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Symptoms although very early seem pretty conclusive

I have posted a couple of times in the last couple of days but it now seems that my HIV infection is a text book case.
I had unsafe sex six days ago . First day after exposure I felt nuasea and lack of appetite. The lack of apetite has continued since but now I have a metallic tast in my mouth, a white film on my tongue and now a toe that moves independantly..all pretty conclusive I woudl say.
Serious depression and now suicidal thoughts....any support out there.
35 Responses
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Goodness...i dont' mean to belittle you but the symptoms you describe (including the inability to sleep you foresee without even going to sleep yet..) all can be caused by stress, and you seem STRESSED.
Really, also the dry mouth, lack of appetite etc.
Again the lack of appetite probably causes you to eat less which will make you feel worse etc, dry mouth can also have to with that.

And i hate to burst the bubble, but if you had AIDS it would be too early to have symptoms..

Another advice, get rid of your medical books, you are quite likely to find all kinds of diseases you might have in the state of mind you're in.
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Thanks for all your comments guys.. you are probably all correct.. with such levels of anxiety I thought I was going mad. couldn't concentrate, think straight and was out of my mind...but now I have clamed down, I am eating and sleeping again and have booked an appointment at my local STD clinic on Tuesday.. willl kerp you all posted.
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Anxiety and stress are 2 different things, they are not anything near one and the same. Go see a therapist if you are having troubles.
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277836 tn?1359666174
get a life dude and by the way dont be a coward by jumping
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186166 tn?1385259382
seek professional mental help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i think thats where u r wrong and are confusing urself. These are not because of stress. Its because of anxiety. your mind is convinced it is this and then u r worried of the consequences. I am like u in the same boat in my window period. but there is little we can do , other than relax and try to take things as they come.

and anxiety is very cruel it can make u feel the worst. there aer many wonderful people on this forum talking to whom haev certainly put my mind to rest, but then u should also understand that unlike u or me these guys certainly know what they are talking abouit. reading their profiles most of the time will tell u that they have years of experience in this field.

Another piece of information u shud know is that symptoms arent that common and AID is not a disease that can be easily contracted.

Also, if you are a man of faith, this is the time when faith can bring you peace of mind. after all isnt that what faith is all about?

peace brother. calm down.
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thnkas m8..but I know my own bidy too well.. and I know it is not stress.. I have been there before and have not had these symptoms...I thnk it is progressing very quickly... now confused mind, tired eyes etc
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the only way you will stop having these symptoms is if you get off your computer and stop reading about hiv more and more. Read the page the Lizzie Lou has posted in medical pages in the top right corner of this page and relax and understand that your mind is capable of making you have anything you fear.

get off google. everytime u see something out of the ordinary on ur body do not google for it.

let me tell you a better way to relax. just get on the train/subway and look at people around you and you would see people with all sorts of things and you can see people with rashes and sweating and looking tired and all .. all I am trying to say is there are a lot of quite normal human conditions that we face on a day to day basis which during a situation like this we tend to over examine and make worse.

peace brother. calm down and stop googling for symptoms.
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Thanks for posting.. it seems this site is for first contact and for people who are paranoid but have not really been in a truly risky situation and in danger of contracting HIV.
I have now found another site  thebody which has better and more up to date information.

All my symptoms poitn towards HIV infection and unfortunately I think it is pretty conclusive.

Jesus know what I do now. I did write a note t my partner early this moring and then stod on the parapet of my buildign contemplating teh pavement below. I didn't jump, and probably will not tomorrow either. It is the easy way out but it is very tempting.
How I will go on from here I do not know, but with Gods help I may find the strength to continue.
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277836 tn?1359666174
i say dont stop this dude let him do what he wants if hes that dumb then i say jump but when you are falling i bet you will regret jumping i have no compasion for someone like you you need MENTAL HELP
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You need to sleep man, your so called symptoms will noly get worse if your body does not rest. Anxiety can really have a physical effect on the body. If you cant sleep at all or even if you do sleep but it isnt quality sleep you might want to look into going to see a therapist to talk to and maybe get some anxiety meds to get you through the next few weeks until you can go get a reliable HIV test.

I have been going through the same thing the last few weeks, I am filled with anxiety and although I do sleep, it isnt good deep sleep like the body needs to feel refreshed. I wake up in the morning felling like **** and have dark circles under my eyes. I am not getting quality sleep at night and its only been happening when I started getting anxiety over HIV again. And at the same time I get all these weird sensations in my body and sometimes some twitches. Its all anxiety driven, this same thing happed to me when I was a teenager, I swore I had HIV because the girl I lost my virginity to was rumored to be permiscous and I was too drunk to wear a rubber. I turned out negative and felt fine again after I found that out.
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186166 tn?1385259382
well i can tell you one damned thing...your family would be alot more disappointed in you if you killed yourself than if you had hiv.  what a copout...and probably all for nothing!!!  i have been on this forum for over a year...and i think there has only been one person who actually tested positive.

if i were you...i would get on the phone and call a psychiatrist.  you need professional help...something that none of us here are qualified to give you.

yes...you mucked up.  my son did too!!!!!  life goes on...and i dont mean to sound rude...but deal with it!!!  you are a grown man...take responsiblity for your sanity and seek out help.

continuing to post...out of control...will do NOTHING but make things worse.  take time to read the community archives...read the doctors forum.  see how many ppl were in the same position as you are...but never tested positive.
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thanks mr...Guilt ridden FOR SURE ...with a bottle of wine and I good neasure of whisky under my belt I will try and sleep ( 23h00 now but sure to wake up a 3h00 in a hot sweat). Very nervous about going to bed..
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You can go on google and put in any old symptom and someone will claim it as an HIV symptom, the list of HIV symptoms is endless and pointless, the only real symptom is the presence of HIV in your blood.  Until you get a confirmation of that all you are doing is speculating. Hell you can search this site and find some pretty silly so called symptoms that people will swear are HIV related. Being skinny has nothing to do with symptoms appearing.

