701334 tn?1262853503

when they cannot figure it out,they call it fibro!!!

people,i have done lots of research on this,i even resided over a court case where a woman got hurt in a car accident,then had her insurance pay for over 76,000 dollars in hospital bills,come o find out she said she had fibro,and thats where all her bills came from!
i honestly think that when doctors are not  sure and cannot diagnos us,they call it fibro or stress/anxiety....period.
20 years ago you never even heard of fibro and people with "anxiety" delt with it,its called LIFE
please,dont let all your aches and pains that do not go away with proper diat and exercise be written off as a phantom disease that doesnt exist.
if you got leasons on your brain,,,,YOU GOT MS!!!....period,,,dont let the docs tell you you dont,that you got a made up illness like fibro!!
if your lymph nodes are all swelled up,you have night sweats and loosing weight,,,YOU HAVE HIV....NOT FIBRO!!!
i urge you to read up and be your own judge.
just because a test sometimes comes up neg....that doesnt mean you dont have the real disease.
25 Responses
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681148 tn?1437661591
It isn't right to accuse people with FMS as having HIV instead.  That's like suggesting that everyone here is sexually permiscuous.  That's inconsiderate, and it's wrong.  It is more likely that many of us have undiagnosed Lyme's, which can often take years to diagnose, not HIV.

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as the family member of a long line of nurses, i've picked up on a few things in my life, one of which being: PAIN IS NEVER NORMAL!!!! pain is your body's way of telling you: SOMETHING IS WRONG!!! HELP!!!!! don't let yourself believe that your body was just made to be in pain. pain is a sign of something being wrong, and you shouldn't settle for being in pain as your everyday norm.
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unless you have a degree, telling me that you've been to school for "x" amount of years and you know what the hell you're talking about, don't shout from the mountaintops. it makes you look like an idiot. yes, there are mis-diagnoses ALL THE TIME, but that doesn't mean that the diseases and conditions are fake. yes, right now there are no tests to "find" fibro, and yes, they do have to eliminate a lot of possibilities. do i think that doctors will try to diagnose patients with fibro and just call it a day? probably. but there is a distinct sign and symptom pattern to fibro, and when you've exhausted all other options and are still at square one, then it's time to start thinking about fibro. there are tests that can be given, like the tender points, and when you look at the symptoms as a whole, it's not really like anything else.

as far as the other diagnoses, such as HIV, those symptoms could be anything... the audacity you must have to post that the only symptoms you need to prove you're HIV positive are night sweats, weight loss and swollen lymphs... it proves that you're not a doc. come off it, and give it a rest dude. there are thousands upon thousands of people suffering from FIBROMYALGIA; a real disease, with real treatments that REALLY WORK.
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Wow are u ignorant!!! What exactly was the point of your post? It's obvious not to educate anyone as your not a doctor nor do u have first hand knowledge.
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Fibro may not have a definitive test for it, but believe me, IT IS REAL!!!  I've done lots of research on it and have suffered from it for over 10 years now.  When I was first diagnosed I thought maybe I was going crazy or that somehow I was unconsciously "making it up".  There have been a couple of books that I've read on it and I'll never forget something that they said in them that made me realize (and a couple of doctors who I showed this to that had doubted the existence of fibro) that it is, in fact, a REAL disorder.  The books stated that "a century ago, it was believed that people with diabetes were "making it up and sick in the head" until it was discovered the role of the pancreas in this disease".  Just because they have not found a "cause" of fibro yet and there are currently no specific tests that can pinpoint a diagnosis - it does NOT mean that our pain is not real and that we are not suffering and have a TRUE disorder.

Like I told one doctor who told me that my pain was not real and that fibro does not exist -- simply walk in my shoes (or stand or sit or lay in them - does not matter - pain is the same) - for just ONE hour and then tell me that I am not suffering from severe pain!!!  Again, one of the books I have researched stated what the pain is like so accurately - think how you feel when you have the absolute WORST case of the flu that you have ever had and then multiply that feeling times at least 10 and have that feeling each and every day 24/7 and that's how it feels.

So please do not tell me to "change my diet, reduce stress, treat any depression, exercise, etc., etc. -- BEEN THERE, DONE ALL THAT -- has not helped and in many ways, some of the so called "treatments" have done nothing but made things worse.

