237053 tn?1258828426

What is YOUR worst sx?

Wondering what everyone's worse sx is?  Mine right now would most definately be the Brain Fog.  I find it sometimes impossible to deal with.  Everything else is a nuisance but mostly sensory.  The brain fog literally makes carrying out normal tasks almost impossible!  I feel like my head is full of cotton!  I think it is the brain fog that also makes me feel somewhat dizzy or wobbly.  It's just like my head isn't working and I'm floating around in lala land.  Drives me CRAZY!!!
9 Responses
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666921 tn?1254990618

I would not recommend chiro. for neck problems - I had about 8 months of [expensive!]treatment -mostly neck adjustment - it seemed to improve sometimes but I have realised the improvement was only between flares.  I was told after lots of 'yanking/twisting' of my neck that there is a slight chance of causing 'strokes' when adjusting the neck - I was told this by a chiropractor!  

My advice would be massage by a qualified 'sports injury' person - from my experience it doesn't cure the problem but does relieve the tension somewhat - it is much more enjoyable too.

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The less sleep I get, the better my brain works...When I finally crash, I am SO very groggy.

Anyways, my worst symptom is fatigue and all that is associated with that.

BUT, my most annoying is my neck popping when I turn to the right.

I type laying down with my neck constantly bent forward. I determined that this is NOT good for my neck one day. I worked the kinks out of it to the point where it no longer popped but was sore. I was so happy I leaned forward to put my head in my lap, and the pop came right back -- w / a loud vengeance.

I am finally having it x-rayed. I just want to know.
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Pain and stiffness right now.  It used to be neuro.  I've had that bad brain fog but not recently.  It's scary because you feel like you are losing your mind.
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428506 tn?1296557399
For me, my list of worst symptoms has been changing since I began treatment in Dec.  At that time, my brain fog was  my #1 complaint, both due to professional concerns and because it was so upsetting and annoying to not be able to think clearly.

Earlier, more so during my onset, paresthesias were my biggest issue.  I started getting weird tingling/buzzing sensations (many would disappear and reappear in the same places, like a patch on my leg or a side of my face) long before I even sought medical attention.  Eventually, the parestiesias intensified and went from curious to disruptive and even painful (burning).

Lately, at nearly 4 months into treatment, I'd say joint pain/stiffness is high on my list.  It's odd to me since this was the LAST symptom to appear, I'd have thought it'd be early to disappear.  Just more evidence that this disease is impossible to predict!

We had a poll about this not too long ago, you may want to check that out, too:

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237053 tn?1258828426
I'm sorry you have the horrible brain fog as well!  How do you deal with it?  Does it effect you life?  I feel totally out of it.  Spaced out, confused, can't think straight, and etc...   I also notice I feel dizzy (like rocking in a boat).  The dizziness usually accompanies the brain fog.  Do you get dizzy too?  Have you been dx'd?
I hate it.  I want my head back!!!!
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666921 tn?1254990618

...did I say below!!!  [what no brain-fog]!!!!
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666921 tn?1254990618

cont. from below.......no offence to the non-drinkers intended.
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666921 tn?1254990618

I have brain fog but it doesn't sound like I get it as bad as some of you guys.

I will tell you what though if I take pain killers or drink 'any' [even a thimble full of alcohol]
I get it a lot worse than usual!!  so I do know what it is like and I do feel for you.

p.s. before lyme/whatever? I could drink plenty!!  and not even get a headache, needless to say I am now a sober/boring old tea totaller!!!

take care.
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Mine is brain fog as well.   How does one cope with this everyday?  Mine has been worse since adding ceftin 10 days ago.  Also noticed increase leg pain starting at my hips and going down my legs.  New sx for me...as I hear lymes just keeps ,moving.  How I wish it would move out of the brain area, but there hasn't been a day since fall 2006 that it has been gone.   I feel for you.  
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