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What could this be?

Hello all

I'm a 26 year old male just looking for some advice on what could be causing my issue.

Since January this year I've developed left stomach ache which goes to my left back behind the shoulderblade, I've had a camera in my stomach to which they found some irritation, I did start drinking a lot of strong coffees since November last year. Since then my stools went tempory pale but are now almost normal colour. I've now developed an itch which starts when ever I eat, it starts behind my shoulder blade then moves around my whole body, I've had blood tests and urine tests, all came back ok, when searching on goggle pancreatic cancer comes up every time, it's starting to really scare me and with this anxiety is stopping me live my daily life. I most also note I have a ultra sound on Monday, has anyone got any advice what this could be?

Thank you
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Have you also been evaluated for IgE or other food intolerances? If you get itchy it could suggest an IgE-mediated allergy to foods you're taking in, and those allergies could also cause stomach discomfort. When the EGD was done, were biopsies taken of the stomach and other portions of the GI tract to see if there were any 'happenings' below the surface lining? There can be things going on at a deeper tissue level that may not be seen at the surface. It can be difficult for a doc to justify biopsies to an insurance company, but they should be done.
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Yes biopsies have been done, all they could find was irritation. I have not been evaluated for food tho
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Hi just wondering how ultrasoiund went today? I am having some issues with my stomach and left pain too...i had ultrasound, EGD (scope down throat into stomach), bloodwork, etc only thing was gastritis and esopaghitis neither very severe but waiting on the biposies (for confirmation, plus h pylori test and celiac test) i also had some stoll samples that were negative...
my symptoms have been for about a month and have changed all over the place...i also have anxiety bad.
started with fatigue for a couple days
went on to a virus (bad sore throat for a few days then a cold for a couple more days along with upset stoamch bloating stool changes and pretty intense gnawing pain in upper abdomen (right where the stomach is)
i had no appetite and felt esp nauseous in the morning. before this started i had been having pretty bad anxiety fro a few days about something else (i had had rectal bleeding from internal hemorrhoids for like a year and tailbone pain so i was certain i had a rectal tumor...i was checked i was fine...The MRI i had of sacrum/coccyx was last year but i called and had them confirm for sure there was nothinig there and now they want me to do physical therapy becasue i had started having some nerve issues with it...so when this started with the GI i stuff i panicked and got a sigmoidoscopy (this march) even though i had a normal colonoscopy in 2011 (& theyre usually onyl done every 10 years...soo anyway my scare of rectal tumor went away!! but the nausea fatigue no app continued which has led to weight loss...11lbs since this started a month ago....it s the left sided back pain now thats got me goign crazy!!! its been pretty bad at times but it moves like right and left and central and mid back and upper to shoulder blades. its been quite often mid to left spien though in the lower thoracic region...ive been freaking out about pancreatic cancer too...im 25 yr old female. i knwo the risk is so small but symptoms are present. my pancreatic blood work was normal and so was ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis but i know theyre not totally reliable for the pancreas. i have bad anxiety i was hoping i could blame it on that but i dunno. the pain is totally gone when i lay down adn sleep though its weird. i am getting an abdominal cat scan in the morning and am freaking out. i want to feel better but this cannot be cancer!!!! Please let me know how your tests went. my stools are not pale but are different then usual and my fecal fat test was neagtive but since that test last week my stools have floated some. they are brown/orange and formed but softer than usual. (TMI sry!) but the way my eating habits have changed i do expect a change in bowel movements. some websites people have complained of back pain with gastritis but i dunno. im praying the back pain is from anxiety and i just have gastritis issues right now! or maybe how ive been sitting due to focusing on my stomach. i started prilosec last week and stomach pain is gone and appetite is improving somewhat. i notice wehn i get really anxious the back pain gets worse. but it isnt directly correlated with my anxidety/thinking about it. ahhh Im just praying and prayiong and have even cried
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I don't have the results yet, will post results when I get them :)
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