I, for one, KNOW that fibro is real - I live it every day.
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I was diagnosed with FM in 1992. I felt the way you do. I now view it as a time of being in denial. I just couldn't accept that I had this thing they kept calling fibromyalgia that I couldn't pronounce, that my husband and kids kept saying "when are you going to get over this."  Then as the years have progressed and they have watched me struggle to keep a great career going, one that I worked so hard at, one that I started at $19,000.00 a year and ended at $95,000.00 a year and only ended because the pain was so out of control I couldn't function anymore.
My husband and children realized they were losing me. to this thing not even I could accept. It was about 10 years before I did accept it was something I had to deal with, something science didn't have a blood test for or a piece of paper for.  I did all the doctors, all the medications, all the alternative therapists until I started being my own advocate. Realizing it had a lot to do with emotional and physical pain as well as foods, water, and environmental.  
In my opinion it also has to do with vaccines we received as children. The ones they are giving now with high levels of mercury that in 15-20 years will cause auto-immune disease.  I am not a doctor but there is so much evidence of this, that and the traditional medicine and the way we live, the crap in the foods we are eat are making us ill.  
It may have something do with our age however my mother died in 2005 at age 82. I am positive she had and it was undiagnosed her entire adult life.  My son has symptoms of it and we know what to do but no matter what we do he still has flare ups.  He is athletic, always on the go, physically fit and yet he has these symptoms. He is 20 years old and has had the symptoms since he was about 14.   So there is more to it than age in my experience.  My daughter is fine, never had any symptoms of it.  

Prior to being diagnosed I was on one anti-biotic after another. So I think there is something to that. That and I developed thrush/over active yeast in my body. I can barely take anti-biotics now.  

In my opinion it's real. Will they ever figure out why that I don't know.  But as people with it we have to keep trying to figure it out. Making sure it's the right diagnosis and if it is how we deal with it.

All the best.
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I have fibro and have had it for 7years now.  I always say that the doctors have labeled me with fibro because they don't know what it really wrong with me.  I guess I feel that way because it is so hard to accept that this much pain can't be verified by a blood test of any kind.  I know that it is real pain whether it be from fibro or something else.  It is just so frustrating.  Even my husband doesnt seem to back me up even though he has seen all I go through.  I think it is because their is no paperwork I can hand him saying this test verifies what I am saying.  

Something else I have noticed is alot of fibro sufferers are in the same age group.  Which makes me wonder if they put something in the food or water or maybe all the anti biotics we were always given as children.  I know that sounds crzy, but their has got to be some answers somewhere for us.  Well have a good day all.  

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975514 tn?1324997938
I think we all know we are sick and that Fibro is a real disease. I don't think Crambone is going to respond to any of us. We are sort of wasting energy here defending ourselves. His message wasn't quite clear and we all seem to be reading different things into it. I would like to see this thread get buried, but that's just my opinion.
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If you re-read crambone post he/she stated that we with FM have HIV.  I don't think this person is basing anything on knowledge, understanding or research and merely trying to say we have underlying illness by any means.  And I hope all of us with FM are continuing to evaluated, investigate and be our own advocate and discuss monthly with our doctors any underlying illnesses we might feel is going on with us. I know I do. I would never sit quietly and take a diagnosis, ANY diagnosis from ANY doctor and go away quietly.  This is the only life I have and and I treasure it.  I look constantly for the path to healing. I also keep track of any other symptoms or feelings of dis-ease I feel.  

The original post here that started this email string is exactly what has harmed FM people for as long as I've had it (1992).  I can't explain it for everyone but I can give you a documented summary in detail of my FM, how, when, why and manifestation of symptoms for me, and  I know it is very real. I left a career that paid $100,000.00 per year due to this illness. A career that took me over 15 years to build.  A lazy person could not have done 1/3 of what I did in my life time so far.  
I myself struggled and continue to struggle with disbelief from doctors, family, friends and I will never sit quietly especially when I experienced the legal system, dishonest lawyers who had nothing better to do than lie and send me to what they call "independent medical exams" only to pay their doctors of choice to actually lie about my condition.  I am too aware of people like crambone and how they operate.  
I ask you to re-read this persons post and don't let them off the hook this easily.  They said that you and I have HIV.  If that doesn't offend you I'm not sure what does.  I have sympathy for anyone living with HIV or AIDS but I can assure I do not have HIV or AIDS and my blood work and all other tests are checked quarterly and it all is perfect so there are no underlying conditions as this genius is inferring we all have.  

This person went in to court unprepared and lost and decided to vent in a post to all of us.  Which is great, free speech and all.  I respect that but let's not back down.  I'm not saying the person who won definitely had FM, there are many misdiagnosed people out there and I personally know 2 people who fake FM.  I can assure I do not.  I don't mean to be harsh in any way but I take offense to such accusations by someone who as idiotic as this commenting on something I suffer with and something I have researched for over 12 years.  I also humbly respect your opinion so please don't think I am coming down on you.  That is not my intention but I would love to get us all in a room with this misguided lawyer to discuss further. I would like to find out where his/her information is coming from. I can assure you it's based on a pure rant nothing more.  
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908504 tn?1269103899
What is your point by leaving such stupid  comments on this board?. Do you have a medical degree? You cause lots of mental anguish with your nonesense. Please people dont listen to her/him. What I did notice is you were not writing from your own experience. Please go away and leave us in peace.
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Your post reminded me that it has been a few years since I had another revisit regarding my issues.  I guess I will do this in the new year.
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975514 tn?1324997938
I think patsy10 is right. A Fibromyalgia diagnosis, in my experience, has allowed some of my doctors to give up looking for other underlying reasons why I may be experiencing my symptoms, which is frustrating. This could be what Crambone is trying to express.

