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Chronic hbv symptoms I have are yellow eyes, I have headaches everyday and chills bout biweekly so what does that mean ?
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Alright, thank you !
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181575 tn?1250198786
My initial response to you still apply:

"You are still investigating the disease and ruling things out.  It's tough but usually it's okay."

Disease is a long spectrum.  From one extreme there are those would get HepB and the virus literally wipe out the liver and they die in a matter of weeks.  And there are those who are infected even at birth, don't know about it and liver to 90 and die of old age.  And usually most are in the middle.  And most of those who are infected even at birth, do nothing, and have a biopsy in the mid-30s, they will find the liver is still in good shape.  The reason for this is that the liver is a strong organ and HepB is generally a slow moving disease.

But everybody reacts differently, some are very hopeful and think nothing of it and some think gloom and doom.  Regardless of what you think, you still ned time to investigate and the disease it what it is.
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Why would you say at 35 my biopsy results are likely to be fine? W/ said symptoms above that's been going on for years and doc saying its stress, your explanation is dead on and so I've got about 7 of symptoms related to End Stage Liver Disease and I'm just preparing. Thanks again
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I read where the damaged liver can't break down the proteins and toxins build up in the blood leading to something similar to alzheimers and can damage the kidneys as well and then I read where doctors have diffrnt opinions on red meat intake. Maybe I'm too far ahead but I want to know and get your inputs and try to preserve myself, u know.  Thank you for your response
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Ok chronic hepb , still no labs, no ultrasond and biopsy results yet, in limbo right now and just trying to get answers. But I do believe as I do get them ill be later stages, so please work w/ me or forget me.

"no labs, no ultrasond and biopsy results" = You have no basis for a belief and we have no basis to provide answers that you are trying to get.
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181575 tn?1250198786
"teababy" wrote:

I'm in between dr's appts and wanted to know if I should refrain from red meat, I also have few BM's and I read about toxins built up in blood leading to something similiar to alzheimers so is safe to take OTC laxatives. I still don't know where I stand but w/ the time,neglect and symptoms I have I'm sure there's considerable damage. Also what are flare ups and how do they affect the liver.  Thank you pls respond. ;)

"stevenNYer" reply:

No special diet or anything specific to avoid.  Just use common sense to be liver friendly.  Although difficult, try not to jump to conclusions.  If you are 35, biopsy results are likely fine.
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181575 tn?1250198786
A flare up is a bout of active hepatitis.  HepB virus lives in host liver cells, immune system don't pick them up.  Then something happens, immune system recognizes the virus and attacks.  Targeted virus die.  Host liver cells become collateral damage.  This is hepatitis.
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What is a flare up? And what does it mean?
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tHANK YOU for your response, you brought luaghter,comfort and tears to my eyes and all in one paragraph too! Bless you and thank you again
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That is good that you are going for the biopsy especially if your doc says it might be best step to take. I guess if you have maybe been a carrier for a while and not known this then it is best to have biop if bloods indicate irregularities. That way they can know for sure where they are starting from. Biopsy will be short and quick. Do not worry. I have a friend who had a lung biopsy not so long ago and he said it was a quick stabbing pain but not as bad as he had worked himself up for. And really look at it this way that short quick pain is gonna be a good friend to you. It will be one of the most loyal pals coz it will be able to tell you the truth and eaase your mind.

I don't know much about the medications you are taking as I have just recently started on pills myself. They are fine just a bummer having to remember to take them, but again they are my best pal at the moment because I know they are there doing the best to stand up for me and fight my side. You keep your chin up girl. This is the 21st century. The medical proferssion are soooo clever and awesome and can do loads to help us. You will get stronger each day and will be able to look back at this gloomy stage in your life and say, 'why the heck did I waste even a week crying over it all?'

Yeah docs appts are quite far apart. I would just prefer to move in with my liver specialist and kip in bed with him and his wife just so that I could ask him liver qns 24/7 however, I'm not sure he could tolerate the amount of daft questions I would have. Oh thanks be for THIS forum for they cannot run from me unlike my doctor. They put the appts apart because apparantly changes occur slowly..or so I was told recently.

None of us know how long we have on this world. It might be tomorrow that I crash into a bus and die. You and I at least now know we have a liver problem and we can be clever and monitor it and look after ourselves. Others out there have the same disease and DO NOT know they have it.

Try to keep the stress down, as your immune system needs a healthy body to keep looking out for you. Take some time to watch a funny film with a friend or partner and have a laugh. Cuddle your kids everyday and enjoy life.
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Well I've gotten my ultrasound done and I've decided to go ahead w/ the biopsy so that's in a couple weeks.the doc who did my ultrasound sat me down and said It would be foolish not to have the biop done out of fear and that it would be a much clearer diagnosis as far as chirrhosis goes and ultrasound is good for cancer I guess. I've started on baraclude and thank god no side effects. The worst part is the waiting and doc's visits are 3 mos apart, I'm so impatient! It weighs on my mind about my possible early demise for I have two little ones here at home. I'm hurting and stressing inside. Well I'm such a negative person all doom and gloom. But I turn to the lord for my all my cares. Well sorry if that's more than you needed to hear, good luck to you hope you rid yourself of the hep b. Best wishes teababy
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I really have faith in medicine. I for example am sitting right now waiting to see if my HBV will go and leave me immune or of in the next few weeks I am likely to develop chronic. But even if the latter occurs, I know that there is little that they can't do to keep me healthy and well. It will be a bummer to have to constantly monitor things but I am also sure that a cure is only around the corner. I really do think that.

When is your ultrasound scheduled for? I did a little reading on biopsy after seeing you mentioning it and from what my research tells me, it's not so bad. One book said it is akin to being punched in the rib for a sharp second or two...well not nice but not as bad as some may think. It is apparantly also done with a local anaesthetic similar to the sort that your dentist might use for a filling. Now I don't know bout you but I NEVER feel a thing when getting a filling. The doctor in the book I read said that it is really a quick procedure but can be a nervous experience, for no other reason than the thought of having it done.

How long have you been HBV? Have you been on medication?
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I love that your responses are posotive and uplifting even when the topics are to me so dark and scary where's it seems there's only a dim light.  THANK YOU I enjoy reading your entries.
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yellow red and white arent a given fact.

most actually will get the virus , go from acute to chronic and live a long life not even knowing theey have it til something happens.

a lot by the way find out by mistake.. they go in for something and they find out something else..

this virus, for the most part, doesnt come with many symptoms . i think the most common symptom is the common cold..people cant panic and go nuts every time they have a cold

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Does yellow skin and eyes then not indicate a wee flare up of the infection again. I was told by my diabetic doctor a few months ago that that could happen if I was to develop chronic and that it was a bit of a nuisance. Are you on any medication for your Hepb?
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Chronic hep b
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Have you been diagnosed as chronic or acute? When I was diagnosed as acute I went very very yellow in skin and eyes.
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Thanks for the feedback and well wishes. I'm such a softy and your info and kind words mean alot during these times. I'm due for biop. On monday so ill post after recovery. Gosh the unknown is torture.  Well happy easter to you and all as well.      
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181575 tn?1250198786
It could be a acute HepB flare or accumulation of damage done to the liver by HepB over the years, that's probably why you doctor wants to do a liver biopsy.  You are still investigating the disease and ruling things out.  It's tough but usually it's okay.  As for the biopsy, almost all who had it say it's a minor procedure and no big deal.  But like they say, it's only feels minor when it's on someone else.  So hang in there.  Good luck and keep us posted.
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