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disease from dildo??

I recently stuck a dirty rubber mouthpiece in my ***. I say dirty because I didn't wash it but just cleaned it with a cloth.I didn't think of much after but my anus was just hurting and stuff. But then about 7-10 days later I got this sore throat that feels like something is stuck there. I just want to know if you can catch any disease that can cause this. Also I have been having chest pain for a while which i later find out was heartburn and could be related to my sore throat but i dont know. Buy my question is, could my sore throat be related to sticking that mouthpiece up my ***
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Okay I had figured out that my sore throat was a neck muscle problem also know as sternocleidomastoid syndrome and which I get referred pain in my throat and other symptoms. I have been stretching out that muscle and my sore throat problem has resolved. But my chest pain still persists and I am also a little constitpated. Also just to add I was a heavy drinker drinking almost everyday for the past 2 or 3 months. And after I would drink I would drink a lot of water. I think this could have led me to lose a lot of my vitamins such as my b12 vitamins which could be giving me constipation and chest pain as well as this tingly sensation on my left hand, but I haven't felt this recently. Also I could think this could be gas that could be trapped and giving me chest pain from. Could this be because of my heavy drinking? Also sorry for the long reply and I also have been taking a b12 supplement and been eating more to try supplement my vitamins lost.
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What other symptoms are present? The sore throat could be infectious ( viral or bacterial) in nature, or also caused by acid reflux and not from the dirty object. If the sore throat persists, further evaluation and diagnostic tests like blood test or throat swab may be done. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause. Take  care and do keep us posted.
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