In some cases, for some people, an incorrect Fibromyalgia diagnosis that is not revisited once every couple of years can be dangerous (like patsy10 with her lyme). Also, many of us have a strong background of autoimmune illnesses in our families. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis on one side of my family and autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's and Grave's) on the other side.

Since I am so young with symptoms and a Fibromyalgia diagnosis, it is up to me to be my own best advocate and make sure my doctors continue to test me for these genetic diseases that I am predisposed to develop. Ensuring that doctors are making the correct diagnosis and continue to monitor us is key. This is just my perspective on the topic.
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I think what Crambone is trying to say is that there is an actual disease process going on that is causing the symptoms and people are getting diagnosed with fibro because doctors just don't want to look for the real cause.  I happen to agree with this.  I live with constant pain and stiffness and  a host of other symptoms.  I exercise no matter how bad I feel, work and eat healthy for the most part.  For me it may possibly be lyme as I had a tick bite and bullseye rash before it all started.  I will never accept that this just popped up out of nowhere and will always try to find the real cause.
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Well obviously we have people here who have no clue what they are talking about!  Yes, mistakes in the medical field get made and doctors are lazy and money hungry.  We also have people out there that want to sit on their butt and collect Social Security instead of actually contribute to society.  So this is the fastest way to do it... hollar "Fibro"  So, please, Crambone what exactly is your medical background to make comments like "please,dont let all your aches and pains that do not go away with proper diat and exercise be written off as a phantom disease that doesnt exist.

I do exercise, I have never been lazy, I don't sit and pig out out on junk food, there is NO underlining reason that I hurt all the time OTHER than what you so blatently call phantom.   I also have done, as you say, lots of reseach.  This "Phantom" disease very much does exsist.  At least now when I "crawl" out of bed crying from the pain in the mornings, I know what the reason is.  However I refuse to do like so many do and let it get the best of me.  I still hold down two jobs while working on my MBA.
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Just curious, no comment or reply?  I'm sure you are very busy but we'd all like your feedback.........
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541953 tn?1262586226
disagree is not a strong enough word for how i feel, apparently you do not have fibromyalgia or you wouldnt make the statements you have. I would love to see your research. you couldnt be more wrong in your statements and have offended most people who have fibromyalgia...this forum is for those people to get help and support not to tell them they have some fantom disease.. I do not have MS or HIV, I have Fibromyalgia...if you have done your research you would know that it is nerve endings that do not rest, they are constantly active and that is what cause the pain...
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im curious as to your medical back round.......do you have a medical degree, or at least 8 years in medical training?? because I assure you I DO NOT have HIV/AIDS, and i DO have a medical back round AND happen to know that "night sweats" and "white spots" on the brain are caused by multiple things, and people with hiv/aids may not even experiance night sweats....

OH.......and FYI.............I have fibromyalgia......for real,
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I respectively disagree and agree with you. I meet so many people who say they have fibromyalgia and after talking with them, I realize they have extreme stress from financial problems or their diet is so appalling or their health is so out of control that they got a label/diagnosis called Fibromyalgia and it will follow them the rest of their lives. And as unfortunate as that they will take pills they don't need, stay in bed when they just need a change of diet or exercise or the ability to take care of their financial problems.

However I am one of those people you might have seen in court. I received $137,000.00 in a settlement.  I too have fibromyalgia.  I was diagnosed in 1992 when nobody really knew what it was, doctors, family, friends all looked at me with accusing looks, I even had doctors tell me I was bi-polar and depressed.  I was never bi-polar and I was depressed because my body ached all over and I felt like I had the flu 7 days a week, I was 30 years old.  I was making $95,000 when I had to walk away from career as a result of the car accident and Fibromyalgia being so out of control from the CAR ACCIDENT.
Then years later when I received this large settlement you might not think I deserved when I was injured in a car accident.  I ruptured 3 discs in my cervical area.  I had 2 surgeries, one of which was a fusion. My life has not been the same since. I can't turn my head to talk without getting a migraine, I can't grocery shop and look side to side without getting dizzy.  Then 1 year later I was hit again from behind, I had a 3rd cervical surgery.  One year later I ended up having my entire lumbar fused.  I believe it was all the injury and surgeries to my cervical area caused so much trauma to my spine.  

