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Extreme gas, related to anxiety???

-protip, The gas is the only thing i really want gone the most  ive tryed things like gas-x to no sucess (xanax works, but i am not prescribed them)

Hi, im 17 years old, ive had this problem for about 3-5 years now, not so sure how long its been i dont feel like doing the math, but its been since i was in eighth grade. I can rememberf the day like it was yesterday, i was sitting in health class and all of the sudden i started getting this gas that i couldnt stop, not loud like obvious farts, just like silent slow seeping gas, that i cant seem to stop no matter how hard i try. This happens when im around people (especially girls) , like if i have to sit infront of people in class or something it gets really bad, This is so terrible to have at my age, i feel as if im being robbed of my Golden years. I was really popular and had alot of friends before feeling this and now its like nobody even remembers me, I have dropped out of school because of this and its really destroying my life, ive been to gastro doctors and had blood tests and all of that, they tell me im normal, besides and ulcer or something in my stomach, which they say shouldnt cause the gas.   Thid happens EVERYDAY, im tired of it, sometimes i think about what my life would be like had i never gotten this sickness, disease. I AM NOT A DRUG ADDICT, but just as a test i took a xanax from a friend to see if it was anxiety, and guess what...... The gas stopped when i took it. I dont understand how this can happen, Is it all in my mind???? am i going crazy??? sometimes i have to ask myself these questions.    I had a hard childhood and i was for the most part normal until that day in 8th grade. I get real nervous when im about to go out or something with my friend because I KNOW IT WILL HAPPEN, this is the worst feeling. It makes you feel as if your friend dont want to hangout with you or something just cause you have it, and i also feel guilty being around them because lets be honest who wants to sniff a fart all day. Over the past years i found myself hiding in my room trying to stay away from civilazation because i DONT want to be the stinky kid, and ruin my whole reputation over something i didnt ask for...... Sometimes i wonder why god would do this to me, Is he trying to teach me a lesson??? sometimes this makes me even question if there is a god, i beg him for a cure or help Often and he never answers back, i mean if god is real how could he do this to me, Ive never done anything to deserve this, in fact my whole life for the most part has been crap so he should give me a break. Anyhow this isnt a religious site so ill stick to topic and explain more in depth what i feel when this goes on, because ive been trying to analyze it more and more over the years tyo understand and hopefully try to conqour. When this is going on sometimes i feel a burning in the middle of my chest, almost as if something is evaporating in my stomach and i can feel it.  I find myself Yawning alot when im not even tired. I cannot sit anywhere around people, My butt feels so unconfortable, Anywhere, no matter how conforable the chair i still get this gas around people and i dont understand.  Sometimes i try to burp to see if it calms the gas from coming out the stinky end, ..........No help.....   it still happens   -    I noticed the musle in my chest are a little bit uneven, i dont know if this has anything to do with it   -    Sometimes, i get a really sharp "eletric" type shock feeling in my left shoulder blade.        Sometimes when im sitting and the gas starts and i try to reposition the way im sitting it helps the gas a little.    The gas does not happen as much whem im standing.   or behind people, like if im sitting in the back of the class, or back of the bus, then again sometimes it doesnt stop if people are near me.  When someone is behind my back or something real close too me is when it REALLY kicks in, like if im sitting front seat of a car and someone is behind me, OMG id rather just not be there, then have to feel the way i do when im in the situation, which is why i mostly try to stay away from people, and why i dropped out of school..i am for the most part healthy, 17 year old male, 130 lbs.   i just dont understand how or why this would happen to someone like me, the way i was living, i was a legend where i lived, everybody loved me, and it just started taking over my mind... I just want some answers, some help already please.  When i have to poop it gets alot worse , the gas is alot  more abundant and id image its more smelly, but hers another weird thing that i dont understand


My doctors are useless, they refer me to different doctors and tell me nothing is wrong i am fine.
I went to a shrink for about 2 visits and decided i didnt want to go anymore just because it felt unconfortable Talking to some lady about my life, Like what does she know its not like she is living with this disease, or overcame it

