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losing my mind

I recently had sex with a thai sexual worker who was working in hong kong for several weeks.   during sex the condom broker and.  I pulled our about 30 seconds later to ejaculate.   I freaked out but them calmed myself due to the fact that the studies show that the chances for contracting with a single encounter are 1 and 1000.   About a week or so I came down with a pretty nasty cold which I wrote off to traveling on airplanes and constantly being on the move.  In the past few days I've lost my appetiite and come down with a case of diarrhea that is very dark in color.   I've now been probing the internet non stop and found out that the hiv in south asia is way easier to get and some studies show it as in 1 in 30.   On top off this I am not circumcized.   With alll of the mental masturbationn and reading i've read about many of the thai girls not being actually girls.   The girl clearly had a vagina but I have read that many of them have sex changes.  My question is if this was actually a constructed vagina how do the risks compare to a real one?  I have a blood test set up for tomorrow with my doctor.   It's been approximately 30 days since the encounter.  
15 Responses
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1364665 tn?1291607092
"HIV-antibody tests taken beyond the window period remain the gold standard for HIV diagnosis. The HIV-antibody test is a purely a diagnostic test.

Quantitative HIV plasma RNA PCR tests are used primarily to monitor HIV disease progression. It's a measure of viral replication and therefore is an excellent tool for monitoring how well antiretroviral therapy is working.

Qualitative HIV PCR DNA is not FDA approved for HIV-diagnostic testing; however, it can be very helpful in sorting out unclear or indeterminate HIV-antibody test results.

All PCR tests run the risk of false positives and are much more costly than diagnostic HIV-antibody tests"
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ok thats reassuring.  thank you for taking the time.  I've just returned from traveling and have a ton of work to do today and I may just be able to maintin mentally due to your willingness to answer some questions for me.  I owe you one...

I have an appointment to get a blood test with my doctor today and I just made a call to get a rapid test and this guy I spoke with claimed that there is a DNA by PCR test that is 99% accurate if taken after 21 days post exposure.  There is no way that all these guys are waiting around for 3 months pulling there hair out if the solution was that easy.  Do you or Teak know anything about this test?
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1364665 tn?1291607092
I'm from Asia mate. and I had unprotected sex also before. stats are just stats. HIV is HIV, so whether you are from America, Europe, Africa, Asia if you had a risk then you are at risk. It doesn't make any sense of knowing how many people are infected, what are the chances, whic country and what nationality because HIV is just the same worldwide.
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thank you Tom

I've read those statistics also but that was the figure I read for type B which is found in the USA or Europe.

Bases on those statistics I would be sleeping like a baby tonight.

I found that that type in asia can be transferred much easier.  The figures i've found are inconsistent though.  One study said that the chances are one in 30 when the host has type E.  Does anybody have any good info on this?  
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1364665 tn?1291607092
You may take a test if that will ease your mind but take note that the result is not conlclusive. PEP must be taken 72 hours after the risk from a known HIV person, PEP is no longer effective beyond it.

You need to relax. let me tell you a couple of things. assuming the woman was positive,  the average probability of infection from first time unprotected insertive vaginal sex with an HIV positive woman is .0009. That means that the likelihood of you being infected is .0009%.  Male-to-female transmission was approximately eight-times more efficient than female-to-male transmission and male-to-female per contact infectivity was estimated to be 0.0009. This is because the lining of the vagina is a mucous membrane and hence more permeable than the outside of the male penis. So just relax and wait for the right time to tested. at the mean time, never miss to use condom when you will have sex with you gf.
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ok so then I move foward with the test.  I understand that a negative doesn't really improve my chances but a positive can at least give me a difinitive direction to move with PIP.  I'm bearing the guilt of possibly infecting the one I love and ultimately losing my life.  I guess I was looking for some advice on whether I'm over reacting or if it's likely that I'm positive.  Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse.  I'm just in an unbearable state of mind
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1364665 tn?1291607092
Look, I know how you feel however the least thing you can do now is to wait for the appropriate time to be tested. The AVERAGE period of time that an infected person will show positive on the test is 25 days. This is an average, meaning not all people will test positive by this point in time simply because People has different immune responses with the virus. Only beyond the window period results will give you the conclusive answer.
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3 weeks won't tell you anything about your status from a recent exposure.
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got it.  I'm very clear on that.

My only consideration for PEP was for my girlfriend who I had sex with.   I'm getting a test tomorrow.  I realize it's not conclusive but i've read some threads that say that the majority of people will test positive within 3 weeks.  

I was curious about whehter it is true that it easier to contract hiv in asia?

I realize that the only way to know it to get tested but I'm looking for something while I wait this out.  3 months from the incident is a long way away.
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You don't meet the nPEP guidelines and you are beyond the time limit of taking it.
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ok thanks for your feedback

still looking for some more clear answers so please keep this thread alive

not sure if the cavalier attitude about the risk on this website is practical but it has put my mind as ease a bit to hear of all of the others who are in similar situations.  This is truly a miserable existense.  
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1539121 tn?1292840103
" My question is if this was actually a constructed vagina how do the risks compare to a real one?"
I am not sure about the difference but I am sure it is still a risk. PEP is usually given to people who have had sex with a person who actually has HIV. However, since you did put yourself at risk by having unprotected sex I believe it would be reasonable to take it just in case.
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1538715 tn?1294142416
if you positive PEP can save her 80% chance if taken before 72 hrs...
A doctor will assess the risk and prescribe ...
He will be the only judge whether to prescribe or not.....

You risk was a risk like every risk .....
For your case some say ''vanishingly low''   PEP website says ''Moderate''.....

4 weeks test is a bit soon...
I reckon you re-test at 8 weeks ....
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ok so rather than creating a whole new post I figured I would add to my questions.  I just got some good information from another post about PEP.  I am scheduled to go to my doctor tomorrow to get a blood test but it appears that my best course of action would be to go get a rapid test from a clinic.  If I do indeed test positive then I could possibly save my girlfriend by having her get PEP.   If my test comes back negative then unfortunately it proves nothing because it's only been about 22 days (I redid the math from my prior post. not thinking clearly when I wrote that it had been 30 days)  Should I still suggest that she get PEP?   Is there any other type of medicine that may help me if I test negative 22 days out?
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to clarify my question was not only about the risks of the constructed vigina.  I also want to know what the real probability is of me being infected.   Also what is the probability of me transferring to somebody else.  If Type E (hiv found is southeast asia) is so much easier to transmit why does it not run rampit in other parts of the world when brought back by people travelling.   During the time I was under the assumption that my chances were 1 in 1000, I had sex with a trusted partner unprotected.  I'm actually even more worried about giving this to somebody else.  I couldn't live with myself.
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