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Is it possible to have OHL (Oral Hairy Leukoplakia) symptoms within 1 year after possible exposure? Please take the time to read.

I think I've read every forum and post on this site, thebody and countless other sites in the last 3 weeks regarding OHL (Oral Hairy Leukoplakia).

I'm wondering if anyone has had EBV and has had a white spot on the side of there tongue that resembles every characteristic/symptom of OHL (Oral Hairy Leukoplakia)? I've posted a similar question here before but found limited answers. I appreciate if anyone has some knowledge regarding this.

I'm really concerned about this white spot I have on the side of my tongue. As I mentioned I've honestly read every post relating to OHL, EBV and HIV relations. I've read that its caused by the EBV virus but only common in individuals that are have a weak immune system (HIV or AIDS with a low CD4 count example. 200 and below) while I've read that it can show up in HIV negative patients. I've also read that EBV can stay in your system for over a year?

The white spot is on the lateral portion, is slightly raised, does not cause any discomfort or pain and can not be brushed off. Its been present for 8 possible 6 months. I say this because 1 year ago I had unprotected vaginal intercourse with a girl I dated (yes this was very stupid). What really worries me is that 1-2 weeks after the possible exposure I developed a male yeast infection (which cleared up within a few weeks) and 2-3 weeks later allergy symptoms. To be honest if I did get a male yeast infection its very scary since that could easily also mean that I contracted HIV would catching one automatically mean you caught the other? I don't know if the person (female) is positive or negative?

From what I can remember I didn't have a high temperature maybe a mild one? I also don't remember if I had a rash on my upper body? As for the white spot when I can wipe/remove it which is very difficult it will show up again with in 12-24 hours. I haven't had any other symptoms and am worried that this OHL is the first sign of HIV.

If anyone would like additional information just ask.

I'm really concerned and understand I should get tested but I do appreciate any information to easy me since I've been a nervous wreck.
26 Responses
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Look at the date on the post before posting a reply.
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Look your situation is similar to something I faced. I am currently studying dentistry and have learned a fair bit about oral medicine and pathology.

First off just get yourself tested for HIV the sooner you know the result the better you can deal with this situation

The fact that you can scrape it off with difficulty and yet it comes back suggest it may be a thickening of the tongues outer layer of cells we call that hyperkeratosis, it appears as a white plaque like material. This happens due to a sharp tooth near the tongue causing irritation or by a habit of tongue thrusting against the teeth. Nothing to do with HIV

But given the time and circumstances and notorious position on the side of the tongue it may also be hairy leukoplakia but if your hiv test is negative and your lymph nodes are not swollen and your not getting sick easily I wouldn't worry.

If you are worried about having EBV dont stress because a large percentage of the population has the virus and eventually your body erradicates it overtime
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Do NOT bring up old threads and take your concerns elsewhere. You do NOT have HIV.
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hi hope your well! i have a similar condition! read my post on the hiv prevention community! have you got tested?
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No, it would not be likely that one would automatically contract HIV from a positive person. A person may have unprotected sex with a positive person many times and never contract HIV and then again they can contract HIV on the first exposure. If you have a concern just go test and collect your conclusive result 3 months post exposure.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I just have to comment on something you said...and hopefully ease your mind a bit about this one thing.

You said:

What would the odds be to only catch yeast infection from a partner that was HIV+ and not catch HIV. It seems that if you would catch yeast infection from a positive individual it would be also likely to catch HIV.

You cannot compare the transmission of a yeast infection to the transmission of HIV.  Two TOTALLY different animals.  Even IF you DID get a yeast infection from this person...and she had HIV, that in NO WAY means you would have been infected with HIV.  A yeast infection is FAR easier to get than HIV.  HIV is an EXTREMELY fragile virus, and you need quite a heft exposure to it to get it.  If it was as easy to get as you are assuming, everyone on earth would be infected.  You just cannot compare the yeast infection to HIV.

I agree with everyone else...first off....you cannot speak as though you have OHL without a shadow of a doubt...you have not been diagnosed...and there are MANY things your spot could be besides OHL.  And even if it IS OHL, it doesn't have to be caused by HIV.

Go get tested.  That is the only way you will put this to rest.  You are "what iff-ing" yourself to death....and searching the internet will only add to that.  You can find ANYTHING on the www that will match your scenario.