Also there is mental symptoms, im not sure if its because of the gas, or the gas is because of the mental problems, but sometimes i feel afraid to say stuff, and i just feel not myself, i find myself thinking in my head alot of the time im around people and feeling awkwardly unconfortable. The best way i can su this up is its like im fighting for control of my brain, my brain just wants to focus on the gas and what other people are thinking while verything around me goes on with life, im just left sitting there quiet thinking about what im feeling right now.  The hiding away from people because of my gas is hard, sometimes i feel like it doesnt help but just worsens it because then i have less human interactiong, but i really dont want people to see me like this, its like my life has been one constant stress since i got this and i beleive its going to make me die young, Stress is no good for the body and thats all i know anymore is stress and pain, because i dont ever feel happy or excited about anything because i know my stomach is going to act up everywhere i go and ruin the mood.

Its funny how i looked at life before this, I couldnt understand how such small things could have such big reprecussions until this happened to me, like some people dont chose their lifestyle and some things are just brought unto them. This has helped me alot become a more passive person, and understand peoples struggles, like before you might find me once in a while making fun of someone becaue the way they smell or look but now that i have this problem its like WOW maybe they didnt choose it, so now i very rarely/never judge people, thats one of the only ways this has helped me.   It has sucked the life out of me literally, i dont even feel like me anymore, the old Kyle i knew is long gone i think to myself,          

And i wonder will this ever go away .....

I plan to join the marines in a couple years, and i dont know how that experience will be with this going on, i dont know if i have the will power to make it. Peoples thoughts about me really get to me,  Like  if i did join the marines owuld they know me as the STINKY marine????  or would they think of me as one of them, a normal guy just trying to make it.  Sometimes i feel like the gas makes people think i  Pooped myself or something, thi is hard because Ive never talked to any of my friends or anything about this...... They know it happens as well as i, but we've just never talked about it, it would be a very awkward and unconfortable moment, But sometimes i jsut want to let them know, "Its only gas guys and something is wrong with my stomach, or better yet my mind......blah...blah...blah"      but i can never seem to find the balls to do it.
43 Responses
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hi everybody....I have exactly the same problem. I just found something that might be a solution for us! The panties that absorb odour! The brand is called myShreddies ...they have great reviews on website. So I ordered them and I hope it will work!!!
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I have a harmless suggestion which I think will fix you in 3 to 10 days.
Stop eating plant based foods for a week or two.
See carnivore diet on youtube for example. Or just eat grassfed beef, or just cooked eggs for a week or two.

You gas should stop after a few days permanently.
Then you can add in plant based foods slowly.

This is harmless for shortterm according to many people, and takes effort for you to try.
My the winds be favorable for you (sorry).
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Hi, guys,
I have been suffering from the same symptoms for about 20 years and I would like to share a few things with you. The subject is a little complex, but I'll try to be concise.

First, we can observe a pattern in our "illness":
- It suddenly started during class, when we were sorrounded by people, unable to leave the room and when we were teenagers or preteens;
- it's uncontrollable;
- we can't smell it;
- it gets worse when we are sit, or when people get behind us, or we feel trapped somewhere with people;
- it gets a lot stronger under socially stressful situations;
- we feel overwhelmed and want to flee as soon as possible;
- it increases when we feel it's time to go to the bathroom;
- we have gone to several doctors and there is no physical explanation;
- it is destroying our social lives.
I would add a new one for guys:
- it ceases or diminishes a lot when we are sexually aroused.

If you have gone to the doctor and found that nothing seemed wrong, that's because the symptoms are totally psychological. Although you can deny it and still look for a physical explanation, take a look at the pattern. Deep down, you know there is a psychological component triggering everything.

Now, why this is happening:
(I did not come up with this, it's Freud's discoveries - see his preliminary works and his studies in hysteria)
When something happens in our lives, the energy of the feeling and the memory attached to the event connects with several other memories in our mind and this energy normally dissipates by its own during this process of association. HOWEVER, when something unbearable happens to us, we try to push the memory out of our conciousness and the feeling, with its energy, gets detached from the memory and connects to the physical organ that symbolizes the event that we tried to forget.

