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can't get rid of pinworms

I can't get rid of pinworms. Have had them for 8 years now.  I have taken many prescriptions and over the counter meds and home remedies.  Now my rectum hurts.  Need advice on getting rid of these horrible things.  I'm fed up!!
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I have been following this blog for some time now, and have been aggressively fighting this pinworm infestation for approximately 3 months now, so I thought that I would share my own personal experiences with some of the suggestions made by others here.  In addition, I have arrived at some of my own solutions as well. One reason why it takes people so long to heal from the problem (myself included), is that there is a learning curve with what works and what does not work. Mistakes in particular, will be made, until one realizes that this foe is extremely hardy, and persistent, and that one cannot be lazy, or haphazard, in their approach to dealing with the problem.

First, I need mention that I am male, 65 years old, and retired. Being older certainly does not help in fighting this menace, but being retired most certainly does, because I can be on "battle stations" alert, in a moments notice, and that is an extremely important advantage. Those who have long duration work commitments at an office or other public venue, may find some of my suggestions somewhat impractical, but I have thought of some workarounds for that as well. I came up with these ideas while having "pinworm attacks", while out shopping, or socializing at a restaurant etc.

At the time of this writing, I have nearly eradicated this menace, but there are still some stragglers persisting. I do feel that I pretty much have them on the ropes, so to speak, and I have a final plan for victory against them. I might also add, that I had a rather severe infection at one point, so my progress has indeed been substantial.

First up, let me identify the methods that absolutely did not work for me, either for practical reasons, or because it takes more than 3 months for such methods to work. I will describe why such methods did not work for me as well.

Here is what did NOT work for me at all:

- Trying to cover the anus with medical tape -

There was a practical problem with this potential solution. It interfered with my other more successful methods, and I really never could get this to work properly in the first place. All brands of medical tape that I could find, were too narrow, and  not sticky enough to stay on. I could never get the tape to entirely cover the anus correctly, and it is very difficult to do so, because you cannot see what you are doing. Several separate strands were required, and this only made it more likely for the pieces to bunch up, catch, and unravel. Furthermore, I needed to use Vicks Vapor rub as an important tool, and this made it virtually impossible for the medical tape to adhere to my anus. Conclusion? A total fail.

- One time application of Reese's Pinworm medicine, with a one or two week follow-up.

This helped to be sure, but it did not last, and it did not get rid of them. Two or three days later, they were back in full force. It knocks them back a bit, but that is about it. I have a new plan for this, that you will read at the end of this message. Conclusion? Partial failure.

- Spreading Medicated Body Powder around the anus area -

This powder makes a HUGE mess, gets all over everything, and does NOT stop the worms from laying eggs around the anus. Worse, it dries out the anal cavity, making it impossible to insert a medical glove to clean out active worms just inside the anal cavity. Conclusion? A total fail.

- Topically spreading DE around the anus area -

Exactly the same problems as with the Medicated Body Power - Conclusion? A total fail.

-Breaking open a capsule of garlic powder, and spreading it around the anus area, and/or inserting it into the anal cavity, with Vicks Vapor rub.

Exactly the same problems as with the Medicated Body Powder, and DE. None of these methods stopped the worms in any discernable way, and simply interfered with other more effective methods. Conclusion? A total fail.

- Taking Cayenne Pepper pills -

This may have helped, but I am not certain. The main problem with this approach, is that my digestive system simply could not handle it. It gave me heartburn like I had never experienced before, and was entirely intolerable. So I had to abandon this approach. Conclusion? A partial failure.

- Going to the doctor -

This method, only delayed my agony. It was not only ineffective, but it actually delayed my healing. A BIG mistake. Now, it is important for me to state, that I live in eastern Washington, where high quality medical help is in short supply. But here is how this option played out.

The doctors simply will not treat you with a prescription, until they get a positive hit, on the stool sample. Like so many others on this blog, mine came back with a false negative, after more than a week of delay, while the sample was at the lab. Just getting an appointment, takes days or even weeks. The nurse wanted me to leave repeated samples, until a positive hit occurred. I did not have the luxury of waiting around that long, while being tortured by this menace.

Moreover, in my humble opinion, a stool sample is NOT the best method for determining infection. Many suggest using tape to collect a sample at the anus, but for me, the best method by far, was to wait for that biting or crawling feeling to occur, and then to pull them out using medical gloves, and a very light coating of either oil, or Vicks. With some practice, you will come to recognize all the various stages of pinworm evolution, and you will have no problem distinguishing between water or oil droplets, and actual worm samples.

