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Chance of Herpes?

I am currently 29 weeks pregnant from sexual assault/encounter (I would not terminate & welcome this baby with open arms).Unfortunately, about six weeks back (Feb. 26th),my ex and I reunited and engaged in sexual intercourse.He had been with another woman, and tho we had protected sex, the condom broke.I noticed 2 days later that I had some slight irritation and went to my OB. I was concern about herpes. (After the condom broke and he removed his penis, I noticed a large sore on the shaft of his penis,not a lesion, but it looked almost like a patch of raw, open skin.)  She said she saw some irritation at my vaginal opening and took a culture.She prescribed Valtrex, for precautionary measures until the results came back which were negative.2 days after starting the Valtrex my symptoms escalated.I had intense pain and burning, no itching or lesions anywhere, and no sign of fever or fatigue. I went back and a full culture smear as well as STD panel was run for trich, gonn, even yeast, all negative.She prescribed Flagyl for the swelling in my vagina & vulva area.I took this medication for 3 days and due to nasty side effects discontinued.I have been to 3 doctors since, and all tests are negative (one doctor mentioned vulva varicosities & vestibulitis) however, my symptoms continue to progress.Symptoms now are intense burning, rawness, irritation, extreme swelling, and of course fear.My current doctor doesn’t see the need for a blood test, and I know at only  6 weeks it is still to early to detect it from this exposure.Does this sound anything like herpes?I have read that not everyone presents with lesions on the initial outbreak.I have not had any clusters, lesions, or blisters to the area.(I am checking almost every day.)Please let me know if there are tests to take, or if I am just worried. I called my ex to see if he had been tested, he laughed saying he gets tested every 6 months and is clean, but he does routine testing & not herpes testing.
29 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
I'd treat this as eczema and use topicals on it. No reason whatsoever to suspect genital herpes.

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The baby has taken a break from teething (thank the good Lord!), but after rounds of surgeries for myself...I am a bit exhausted.  He has grown sooo much!
He seems to be doing quite well, aside from a little cold.  :)

I know you are probably sick of hearing about this, but as I do have really severe eczema, I didn't at first think it any big issue.  Recently I found a rash between my buttock and upper leg crease.  It itches incredibly, and of course, my fear of HSV1 popped back into my head.  The bumps hurt like nothing I have ever felt before when touched, certainly unlike any eczema that I have previously had.  :(
Should I bother with a culture?  There are no other symptoms whatsoever, and I have never had a rash in this location on my body.
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101028 tn?1419603004
You hit the nail on the head :)

I hope this finally helps put all this stress to rest for you :)

Is your baby finally feeling better?

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Thank you Grace for your patience with me on this...it was and is GREATLY appreciated!
So I am to assume that aside from a culture coming back positive in the genital area, there isn't any more testing that I can request that would determine whether the HSV1 is oral or not, and I should probably stop worrying about it?

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101028 tn?1419603004
Hsv1 genitally doesn't reoccur this often. it's likely to be due to other reasons such as the ones your provider suggested.

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Okay...so I finally got my results back, and now I am really confused.  I asked my doctor for the numbers and he said that there are none, but that I was Positive for HSV1, and Negative for HSV2.  I asked him if HSV1 could have presented itself genitally, and he said that he has seen absolutely no signs of that, and does not believe it to be possible in my case.
Here is where the confusion sets in...a few days ago, I noticed a paper cut above the clitoris, and two other teeny tiny little circle like abrasions on my labia majora.  My doctor has told me that the cut is from a yeast infection that I currently have, and that the "irritation" is from contact dermatitis from the pads I was using.  He stated that if it were herpes it would hurt when touched...which it does.  I haven't run a fever, or have swollen lymph nodes, or any other symptoms.  
I am really confused.  He also stated that he has cultured the vagina numerous times with negative results and that my worry is unfounded.  :(
Now that I have the results, I don't feel any type of relief from this worry.  
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101028 tn?1419603004
No wonder you are so stressed out!!!  Do you  have friends and family to lean on for support with all of this?

Worst case scenerio out of all of this - you really do have genital herpes. If so, no reason to suspect that you'd be in as much pain as your mother was - medications are available now to keep ob's to a minimum and to make the ones you do have as mild as possible.  Herpes can't hold a candle to a baby who's sick and teething and keeping you up all night!!!

Hang in there!

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Thank you so much!  I know...19 cultures swabbed around the opening of my vagina...(and I wonder why I felt so sore?)  :)
I think that my OB kept doing it thinking that it would ease my mind, but all I kept thinking was "Why not just do a blood test?"  
The baby is okay now...he had a gran mal seizure at 12 weeks old that landed him in the hospital for almost a week which was really scary, but they have determined that it was a one time deal due to a reaction to immmunization shots.  He is teething like crazy, with an ear infection every tooth that comes in, so sleep is a thing of the past!  LOL  I think that with all this worrying and lack of sleep I am just causing my pain to feel worse than it really is.  To add to my stress as well, the father of the child, who came up on criminal charges, was granted supervised visitation...somehow...even after the State's Attorney and I fought against it.
After almost a year of obsessing over wondering if I contracted HSV, I just need it to be over one way or another...and although I am scared of the results, it is better that I know once and for all like you said.  I grew up watching how badly my mother felt with every outbreak (they used to make her extremely sick and were so painful that she would have to lie in bed for the first couple of days with her legs spread apart.)  I have read that not everyone has episodes that are severe, but I know hers were incredibly painful and caused her alot of grief.  
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101028 tn?1419603004
I will GLADLY walk you thru the numbers dear :)  And thank you very much for just adding to your original thread - it really is helpful. When they call wednesday, just write down the following info - hsv1 igg 5. 6 and hsv2 igg . 23 or whatever they are - that's all the info I need to help you with this. Hopefully you can finally get a decent answer for once and for all. 19 lesion cultures - good grief!