To sum up: something happened, your personality cannot handle it, it prompts a conflict inside your mind, you try hard to forget it, the memory gets isolated in your mind and starts symptoms in your body. Those symptons are a perfect substitution to the original event itself and are a REMEMORIZATION of the original event and its associated feelings. That is, you are reliving everything that you tried to forget.

This is the definition of trauma, and somatophorme disorder (or somatization).

Additionally, over time, you start isolating yourself from others. Feeling lonely modifies your perception of how people see you (you tend to interpret everything people do as rejection or an attack), you get in a fight-or-flight mode, and everything gets worse (look for the "Loneliness" video by Kurzgesagt on Youtube that explains this).

What seems to be the solution for it:
Psychotherapy, psychoanalysis or a psychiatric approach.
You have to remember the original event, bring the associated feeling back to the surface, and talk about it with your therapist as if it were happening at the moment. If you don't bring it up that vividly, the symptoms won't go away.
It is not a easy road since it is very common that you can't tell what is the thing you tried to forget (sometimes, we actually "forgot" it and Freud used to access it through hipnoses in the beginning of his research. Later, he took the path of the conventional psychoanalysis we know today - the free association method). So, you have to be persistent, be patient and go for it. You may find out that it is your personality that is not healthy (and couldn't cope with the event) and it is a signal from your body that you need to change it to be happy.

I also suggest that you get theatre classes so you get back to the road of connecting to others, feeling that you are safe and part of a group, and to start turning down your defensive mode.

I encourage you to research about hysteria, somatization, anxiety disorder, psychoanalysis, and read the other books mentioned on the "loneliness" video I told you before.

Guys, I have had it since high school. I have gone through high school, college, work, social events, travels, etc. I have faced mean smirks, humiliation, comments, etc. But I survived, I have a financially stable life, have friends and sometimes have someone to date. It's not easy, neither the end of the world.

Do not make a single concession to this illness. Do not let it take you. Don't drop school, don't keep yourself from going to college! It is already very difficult to bear it, don't make it worse by giving yourself up to it and destroying your future! We have to fight because there is no other choice. If you can, try to work out or practice exercises, it boosts your self esteem.

If you want to talk about this, please leave me a message in the inbox. I will be pleased to help.
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Hello everyone,  i've been having these symptoms since 7th grade or so. As i'm writing this i'll try to pick on the little details focusing more on the experience that i've had with constant chronic flatulence though various situations in life rather than treatments, consultations, pills, doctors.

Let me be honest, I don't think i've done proper due diligence as i've never fully committed to a specific diet, or I simply was too lazy to exclude various foods, as well as trying (Foomaps/testing for lactose intolerance/breath tests etc) Many years back all I've done was a colonoscopy, and the results came back as normal with the exception that I had a rather long intestine, all that the gastro medic suggested was something like flatulence pills combined with the charcoal ones, and sent me to therapy and prescribed me antidepressants. Cool right?

So let me dive in into the sad story that is my life. Way back when I was just a kid living in the countryside I swear I was the happiest guy around, nothing would get me down, there was a sense of freedom that has been lost over the years. Before something was triggered in me, for the life of me I can't recall a single bad memory that had anything to do with flatulence, not a single one, I mean i'm sure I farted but was so rare that I never thought anything of it. At most all I had was some serious tummy pains with trapped gas that my father would massage.