But here is a very important point - relying upon the naked eye, is NOT the best method for acquiring this skill. Get yourself a wide angle magnifying glass, with 5 X magnification WITH an onboard light. I got mine from Amazon. This is sufficient to easily distinguish between what is a worm, and what is not a worm. The worms will appear as a slightly off white, translucent sort of "color", with a characteristic shape. They will run the gamut from appearing very similar to tiny grains of white rice (to the naked eye), to the more characteristic longer thin threadlike appearance of the full grown adult.

Worse, the doctor said to stop immediately placing anything inside, or around the anus. Well, if I followed his advice, I would have thousands of worms swarming me every day, instead of only zero to one or two at this point.

My doctor, would not accept any sample other than a lab stool sample, so after the first failure, I dropped that option entirely. Conclusion? A total fail, with negative consequences, that potentially interfered with something that does actually work.

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So now, let me talk a little bit about important tools that worked for me - your mileage may vary, as the saying goes. As always, employing these techniques should be done with care and caution - I purchased a box (several boxes actually) of medical gloves. I used these to apply Vicks, Clove oil, and even a VERY light coating of rubbing alcohol (be careful with this, and always combine it with oil or Vicks for lubrication). Whenever I would feel any movement inside the anal cavity, I would interrupt the egg laying cycle, by pulling them out in conjunction with one of the above lubricants and gloves, that often would kill the worms as well. The Vicks wouldn't kill them outright, but it would cause them to stick to the gloves, making it easy to pull them out.

Interrupting the egg laying cycle is extremely important, and this was my daytime Go-To solution for that. The only problem is, that you have to be on guard at all times. If you are not at home, and you need to address that itch while out in public, find a bathroom, and carry one or more medical gloves with you in your pocket, or purse.

Prior to leaving the house, carefully coat your anal insides with a light coating of Vicks. Not too much, or else, you will feel discomfort, and there might be some leakage into your underwear. (You could also wear Depends, or use some other temporary undergarment. ) But this should be enough to allow you to extract the offending worms that you feel biting, or moving around inside of you, so that they don't get to lay eggs, while you are away from your home.

Since I am retired, I would set my alarm at night for 3 hours sleep. I would then, clean out the area, a second time, and reapply the Vicks, clove oil, or whatever else I deemed necessary. This would catch those worms just hatching, or just prior to them hatching, for those females that succeeded in laying eggs around the anal area, during that sleep period. I would then go back to sleep for another two to three hours. The first application would occur prior to bed time, and I would attempt to shower as well before retiring for the night. I slept with two pairs of clean underwear, and I would always change these in the morning.

Also upon awakening, I would clean the area out either by taking a shower, or by using clove oil, or rubbing alcohol on the outsides of the anal area. Rubbing alcohol seemed to be slightly more effective. This will take a toll on your skin with repeated applications, so it is important to rotate your options here. In addition to the clove oil, I might use the original Listerine as a cleaner. This was somewhat less harsh, albeit slightly less effective than the rubbing alcohol. Do not, I repeat, do not fail to do this first thing in the morning!

Even if you do not feel anything, the odds are very high, that there are eggs collected around the anal area, and they will hatch into tiny worms that look like tiny rice to the naked eye. At some point, they will make their presence known to you, by that biting or itching feeling. You want to catch them and get rid of them prior to that happening, if at all possible.

Bowel movements, are both a blessing and a curse. They are needed to flush the system, but they also bring fresh worms up to near the entry point of the anus. I always shower if possible immediately afterwards. I use a high pressure hand held shower head, to wash the insides of the anal cavity as well. This helps tremendously with reducing the numbers of worms that will become active later on. Sometimes, this will create an enema effect, and you will have a second bout of diarrhea. This is indeed an inconvenience, but if you don't do this, you will have more worm problems. I would rather deal with the diarrhea, than a renewed cycle of worm attacks. Any remaining worms, are pulled out with the gloves, as I sense them moving around or biting me.

Also, after each shower, use a blow dryer on high heat, on your backside and upper thighs, for as long as you can stand it. The extra heat, just might kill any eggs till clinging to the area.

In addition to all of that, I take vitamins, extra zinc, extra iron, extra Vitamin B12, and probiotics, preferably the liquid variety.  Three to four times a day, I take 3 to 5 drops of Tea Tree oil, and 4 to 5 drops of Oregano oil, in the mouth, and wash it down with a little bit of water.

