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237053 tn?1258828426

I'm so sick..

I've felt so sick for probably close to a week now.  I'm just over a month into abx, and feel definately worse.  These flares are worse than they were prior to abx.  I'm guessing maybe I'm in a herx.  My LLMD mentioned something about many lymies herx every 4 weeks?  Also I've read in Dr. B guidelines that week 4 is often the worse week in treatment for some unknown reason.  Has anyone else heard of this?

Today my tongue is so painful!!  This is one of my most mysterious symptoms... it feels scorched and tastebuds are totally englarged and swollen on tip.  I've showed my dr's and they  can't explain it.  Also today I've been having really bad shin pain and my neck and spine are killing me among all the other miserable everyday symptoms.  

I've broke down twice today and cried.  I haven't cried in a long time, but I'm so sick and it's so upsetting that I'm not getting any better.  I had a few days a few weeks ago where I felt close to normal, but it seems those days are def not anywhere near.  I hate being Debbie Downer... but seriously, when does it end?  Will it ever?

Also I'm concerned about the level of care I'm getting.   From what I've read most LLMD are much more thorough than mine.  I don't know if it's because I'm in the UK it's different or what?  My dr's aren't monitoring anything... no liver checks, no blood tests.... nothing.   I'm not a dr, but shouldn't they  be?  I know that lyme can effect practially all body functions/ organs so shouldn't they be making sure that it's not screwing with that?  My heart hearts, and I keep getting these horrible attacks that mimic low blood sugar (but clearly aren't as they don't go away after eating) but I think has to do with my adrenal function....   I don't know....should I call my LLMD?

Sorry to ramble on and on... but it's definately been one of those days....Thank you all so much for your help and support.  

6 Responses
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666921 tn?1254990618
sorry to hear your feeling sooo horrible - it most likely is 'herx' - I have had a feeling like I had burnt my tounge - on the tip - also burning feeling on inside of lips - I was taking abx. at the time - having chilled drinks made it worse - also made the corners of my mouth quite sore and dry - it lasted about 5 days.

I find sometimes 'crying' releases a lot of tension - I cried a lot whilst I was taking 'doxy' .- I think it was all part of 'herxing'.  

Have you tried an 'Epsom salts' bath - I can recall a particular day -  I almost crawled to the bathroom - I got myself into the bath - and just lay there 'a zombie' - but I can honestly say I felt quite a lot better - about 30 mins.in the water . It is worth a try.

Another thing that can help - is to think about the last 'good day' you had - when you felt like - 'wow I actually feel pretty good today'.

I hope you do start feeling better soon - just remember that 'herxing' means the bacteria load - is being lessened - you will be o.k. - and  don't worry about calling your doc. - it is what he/she is there for - maybe you can reduce your abx. dose or have a break.

Best wishes - keep 'us' posted .

Gorbs xx

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A herx (Herxheimer reaction) is the side effects from the die off of the bacteria.  It causes increased symptoms, new symptoms, worsening of old symptoms etc...It's from the toxins released from the dead spirochetes.  If you google it you can read on it.
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1004158 tn?1255165679
Definately see your doctor, hey sorry Im so dumb but what is Herx? what are you all talking about?
Hope you feel better soon, skarey, ask your doc to do bloodwork to ease your mind if nothing else. I would think he will want to after you tell him how bad you feel.
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Sending you a hug and a good thought --

Sorry this is so hard on you.  Don't be afraid to call the dr's office and tell them your symptoms and ask for a call back.  That's what the dr is for, and don't be afraid of bothering them.  Sometimes they will change your meds or dosage if they hear you are suffering so much, and they are the only ones who know what treatment course they want to follow.

Take care, let us know how you do.  Wishing a better day for you tomorrow --
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Hi, I feel for you and have been there. When those herxs kick in, watch they can make you feel like you want to die. It does get better I promise. I'm about six weeks into treatment and somedays feel almost normal and then out of the blue, I get muscle pain, sharp shooting pains. It all goes with the territory.

The first 4-8 weeks of treatment with meds are the worse. It's true the herxs come for me every four weeks just as the new bacteria tries to grow. The meds are fighting with it.
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I haven't actually heard it but from experience I can say weeks 4-6 were the worst for me. Then the worst of it was over.

My doctor was pretty particular.  I had to see him every month.  I had to get electrolytes and liver profile every other month.
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