One day all changed, roughly in 7th grade (can't be sure but it was around that time) all of a sudden something changed,  I was having constant flatulence on a chronic level. I very quickly realised that anxiety and stress were heavily correlated, when feeling anxious the symptoms were heavily aggravated. I don't think I ever was a great student as far as grades go, but at least I was able to focus on the lecture without that little voice that now is lodged in the back of my brain constantly reminding me, "you're going to fart". So now it was getting to the point where I wasn't able to arrive at school and go straight to class without going to the bathroom, I could wake up just fine, not feel the need to go to the bathroom nor pass gas at home, eat my breakfast take my ride to school, but as soon as I arrived, I started to feel discomfort, the need to pass gas and I couldn't go to the classroom without going to the toilet, and for the most part helped just a bit but not nearly enough nor for long. Then I was pushing friends away unconsciously, speaking less and less to them and in classes I was no longer able to sit next to anyone nor in front of the classroom, with every chance I got i'd pick the corner table in the back of the room isolated from everyone else. If someone was sitting next to me the situation would aggravate ten fold, not able at all to focus on what the teacher was saying as if my head was underwater and all I heard was a distant voice. I'd get palm and *** crack sweats, hot/cold flashes with that feeling of going that I was going to faint, from the serious clutching not to pass gas.

I've also noticed that when sitting down everything worsens, or just by being next to a girl, closed and small places in silence are the worse, it's almost guaranteed that the symptoms are going to pop up even though I might have been having a good day thus far. Here's what really bothers me, altho the need to pass gas is still there but in diminished frequency, when i'm outside and start walking in the streets, for the most part I just feel better...
During high school , I remember having supplementary physical chemistry classes to boost my grades, in the tinniest quietest room surrounded by colleagues, I don't think I ever attended a single class without going to the toiled before hand, I remember as it was today, how sweaty I was, trembling, heart pounding, hot flashes and if it wasn't flatulence it was really loud gas noises rumbling near the anus, i've never felt so trapped in my whole life.

So finishing high school was stressful enough, I've skipped classes multiple times, but I powered through it and finished it. I would have loved to to have gone to the University, but I honestly didn't had any strength left to attend it for the next 4 years and power through it all over again. Things like taking the drivers license, honestly wasn't as bad as I was expecting, I suppose I really had to be focused on driving and trying no to crash the car to worry about the rest, but still I delayed it for YEARS just out of fear, took me year to gather the courage to take the lessons. To this day i've only worked one traditional job, that provided me with tons of space, surrounded by noise, and not so many people. As you can imagine that really had me stress free, the work was hard, the schedule was awful, the pay was bad. I just didn't care about anyone of that, I had a purpose, I was keeping busy, and symptoms where non existent as I was constantly moving and not thinking about it. All that came to an end eventually, gladly i'm making a decent living for the time being from home, but you know what, grass is alway greener on the other side, doesn't matter how much I accomplish in life, i've never been so depressed, as i'm just alone at all times there's really a need for human connection.

I can't remember the last time that I went to the movies with someone, had dinner with someone in a quiet place, even when friends ask me to go out I try to dodge it even though deep down i'd love to go. Also it doesn't really help that i'm as introvert as I am, due to all this, over the years i've lost all my social skills, I can't hold a conversation even if my life depended on it, I just really don't know what to say or how to relate so I Just stand there with my mouth shut. I've also never had a chance to find myself a significant other that I could entrust with my issues, what I wouldn't give for someone that could relate to me, and enjoy the little things in life. Everything else that i've done in life doesn't matter at all, what I wouldn't give for a reset button and the ability to fully experience life without this weighing me down.

I'm nothing but an empty shell, i'm not the person that I was meant to become.
If you are suffering and need a friend, you'll find one in me.
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Hi guys, perhaps I may be able to help a little here.

I am not giving you the answer, you will have to research this yourself, but I am going to give you a good idea of where to look.

We are starting with our own  bodies nervous system. We have the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and the spine, we are not concerned about this.

The PNS is the nervous system that covers the rest of your body, the peripheral areas. Unfortunately I can’t add any diagrams or illustrations of this, but it’s all on the web. The PNS is divided in to 2 parts, the Somatic Nervous System and the Autonomic Nervous System. The Somatic system is a system we are in control of , like muscle movement etc. The Autonomic Nervous System is one that we do not control, example, you do not tell yourself to breathe, your heart to beat, or your stomach to digest.