So how's your baby boy?  

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I am trying to continue my original thread and hope that you respond, as I know that it is confusing when others post numerous ones.  It has been almost a year now since my first culture for HSV (believe it or not my OB has done over 19 of them all negative but wouldn't do a blood test), and yes...today my doctor finally agreed to do a blood test.  I have yet to have a break out or lesion present, and was assured by my OB as well as my Dermatologist that I do not have any signs of HSV in the vaginal area...however, I was so demanding on wanting to get tested that my doc agreed to do a blood test today.  I am really scared.  I had the baby vaginally and no complications with him other than my hemmoraging severely from the delivery as I have a form of VWB (I do not clot).  My question may seem silly, and I apologize if it comes across as ignorant or codependant, but I was wondering if once I receive the results, someone could please walk me thru the numbers.  He is taking a HerpesSelect IGG???  I have to wait until next Wednesday to receive the results.  I have to admit, that I am upset and emotional over the long wait.
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101028 tn?1419603004
If you aren't going to relax until you know one way or another, get the blood test yourself.  Otherwise listen to your provider or get a consult from another obgyn to try to figure out what is going on.

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I thank you again for your clarification on that!  I had just read that the antibodies might be present.  I recently went to OBG with a tear at the vaginal opening...noticed it last week, and the moment I did, he had me come in for yet another culture.  (Fifth one since this all began.) Of course it came back negative, and he feels absolutely no need for a blood test.  I am confused as to why a doctor would not be more concerned with this being a possible HSV infection and the risk to the unborn child.  He looked at me as though I was crazy when I told him that I am concerned that the cultures are false negatives.  It is going on eight days now with this tear being present, and my vulva being red and blotchy (a symptom that has been present for all three months after exposure).  Am I making too much of this already, or are my fears founded?
I really want the blood test, but am afraid if it comes back positive, as emotional as I am I wouldn't be able to handle it.  I know it is the only thing that will set my mind at ease tho.
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101028 tn?1419603004
If you had contracted hsv2 from your  mother you would've been ill soon after birth.  You don't have to worry about a false positive from your mother being hsv2+.

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Thank you for your response!  I will certainly look into these sites and see how soon I can get tested.  This has been the worst experience that I have ever had!  :(
I know my worrying isn't helping the baby any, and I have allready had one bought of preterm labor about a week ago, so I know I need to slow down and gather up my nerves and just get tested allready!  
I appreciate you answering all of my questions.  More than I could ever thank you for!  I will get the test as soon as they can do it.  
Would the fact that my mother had HSV2 prior to having me have any effect on my results now, obviously numerous years later?  I know they say that women who contract it prior to pregancy allows for the child to build up antibodies early on...
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101028 tn?1419603004
Herpes would not cause symptoms like this all the time.  I still think getting tested for herpes with a blood test is in your best interest though considering everything- have you thought about getting tested on your own and paying for it out of pocket from another source like healthcheckusa.com or tstd.org?

I hope you get answers and relief soon - this sounds like a miserable experience :(

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As redundant as my posting may seem, I am still a mess over what to do.  My OBG will not run a blood test, as he says that there is no need without an obvious lesion or breakout, and it is going on three months since this last sexual encounter with my ex.  I have not had any changes in my condition and was referred to a specialist PT who deals with women who have been diagnosed with Vulvodynia and Vulvar Vestibulitis.  My vulvar region is extremely red, swollen, and sore and my vaginal opening has constant burning.  I have red that some women have herpes that presents itself as such (without the lesions...), however, my symptoms have been this way, as I said, for months on end.  Does this sound like a case of herpes?  Where can I go other than my primary doctor to request this Igg test.  My biggest fear is that my doctor may be making light of this, and that my baby might contract neo natal herpes if born vaginally.  (If I am positive.)
As annoying as I may sound to everyone, I feel that it is a justified fear especially with an innocent child in the mix.  I appreciate all the answers that you all provide, and think that it is wonderful that you share your knowledge with those, like me, who know little about this condition, or possibility of...
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Thank you again for your answer. I am set to deliver prior to the usual 3 month wait time for a blood test to come back accurately though...My OB has changed my due date recently, and so now I am worried that I won't get a true test result prior to the birth.
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101028 tn?1419603004
just a type specific igg blood test.

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Thank you for all of your help! I appreciate you being so response, and everyone else being so supportive too!  Is there a specific test that I should be requesting from my doctor?
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101028 tn?1419603004
Well still - it's worth following up on.  

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The first doctor that took the culture actually said that it looked nothing like herpes, but irritation from what she called "rough sex".  She said that the reason for the culture was simply to rule it out, as she has had patients before that she thought for sure had herpes and tested negative with a culture.
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Actually I have never had a visual diagnosis of herpes, so I am a bit confused...
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101028 tn?1419603004
I'd make sure you have been tested for herpes since at least 3 months since the assualt for starters.  I know you were given advice in the experts forum that this isn't herpes but I think covering the bases is the best course of action.  to me you can't be too cautious when it comes to herpes and pregnancy.  You've had a visual diagnosis of herpes which is often wrong but it's well worth follow up on in my book.  

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I am quite lucky to have such a great support group around me through this!  Being able to just talk about it here helps tremendously as well.  From your experience, does it sound like I might have been exposed or that my fears are warranted in any way?  
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.