I have been taking "Intestinal Edge", and "Paraguard", three to four times a day, at double to triple the suggested usage. These contain the various anti-parasitic herbs and oils. The suggested dose, was entirely ineffective. The higher dose, helps, but does not get rid of the worms entirely. I prefer the Paraguard, over the Intestinal Edge.

I also take garlic pills after each meal, and MSM. I do not know if these help any or not, but there have been no side effects to it, so I keep doing it, because they are supposed to be helpful. About 10 days ago, I started up with organic food grade DE. Again, I do not know if this is effective or not, but I am willing to stay with it for a while. I have been taking double the suggested dosage each day.

Now here is one thing that definitely has been effective! Charcoal pills! I take them late at night, just before bedtime, so as to not interfere with the absorption of nutrients and other things. I take close to the recommended dosage, but mostly all at once rather than spread it out throughout the day. Sometimes, I will follow-up with another smaller dose, upon awakening for my early morning cleanse, prior to heading back to sleep. I noticed an immediate reduction in worms, upon implementing this charcoal capsule approach. More than anything else that I am aware of, this has made the most difference in terms of what I have been taking orally.

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How are you getting on? Have you managed to beat these things yet?
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Ive had pinworms for nearly 6 months now, and have shed lots of  tears during that time. Sometimes I go to bed at night wishing that I wont wake up the next day. It's taken over my life and I don't know what to do.

I'm currently on day 8 of my 10-day Albendazole treatment but haven't noticed any improvement. Like the previous poster I'm going to try tea tree oil for a few days and then maybe a carb-free diet (although it's going to be tricky when going out for meals with family etc - I'm thinking a mixed grill will be the best bet without it being obvious that something is up!)

I'd love to hear more frompeople that posted earlier in the thread with updates on their condition. I really could do with some positivity and encouragement to help me through this!
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Yes, a carb free diet helps. Also, stay away from processed protein powder. I don't know why, but these products both animal based, and plant based, seem to really fuel the parasites. I try to interrupt the cycle, by using medical gloves to clean myself out, whenever I feel something moving around. I use a lubricant such as Vaseline, or Vicks, so as to safely employ such a method, and also the goo causes the worms to stick, so that you can pull them out. Get a 5 X magnifying glass, with a light, to help you see better, and monitor what comes out. You will learn to recognize them better that way as well.
Shower and clean yourself after every bowel movement. After awakening, always shower, or clean yourself meticulously. I like to use a shower head that has a power spray, to really get in there.
Charcoal capsules at night, have been very effective - more so than any single other item that I have taken orally. They have not eliminated the worms entirely, but the charcoal really busts them back quite a bit.
Try diatomaceous earth, if that doesn't work use msm.
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Hi all
I've been suffering with worms for over 4 months and I have some Tea Tree Oil in the cupboard but I'm scared to try it! Has anybody experienced any side effects from taking it?
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No side effects yet, and I have been taking 3 to 4 drops 3 to 4 times a day for about a month now. I'm still not convinced that it is effective though. I found charcoal capsules at night, to work much better for me.
I noticed an immediate reduction in the worm activity, after one day of taking Charcoal capsules. I took the recommended dosage, but all at once, late at night before bedtime, so as to not interfere with the absorption of other items.
You might even consider trying Oregano essential oil. It might work better than the tea tree oil anyway. And it is safer to consume.
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Ok later I would say 1-2 months I start to feel itchy at my butt.

But I would not gonna blame her. I also working I might get that from work.

Ok I had itchy for about five months and the thing I did just taking a shower and I felt better.

then I start to use anti-itch cream as people who have problem about hemorrhoid use. I though I had problem about hemorrhoid somehow.

Ok i couldn't stay on my itchy anymore then I decided to see my doctor after i felt itchy for 5 months

And it was embarrassing. My doctor question me to treat every ones in my family and she thought all people in my family got it.

Ok I though I might get from my husband because I suck his a lot.

but  nobody in my family got these worm.I don't hear anyone of them complain about itchy bottom (until now it has been 11 months) I asked all of them and they get really mad and i try to notice them and they are still ok.

we slept separate room though.
I showered a lot before because I felt itchy that only thing i could do (it might be this case)

Well after doctor gave me medicine ok it went away for 1 month. Then it came back then I bought reese pinworm or something though online I dare not to see my doctor anymore. But it had never worked for me at all.

Ok I took care of myself by "eat a lot of garlic" , "shower in the morning and before bed" , "separate my laundry basket" , "change my clothes every times. So I kinda control my pinworms that way for about 6 months later.

