280418 tn?1306325910

Help Guys: Got my Co-Infection, EEG and corrected MRI Results

So, this was a weird, fruitless trip to the doc.  All of my co-infection testing came back negative.  Keep in mind, I have a CDC positive IgM Igenex.  I want to post the Igenex results again, for good measure:

IFA, B Burgdorferi G/M/A = 1:40 TITER ( 1:80 Positive)

Lyme IgM Western Blot = Igenex IgM Result Positive, CDC/NYS Result Positive
39 +
41 +
58 +

Lyme IgG Western Blot = Igenex IgG Result Negative, CDC/NYS Result Negative
39 IND
41 ++

Multiplex B. Burgdorferi = Sample Serum
Genomic - B Burgdorferi Negative and Plasmid - B Burgdorferi Negative        

Multiplex B. Burgdorferi = Sample Whole Blood
Genomic - B Burgdorferi Negative and Plasmid - B Burgdorferi Negative      

So, if I have no co-infections, this makes me wonder about my diagnosis of Lyme, yet again.  Does a no co-infection status decrease the possibility of Lyme?

The EEG - all normal except some "photic driving that is associated with migraine activity".  I am prone to migraines, so I assume this is nothing - the doc didn't think it was anything.

MRI, 3 Tesla - This was amended b/c it mentioned something in my lung in the old report!  The new report says same lesion in corpus callosum, unchanged.  It added something new.  A "cystic skull base lesion" was found.  The radiologist recommended CT scan for further evaluation.  My doc said this was nothing, that the MRI was a stronger magnet, so it just picked up something I was probably born with.  I feel he's probably right, but he doesn't want to do the CT scan to follow-up.  What gives with that?

Also, he noted that he wanted my HSV-1 checked again b/c the lab didn't specify if I had HSV-1 or HSV-2!  I told him, blushed face, that I have had no other partners and my husband has had no other partners, ever.  So, how could I get genital herpes, without any exposure or lesions or any problems of that nature, ever ever?  He looked surprised and said that I could get it from drinking after someone else?  Huh?!  

So, he said he thought we should approach the HSV-1 that I have always had "high levels" of first, then address the Lyme.  At the same time, he says he thinks my hives (which finally resolved last week after weeks of being off of minocycline) may have been a herxing reaction instead of an allergic reaction.  He believes in Lyme, but doesn't want to start me on another antibiotic?  Why?  Are my Igenex results not compelling enough?

He said to come back in two weeks after the HSV-1 and HSV-2 is sorted out.  Okay.  Whatever.  I am ready to stop going to docs and deal with this on my own.  I am wasting co-pays and time!

A little frustrated,

5 Responses
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280418 tn?1306325910
I would have to get my tests out and I can't get to them right now.  I know they were for Babesia, Ehrlichiosis and some other things.  Sorry I don't know details:(  

I have my LLMD appt. in Sept., thank goodness:)
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It sounds like he is stalling.  When can you get to a LLMD?
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Hi,  What are your co-infection tests/results?  Or am I not reading something in your post?  Did you have babesia FISH assay in addition to looking for antibodies?
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280418 tn?1306325910
I understand what you are saying.  I guess I would have had to drink after someone with some nasty germs!  You're right, I've never even had so much as a cold sore!

I think he is stalling, quite frankly.  I think he is scared and now he is taking my HSV-1 (who doesn't have antibodies to it?) and running with it.  I can't believe he thinks I'm that stupid.  Well, the next visit will show just where we stand.  In the meantime, I have an appointment with an LLMD in Sept., so I will be patient for that appt.  He can't even give me my abx?  Valtrex?  Throw me a bone doc...
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Wow.  That's a lot of stuff to sift through.  Others will have to comment on parts I can't, but I can say that not having a coinfection is a good thing, and only means 'your' tick didn't carry it.  

Re HSV, in the olden days, I believe there was a rule of thumb that HSV-1 infected 'above the waist' and HSV-2 infected 'below the waist.'  Well, times change, and I don't think that distinction holds anymore...without getting graphic about it.  So you could get it from something innocent like a germy glass of water.  Who knows.  And tests aren't foolproof, so maybe it was in error.

I don't understand what your dr means about treating the HSV first and then Lyme; until medicine comes up with a cure, HSV is something that sticks around forever.  So does your dr mean he wants to lower the levels of Herpes virus in your system before treating the Lyme?  I have an old friend who had Lyme for a while before getting diagnosed, and he also had Herpes (1 or 2, I don't know), and the dr went straight to treat the Lyme and gave suppressant meds for when the HSV would break out, which actually seldom happened during the Lyme treatment. But also, there are lots of people who carry the Herpes virus but don't get outbreaks, and perhaps you are one of those.  It's a fair question to ask your dr on what he's basing the "HSV treatment first" position.

Just a comment from the peanut gallery ...
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