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Movement in my stomach NOT pregnant

So I'm a 28 year old mother of 3...Have been on the IUD for about 3 years..Only meds I am taking are Phentermine 37.5mg overall good healthy, Do get migraine headaches every now and again...Few months back was taking acne pills..

Ok so that is a little medical history on me..NOW, my problem starts....I am having MOVEMENT like alot of movement in my stomach...I mean it feels like a baby REALLY...I mean I have had some off and on fluttering in my stomach for months maybe even a year or so..But the movement I'm experiencing now is more of a slow controlled movement.. Like say a small baby rolling over in your stomach or shifting places.. Oh and right under my right side ribcage I have pressure.. Doesn't hurt just some pressure like a baby's foot pressing ever so softly..Then it will stop and little while later it's there again..

I've even when out and bought a cheap O pregnancy test...All though I just starting my period.. Took test NEGATIVE. When I lay down on the bed you can actually see where like the top part of my stomach will go flat then a little little ball form down on the bottom of my stomach under my belly button area.. I keep trying to ignore it and go on but WHAT THE CRAP IS IT.. or is it just that crap??

I called my mom over to feel my stomach.. As my husband thinks I am just overreacting because I have been wanting one more baby and he does not..Anyways,, Whatever it was, was not really moving.. I couldn't even feel it but I had just went from a laying position to a standing one..But my mom did notice how my stomach would deep in slightly in one area and kind of ball up in another area....

So could this be a tapeworm or IBS could I be pregnant and have my period and the test be wrong?? Oh yeah I have also been pregnant before and doctors labeled it an "ECTOPIC PREGNANCY" because my HCG levels where increasing I was having some bleeding and when they did the ultrasound they could not find the baby.. They continued to watch my HCG levels go up and did ultrasounds no baby in tube no baby to be found any where...Also have carried a baby (My son) to a little over 5 months then suddenly went into labor..Baby didnt make it..

Going crazy....Am I a paranoid..Gonna be 30 ok well 29 year old wanna have a baby women..Or is there a really cause for concern... We live next to Roswell New Mexico,, Where they say the aliens landed..So my mom calls me in the mornings now and says how's or alien doing??? Haha.. But I know without a doubt something is moving..Don't know if you can feel a tape worm....Maybe be some serious gastritis problems....

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated as I have no insurance and really can't afford an ultrasound..
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Im* it's*
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Hi I took my mirena out since November 2015 cause I'm trying to get pregnant too... Had my last period in March and still negative but I get these movements in my tummy like a baby moving... It's creepy went to the doctor got an appointment for a ultrasound... I'm hoping that I am pregnant and those pee test are wrong.
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Hi I am 18. Ive been sexually active and I keep feeling almost the same thing as you all. I feel movement and fluttering in my lower stomach usually under my belly button but there are times that its above. I have no idea what it is..Ive bought pregnancy tests and even got tested in multiple hospitals. They all came up negative. About a year ago I was told that my fallopian tubes were too damaged and that I couldnt have kids. I am not on any type of birth control..I also havent gotten my period in months..all the tests came up negative so I have no idea whats going on..can anyone help?
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I have had problems non-stop with nexplanon, I freakin hate it, I bleed allll the time maybe have a couple weeks off then bleed more. I have felt phantom kicks before but I have NEVER seen movement. It seems many of us feel it on our right side. I saw movement tonight and my waist is 4 inches bigger than just a few months ago and I am the type that does not gain weight unless I work out. Alcohol and cafiene can affect the implant, both of which I partake regularly. Pregnancy tests come back negative, but I havent taken one in months. And scared too since the implant seems to mask results despite what drs say.
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I have the same bleeding problem with nexplanon. I hate it. I had bleeding all the time for over 4 months. One or two weeks without my period then it would start again. Dr wanted to give me birth control to help with the bleeding but didn't cause my blood pressure was a little high. You could ask your obgyn if they can give you birth control. About the movement in your tummy I have the same thing. What's scary is my husband is craving the something he was craving when I was pregnant with our daughter. So now I'm really scared to check see if I'm pregnant or not.
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Hi I'm 18 and I never been or never be a sexually active.... Never have sex but I feel the same way as you guys.... I've see the doctor about this and they told me that I was just miss eating and I should eat more and more.... I've been experience this 3 years already and no one have given me the answer.... Can anyone tell me this?
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Are you using nexplanon? Cus I have the same problem with moving in my tummy and I have nexplanon maybe it a sysptom of the nexplanon
16514252 tn?1448699880
i take pregnancy test 5 times a month but the result still negative...this week i got a period right now..but i still fell a moving in my belly....what should i do this time?or what is inside in my belly right now....im still nervous thinking about this....help me pls...
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They keep telling me I'm not pregnant they will on do pee tests I told them they need to do a sonogram through a probe but they won't because my hormone levels r normal but I told them it's because my implant thy won't listen my guess is to take the implant out asap because u most likely are pregnant I've been having problems ever since I got the nexplon anyone else have problems ever since nexaplnon
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My name is Christina I'm 22 I have a daughter a yr ago, I have the implant Nexplananon I got it last year and its making my arm hurt, now I'm feeling something in my belly move and it feels like there's a baby in there, I don't know if you can still get pregnant on it???
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