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Degestive issues, symptoms all over the map, need help determineing.

Hi, I'm posting this again with a title people are more likely to reply to. Here is a list of all of my symptoms.

Some of these may not be symptoms, but I thought they were worth mentioning just in case.

Anyway, I went to the gastro yesterday and got a IBS blood test (Could someone explain this test in more detail? I think he said it rules out IBDs) and he plans on doing a sigmoidoscopy.  Also going to an Endrocrine specialist tomorrow for blood work (I have turners and hypothyroid) And went to a urologist yesterday as well, he checked to see if my bladder was retaining, (It wasn't) and  requested some tests for kidney function. My last round of blood tests was in January and everything was normal. I have a few questions for you guys though: I noticed red in my stool again, but I had a lot of Chili yesterday and a slice of pizza. Should I assume this was tomato sauce? And should I be concerned about the bleeding giving the abdominal pain? It did feel muscular more then anything else. The gastro didnt seem to be. Do I need to go to the ER? I feel fine and the pain was weeks ago and no bleeding occured at the time.  I really don't feel like I need to go to the ER, but I need to put this at rest. What test should I request after the sigmoidoscopy?
Other symptoms.

Pain Under my rib on my left side on and off for a week. Probably a 3 on the pain scale.
Mark on rear end, (This seemed worth mentioning in case it's related to IBD.)

Urinary symptoms

Trouble starting flow. It seems to take a second or two to start. As far as I can tell this has been going on for a few weeks.

Going slightly more then normal. Or rather, going at very regular intervials. I.E: 3 times in 3 hours and then not for another 3 or 4 hours.

Foam and bubbles in urine. Can't be sure exactly when this started, but I'd say around the same time as I started going to the bathroom at night. Though it's possible there have been a few air bubbles for awhile now.

It occurs once or twice a day.

Going 1-2 times during bed time, usually around 4:00am. This has been occuring for about 2 weeks now.

Urine during bowel movements. Sometimes multiple times. I increased my fluid intake for awhile. But have decreased it again and am trying not to drink before bed time.

Blood with a sort of brown discharge mixed in which my mom thought was menstrual brake through. I also think this occured a week or two ago.

Pale Urine, I don't really think this is relevent as I think it's probably due to hydration.

Digestive symptoms

Mucus passed from anus during urination and also during an attempt to have a bowel movement. This mucus apperead to be clear and It seemed as though there might be blood mixed in. And there definitely seemed to be fecal matter mixed in.

Dark areas on stool. I think this is probably nothing, but I wanted to mention it. It happens from time to time. One time it was very dark streaks that were almost black, but I was when I was menstrating and attributed it to that.
I don't think I've ever passed a completely dark stool. But it's hard to say.

Bright red blood on toliet paper and possibly on stool. It seems slightly darker when on the stool, but I think I'd still classify it as bright red.
This symptom is unfortunately something that has been going on for awhile. So I can't be sure when it started. I'd say around the time I was 12.
This sometimes occurs when I wipe myself too hard, rather then directly after the bowel movement

Pale stool. Again I don't know when this started, but It doesn't seem to occur that often.

Diarrhia. Sometimes just lose stools, sometimes close to liquid. It tends to improve by the next bowel movement but seems to return in a few days.

Constipation, generally the kind where stool comes out in pieces and there is straining.

A need to returning to the toilet that tends to occur as I'm wiping myself.

Black flecks on stool and obvious Food debris in stool and on toliet paper as well as white stringy matter in my stool.

Anal pain after bowl movement. This does not occur frequently, but when it did it lasted for about an hour or so and the following day I noticed blood after a bowel movement.

Anal iching.

Gas. I was wondering if the tablets I'm taking could be increaseing this?


Floating stools. This seems to happen mostly when the stool is in small pieces. It doesn't happen often.
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Thanks Gregg! You're Awesome! :)
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I think I can briefly explain what is going on with you.  Turner's can cause hypothyroid and kidney problems.  The foam in your urine can sometimes mean a problem with the kidneys.  So, your kidneys of course need to be checked out, in case that is becoming an issue for you.

People who are hypothyroid, which you said you were, often can get constipated.  You are being treated for your thyroid, but still, that is probably what that situation is.  Now, if you get constipated a lot, you can sometimes wind up with hemorrhoids.  Those are swollen tissues from straining that hurt and bleed if hard waste goes by them.  THAT is what would cause the bright red blood you see when you go to the bathroom.  In addition, if you have hemorrhoids, they DO itch, and if you'll get some PLAIN KY jelly from the drugstore, and after every time you shower, put that stuff on there, it'll ease that problem.  Also, having a lot of waste stuck in the lower part of your bowel will cause urination differences you have.

Constipation can cause the irregular timed bowel movements you've been having, too.  And it can make that mucous come out, because that's automatically created in the intestines to assist in getting waste to move through, a normal process.  There are medicines to help with constipation, and also a few changes in daily habits might help it, also.  Those are:  Drinking extra water, exercising daily to where you break a sweat (very important), and eating enough fiber foods will also help prevent constipation.  Hope some of what I've said helps you understand what is happening to yourself, not to worry, lots of folks have some wild digestive issues.  Let the docs do their job, and since you now have some idea what's going on, hopefully you can begin to distract yourself with creative activities, like music and art, so you won't focus down too hard on yourself; rather focus hard on positive and fun pursuits.
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Gah! I always forget something, I had a two rectal exams,(one by a gp and the other by the Gastro) The gastro said I had a skin tag, and the GP found hemorrhoids. The other test I've had done was a Celiac panel which came out negative. Also, the Gastro said that the Tablets he perscribed me would account for the belching..  I really feel like I need to put all these issue to rest, it's making me paranoid and getting in the way of my day to day function. Also, I'm on my parents health insurance and my mom and dad are getting very frustrated with my paranoia. We've been in and out of the Dr's since December.  
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