amazing!!! ;-)

I would love to see you in NYC one day.
We could bring our kids to the Children Museum ;-))))
I hope this IUI works for you
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381606 tn?1242090749
I think its time for a new thread, but i'm not as creative as some of you...

Easter is over...new theme ideas?
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294043 tn?1354207946
Best of luck to everyone in 2ww: Jen, J_A and Sam.  You guys are like a real sorority, all on the same schedule.  I believe we'll have some BFPs coming.

Fiona, you are now in 1ww and I just hope that you'll get lucky this time.  Blowing lots of SSBD your way!!!

how are you doing?  What's going on "down there"?  When is your u/s?  Hoping for some good news from you.  

To everyone sitting on the sidelines, Mary, Lisa, Miky and ashort,
I hope the wait is over soon for all of us!

how are you doing?  I really-really hope you are feeling better.
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381606 tn?1242090749
Miky - I used to live in NYC...loved it and visit frequently! Maybe we can catch an iced tea next time i'm in town...hopefully by then we will only remember this period of ttc as a distant memory and will be talking about how fast our children are growing!! Thanks for the thoughts about the VBFP...I LOVE IT!!

2nd IUI was this morning. I'm feeling ok, but a little crampy. DH was a STAR this morning with 300 million sperm!! The RE said "you husband has one sperm for almost everyone in the country!"...made me laugh. But i was very impressed. I think I'm gonna try to find him a trophy or something! While I was super excited about his unbelievable performance, 300 million swimmers that can't seem to find their way to the treasure does me no good! Let's just hope there's at least one smarty pants in that bunch!

And the wait begins...beta scheduled for 4/7 (10am PST)!!

Hope all of you are having fab days!
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186627 tn?1257877774
Good morning to All (8.30 AM ET)!

Ita a beautiful day in NYC and the future looks bright for all of us! :-)

Jen:it sounds you are on the right track everything point to a VBFP (very big fat positive)!!
I'm so excited for you

Magda: How are you doing?When is the retrieval schedule?

Fiona:I'm changing RE also and I feel much better now that my choice is done.Even though is a smaller office (and they do not have the impressive succes rate of the other clinici which is much bigger)the RE is fantasti and I finally feel that somebody do care about ME.

Heather:I hope you'll feel better today.

Helen:last BUT not least :how are YOU?

Hugs to all,
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324913 tn?1302869517
Helen, fro your mouth to God's ear, as the saying goes!  I SO hope this time works.
What about you?  What's the news on the cyst?
Lisa, thank you sweetie... what you said about Dh was so sweet.  And I am SO very happy to hear you say that goals are meant to be flexible!!  And, ever thoughtful, we promise not to twirl infront of Heather!
Heather, I hope you're doing okay.  I was feeling so sick last night.  Had just taken a shower and think it might have been to hot... I came out feeling really nauseous and had to lie down and as I was lying there I thought of you and how awful it must be to feel this way all the time.  
Dee, how was Albury?  Is that the same as Albury Wodonga (not sure if I have the spelling right).  If so, Neil always talks about it as being the main big town near Beechworth.  Or have I got that wrong?  Was it the next big town from where he grew up in Orbost?  No, I think it was Beechworth.
Right, off to work with me...  Hope all are well !
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381606 tn?1242090749
Lisa - excellent way to wrap up this thread!!

Here's my update...
Had IUI this morning and one more tomorrow. I have 6 GORGEOUS follies (RE's words) - all bigger than they have been in the past, with nice thick cervical lining. The RE said if this doesn't work then i definitely need IVF. Let's keep everything crossed ladies...I'm not sure my body can handle IVF. I assume my beta will be in 11-12 days but will keep you posted tomorrow when i get the date.

Fiona - sounds like changing RE's is a step in the right direction! Let us know what he/she says.

Dee - My biggest problem with the injections is the fatigue (and of course the weight gain). My RE says its a common symptom of the shots. The good news is that it will subside when the shots are over! Keep pushing through girl!

Heather - thinking of you and your posse!

Helen - I'm thinking of you...cry all you want girlfriend. Sometimes a good cry can be cathartic.

Lisa - I did great on Clomid and had barely any symptoms. The injectibles make me feel like CR  AP. Unfortunately, the higher the dose of Clomid, the thinner my lining and dryer i got! I say you do what works for you. Quality of life is so important.

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380530 tn?1239162538
Helen,  Thanks for the note, and the call.  I always love chatting with you!!  I'll give an update in a sec.

Dee,  Oh my little Aussie.  You are just so missed when you are away.  I think you may have been out just 24 hrs, but it felt like and eternity!  Glad to have you back.  You must have about another 5 days of injections before possible IUI?

JA,  Not odd to have to ask for the second IUI.  I've always had to request one when I've wanted to have 2 in a cycle.  If it's not in the clinics typical protocol, you'll have to be your own best advocate on that one.  I've heard, and my clinic schedule them at 12 hrs post trigger and 36 hrs post trigger with 2.  But, each clinic's protocol is unique.  Again, you'll have to be your own best advocate.  But, here's to hoping you won't need any more procedures, other than labor and delivery of course.  (-:

Magda, Oh, bless dh's heart.  He really is trying isn't he?  You're stories of dh always make me go "Ohhh how sweet." when I read them.  Makes me raise the standard my ex had set!  Yes, your cyber sista's do understand in a way dh can not, though he diligently tries.  But, shhhhh...we won't tell him. It'll be our little secret.  

Jen, I'm hoping you've got a little sticky bun in the oven.

Sam, I'm hoping you too have a little sticky bun in the oven!

Sasparilla, Did you wear the bunny ears?  Oh, I'm so hoping you did, you know what they say about bunnies don't you?  Well, maybe it'll be true for you to when you put on those ears!

