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World's Longest headache - 18 years!

I have had a 24/7 hreadache since 1989. It is located right in the centre of my forehead and and is usually an 8 or a 9 out of 10 on the pain scale. There is no treatment, medication, drug, specialist, scan or alternative therapy treatment that I have not undergone in an effort to find the cause. The best of the best in Australia have worked on it all to no avail. MRI's by 8, CT Scans by 4 anything with "..oscopy" on the end of, anti depressants, high dosage morphine patches, not one single thing has ever look like working. It has been diganosed as not being physosymatic mainly as a result of its continuity and refusal to react to any medications.
I am 64 and in excellent health - other than this constant companion. I do not intend seeing this 2008 year out I am afraid as it has finally beaten me!
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Hi folks and once again than ks to all the wonderful members who have given me really helpful advices to date, beingh twenty four years on Feb 16h. 2014, that I hope I don't make!

Nothing has changed as the Jurnista that I once found pretty, I have now become tolerant to and nothing else is available. No way would I ever go back onto oxycontin as the withdrawal from that little guy was somnething out of this world. Never ever again!

So folks, I am beaten (still, again, once more ......!) there is not a single solitary sign of a treatment for what appears an incurable headache that has been with me every second of every day of every year for the above time!

Whilst the pain level is about a constant of 7, it is the 24/7 bit that is killing me. I would LOVE to have an ordinary old garden type migraine because at least they do go away for awhile and you get a break from the pain.

Hopefully everybody understands and appreciates I am at the bottem of the depression barrel and whilst some of the medication I am on helps me through the day, my quality of life is just below zero!

I cannot recall the last time I have woken up and felt like life is good and I feel like living!

What a way to go eh! Possibly 45 years of chronic pain, non stop .............. yeh!
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Thanks sara, apologies for being tardy in getting back to you, fact is life is crap for me now and I just stagger from day to day to day ............. I had a good read of your suggested treatment but it appears to be related primarily to being BEFORE knee replacement surgery?

I couldn't find a link between it and my headache issue nor could my GP but I really appreciate the advice all the same.
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Hi Sara,
I just came across this forum while doing some research on migraine treatments and i am very interested in the strategies you have been using to treat your migraines.  I have been getting Botox injections for about 2 years and while i originally found them to be helpful, they seem to have lost their effectiveness.

I am currently taking Gabapentin, Imitrex, Zanaflex, Dilaudid, Paxil and Atenolol and i still have daily migraines/headaches.  A change o.f direction is needed because my current treatment plan is just not working. I see a migraine/tmj specialist and have been diagnosed with classic and cluster migraines as well as TMJ.

I would like to hear more about the nerve blocks, the migraine gel and allergy testing  that you are doing.  Would you be willing to share some more information with me?
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596605 tn?1369946627
Well you finally find out the cause. Too bad it it cannot be repaired.
So sorry. Hope is what keeps many of us going.
I understand and I am so so sorry that nothing can be done.
You deserve to be out of this unrelenting pain.
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Sorry I hit the wrong button apparently and got ended early.

I feel so badly for you.  But, have you tried the treatment above?  Please try to find someone who can provide it to you.  Please don't give up quite yet.  You have all my caring sent your way.

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So your thrombosis is the cause of the migraines?  There is one last thing that I think that you have not tried.  I don't remember where I found the following quote, but it sounded like something truly unique.

"Hi, I have been suffering from migraines for approximately 13yrs, been thru just about every drug, narcotic and non-narcotic there is out there!  Been from neurologist to neurologist to psychiatrist, u name it, I have problem been to them.  Had all the scans and test possible.  I finally found a Dr that has helped me, grant it, I still suffer from migraines, but not as often.  I went from going to the ER from 2-3 times a month, to maybe once every 2-3 months.  I see a sports medicine dr.  He has given me Trigger Point Injections into my muscles in my neck and back, its just lidocaine and sugar water, but it relaxes the muscles.  Also, have had PRP, Plasma Replacement Prolotherapy, they take ur plasma and mix it with lidocaine and inject it into ur muscles, spine and other areas....this helps to heal and attack inflammation, with ur own plasma, so ur body accepts it.  It has worked miracles for me. Prior to this, I have had Botox, Nerve Blocks, Nerve conductor test....u name it, this is the closest thing I have gotten to relief, and it is NON-NARCOTIC!   It is not putting a band aid on it, he is getting down to the root of the problem.  I live in Louisiana, but I'm sure u can do research and find someone in your area that can help you!  Hey, it cant hurt to try!  Good luck!"

Why don't you give it a try?  You are still so young.  I'm just a few years younger than you are.  I can't blame you for wanting it all to end.  I've been suicidal after only 3 years of the chronic pain.  Now doing better.  
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