You also sound very guilt ridden. Yeah you know when your body is out of sync and anxiety will trick your brain into thinking it is out of sync, Anxiety and stress from work are two very different animals so you cant really compare the two. Stress alone wont make your brain play tricks on you.

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M8 the moving little toe thing may be freaky, and I would not have thought of it unless it happened, but my little toes was going all over the place today, like I had NEVER experienced before, and when I googled ( yeah against yours and others advise)" toes and HIV ",I found that thst this was a unusal but very real indicator of HIV.infection....all about motor nuerons..Some skiny dudes like me do seem to get symptoms vey soon after exposure.. if I test neg..I will post and appologise to all. but think that VERY unlikely.
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thanks for cooments M8...It is just very difficult at the moment as I feel Hve let every body down...failed completely in live..because I gave into stupid amimal sexual urges..a bad ediction I should have not onlt recognised but dealt with. yeah sure you can get these symptoms from stress and smoking, but I assure you I have a very streeful job and have smoke casually years but have never had symptons like this.. unfortunately I think you mind adn bidy knows when all is not right.. wish it weer different.. but that would be wishful thinking .. I need to try and work out what to do next.. and thanks to you, lizzie lou and others it mmight not be jumping from my terrace. BUt m8 even though you might try adn reassure me otherwise I cannot deny the symptoms and have to realistic.
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475753 tn?1209062787
First off, don't ever speak of killing yourself "ending it all" or any riff raff like that....I have friends with HIV, and some here have family members with it also. They cope and live full happy lives, many healthier than - people on the norm. SO THAT'S NOT COOL.
I have had strange sores in my mouth, white coating, metallic taste for a month, diarrhea, brusies, sweats day and night, pins and needles in my hands, skin blemishes, headaches, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes......AND I TESTED NEGATIVE PAST THE 3 MONTH period....

and by the way if your mouth symptoms are from smoking  and you have never experienced anything like this before...ever think that problems in that area caused by smoking progress also...it's not like "hey I've got this oral issue from smoking, wait no I don't, no no no, wait now I've got it again"....

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Dude you need to chill out, and I thought I have bad anxiety. What the hell does a toe twich independently have to do with HIV? You are going way overboard with this whole thing. And your dry mouth is 100% to be anxiety, I have had anxiety for years and when it flares up my mouth will suddenly dry up and I mean very dry, like thick white saliva. And night sweat is common with anxiety, sometimes i cant sleep and when i fianlly do sleep my anxiety follows me to sleep and I dont get goos rest and sometimes will sweat a litle bit.

I would be willing to wager that the day after your possible exposure you thought about what you did and then developed nausea and a lack of appatite, not vice versa.
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Thanks for comments m8. nearly 100 %  sure I am HIv + and now have to work how I can move on..how it ***** up my life etc..Stupid C**t that I am.
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If only I found that reassurring.. yes I do smoke but I have had nothing like this before.. and cetainly not a loss of appretite, I normally eat like a horse..tonight I am sure teh night sweats will start..and I report back tommorow. The good thing is that I have a commumity tlak to .. so at 3m this mornig when I cannot sleep I can talk on line rather than lying there beside my partner considering how to end it all.
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Dude, you need to calm down.  Seriously, if I lived in the UK, I d buy you a beer or something, just to calm you down,  your symptoms are too early for ARS and even so ARS symptoms come all at once, that is you dont end up with a sore throat one week and then something else on top of that the next, or whatever.  And 5 days is too early for ARS symptoms to develop anyway.  HIV is a manageable disease, I have friends that are HIV positive, and they are healthier than I am, more active than I am, in better shape than I am. They just follow their doctor's advice, live a healthy life style, and are strict when it comes to taking their meds. If you search the web anything and everything that you are experiencing right now is going to be hiv related (and its probably just anxiety driven), dont do that, you dont even know if that guy you were with had HIV and assuming he did, that doesn't mean you caught it.
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475753 tn?1209062787
I am not positive but have had many risky situations, which I will never have again.
But I plauged myself with thinking I was + for a long time and it effected everything I did.
Six days is not long enough to have ARS or any other symptom of HIV. You're freaking out over dry mouth and white coating? Do you smoke?

Lack of appetite/ nausea...ANXIETY can bring these on, guilt, worry, general stress..they can cause this and DO cause this.

a toe moving independently? To be honest with you man, that's just plain silly....I get twitches all of the time in my fingers, eyelids, could be dehydration, or nothing at all....

if you want reassurance test out at 3 months, and in the mean time really try and concentrate on the fact that this in NOT a common disease, it's NOT a super virus and  moderately hard to contract, and it's symptoms are NOT diagnostic at all...

oh and throw your computer out the window.
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Nice to here that you are a strong christain..so is my mother but donot know how she will take this.. of course she will deal with it but she will be so upset..as I am. I suppose she would rather a HIV + son than one dead.
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Maybe you are right.. but I think your body and mind knows full well when it is completelt out of sinc.  My mouth is so dry it is not true and it has to be cuased by something . not just anxiety.
Pretty sure I have contracted HIV
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