It is this Autonomic System that we are concerned with here. The ANS is again divided into 2 parts, the Sympathetic Division and the Parasympathetic Division. These 2 divisions have opposite tasks to each other, the Parasympathetic Division is responsible for your relaxation mode, whereas the Sympathetic Division is responsible for your survival, the fight and flight mode.

The Parasympathetic Division is responsible for, amongst many other things, the relaxation of your heart, it slows the beat down, it also restricts air flow to your lungs (you don’t need to breathe deep when resting). It relaxes your digestive system and allows you to do your normal bodily functions. The Sympathetic Division is responsible for dilating your pupils, increasing lung capacity, increasing heart rate, stopping bodily functions, so that you can fight or run away, for self preservation.

The longest nerve of the Autonomic Nervous System is called the VAGUS nerve, known as the wandering nerve, due to it’s length., and it is this nerve that we are looking at.

Surprise, surprise, this VAGUS nerve’s main functions include amongst others, controlling of the heart, the lungs, and of course, the digestive system.

Palpitations, Tightening of the Chest, Stomach issues are all related to the stimulation of this nerve. I guess by now you might have realised your body is in fight and flight mode more than it is in relaxation mode.

But why? Our modern ways of living perhaps, is causing confusion with this system, causing the Sympathetic Division to be over stimulated. As the System is Autonomic, or automatic, this means that we cannot just switch it off. Apparently however, there are various things we can do to stimulate this nerve, to help it work properly. I say apparently, because I too have been suffering with these symptoms since the beginning of this year. I too, have completely changed my diet, cutting out wheat, bread, milk, sugar, etc, with very little results.

Yesterday when I was finishing a swim I happened to start talking to an artist who was painting on the beach. We got talking about stress, anxiety and stomach issues. She pointed me to this Vagus Nerve, and I have researched it. I have tried one of the breathing techniques, and things are starting to improve. I doubt there will be an overnight solution, but time is on our side here. So research it with me, and post the results. There are many different techniques available to use I see. Find the ones that work for you.

VNS - Vagus Nerve Stimulation is what we are looking for. VNS seems to have 2 avenues, 1 for epilepsy which involves medical implants, we are not concerned with this. The other is Self Help VNS. YouTube videos, Sally Gray, she seems to have many ideas that could help us.

Good luck guys, persistence always yields results.
Post your experiences here.

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this started happening to me six months ago; it’s not the smell I’m worried about; the noise. I get nervous; I get gassy; which in turn, leads me to get more nervous about making a loud fart noise in front of everyone; which in turn makes me more gassy; and it goes on. I can’t focus on school, my tests and exams, or anything in school to be honest. This is a horrible condition...
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I know how u feel the same thing goes for me I am in high school and I am trying my best to find a cure
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Has anyone here actually smelt the gas or is it just paranoia?
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crazy cause i thought i was the only one who struggled with this.
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Its crazy that I have found that other people were struggling with this issue after struggling with it so long. Activated charcoal tablets have helped me allot. Make sure to drink plenty of water with them because they will pull water from your body as well as the gas. Chamomile capsules help as well.
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I’m having the same problem I was diagnosed with anxiety in December and exactly what you described is happening to me it’s also ruining my life I’m 13 female if you have found a cure please help !
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I also have the same problem. My gas started 2 years ago. I have been dealing with it ever since. Dietary changes help as well as baking soda water. Those were the best for me, but they did not completely get rid of my gas. Some over the counter anti-anxiety pills helped as well. They only helped me for so long though. If anyone has any better solutions or tips please tell me as well.
Have a blessed day.
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I am currently trying probiotics and cutting a lot of the sugar in my diet. I will post another comment if i notice any real and lasting changes.
Have a blessed day
The results of are better. I did not have as much gas as normal. The gas came out more as a big fart than as constant small ones. The frequency was lower as well. The terrible smell remained unfortunately. The person around me had the usual reaction to the smell ie watery eyes etc. There was less if a constipated feeling as well. Keeping a calm and cool head helped to. I should mention I drank no soda before going out. As soon as I drank some I began to have lots more uncontrollable gas. Basically I feel that the probiotics helped, but the nervousness needs to be dealt with for the gas to go away. I suggest focusing on one thing.
I just wanted to give an update. Recently I was out and about in public. My gas did not act up. All I can say is have faith in the Lord Jesus. I have tried doctors, laxatives, probiotics, and etc. None of them worked to the effect I wanted, and the results did not last. I prayed for no anxiety and gas. While I was outside, I got zero dirty looks, zero comments about being gassy/smelly, zero people leaving my vicinity, and etc. The whole time I was calm, and I kept my mind from thinking about the gas and fear of it. I kept myself busy, but I mainly just trusted in the Lord. Take deep breaths and focus on your objective.
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I have the same problem and I want to share and support other people who are going through this. It gives me stress every single day and I don't know what to do about it. Please reply to me if you want to talk to me about it!
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Hi I have this problem too. I have never ever talked to someone about it. I mean I tried to tell my parents, but they were like ..you should eat more healthy, you should not drink alcohol at all...and so on....so they didnt seem to want to get it,  that it was psychosomatic. So it can be good to talk to someone who has the same problem. Do you still want to talk about it? your comment was 2yrs ago ..
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i do hypnotherapy for ibs.  it helps about 90%
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I know the OP was made quite a while ago but I was just wondering if anyone has found a solution for this issue.