But after I have read almost 520 answers here.

I have more control .. I went to shopping for ..

1. plastic gloves - I will wear only one glove on my right hand. Then I poop or pee. after I done I will use that glove hand to clean my butt. And then put a lot of NOXZEMA cream on my butt hole a lot.

Another hand that no glove I will use it to do something else  that not involve touching my but.

2. Noxema cream ( I think it is blue container and it look like cleaning cosmetic cream) at first I put a lot on my butt hole I felt weird and and it is a little hurt at the first time. I think because my skin around my butt hole already irritate from pinworm's egg laying & hatching. Alright  I have put Noxzema Cream on my butt every times for about 3 days now and fine. - Thanks and give credit for everyone who give an idea about Noxzema cream on this forum. I used to buy other hemorrhoid cream and cost me like $29.99 and keep ordering those cream online .. Noxzema is really cheap like 1-2$ and you can use this cream plenty each time.

3. rubbing Alcohol 70-90% I will wear glove and mask and use toilet paper to pour alcohol and rub every where I want. The floor , the toilet bowl , the sink , the door nobs , everything you need to rub and make them clean. Thanks for the guy who give this idea the one who wear glove at work he gave idea on this forum.

4. Mask I would wear when i do laundry and rubbing alcohol and take garbage away

5. small garbage bin in the bathroom to throw away used glove and whatever that i used. I use separate garbage bin from my family. my husband and my kid think it is weird why do i need to do that. But I told them that I need to throw my lady stuff  like tampon or something personal. and told them to not open my garbage bin. So they kinda respect me for that. But my husband he like to clean my garbage bin sometime that make me really mad. And I told him that he will never touch my garbage bin in the bathroom again.

6. Big garbage bin- the one the you can use your feet to step it open the top. I use this bin to keep my laundry. Before bath I will take off my top then will walk to bathroom topless. Then I will open the "garbage for laundry" and I will open my small garbage bin both of them left open next to the bath tub. Then I will take my sock off first and put them in "Laundry garbage bin" next I take off my jean then I left it around my feet , then I take off my panties then I put in my jean (the one i just took off) then I roll them together then put in "Laundry . This way will keep my pant and panties together reduce a chance of falling egg.

7. shopping for herbal and medicine
  - zinc tablet
  - garlic table (i swallow fresh garlic also but when have no time garlic tablet is useful)
  - Neem extract
  - Grapefruit seed extract
  - cat's claw extract
  - olive leave extract
  - women's one a day multivitamin
  all these you will have to study about side effect and what herbal's benefit before use each one.  Thanks for people here  who give me these idea.

8. wormwood tincture, black walnut tincture , I will use these tincture on empty stomach to make the worm feel bad .. basically between meal on empty stomach (you have to study about this before use it will make your heartbeat, headache, diarrhea - it is happen to me for 2-3 weeks sometime you might feel sick if you wanna try , try when you have day off from work) for me it is effective way - first I got these ideas through Amazon.com from people review but also thanks for people who have this idea on here also. - study really hard about this if it ok to use for yourself or you can consult with herbalist

9. Diet is a must. I have only eat Veggie,Meat,fat .. No juice No Coffee I love iced latte from coffee shop I have stopped for 3-4 days now.  It's hurt your feeling at first then you will used to it. I will stir fried all vegetable together with meat and garlic a lot of them for my food. Or i will make stew , soup with meat and vegetable, I will continue to do this I studied from some web it said that you can do this way 3-4 month. So pls study about this first if you can take it. It's very effective. It will starve the worm immediately  - also thanks for people who put this idea up on this forum

10. I order parasite herbal pill online the one that contain wormwood and black walnut. The one that's said use 10 days  eat 2 pill with meal .. i also take this with meal

Ok, I feel better and thanks so much for you guys to share all idea here.
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I have had this pinworm affliction for over a year now and have tried everything.  I believe if you catch them before it becomes a hyperinfection, you can kill them.  Let me say from the start that without the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, I would be a basket case for sure!  He keeps me sane and has prevented me from spreading it to others. If they haven't spread all over (eyes, sinuses, ears, etc.), try eating small amounts of chewing tobacco several times a day for awhile.  Don't eat it too late in the day or you won't be able to sleep at night.  If only I had done this when I first got infected!!  I am doing a combination of things daily and some things once a week.  I'm trusting the Lord for a cure and am looking forward to sharing my experience soon!
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