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MRSA, Dr gave steroids. Counterproductive?

My husband and I have dealt with nearly 20 MRSA infections in the past two years. He was in the hospital and had a fifth of his lung removed at one point. He just went to a new doctor, and this one gave him Doxycycline and Prednisone. (Antibiotic and Steroids.) Since steroids suppress immune system functions, I think that's completely backwards. They were prescribed for the MRSA. Have you ever heard of sterioids prescribed to help with MRSA treatment?

Also, could you suggest some preventative MRSA treatments for me to look into so I may suggest one to our primary? Thanks.
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In general, sometimes they give a steroid and an antibiotic because they want to get the swelling down and then fight the infection. So it isn't always counterproductive. For example, my aunt who had fungus of the lung. She was given steroid plus antibiotics. She had several bacterial infections due to the fungus eating her lungs up. So the standard treatment for Aspergilloma of the lungs is steroid and antibiotics. They sometimes also try hyperbolic chamber.
hope things are getting better.
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I know this is old, but I was searching for a reason why the prednisolone my son (8, who has autoimmune encephalitis and is a carrier for MRSA) has MRSA outrbreaks from this nostrils but they do not respond to mupirocin, only prednisolone (which he takes to reduce brain inflammation and it just so happens he gets MRSA sores when his flares start). I thought it odd as well that an immune suppressant would yield  such quick results in healing a bacterial infection. He has had staph aureus since he was 2, diagnosed with MRSA at 7.
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My father was the first to experience MRSA and he has EXTREME allergies to most man-made medications.  If you read side effects closely there aren't ANY of them that are safe for someone with mild allergic reactions.  Therefore, we have become very internet savy and study up on how the body is suppose to "cure" the various ailments and there is a MRSA related "cure" that does not cause side effects.  It is SILVER.  it comes in liquid, capsules, gel, salve, etc.  Even the pharmaceutical companies are making silver lined bandages and gauge for hospitals.  The FDA has recently approve silver gel to be prescribed and paid by ins. co. as an antibiotic treatment in surgical wounds, burns, diabetic sores that dont heal and MRSA!!!!  Hope this helps
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This is quite interesting stuff woconnor.  I have already been told that the foot wound is colonized.  I requested a culture be taken three weeks ago and just found out a couple of weeks ago that I was MRSA positive but was not told there wasn't any infection going.  Matter of fact, they were getting a pre-authorization ready to go for Zyvox....  Amazing, no infection, but I was going to get a antibotic?  Just don't understand.  

Anyways, long story short, the second ortho suggested that I did not pick the Zyvox up - didn't need it.

I go back to see the second ortho surgeon on Tuesday and will request a nasal mucous culture just for gp's.  So, I guess the nasal swab is the tell tell if you are a MRSA carrier correct?

One last question for you please.  Could the MRSA cause Venous Insufficiency?  I have been battling severe swelling to the right foot (not the foot with the wound) and moderate swelling to the wounded foot since July 24th.  I have been trying to keep it elevated above the heart but pretty much that only happens when I go to bed.  Am also sleeping with a moist heat/heating pad to reduce welling?  Any other suggestions?


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Both of you are probably colonized with the MRSA in your nasal passages.  Have your primary send a culture of your nasal mucous especially if it is greenish yellow for bacteria.  I don't know what your doctor will tell you, but I have eradicated the carrier state for staph aureus in over ten patients.  I can't practice medicine over the internet for you, but you could try to contact me if it turns out to be growing there.  I don't know if it is against the rules to give you my contact information.
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I also had MRSA and have just found out that I am a MRSA carrier although, I am not infected at the moment.I also have RA and take 7.5 mg of Mexotraxate one time per week.  My new orthopedic surgeon called my RA doctor and said hey, need to back off the Mexotraxaate and ALL steriod shots until the foot has healed.    My RA doctor concurred.  Now, the Orthopedic surgeon was okay with me taking the Medrol which is "Tablets contain methylprednisolone which is a glucocorticoid. Glucocorticoids are adrenocortical steroids, both naturally occurring and synthetic, which are readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. "

As far as antibotics, has vancomycin iv drip been entertained yet?  I was on that twice a day for 23 days.  It's a tough drug on your organs but is suppose to kick the MRSA in the butt; not to mention Levaquin, and Cipro.

If you are concerned and unsure, please seek a second medical opionion.  I learned the hard way that we as patients must be extremely proactive in our health care.  I wish I had sought a second opionion a month ago.  My foot wound has not healed and it's been four months now.  I am off to see a wound specialist next week.  Not sure how many visits I will have to the hyperbaric chamber but am looking foward to this foot being healed once and for all.

Best of luck to you guys.

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1386405 tn?1291587800
Wow that is a tough ? and I have to be honest I don't know much about MRSA but I would get a second opinion if you don't feel 100% satisfied with the treatment and answers the Dr is giving you that MRSA is some serious stuff  
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