My anxiety started through the process of being diagnosed with IBD as I was frequently having to go to the toilet all the time. This obviously consumed my life for a long period of time until last October when I was told I am in remission. Since being in remission I have slowly started to gain control of my life again with the help of councilling a long side mindfulness classes and also the medication for my stomach I need. However I still have the constant anxiety of soiling myself or letting out gas, I have found my main issue is college as it is a pressurised environment and I am in the same class with the people every single day. The scary thing is how much it has effected my mind/thought process 70% of the time I am stressing about my tummy and if I am not stressing about my tummy which is very rare I will ruminate over things that are not involved within my life causing me even more anxiety.
(This is a very brief run through of my illness/anxiety)

So if anyone has found a solution for anxiety related gas and toilet habits please let me know.
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Wow, this was such a long time ago and I'm barely reading this because I'm concerned with my health and heavy farting. BTW I can't even burp. All in all I used to be like you all time in high school and especially in college.. very uncomfortable. In front of girls and next to a group of people. I believe that it has to do with social anxiety. For me though it was that I had very loud stomach noises going on and it was embarrassing and would get in the way of my studies and trying to pay attention in lectures I would sit all the way in the back of the class. But then again I always had some sort of social anxiety. Even when I thought everyone loved me but it was more that they adored the person that I was trying to be this hard working person in this society that we live in. I'm going of task with this a little even though you wrote this 7 years ago and probably will never see this. What I'm trying to say that it does have to do with the anxiety and pressures that you feel that rob you from enjoying life and have some pretty permanent damage. But what I've done to cope with it is to accept it. And not only that it is going to the root of my unhappiness. Thinking about the anxiety nonstop would only make the noises in my stomach worse! and that's because I was trying to prevent them. What I'm saying is that I'm learning to live with it. It's an accepting process. But the problem I'm not sure if it was my anxiety it was figuring out what caused the anxiety that was ******* with my damn intestines or all of my digestive system. I had to reflect on my life. I found that when I was in a relationship with a girl I did not completely feel comfortable. long story short I came out gay and that's probably you problem too xD that's the best I have. Because it's like why would you have such bad issues like trying to sit in the back trying to hide it. The more I accepted myself for who I am the happier I became and also the smell of my farts didn't smell so bad. It was on the days where I was in such denial that my pain would come back. What I'm saying is what are you hiding or what is the root of your issue causing you anxiety that is affecting your digestive system?
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I had this same problem for as long as I could remember. I went to every kind of doctor, they told me a was normal and that it could be anxiety. I didnt really believe them because I never felt anxious. I started skipping school and things got really bad. It was kind of destroying my life. I was forced to go to therapy and they recommended me to this nurse practitioner. She understood my problem and prescribed me Vyvans(ADHD medication). I dont have ADD or ADHD but somehow the part of the brain it targets is connected to my problem. When I take this medication(which lasts 12 hours usually) I have no problems no anxiety symptoms. To be honest some days it doesnt work, but 90% of the time it does. I can go to school now and have no problems and it is a huge relief. I hope this helps :)
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Actually overcome this problems one should do belly exercise weekly twice or daily once.streathen your intestine nerves and muscles can reduce this problems related to anxiety, do Breathing Exercise once a week or twice.Drink enough water before bed.sleep well at night atleast for 7-8 hours.
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Have you been tested for mercury toxicity? Mercury reacts with sulfurous foods and produces tons of gas in the intestine that in turn smells like sulfur. However it also causes major anxiety and neurological symptoms. There are two things you can do-
1. I recommend getting a hair minerals analysis done to measure mercury levels, and if you find out you are high in mercury then begin some sort of chelation protocol with a practitioner (the safest protocol out there now would be the one by Dr. Christopher Shade called Quicksilver Scientific)
2. Look up Andrew Cutlers high sulfur THIOLS list and avoid everything in that list for 7 days to see if that gas goes away. This is a test to see if you have a sulfur intolerance (if it goes away and if anxiety goes away, you are most likely mercury toxic).
Im a Nutritionist and all of my mercury toxic clients have this problem.

