280418 tn?1306325910

Lab test out of California after Positive ELISA?

I had the positive ELISA for Lymes and called my neuro to get his plan for follow-up labs, whatever.  The nurse said, "well, do you remember being bit by a tick?"  I am thinking, what does it matter?  I have a positive ELISA for it, so why is she asking me?  Does she not believe in Lymes or me or what?  Then she asked, sounding perplexed, "what are your symptoms."  After 2.5 yrs of symptoms, tests and multiple diagnoses that are not definitive, i was annoyed that this woman was questioning me.  At this point, I just told her, "maam, I googled the ELISA and Lymes and basically I need a follow-up lab and from what I gathered, people with Lymes don't always remember or know they had a tick bite!"  Am I correct here?  I get really tired of people questioning my request for further work-up when they don't know what the heck is wrong with me.  I am of the camp that you should leave no stone unturned.  If they had unexplained symptoms, they would do the same.  And YES, to all of those that are concerned about having anxiety with all these symptoms, it is normal.  When you are sick and not even the best docs can figure out why your are sick, then you get darn anxious and depressed.  Anyone have any insight/suggestions?
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428506 tn?1296557399
I think you handled the woman on the phone quite well!

There are still people who think that even if you have tons of unexplained symptoms and, in your case, suggestive blood work, Lyme is unlikely unless you are an outdoors person who recalls tick bites.  Some people really do not believe in Lyme.  My PCP refused several requests I made to get a Western blot (sure, my ELISA was negative, but like you state, I wanted to leave no stone unturned).

The Igenex lab in Palo Alto has a website with info about the tests they offer.  They are a private specialty lab, so insurance won't cover it, but many Lyme patients feel it is well worth the cost.  It takes a couple of weeks to get results back, so be prepared to be a bit patient.

You are handling the situation very well, good for you for not taking any nonsense from the nurse!

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You are correct about all of what you stated above, including the part about being anxious and depressed because you are sick and nobody can figure out what it is.  You go girl!
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You have done everything right, including taking the nurse to task.  Be sure to have your WB run through Igenex.  God bless, Amy
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