869096 tn?1239608498

bleeding Pimple on penis shat- risk of hiv transmission


I had a protected sex with a prostitute one day ago. i had sex with her two time. after secod time i felt some pain on my penis shaft. it was a bleeding pimple which is definitely out of condom coverage and definitely went into the vagina during intercourse. this pimple can be bcz i shaved two days ago.

Now i am really worried and luckly i have the girl number. i met her again in the morning and she was saying that she is free from hiv and when i asked she went with me to clinic for a blood test.

If she is positive, what are the risks of getting hiv from her bcz my pimple was bleeding and get contact inside her vagina. and if she is negative still how can we say that she is purely negative as the blood test can not detect the recently exposure. i am so sared this time and directly went to the std clinic and got a PEP treatment as doctor suggest me. i had sex first time in my life .....

can you please tell me how much risk of hiv transmission is assosiated in my case.

Thanks in advance
27 Responses
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793636 tn?1239853729

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869096 tn?1239608498
THANKSSS a TONN to all of members of this community. u guys are really helpful and now am really feeling healthy and happy....
thanks again

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755829 tn?1246919225
No test required for a no risk situation
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869096 tn?1239608498
plz reply.. this is my last question....

i already make my mind to stop PEP ....

Just suggest me which test i should follow ......

1. PCR test after 12 days
2. Abs test after 3 months
3. No test required
PLZ REPLY !!!!!!!
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869096 tn?1239608498
Thanks nursegirl....
i already make my mind to stop PEP ....
Just suggest me which test i should follow ......
1. PCR test after 12 days
2. Abs test after 3 months
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480448 tn?1426948538
WEVE already told you that you do not need it.  PEP is very very very hard on the body, and carries its own risks b/c of that.  You would be foolish not to find another doctor who knows what they are doing.

Your partner tested - and yet the doc still wants you to take it?  Come on!

My advice...quit taking it immediately...and find a new doctor.

That's all we can say....we've said the same things over and over, the ball is in your court now.
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869096 tn?1239608498
PEP is like killing me from inside ..very strong and i m not able to work or think these days...having fever headache, nausia and diaherria ... for second openion i get time on this friday from a doctor ... so untill that should i dont stop PEP ?? as Litlefox suggest "No" for both questions. and all this scenerio i already spend around $1500 (if i am free then i never regert for that as i did best from my side)
finally doctor is asking me to complete 14 days medicine course and get a PCR test after 12 days (which ll cost 700 $ ) to get complete results
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Considering that the lady used a condom with you, why would she not always wear a condom? she was likely to be hiv- and besides your risk was Zero.  It is terribly unfortunate that you were exposed to those strong meds, and clear you were probably never exposed to HIV.

You must be so stressed, and unwell. Because the doctor told you its a risk, it must be very difficult to disregard in your mind, but its not supported by current evidence. Get a second opinion, and for some sanity read all the doctor's posts...you will feel better.  What ever you do now, remember that you will be over this soon, and 100% sure to  be healthy. I know how worried you feel (though i dont know what its like to take pep).
good luck

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2. No
3. No
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869096 tn?1239608498
hi all

The gal result out and she is Non-Reactive !!!! (Regardless her last one two months window period as she is a prostitute)
So i met my doctor .... he told me that now m pretty much safe ... still he is suggesting me to continue with the medicine bcz of her unknown window period...
2. should i stop PEP immideately as i am having side effects much.
3. should i go for PCR test after 12 days or blood test after 3 months.

Thansk very much to u all ...
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480448 tn?1426948538
PLEASE invite him to this site....if anything, to READ.  He is wrong wrong wrong!!!!

Your "lesion" sounds simply like a pimple, or ingrown hair...something like that.  Personally, it doesn't sound like something to be concerned about at all.

The only thing we can do is tell you that your doc is misinformed.  There ARE a lot of people out there (professionals included...I work with them EVERYDAY) who really were NOT properly educated about HIV.  They were given the "scare" course where "everything" is a risk.  He THINKS he is right b/c of what he learned, but he isn't.  I wish he would read in the expert forum, manned by two Infectious Diseases docs who have decades of combined experience in dealing with HIV.