Remember mercury does not only come from eating fish, it also comes from dental fillings, batteries, vaccines, light bulbs and living near power plants and can also be passed down from your mother.

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I can totally realate to what your going through. Ever since I was 12 I've had this problem. I was bullied from when I started school because I was a quiet person and kids just had a go at me all the time and I think thats what started it. It was hard for me especially in exams because it was silent and I would all of a sudden feel sick. I would get all sweaty and nervous and my stomach would growl and make funny sounds. The kids at school would obviously notice because it was loud. It was so embarrassing the kids would laugh and to make matters worse I would end up failing the test because of this problem. Im almost 21 and I still am trying to overcome this problem. The memories of all of this has taken a toll on me.. Its comforting to know Im not the only one going through this..
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hey im in the 9th grade and ive found that distracting you mind and body help basically dont think about it too much too much and when im sitting in class and i cant get my mind off of it the i put my leg under my butt to put like a "pressure" to stop me from worrying and it help just know youll survive and yeah **** anxiety :)
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this helped me so much...

Im a 12 year old girl and have been having a problem with anxiety for almost two years. This year entering seventh grade i have the meanest science teacher and i always get the WORST anxiety in her class. i always have to fart and go to the bathroom.. she is rlly strict and i don't know how to deal with it. Ive been researching about it all day and have found myself just getting farty thinking about it... i just don't know what to do and don't want to go back to school because of anxiety!! I'm on break right now and am just lost. i know a lot of older people don't think its that important because I'm so young and it doesn't matter but it does!:( my palms get sweaty and my mouth gets dry. I have cried over this for so long and it feels great writing this down. i found this website to get answers so PLEASE PLEASE can u help me because its getting worse and I'm getting it in more of my classes now too... i hate dealing with this at a young age... it ***** so pls pls pls pls help me. i can't do this alone
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this helped me so much...

