5265383 tn?1669040108

Possible Olmetec side effect?

I am very sensitive to meds, and don't want to google this because I don't want to  know what the possible side effects of this med are ... don't want to be looking for them.  But I have one thing going on, and I can't imagine that it is a side effect ... can anyone help?  I take 20 mg ... and I am SO THIRSTY ... even getting up in the middle of then night for a couple of cups of water.  After first pill (yesterday) I think I drank 6 cups of water between dinner and bed.

I've only been on it for two days .. will this level out?  Is it even related?  I also have a whole lot of congestion and stuff in my throat .. also not sure if it could be involved .. but again, if it is, will this settle down?

I really want this stuff to work.  Anyone have any ideas?  Thank you!
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I understand your concern regarding this. While medication side effect may vary from one person to another, some side effect of Olmetec or Olmesartan include fatigue, cold or flu-like symptoms as well as inflammation of the lining of the nose or rhinitis  and inflammation of the throat  or pharyngitis. Apart from other issues such as diabetes, drinking plenty of fluids may be directly or indirectly related symptom  to taking of this medicine.  If it persists, it is best that you have this checked by your doctor for proper evaluation. Take care and do keep us posted.
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5265383 tn?1669040108
Thank you so much for your input! The terrible thirst with the pill stopped o four days after starting up.   I definitely still have the inflammation in my throat and upper nose (have been on the drug since December 4).  I'm pushing through though because it's working brilliantly for my bp.  I am also very fatigued, however that didn't change one way or the other with the med (battling something else too).  No flu-like symptoms.

I don't notice the inflammation as much at night, but I'm using a CPAP which seems to settle it down.  It's just a pain during the day -- worse for the first six hours after taking the pill.  Clearing throat, frog in throat, trouble with my voice ... grrr.  As I said, I REALLY want this stuff this work.

I've also had a few days of quite LOW bp ... was put on a med for something else (gabapentin) -- turns out this rarely can work as a vasodilator?  Until I got used to the dose my bp at night (when I take the pill) was quite low.  Saw a doctor and was told that if I have to increase the gabapentin I will have to monitor my bp carefully.

This is complicated :P.

Thanks again!!

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