So when you say there are always "underlying" conditions you are correct but understand that a majority of Fibromyalgia suffers know the difference between underlying conditions and their Fibro pain.  I was very able to distinguish between disc/nerve pain and FM pain.  
During the court case attorneys on the other side who fought like well I won't use the words on this website, everyone is too nice here to hear that language.  But they accused me of having Fibro pain and wanting money for the accident.  CT, MRI scans showed my pain was disc, nerve ruptures exactly at the area I described after the accident.  In each case I was exactly right on in my description of my pain.  Now after the 2 accidents and 5 surgeries my Fibromyalgia pain was so out of control, it took me 3.5 years to get it under control.   The 3.5 years of pain I experienced on top of the 5 surgeries were a result of 2 car accidents thus the settlement that doesn't come close to my medical bills, my lost income or the toll it's taken on my husband health and my children's lives.  Not to mention my Mother died while i was 3000 miles away suffering from one of the surgeries.  The settlement doesn't come close to covering my suffering.

And I can assure you I do not have HIV. Perhaps you have more experience with that.

If you had any real information about FM which I am assuming you have none referring to it's symptoms as HIV,  20 years ago mothers, and even fathers, brothers, sisters suffered with so many symptoms of FIBROMYALGIA but it was called other things.  Things I won't go in to because I can also tell by your post you don't really want to know.  However it's been around much longer than 20 years, it's just been called different things.  

Now I can see more clearly what I was up against in my court cases.  Very sad that somebody with as much education as you must have can't take the time to research something prior to speaking about it.  
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I gave up trying to find out too.  All my tests come back negative.  I believe my problems are probably related to Lyme disease as it all started after the classic lyme bullseye rash.
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475300 tn?1312423126
I had night sweats and swollen lymph nodes and after about 15 years I was finally diagnosed with Hepatitis C.  I treated with interferon and ribavairin and then I felt like the truck ran over me and stopped on top.  It has been 2 years since treatment nd the pain has gotten worse and worse.  I do not still have live virus in my blood which means I cleared so that is not the cause.

I have been tested for everything under the sun and finally went to a rheumie.  There are 18 pressure points to diagnose fibro, 11 of which about made me scream.  My diagnosis is fibro.

Oh, I am somewhat new here and did not mean to highjack the thread.

GSDgirl (German Shepherd Dog girl)
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Funny you should mention TB.

I had the weight loss, actually still under weight. 5'2 99lbs, and STILL have the night sweats. All the doctors tell me it is not normal, but they can't tell me why. I had lost about 30lbs within a years time, without trying...Went from size 8 jeans to 0 (currently wear 0-1 now) within two years.

I had a skin TB test done, and it came back borderline positive, then the dr. did a new blood test for TB and it came back negative.

I still get the night sweats and have unexplained swollen lymph nodes in the groin area, but they can' t tell me why. I did test positive for EBV, but not much on that.  

All they tell me is "something is wrong, but we don't know what". I finally resigned myself  to the fact that this is how my body is made.
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I couldn't agree more!  Though  night sweats and weight loss are associated with other infectious diseases such as Lyme disease, TB and others.  Not just HIV.
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Thyroid is a tricky little thing. If they don't run the correct tests you will suffer needlessly. You need a good ENDO who treat your symptoms, not your labs.

Honestly, the way I handle my body pain because I like you, feel like I was run over by a truck or just ran a ten mile race all up hill...I just pray every day, every moment for God to help me handle the pain & accept it as part of my body.

Although I have to admit, I don't have any where near the pain ALOT of fibro people have. Fatigue is not at all a problem for me.

I don't tell any doctor I am seeing that I was once told I had fibromyalgia, because the minute you tell them that, they stop looking for the cause of your pain.

Now, I do believe that my body is this way because that is just how I was made. I am a weird one, a freak of nature as my husband calls it.

In my opinion a lot of my issues stemmed from being untreated, misdiagnosed with graves disease for six months, hit two thyroid storms before having a TT. I think that did a number on my body..

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So what do you do when all the sudden you feel like you have been hit by a train, NO energy, muscle pain all over, nerve pain, I mean just a year ago I felt great, it's like I woke up with this and I'm only 46 yrs old, but something is definitely wrong and I truly bellieve it is my thyroid, it is common over 40 yrs old to have some thyroid issues, but my thyroid is normal according to doctors, I do have arthritis in many joints, but that's because i was so active and hard on my body as far as exercise, gymnastics, running, but I have more aches and pains and fatigue than my 70 yr old mother and she isn't active at all and has high blood pressure and high cholesterol? Go figure!
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