Im a 12 year old girl and have been having a problem with anxiety for almost two years. This year entering seventh grade i have the meanest science teacher and i always get the WORST anxiety in her class. i always have to fart and go to the bathroom.. she is rlly strict and i don't know how to deal with it. Ive been researching about it all day and have found myself just getting farty thinking about it... i just don't know what to do and don't want to go back to school because of anxiety!! I'm on break right now and am just lost. i know a lot of older people don't think its that important because I'm so young and it doesn't matter but it does!:( my palms get sweaty and my mouth gets dry. I have cried over this for so long and it feels great writing this down. i found this website to get answers so PLEASE PLEASE can u help me because its getting worse and I'm getting it in more of my classes now too... i hate dealing with this at a young age... it ***** af so pls pls pls pls help me. i can't do this alone
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It happens to me as well, all the time; I'm 17 and I've had this problem for around 3 years. I've literally tried everything : doctors, pills, I've changed my diet, I've skipped many meals and it don't stop. I can't say I'm the most popular girl at school but I hang out with many cool people and it's seriously ruining my reputation and my life, Because I know it may feel like nothing but it means the world to me, Everyone seems so happy/bored in class while I'm praying for it to finish. I know my friends know it but they won't tell me anything, they'll just tell me things like"wow I havent been to the bathroom in days! But I'm taking some pills blah blah blah" like GIRL I'VE TAKEN EVERY PILL AND IT DOESN'T F**** WORK!! I feel so sorry for me because deep down they just want to help me, even though I hear them talking about it all the time...I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this problem and I hope we all get to solve it soon. I just came to tell my experience but I'll be great if someone'd talk with me about it and support each other, greets !
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Hi if you want to talk to me about your condition please reply.
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Hey everyone.

Literally only just discovered this feed/post and I know OP posted a long time ago but this whole thing is me so much! I am 15 and was officially diagnosed with Social Anxiety (finally) about 5 months ago even though I've had anxiety since year 8/ early year 9 (don't know what that is in American system - sorry). I noticed the gas thing last year and IT ONLY SEEMS TO HAPPEN AT SCHOOL! I am so self-conscious about it. It doesn't affect my life as greatly as it seems to affect everyone else's on this website but it really affects my learning. About 70% of my time in lessons is spent on me focusing on the gas. I do relaxation techniques and receive therapy for my anxiety and I am so much better than I was a few months ago, but this gas thing is persistent. Doesn't seem hopeful that it will go away does it? If anyone knows of any medication other than the other discussed ones like Xanax please please share! I have my GCSE exams next year and I don't want to screw them up over gas!

A xx
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Hi , I have the same problem and am 15 also , if you want to talk I'm up for it.
I have the Same problem, Vyvans helped a lot.
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Hello there, I'm a 16 year girl and I have had a similar problem to you and it started in the 8th grade. I started to look up things on the Internet to give me a clue unto what I was feeling, then I came across your post a whileeee ago actually and I was so suprised that mostly everyone's extreme gas started around the 8th grade. My problem was THE SAME AS YOURS seriously, I would pass gas 24/7 and it made me more antisocial than I already was and my friends knew something was up cause I wouldn't like sitting near them and everything. However tho, recently God has truly changed my life. I always knew I had anxiety, but I never connected that it could be because of anxiety that I was getting SO MUCH GAS, so around half of this week I started to do what I thought the impossible: relax. I would be in class and I'll erase my mind and I'll stop looking around to see if anyone was smelling my gas or anything and I legit just FOCUSED I focused on work, I focused on what the teacher was say, I even just focused on thinking about a YouTube vid. God has cured me. I can honestly say that this whole time it has been a test to me. God wants us to stop being anxious, because knowing him is knowing PEACE. God has cured and it's still crazy for me to say that cause I've been dealing with this for so long but it's true and I just wanted to share. Also remember everyone that "anxiety in the brain is anxiety in the stomach" and also I wouldn't JUDGE ANYONE who has to take a Xanax to feel at peace and God bless you all.
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It's good to know I'm not alone in the world.

I'm 25 year old female and have had this problem since I was a teenager.
I also have food intolerances as I can't eat dairy or wheat and think this could have also been what started it.
Although I have changed my diet it still hasn't got rid of the gas.

I find it usually happens in places where there are lots of people or when I'm stressed or worried about something. An I find if someone is near me it's like I'm really aware and that causes me to get really anxious.

I haven't found a cure but I think all we can do is carry on our lives and pretend not to notice it, there's nothing else that we can do. So that is what I do I work and try to live as normal a life as possible.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.
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