198419 tn?1360242356

Our Rendean

Hi all,

Our Rendean was in the hospital again for treatment for an exacerbation.

As you know she's had some doosey's that have had a strong hold on on her for quite some time. This was no week-long picnic for our Ren, but she's a tough cookie.

She wanted all to know that she's been thinking about you, and that she's home, and recovering - attending PT (think she started yesterday) and hopefully she'll get some of her strength back and pop in to say hello.

18 Responses
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987762 tn?1671273328
Glad to hear your home, though the bad food etc i'm sure was a major incentive for you to get out as soon as you could lol isn't there a rule about hospitals making you sicker so you dont want to ever go back. If there isn't one, there really should be.

Anyway, I am glad your home with your feet up, I hope?!

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559187 tn?1330782856
We have spoke on the phone since you've been released and I want to let you know I've been thinking about you.  I sure hope that you are up and about now and that life is settling back to a new normal.  Every day can be a struggle, but how we deal with that struggle is up to us.  You are such a resiliant person and all these episodes have made you such a strong person.  I am always inspired by how you manage to get through and really appreciate the help you have given me to get through. Stay strong and keep us posted on how you are doing.  

Lots of hugs,

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Ren, been through that freezer mess a couple times and it is GROSS.  I'm glad something good came out of your hospitalization this time.

It is good to see you here and I hope it won't be long until you hit your stride again and join us regularly..

hugs and more hugs,
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739070 tn?1338603402
Hello from the relapse revolving door,

Many thanks to all of you who sent well wishes. They were greatly appreciated and helped lift my spirits!

This relapse landed me in Acute Neuro ICU. My speech was slurred, couldn't walk due to scissoring of my legs and I had confusion. Upon admittance to the hospital I had the obligatory labs which showed my sodium level to be 121mg (norm is 135mg at lowest norm) which is in the seizure range.  They carefully fixed that and most of the confusion lifted, without a seizure thank the good Lord!

After 6 days in ICU they let (made me, another story for another time) go home with a prednisone taper  The walking is doing well and I feel stronger each day. I have resumed PT on a limited basis due to weakness from being bed-bound for over a week.

The road to recovery this time will be slow but will be fantastic. I had an Occupational Therapist and a Physical Therapist evaluation and referrals at at a specialized center which DH and I visited yesterday after my Tysabri  infusion. The ONLY downside is transportation to the center  and I'm still working on that.

So that's it in a nutshell. The taper has worn off and I again but be careful with how I walk to avoid a vertigo sensation. My DH has been a prince and has been there every second he could . He has spent all of vacation and sick days on me.

I hope all of you are doing well. With"well" being considered your new norm. My norm has been adjusted many times and now includes using a cane indoors . Not something I like, but it is the sensible thing to do.

I do NOT want to go back to the hospital. A week of bad food, heparin injections, insulin injections (due to IVSM) no sleep due to every 2 hour blood pressure checks (again IVSM) for readings over 200/110 and titrating pf BP meds. Checks  every 2 hours for blood sugars with  rapid swings from 300 to 60. I could go on and on but suffice to say, I don't want a repeat.!

Oh forgot .. Our huge freezer full of food was ruined and made a big mess while I was hospitalized. Actually, a good thing I missed :). My son and hubby got to clean it all up and bought a replacement before I got home.

I will be back on here randomly as my eyes permit but do know that I think of all of you and wish you the best as you struggle with this disease. My best best advice is to look for the good in every bad  situation. Hey, I didn't have to clean up the melted freezer mess, lol.:-)

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1045086 tn?1332126422
Good Lord Ren Tin Tin.  Haven't you figured out that the exit doors open out so it will be harder for you to turn around and go back in?  Or do they use those dam (darn) revolving ones on the institution you patronize?

You better get better woman.  How you ever gonna save enough money to make visiting rounds to all us MS people of the world if you keep handing it all over to doctors?

Listen up!  Enough is enough, eh?  We want you better - now!!
Okay, I know you want it too.  So try to slow 'er down at least.

Lovin' ya.
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1168718 tn?1464983535
Poor, Ren,  you are a tough cookie, and your prayers and best wishes are with you.   love ya girlfriend !!! get better soon,
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645390 tn?1338555377

Shoot, u need a break NOW!!  I am thinking of you, as always, and hope to call u this evening or in the AM.

I am so sorry u continue to have symtoms on top of symtons. ( Forgive my spelling and typing, as ,y eyes r currently dilated from eye exam)

Please feel better, and quick!

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352007 tn?1372857881
We wuv u RenRen!

Get better soon!

I know this is the second post I've made but the first one did not make much sense because I can't talk on the telephone and type at the same time obviously.

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I'm sending virtual hugs her way. It's good that she's out of the hospital and hopefully on her way back to feeling better.

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1207048 tn?1282174304
Oh no! Please give her my best. :-(
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1548028 tn?1324612446
Please give Rendean our best and a get better soon!  
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667078 tn?1316000935
Dante says he is grouchier than you are. He says he will bite you if you do not rest.

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1382889 tn?1505071193
Hugs and good thoughts being sent Ren's way!!!!!

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2015036 tn?1332997788
Poor Rendean, she can't seem to get a break.  I wonder if her dmd's are working anymore?  Please send my well wishes.

Warm Regards,
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1936411 tn?1333831849
My heart goes out to Ren. She's been dealing with a lot of rough stuff since about the time I showed up on the forum. If anyone talks to her, please let her know we are all sending her well wishes.
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sending her our best wishes!!!
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1475492 tn?1332884167
I am sorry to hear this but hope she will bounce back quickly.  

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352007 tn?1372857881
REN!!!!!!!!! We're chit chatting on the telephone! Welcome home!

She is a tough cookie!


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