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dear gracefromHHP,

no info about third trimester in the blood causing false negative still!!! even the site that mistake guy gave me.so contradicting! what scares me even more is that you were the one giving the same info on webmd .its okay im not asking for the site anymore since you guys wont give it me .by the way even TERRI WARREN, where you guys get your hsv information said pregnancy does not affect the blood tests. HA anyways. by you guys giving info about herpes is pretty messed up for people who just have been diagnosed giving us hope or telling us the things we want to hear!..well at least im more generous and wont sue you guys maybe someone will.
Best Answer
1174003 tn?1308160819
You know I am going to sound like a jerk at this point but class if you are so worried at this point just tell your doctor to do a c-section.  Because you are so fearful of something you have NO PROOF you have.  

Great you had HSV-1 orally in the form of coldsores.  If that is really what they were then maybe your test missed it.  Heck I have no way of finding out because you have so many posts here I can't keep track to read them all to find out your test results.  At this point it doesn't matter.

So what do you want us to tell you?  You obviously know more than us....  I mean hey you want to go on and on about how we don't know what we are talking about.  You don't trust us you think we are going to tell you something wrong on purpose to put you, your future child, or whomever at risk.   I am sorry I am not going to tell you what you want to hear.  I will tell you what I believe to be the best thing for you to do.  Just like I have done for all the other posters here at medhelp.  

I will tell you like I told my ex-girlfriend.  I know what I know and I give the advice I give based on what I know.  I accept that I maybe wrong or that the theory or knowledge may change.  At the end of the day if you ask for my advice be ready to hear things my way. I won't tell you what want to hear just because it will make you feel better.  I will tell you what I know how I know it and I will tell you what I think if I don't know it.  At some point you have to grow up and either realize you came to me for an answer I provided it and you can either act with the information I gave or you can sit there and not.  If you keep asking my advice and you don't act on the information I gave you then don't ask me for help.

You see she had the same problem.  Ask me for advice day in and out but don't do crap I said.  She would listen to her best friend, her family, or flat out choose to do her own thing.  Quite honestly I got to the point where I didn't care, afterall usually most of the time I was right.   I gave you the answers.  I gave you the tool to find your own answers.  At the end of the day it all is your decision.  Act like a grown up and make your decision to either listen to us or stop wasting our time with pointless and useless questions that you FAIL to take our advice.  

I will speak for myself.  I have a reputation to uphold.  I learn new things daily.  But I am big about knowing that the advice I give is good advice and I don't want to mess that up.  I don't speak for grace but I do know that given the knowledge and respect she has in the various communities she doesn't want to lose that.  Nor would she want those that know her outside of these forums to think less of her.  My reputation on these forums as I am sure you can find is that I am very nice and caring about the posters.  I lose that when I have done all I can and someone threatens to sue me.

Typing the words "BIG APOLOGY" when you dedicated an entire paragraph to bashing grace and myself along with a threat to sue us isn't quite good enough in my book.  I get you are pregnant but that is no excuse for acting the way you are acting which is just like 3 year old cousin who when I told him to clean up his room while I was babysitting looked me in the face put his hands on his hips and said "NO!".  When he couldn't find his toy firetruck to play with and I told him if he had cleaned his room up he would know where it was  and maybe he should clean it up and he might find it again said "No!" followed by him stomping his feet and crying with an attitude.  Once he cleaned his room he found the toy fire truck under his blanket on the floor.  Amazing what happens when you listen to someone.  

This is my last post to you.  I wish you nothing but the best.
11 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
there are already false negative issues with the hsv1 igg testing in general.

please, as I've already said, there is nothing else we can help you with so do not continue posting.  I've been more than patient with you.

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yes, but im asking if the test can cause false negatives on hsv1 also or is it just hsv 2  or both ?
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101028 tn?1419603004
we've discussed this multiple times in your original post. refer to that as needed and discuss all your concerns with your provider.
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i was more worried about contracting hsv 1 genitally .
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okay great story , so is it only for hsv 2 or for both ?
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im delivering this week, i get more stressed and upset by the week because i am scared of passing hsv,i know i dont have hsv2 i was more concerned about not having hsv1 antibodies ive had cold sores, you said that i could test negative for hsv , is it for both or only hsv 2 ?.
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wow! truly sorry its juts that i took so much time into this , BIG APOLOGY TO YOU AND GRACE.!! is that only for hsv2 or hsv1 as well?.
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101028 tn?1419603004
1 - you can't sue us here.  I am here as one member to another and the little paragraph at the left side of your screen is known as the CYA statement so that you aren't able to sue someone for what you are told on a forum like this.

2 - you are violating the posting policies of this forum with your repeated posts. I have reported you to medhelp again for violating the policies.

3 - you posted in someone else's post on terri's forum which is also a violation of the posting policies on her forum. You caught her off guard and she responded not realizing you were not the original poster. You didn't provide her with the same information that you gave to us here on the forum and hence the reply was not complete based on your particular situation.  

4 - as I told you previously - treating me like I'm an incompetent fool is not going to make me help you at all ever again. Sorry but I don't deserve that kind of nonsense, especially not when you are doing it on 2 different websites.  Funny though how you don't value my opinion at all and I think I make stuff up but you keep coming back over and over and over again to ask of my help.  

you are 3 weeks away from delivering your new baby. go enjoy yourself!  There is nothing you can do about your test results at this point unless your provider sees an active genital lesion to culture so why drive yourself nuts?  It's not worth it when the likelihood of you actually having hsv2 is incredibly small as I already told you repeatedly in your original post on this forum as well as I really don't think you need the stress of any further doubt at this point hence my refusal to add to it based on your history that we discussed many times now in your original post. Follow up with your obgyn weekly at your appointments.

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1174003 tn?1308160819
You know I have been busy the last few days to even read the boards.  To which I decided to look at some previous posting history of mine.  To which I see such a childish and crappy post made by you.  Since I really don't care much of what such a rude and disrespectful person such as yourself has to say but I do care what others may find tripping on to your post I decided to prove you wrong.

First off I would love for you to sue me.  The fact of the matter it has nothing to do with you being more generous it has to do with the fact you can't sue me.  You have no grounds for a lawsuit at all.  My speech is actually protected by the free speech laws.  You are welcome to try but I guarntee you will be sadly disappointed.  The fact of the matter is though that I can actually sue you for defamation of character.  

I gave you a link in one of your many posts to pubmed.gov.  If you had taken the time to even think or consider to search it over you could have found where grace and I have both pointed to you that there is a known rate of decrease in the last trimester of your pregnancy with some antibodies.  You stated it wasn't for HSV.  I disagree and so do some other people who took the time to study this.  After you are done reading this abstract you can feel free to publish an appology to Grace and Myself whenever you so choose.  


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ohh i will be kindly enough to give you the DIRECT url and site, instead of SEARCHING it for days!     "No, the testing should not be impacted by pregnancy".

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