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Loss of sensitivity in my erection. Please help

I'm currently experiencing a very strange problem. So just for info: I'm 16 years old, male. Around a week and a half ago I did something very...ignorant. Out of curiosity, I tied an elastic band around the bottom of my penis shaft while masturbating, as I've seen online that it can make the penis more erect (I wasn't having any erection problems before, It was just out of curiosity). To my success it did. I didnt have on the elastic for long. I would wrap it on my penis (not too tightly, I made sure not to make it too tight), and then after 20-40 seconds I take the elastic band off. I did that 2-3 times. The last time I wrapped it on just a little bit tighter, and it made the erection better, but as I took it off something a little frightening happened: my penis started to loose its erection entirely. I couldn't get hard or anything. I wasnt experiencing any pain, swelling or discomfort. It just wasn't getting erect. I spoke to my mother about it (embarrasing conversation) and she told me the nerves were just irritated. Which I think were right because the next day after the incident, I was getting erect again. But I noticed something off, the sensitivity that I had in my penis before just wasn't there anymore - especially around the frenulum of my penis.

I thought "oh maybe it will come back" so I just ignored it. But since then, nothing has changed. It's like the sensitivity in my frenulum has just decreased. I really hope its nothing serious. Does anyone know what may be happening?
1 Responses
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207091 tn?1337709493
Well, first, happy to hear you can talk to your mom, even though I'm sure it was a tough convo for you to have.

She's probably right - the nerves were just irritated, and it's a great sign that your erections have come back. Maybe give it the rest of this week, and if all your sensation hasn't returned, it might be a good idea to see a doctor.

Also, be kind to your body, including your penis. While there are rings designed to help people with ED, they are specifically made for that. Using a regular elastic band is risky.

And maybe ease up on the masturbating for the next few days, too. Just let your body heal for a bit. :)

Helpful - 1
Thank you for the reply. Also for the advice too. But I have another question,

Could it be too late for the original sensation to be restored? As since that incident (which was about two weeks ago), I've been masturbating since. If I took a break now, would it restore all or atleast most of the original sensations there?
I don't know what will happen. I can't say if you've done any damage that won't just heal in a few days, or if you will need medical attention.

Only a doctor who examines you can tell you about feeling coming back, but I know that not masturbating for a few days won't hurt anything.
Yeah you're right. Thanks for the advice though.

Although, I've also noticed something else happening that's strange, and its probably related to what I did with the elastic band. I don't remember exactly how it went so I'll do my best to describe it

A couple days after that incident, I was laying in my bed with an erection. I rolled onto my stomach and my body started pressing down on the erection, until I felt a weird little "pop". I couldn't hear it I just felt it, I didnt feel any pain or swelling. But what I did feel after that "pop" was a warming sensation in my penis. But it wasn't painful or anything. The erection also got weaker, much weaker. I didnt have such a strong erection like that since.

The exact same thing happened this morning. Im laying down, roll onto my stomach and I feel that weird "pop" sensation again and my erection weakens and basically goes away.

This stuff started happening after the incident with the elastic band. I'm afraid that I'm doing some type of damage but it's just not as noticable yet. Because I'm thinking about telling my mother about this because it's getting concerning.

Is there a chance that you may know what's going on?
The popping and then losing an erection sounds like MAYBE a penile fracture, but usually, it's a popping sound, not a sensation.


You aren't breaking a bone, but tearing some tissue.

Only a doctor can tell you what's happening, and I think you should tell your mom. You're obviously really concerned, and I can't provide you with 100% reassurance that everything will be okay without medical attention. I'm not saying it won't be, but I don't know what's happening here for sure. A doctor really needs to check you out.

Good luck, and let us know. :)
Oh that's a little frightening. Also I just texted my mom about it. You're right should go get it checked because as you said it could be that the tissue is being teared. This all started happening after the incident with the elastic band.

I'm curious, are you specialized in this type of stuff? Urology.
No, urology isn't my thing - I am far more knowledgeable about sexually transmitted infections and sexuality. I've just picked up some other info along the way that helps out sometimes. Google helps, too.

You don't have most of the symptoms of a penile fracture, so try not to worry. Even if that's what it is, it's a pretty common injury and you'd be fine after treatment. Just go get it checked, and find out for sure. It might be nothing at all, and you just need time, but a doctor who examines you can tell you for sure. :)
Thank you very much. Also, I just spoke to my mother about the situation. In June I actually have a urologist appointment unrelated to this. On that day I can bring up this current situation to them.

Its disappointing that I have to wait for so long though, as I'm afraid that things may potentially get worse - if there is something wrong.

Nonetheless, thank you for answering my questions Jessi. You've really helped me stop stressing as much about this. I'm already dealing with other medical conditions and I just don't want anymore to be added on the list hahah.
I think it's okay to wait until June, so long as you have no pain, swelling, discoloration (bruising), or things don't get worse. If they do, let your mom know and make an appt right away.

You're welcome, and I'm happy to help. :)

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