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HSV-1 or 2 orally and genitally

I recently was experiencing symptoms of strep throat and went to the doctor and the test was negative. He said I had a "viral infection" and left it at that and prescribed medicine.  A day later I noticed a few spots on my genital area and immediately made an appointment at planned parenthood. My doctor said that it was herpes, and was guessing it was HSV-type 1 because of the sores in my mouth.  She performed a swab test from a sore in my genital and I am waiting to hear the results.. I am very scared and confused about this.. How likely is it that it could be HSV-1?? Thank you
19 Responses
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1174003 tn?1308160819
The swab was done on your genitals?

Yes you should tell your future partners so that they know what precuations if any you need to take with them.  HSV-1 isn't that much a problem for post people as it doesn't reoccur often and the shedding rate is less when compared to HSV-2 genital.

Avoid sexual encounters anytime you have an outbreak.
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My Doctor had me take amoxicillin for my mouth, which cleared it right up.  My test results for my swab came back and I was positive for type 1 and negative for type 2.  So my mouth and genital symptoms were not related.  My next question is, now that I have tested positive for HSV 1, I am a little confused as to what that means. Is this something that I need to tell a future partner about? Thank you so much for your answers, it has been extremely helpful.
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101028 tn?1419603004
if things aren't better by monday, return to be seen again.
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So I am just writing because I am still very uncomfortable in my mouth. My doctor gave me acyclovir that I have been taking 3 times a day since Monday.  I have no more symptoms in my genital, it is only my mouth.  I am starting to wonder if there is something else going on.  There aren't clusters of bumps in my mouth and they aren't blisters, they remind me more of chancre sores and the roof of my mouth is raised and swollen like I burned myself badly. Any ideas? Thank you.
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Thanks again for your help.
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101028 tn?1419603004
if neither of you have ever been tested for herpes it's not a bad idea to both get them now regardless due to the false negative issues with lesion cultures.
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would you recommend getting a blood test now or waiting for the results of my swab test?
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101028 tn?1419603004
no the swab test can't help you figure out if this is a new infection or not.
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That does make sense, thank you. I agree on my partner and I both getting tested.  Will the swab test result, if positive, be able to tell if this is a new infection? They did no other testing for a yeast or bacterial infection.  I guess all I can do now is wait and see what the swab test results are and go from there right? This waiting game is certainly not easy, but thanks again for your help.
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101028 tn?1419603004
also I forgot to mention that there are some viral infections that can also cause genital lesions to occur. ebv is one of them and there are several others. ruling out herpes is certainly a good idea but if all the testing comes back as negative on you both, you might actually never figure out what was really going on either.
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101028 tn?1419603004
both you and your partner getting blood tests now is helpful to determine if this is a new infection for you or just your first obvious recurrence of a previous infection too. also keep in mind that it very well may be a viral upper respiratory issue going on in your mouth that lowered your bodies defenses enough that you had obvious genital symptoms of herpes that you took notice to.  symptoms in both areas doesn't mean they are related much at all ( does that make sense? ).

did they also test you for yeast and bacterial infections vaginally too when you were seen?
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My partner has not been tested. So basically both cases of either it being HSV1 or 2 in my situation are uncommon? Thank you so much for your responses. This is all very new and scary to me so I am just trying to sort out some of the many questions I have about the virus. I am very anxious to get my results back. Although, my Doctor did say that there is always a chance there was not enough of the virus on the swab and it will come back negative and in that case I'd have to wait a few months and do a blood test.
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Not having received oral sex from your partner sort of decreases the chance that this is HSV1, 'cause it's usually transmitted through oral sex with someone infected with HSV1. But maybe you haven't caught it from your last encounter, so we should just wait for the culture result and see if this is actually herpes going on.

The best thing you can do is wait for the culture results. The culture won't probably take as long as 7 days, so you can call them this week and try to find out its result.
If the culture happens to be positive, make sure that they typed it - HSV1 or HSV2.
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101028 tn?1419603004
anywhere from 1/4 to 2/3's of folks who contract hsv1 genitally, also contract it orally around the same time .  since you gave oral sex and didn't receive, the odds that this is hsv1 orally and genitally are very, very low.  it could be hsv2 both places but even that risk is rather low. has your partner been tested for herpes?

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just wanted to clarify, I had genital sex AND performed oral sex.
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I performed oral sex on my partner. My cultures will be back in 7-10 days. Is it common to get the virus in both places during the same exposure? Thank you
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101028 tn?1419603004
you can have hsv2 orally but the risk of such is low.  during your encounter, did you just have genital sex or did you give or receive oral sex?

when will your lesion cultures be back?

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The  last time I had sex was 8 days before any symptoms. I believe it was close to 48 hours after noticing the bumps. I noticed the symptoms in my mouth before noticing anything in my genital. My mouth has sores on the tongue, and the roof of my mouth is very swollen like if you were to burn yourself with hot food. The Doctor at urgent care mentioned nothing about my mouth being HSV, but this was before I noticed anything in my genital. My Doctor from planned parenthood that did the swab told me it was unlikely to have HSV 2 in the mouth, but things I read are contradicting. Thank you so much for your response.
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1174003 tn?1308160819
When was the last time you had sexual encounter from the time of these symptoms?  Was the swab done atleast 48hrs after you noticed the bumps?

Without knowing the encounter(s) I can't judge the risk.
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