Go get tested...and come back to report your (MOST likely) neg result.  You are just driving yourself crazy with all of your irrational speculation!

Best of luck.
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277836 tn?1359666174
damm lizzie your getting old LOL

as for this post a test and a drs skilled advice is what you need there is nothing more to add to this thread STOP THE NONSENSE see your DOCTOR
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186166 tn?1385259382
UNTIL you are diagnosed...BY A DOCTOR...stop posting all this nonsense.  you have diagnosed yourself and running with it.  

below is a list of things that "i" have:

night sweats (menopause)
ulcers in my mouth (celiac disease)
achy all over (arthritis)
fatigue (not enough exercise)

what do you think???

i do not have hiv!!!!!!!
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Your yeast infection thinking is extremely flawed. You can dig through cases and stats all you want, its not doing anything for you. You seem to be on a mission to convince yourself you are HIV+, if thats what you want to do then fine. Why not just go get a finger ***** and find out for sure. If I was a betting man Id bet you test negative anyway.
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Once again thank you for the kind words. I do need to put my fears aside and focus on getting tested.

Regarding your comment and others that have posted on this subject I have read and researched this. I honestly don't understand how there is conflicting information especially with the information below. Some sources say its only present after years while others say its the CD4 count and under 200.

(I placed a space with the link below in between the e and m)
http://www.e medicine.com/MED/topic938.htm

This is a quote from the information in the link above and it's honestly what worries me most.


In patients with HIV, the median CD4 count when OHL is first detected is 468/µL. If these patients do not have AIDS-defining disease at the time OHL is diagnosed, the probability of developing AIDS if not receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is 48% by 16 months and 83% at 31 months. In addition, studies have shown that patients with AIDS with OHL have a shorter lifespan than those that do not present this lesion. Furthermore, if these patients are concomitantly co-infected with hepatitis B virus, the risk of early progression to AIDS increases 4-fold.

The above states that OHL can be present in individual with an average CD4 count. I understand the around 500 shouldn't be considered average but it can be in some individuals. If I'm reading this incorrectly please advise. I not trying to be repetitive but this information can be useful for others.
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Believe me I know how you feel.  Here is how I see it.  In your mind you think that there is a high probability of being infected, and you are holding out a small hope that you are not.  The reality is just the opposite.  There is a small chance you have it, but a high probability that you dont!  So, right now you have a small possibility of having an actual virus, but what you do for sure have is extreme anxiety over the thought of having the virus (I had that too.)  You know the only way to cure that anxiety is by putting at risk the tiny hope in your mind that you are not infected.  I wish you the best in putting your fears aside and suspect that you will come out stronger after this ordeal is over.
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Thank you your comment and prayers actually mean a lot to me. Its difficult to even talk to anybody else about this. I know I made a mistake and hope I don't have to suffer the consequences for the rest of my life.
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I know that it can be scary to get tested.  When I first thought I might have been infected, I wanted to get tested right then and get a definitive answer, which of course wasnt possible because of the window period.  But the closer I got to the 3 mth mark, and the more I thought about it, the more nervous I was about going in for the test.  It really became a focal point of my life.  Truly though, at the end of the day it is much better to get tested for all reasons - psychologically, emotionally and physically.  So grab a friend/relative you trust and just go take the test. I know what you are going through, and you are in my prayers.  I really think that you are likely to be fine.
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This information was my main concern regarding the information of low CD4 count. It seems that you can have a high CD4 count and what would cause it would be a high viral load. I'm not sure how accurate this info is?

Seems that the above post blocked the link
(close the space between the e and b in the link below)

http://www.the body.com/Forums/AIDS/Oral/Archive/Leukoplakia/Q112092.html
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I understand that all women get yeast infection but its more common or women that have HIV are more prone to have it. This is what I was referring to.

As for coming up with HIV and yeast infection together. Think about this. What would the odds be to only catch yeast infection from a partner that was HIV+ and not catch HIV. It seems that if you would catch yeast infection from a positive individual it would be also likely to catch HIV. Understand? If your penis is infected with yeast infection (by a positive female) why wouldn't the man also catch HIV.
I'm thinking this would also be true for other STDs.