Find yourself another doctor, b/c this one prescribed you a VERY VERY strong (toxic even) medication for ZERO reason.
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* Anyone who continues to post excessively, questioning a conclusive negative result or no-risk situation, will be subject to action by MedHelp. Conclusive negative results or a no-risk situation will be based up the criteria MedHelp’s doctors. Action will be taken as follows:
    * After excessive posting, a warning will be issued by MedHelp
    * Continuing to post regarding the negative result / no risk situation will result in a 3 day suspension
    * Continuing to post upon your return will result in a permanent ban.
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869096 tn?1239608498
today i went back to the doctor and ask clearly .... he told me that definitely its really high risk not a theoritical if my blood comes direct in contact with fluid of prostitute...tomorow the girl report ll come.
he suggest me to take 14 days course if girl come back negative and if she come positive then i have to complete the PEP for 28 days ...

He asked me why i m  taking risk to stop PEP for a really risk .... he is very confident about his decision and told me that he wud do the same for himself also what he is doing with me ....  now i m looking for tomorow girl report ........wish me gud luck guys .....
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Your pimple is not an HIV concern.
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869096 tn?1239608498
pimple on my penis is also getting worse even i am applying cream given by doctor .... is this can due to some other std???
the pimple is become plain, filled with yelloish and surrounding by orange liquidish skin .. the skin around piple is getting dark and wrinkled type (may be due to strong cream)
please advice wat this can be??
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480448 tn?1426948538
The doc is 100% wrong.
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869096 tn?1239608498
Thats bcz doctor told me bleeding skin with protected skin is even more dangerous (risk=1/500)  rather than unprotected sex (risk=1/1000)...... so is he making wrong statement to just make money???
second thing the girl was over me during second intercourse , so definiteley the bleeding part enter deep into vagina....thats the sad part of storey :(
apart this i ll follow ur suggestion to see new doctor ...tomorow or day after tomorow the girl report ll also come......my pimple is now filled with pus also and paining as that day it faced a lot friction and i squized it also later :( :(  "If the God ll give me this chance i ll never go for sex except my future life partner ...this incidence teaching me a lot "...oh god help me !!!
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480448 tn?1426948538

You have a greater risk of something going wrong due to the PEP, which you NEVER EVER needed!  I am appalled that a doc gave you PEP for this incident.  It isn't high risk, it isn't even low risk...it is NO risk.  PEP causes very severe side effects in a lot of pts.  I would advise you to seek a second opinion immediately.....so you can cease taking the PEP.

Also, a pcr test is not necessary....you are going to waste your money and time.  PLEASE find a new doctor to consult with about this.....this one is clueless.
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Because HIV is not transmitted via a pimple let alone small cuts. It would take a large laceration to even begin to have a slim worry.

Intercourse the fluids are not exposed to air, temperature change or ph changes.
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869096 tn?1239608498
@ Teak : i really appriciate ur comments and finding myself in comfort after ur coments ... but the thing is my question is same and plz elobrate some more it that  "why a hiv positive girl cannot transmit hiv through my bleeding pimple which get touched fully with her fluid (which might contain blood also) ....  plz elobrate more... bcz the thing is here ..

1. Blood to blood transmission as my pimple was open, bleeding and not covered by condom......posssible??

2. Fluid to blood transmission during intercourse......possible?

I am just hoping for the best that girl results come negative so that i can find liitle bit comfort even though that ll not be 100 % that she havnt get any recent exposure....

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Find another doctor that knows what they are doing.
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869096 tn?1239608498
Thanks teak ... ur post is really encouraging and i find here how u are helping people ..
He is asking me to go threw PCR test after 12 days which will cost around 600 $. if the test comes negative then i can stop PEP (FYI he gave me PEP for 14 days first not complete course) he is saying that do not believe on prostitute negative report bcz a blood test cant tell about her recent exposures.  Doctor put me on PEP just bcz of sex with prostitute.
And want to be clarify with ur answer  that a hiv positive girl cannot transmit hiv through my bleeding pimple which get touched fully with her fluid ....  plz elobrate more... i ll be really thankful to u ....
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You were never at high risk or a risk at all of contracting HIV having a bleeding pimple and having protected sex where the condom didn't cover the pimple.
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869096 tn?1239608498
@ Teak
i am from singapore .......but when doctor asked me finally ... "wud u like to spend 1000 $ which can minimize the risk about 81 %  even if u are infected wth hiv. He told me that bcz pimple was bleeding and get insert in vagina of a prostitute, so there is high risk and he is trying to minimize my risk in all way what he can do. so finally i accepted PEP. now m eating very healthy diet to minimise the PEP side efects like voating and dihrea.
I am really stressed ... plz suggest something
Thanks very much
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Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
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