667078 tn?1316000935

Another night of extreme gut pain

This is getting old. I have been going through this now for over a year. Now my gut pain is constant. I think it is MS but my Neurologist dismissed it. It is not heartburn which my PCP is treating me for. It is lower than my stomach and prilosec is useless. It is another day and night of pain. I stay up late in pain and often wake up and throw up. I will try again this week to press my case with the Doctor. My DH laughs at my situation because I can't eat much anymore that does not make me sick. I am not laughing. I carry around a bowl to throw up in.

32 Responses
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hoping you find some answers soon, sending you strength and luck and prayers
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1394601 tn?1328032308
HVAC, can your PCP admit you to the hospital without going thru ER?

It just stinks that you are suffering and not being treated.
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667078 tn?1316000935
Good suggestion. They checked that.

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anyone considered kidney stone?  I was nauseated and pain in gut until they figured it was a serious kidney stone........in the beginning, the pain was only in front and later moved thru body and hurt in back.

just a thought, but am no doc!
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667078 tn?1316000935
Dangun yes we use flat soda here as well. it makes me sick.

Red she did the whole fecal thing. If I go to an ER under my insurance I have to pay the ENTIRE BILL, this is why I never go to an ER. There is no other options in health care.

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1312898 tn?1314568133
Alex,  I'm so sorry that you are going through this and that you have been in so much pain all this time!!

I'm glad your doctor listened to you this last time and has prescribed you something.  I saw that your doctor did a urine test, but this sounds more like a gut issue.  Have you had a fecal smear?  I know it's gross to talk about, but then you would know if there is any blood in your intestines.  

The other thing I was thinking as far as insurance coverage was the possibility of using the emergency room.  For four years I had horrible abdominal pain, I would tell my doctor and she would blow me off.  I knew it  was my gallbladder.  One night I passed out from the pain and was taken to the ER.  Tests were done and I was admitted for surgery.

I'm just trying to figure out how to get around this with the insurance.  Insurance companies just don't care anymore.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and hoping this will get resolved soon!!

hugs,   Red
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1689801 tn?1333983316
One thing, I don't know if you do this in the US. Here it peoble drink water and coke (with sugar) when they are in trouble keeping food. But the soda has to stay open for awhile so it has no soda (bubbles?? not sure of english word) in it. And not to cold, also eat sugar and salt, I like to use the saltsticks (snack) and eat the big saltpieces of it. This could help you to have strenght, but probably you allready knew all of this. I so hope you will get better very soon!

My best,
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1689801 tn?1333983316
I am so sorry to hear that :(. I sure cross my fingers for the meds to kick in for you. Take care!

All my best wishes to you,
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667078 tn?1316000935
Still very sick. I am trying to give a few days for medications to kick in and get some nourishment. I have cancelled all plans for a weeks and have been resting. I am in too much pain to sleep so days drag on.

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739070 tn?1338603402
I am so sorry thart this gut issue has escalated to such an extreme level! You are NOT a complainer which is all the more reason to find a solution. I apologize for "coming late to the party".

I hope your PCP can find the solution, if not, sending you to a GI guy who is compassionate and caring.

As always, love hugs and prayers,

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1689801 tn?1333983316
Alex, I am so happy for you that your doctor visit was good, and hopefully now something will change for the better.
I pray for your meds to work.

My best,
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338416 tn?1420045702
Oh, good - I hope that the meds work!  This is terrible.
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667078 tn?1316000935
PCP was very nice. She put me on two new drugs for gut spasms. She says if it does not get better she will send me to a gastro who understand I can't afford the testing. He is good at figuring things out.

She also took a urine sample.

She is really a nice Doctor.  For awhile there she was just so rushed. I guess we all have bad periods in our lives. May be my MS Specialist will go back to normal next year.

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667078 tn?1316000935
No offense taken. Yes I have regular BMs.

I have been following the gastroparesis diet for six months.

Well I go in today. I hope she comes up with a plan. I have lots to do,

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Sounds really unpleasant.

I was a taking a med called Domperidone.  It helps your stomach empty faster? and helps with nausea.  
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1394601 tn?1328032308
Alex I hope no offense is take by this question but do you have regular bowel movements?  I only ask because when I went into the hospital I was asked because my stomach was hard and distended.  My answer was greeted  by shocked as I explained I did about every two weeks.  I just assumed it was ms which the doctor did agree.  However, he went on to explain it had to be treated.  I had no idea.  Just figured it was part of the monster.
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738075 tn?1330575844
I'm so sorry you're going through all this!  My first thought was Gastroparesis.  I found this:

Not unheard of in MS.
I hope you feel better soon!
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667078 tn?1316000935
  Mine is chump change compared to so many others. Everyone says I look great with all the weight I am losing. Lol.

I am okay as long as I do not try to go to bed.

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645390 tn?1338555377
I am so sorry Alex. ((((hugs))) to you...
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667078 tn?1316000935
At least I went riding. I figured why not I am sick anyway. I threw up twice on an empty stomach and had some ensure. I sipped it but it is not sitting well. The mention of food makes me sick. I have tried and thrown so many things up nothing sounds good.

I have an appointment Wednesday. I have tried all kinds of diets per doctors. I have gotten off Medications I thought aggravated it such as NSAIDs. I have not eaten after certain times. I have tried all kinds of scripts and probiotics. First I was just bloated, then throwing up once a week. Now I throw up everyday. Now several times a day. I have had doctors look at all my scripts to see if one or the combination are causing it.

I truly think it is tied to the spasms I have in the middle which are caused by my brain stem. When ever I have one of those spasms I get super sick to my stomach. I also have esophegeal spasms which make me gag and throw up.

Who knows. No Doctor is going to take the time to really investigate. each will kick the can down the road. May be my PCP will find an expert who will try to figure it out.

I guess I have to be persistent.

Thanks for the support. It will be another bad night.

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Alex, give us an update when you get the chance, ok?  I hate hearing of this problem continuing - I was hoping it would quiet for you.  

gentle hugs,
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338416 tn?1420045702
That's terrible...  I know you've tried everything!  So I don't have anything useful - just sympathy.

David Sedaris always says that if you break your leg, you should hop on a plane and go to France.  They'll fix it for free, do it better, and it'll cost less than trying to fix it here in the US.
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667078 tn?1316000935
I called the pcp. Thanks for the support.
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923105 tn?1341827649
Hi Alex,

With ref to Shells comment about 're:- nothing to do with MS and Rita's problems', the reason I asked about a bloated stomach was to do with a twisted gut??? which can be correlated to MS spasms also - or so I was told by my Neuro, considering the fact that your G/B  has already been taken out.

What do you think?

You have the best health Care system in the World, but heck you really have to pay for it:/



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