I'll see if I can provide a picture.
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Do you by chance have a picture of this thing on your tongue?
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First off almost all women get yeast infections, it lives in abundance naturally in everyones body and in particular women, and if every woman that had a yeast infection had HIV the worlds populations would be doomed for extinction. Vaginal yeast infection does not raise the risk of a woman having HIV at all, not one bit. I dont really get how you tied HIV and yeast infection together, but thats pretty absurd.

Secondly, we are just back to square one again. You have no diagnosis, you have not been tested for HIV. Seriously what is reading on the internet doing for you? Nothing right except raising your anxiety? You need to go get the biopsy and an HIV test. I know it easier said then done but one day you are going to have to face it so why not now?

You keep posting things from HIV/AIDS websites but you havent posted anything from other NON-HIV sites about OHL. Maybe if you looked at some other sites you would see that OHL can also be caused by things other then HIV. You are focused on HIV so everything you look for will be related to HIV, thus strengthening your belief that you have HIV. Thats why you need to get off the computer for a while.
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I know I still need to get this check out but I'm afraid I'll be another statistic. The possibilities are to high especially with everything that I mentioned above. I need to get myself together and do this. My outlook will definitely change if everything turns out OK.

Thank you for your support :)

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"Sorry for the post hookering." No problem ;)

"Please tell us exactly what your doctor has told you and what he/she has already diagnosed you with. I believe you havent been diagnosed with anything and you are doing too much reading the web and self diagnosis."

The last time I visited a doctor (4 months ago with strep) they told me to see a dentist for a Biopsy (see response above to Lizzie Lou) The doctor also asked if the white spot has grown which it didn't. Even now 4 months later it has not grown.

I've read all the posts on this subject from a well know website and specialist.

This was the topic that concerned me regarding your response that OHL will not show up until the CD4 count is low.

I honestly can't find anything else this raised white spot is? Its been present on the side of my tongue for over 6 months and when I attempt to brush it off it comes back so its not thrush.
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186166 tn?1385259382
you have NOT been diagnosed with that tongue thingy.

it is obvious that you are spending waaaaaaaaaay too much time on the internet reading about hiv.  i understand that you are saying that you are scared to get a test...but unless you do...there is nothing that we can do to help you.  do you understand that?  you are responsible for your health.
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I respect your comment that I should get tested. And always think how anyone has the courage to. I understand that anyone can catch male yeast infection but I should have mentioned that I'm also uncircumcised which is easier to catch this.

This is my main concern. If a women is HIV+ that means they are more likely to have a yeast infection or more prone. If I caught a yeast infection from having unprotected sex would this also be likely to contract HIV? Also the OHL showing up 6 to 8 months later is a concern. Believe I've read other peoples concerns but all these factors have me worried.

I've read that it only shows up in individuals that have advanced HIV or AIDS CD4 count 200 (however it can show up with CD4 counts 200-499) but I've also read that a high viral load can cause this with a high CD4 count.

Know you understand my concern?
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Sorry for the post hookering. You knwo that OHL from HIV does not happen until the CD4 count is pretty damn low, which i am sure you know would take a few years to happen. You think you were infected a year ago so it is plain logic that would tell you that since it hasnt even been a year yet that you would still be in good health immune wise so its plain to see that even if you do have OHL:(which you likely dont) that its not HIV related.

Please tell us exactly what your doctor has told you and what he/she has already diagnosed you with. I believe you havent been diagnosed with anything and you are doing too much reading the web and self diagnosis.
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Lizzie Lou thank you for the question.

I had strep throat 4-5 months ago and discussed this white spot with the doctor. I was asked if I was tested for EBV which I have not and asked a series of other questions such as tiredness, energy, etc. The doctor stated that I should go to the dentist to have a biopsy done. I know I should do this but I'm living with a fear of what to do if I'm positive. I understand that having a single unprotected exposure can be rare but with these three symptoms (the initial ones) now the OHL I'm really concerned. I pray that everything will be fine.

My sleep patterns have changed dramatically in the last 8 months meaning that I still get 8-10 hours of sleep however I've been going to bed at 4-5 even 6 in the morning compared to 12-2. I've also noticed that I haven't been drinking the same amount of fluids (water) that I have in past. Both of these (water and sleep) are by choice.
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Where did you come up with that male yeast infections mean you caught HIV? Thats so false. Penile yeast infections are easy to get.
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