Fiona, What day do you have your beta?  How are you feeling?

Mary, Helen, Miky, I'm right along with you in the long wait.  My dr was on spring break, so I couldn't see am AGAIN.  Ugg.  Though I did like his associate who I saw today.  She said she saw two things that didn't look good this cycle.  First I have a good size follice still in my right ovary.  This shouldn't be there on cd 3 of AF.   Plus my estrogen levels dropped dramatically the day I had my trigger.  I am just now hearing this for the first time.  Both of these signs indicate I ovulated days before my IUI.  I did have a temp. drop and according to my bbt chart I o'ed on cd 10 or 11.  But, had my IUI on cd 14. It's all a bit confusing.  I was monitored with u/s and given a shot to stop ovulation on cd 12.  But, this may have been too late.  My prog. levels indicated I  hadn't o'ed yet, though the drop in estrogen indicated I had o'ed.  The dr. couldn't give me an answer for this discrepancy.  But, the bottom line.  She recommends I wait this cycle out.  Wait for the follice to disappear and then see my RE to set protocol for the next cycle.  I don't know yet what the protocol will be.  But, most likely will be similar to an IVF cycle with suppression, Lupron, then injectables.  It does look like I'll be out until May if not June.  That breaches my May deadline of ttc before hitting the big 43.  Guess goals are meant to be flexible.  

Heather, Oh my little Heather we miss you.  I'm sorry you are not feeling well.  I wish there was something I could do for you.  Just know I'm not twirling because I think that'll make you sick and want to throw up.  I've put my dancing shoes on the shelf and am meditating on calm and stillness to come your way.  

OK ladies.  I hope I didn't leave anybody out.  I did put together a b-day chart, but given I've written a pretty lengthy script here, I'll post it  next time.   Take care bunnies....dance and twirl as long as Heather doesn't see you or hear about it.  Spin the golden thread, lay the golden egg, and run for the golden bfp!
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294043 tn?1354207946
if you are doing two IUI's the scheduling should be different.  You do 2 IUI's typically at 24 and 48 hours past trigger.  If you are doing one IUI only, you schedule it around 36 hours past trigger.  I bet the second IUI hurt because it was too late and your cervix closed after O.

how was your appointment today?  We are all impatient to fing out what's next for you.

good luck this 2ww.  I bet your IUI was timed better since it did not hurt.  Glad you are feeling optimistic.  I hope it's a BFP!!!

so nice to have you back!!!  I hope you ar feeling better.

I really hope this is your last ivf and you'll get a strong BFP in a few weeks.  
Sending you many cyber hugs!

you and all of your little ones are in my thoughts!
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Hi girls ~ well, went for the two IUI's Sun/Mond~Today ~ Sunday's was REALLY weird ~ got their ~ room completely full ~ went in got the IUI and Doc said to come back Friday for BW ~ said I though I was going for a double this time ~ he said ok ~ then go to the office tomorrow for the next one ~

Ok girls ~ since you "know all" ~ is it me ~ or is it weird that I had to ask for the second IUI the second time..??..

Then today I walked in got the IUI and the nurse on my way out called me by my nickname ~ which has NEVER been said in the offices by me nor DH ~ ..??..~could she be logging on here and get it..??..~ weird ~ oh well, no punches held here ~ it's all on the line and if she is logging on ~ she is very nice along with all the others ~ ONLY have a MAJOR problem w/Dr N ~ I didn't go there for donor eggs ~ I went there for help in getting pregnant ~ not my fault.....

~so ~ what do you all think..??..AND ~ forgot to say ~ yesterday's IUI didn't even feel it ~ today ~ it hurt like HELL and then MAJOR pains in ovaries ~ saline..??..

Told DH if this doesn't take am going to take up your advice previously ~ CHANGE~
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Dee and Helen

yeah, I'm still here! hope you had a good easter etc... haven't posted for a while (manic easter family commitments blah blah blah!!) BUT.... my latest news is that I had my 3rd IUI last Friday morning so am back in the 2WW (so only 3 dpIUI at the moment - along time to wait yet!!). This time I didn't feel a thing (last time was really painful) and for some reason I have good vibes about this one (but then I did last time too, and look what happened!). So I'm just praying...(like we all are!)

Helen - how are you doing? I'm sorry you've been having such a tough time...as Dee says, remember we're here for you.

Dee - how are the injections going - are they getting any better? I hope so - I know they're not a bundle of laughs....Remind me what you're on (I've been on Puregon, then Menogon and then Gonal - what a cocktail, eh?! Oh, that's having tried Clomid for 3 months before going onto injectables...)....

Sam (Mon a.m.)
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126702 tn?1240888250
Hi Guys

I am back home - and just so happy to be back in my bed.

Helen - please know youre in my thoughts. Its been a tough few weeks for you and I just know its been so hard to get just everything possible thrown at you and get in the way of your IVF journey. I hope you take comfort in our company and know we will always be here for you.

Lisa - i am so sorry about freakin AF. When will you see your RE. I am eager to hear what they will say about you going back to clomid  and if they will up your dose.

FiFi - how are you feeling? I know you said you didnt feel optimistic but just wondering. I am so sorry to hear of your brother and sister in law. How far along were they?

Magda - thats such great news that you can start on your meds. Are you having a great time with your sister? I love my sister to bits so I hope you have so much fun with her ...and yup no worries about the PM.

Mary - looks like youre right on track! Thats such great news. I am really happy for you.

Jen - YAY!!!!!!! Wishing you the best tomorrow!!!

Heather - hugs to my cyber nephew/niece triplets.

Sam and Jackson Angel - hello!!!

Milky and Sasparilla - Welcome to the board.

Guys -  I have kinda lost control on the dates so can everyone just PM me with your dates and i will put it up. Thanks bunnies.

Mon 7pm.

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