352007 tn?1372857881

What do you think?

If you're out in extreme heat, excessive humidity for over 4 hours (after laying in the sun photographing birds) and to walk back to your car in parking lot (approximately 500 feet), you begin to have shortness of breath (extreme), severe ataxia, muscle weakness (only your bones are holding you up), collapsing due to inability to walk, incontinence of urine and stool, and of course, the sensation of doom as if  you were going to die (LOL):

Then you're lifted into the Lifeguard's truck with AC on full blast.  Took your blood pressure and its 110/80, pulse 68.  Within minutes you are beginning to feel better, stronger, the ability to breathe is better, muscle control returns...two hours later you're well enough to drive home from beach.

(By the way I didnt go to the hospital where the paramedics wanted me to, I knew I'd feel better after I got some cold air)
15 Responses
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738075 tn?1330575844
Lisa!  Aaack!!  What a nightmare! (Glad to see you back here, though ;-))  I'm glad you're seeing your doc.  That HAS to happen!  

Stay cool, now...
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352007 tn?1372857881
Thanks you guys!

I have come to terms that heat is not the best thing to place myself in anymore.

Funny, I used to be a sun goddess.  From 8 am to 6 pm at the Jersey Shore.  Well I was 16 - 18 years of age at that time LOL!  Not no more!  

Aging is not fun sometimes.  What you used to do and what you can do now are totally different things.


You're right about placing my health at risk for the perfect shot of the birds.  But I am determined that someday, I will have my name out there that people will know.  (Although if it doesn't happen, that is ok too but it is a goal).

I had an issue yesterday too, where I happened to walk into a paramedic en route back to my car.  She helped me back along the board walk. I was short of breath, wobbly, weak, and according to her and her husband "pale". LOL.  She showered me at the end of the boardwalk (too cold, made me breathless) but was in shade with AC and presto - I was better. I waited about 2 hours before I left to go home. :D

And no, I didnt get the shot of the lifetime yesterday :( Poo.

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2063887 tn?1337829746
I'm sorry this happened to you!  We went camping this weekend and I had to climb about 50 steps to get to the restroom.  I walked into a hot steamy facility where someone had been taking a hot shower.  I thought I was going to pass out!  My daughter grabbed me and kept me from falling, but I turned completely white.  Heat is the worst for me!  After sitting in the cool air for about 15-20 minutes I was able to walk again.  

Good luck figuring this one out.  Please be careful!!
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198419 tn?1360242356
combine that w/demyelination - recipe for the mess you were :(

Early, early pics for you, woman. And, NOT in the oppressive heat days.
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198419 tn?1360242356
Yikes! What's the one between Heat Stroke, and Heat Exhaustion?

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739070 tn?1338603402
glad you are better! Isn't your BP low usually, like 100/60? so, you had an elevated BP ,for you,  which doesn't occur with heat exhaustion. sounds neurological to me. Your plan with the AC is at least better than eating "sand"wiches.

Stay safe!
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I understand you completely about wanting to go home and shower.  And I also know you are a smart woman who understands the medical risks you took by not going to the hospital.  So i'll let that go.  At least for now!  :-)

The birds are only around as young ones for a short period of time, but I would hate that you could be harming yourself in pursuit of these perfect shots.  Yes, they are perfect!  I can see how this could become such an addicting past-time/hobby/job that personal safety is set aside. Too bad they hatch in the summer time. LOL

lots of hugs and worries from me,
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352007 tn?1372857881
I finally called my primary's office today to make an appointment to see her (a week later). I did call her that day when it happened, to let her know and to mark it in my chart.  She wanted me to go back to my "MS Specialist" to have him assess me again (and her as well) -- but she mentioned "seizure" or the possibility thereof.  Since I've been doing ok, I didnt see a reason to go yet.

All I know is that  I wasn't quite right for the remainder of the day.  I did go back to the beach the next day, but I curtailed my photography to 2 hours then went back to my car, put on AC full blast for 20 min then went back out again. I allowed myself 4 hours of photography.  When I walked back I was feeling very weak again, but not to the extent I was the day before where there was no muscle control, confusion, shortness of breath, etc. (Thank god). I was actually scared of it happening again. Sort of still am. I know if I went out today, considering how I'm feeling (extreme fatigue and having issues with paresthesias), it probably would.

Next time if it does happen, I will go to the ER.  I know it sounds silly, but when you mess your pants up, you don't want to be evaluated by the medical professionals and would rather go home to shower, but that is how I felt at the time.  

I know they had to lift me into the lifeguard's truck. I could not stand.  After 30 min of AC, they wanted me to transfer from truck to my car (which they turned on my AC full blast) -- I couldn't stand very well even after the 30 min respite in the truck but they helped me in.

That type of even was so traumatic to me.  Even today.

Thank you evoashes for your input. I know most syncopal episodes are considered cardiogenic or neurogenic or both. My B/P was 110/80 and pulse was 68.  If I was dehydrated, I wonder why my body decided to leak urine? I would think my body would want to hold onto that. :D

Anyways...Yesterday is gone, today is today --

Thanks LuLu and everyone else for your support and comforting words.

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2208858 tn?1339188063
I've had blackouts before from over heating they said it was neurocardiogenic sycope if that helps. Get somewhat the same feeling with shortness of breath I basically feel like my body is just shutting down and I lay down as fast as possible cause I will hit the ground. The only thing that brings me back is cold. I can be as hydrated as can be and it doesn't make a difference. Probably doesn't help but its a thought. Never had the incontenance before though. I usually get sick to my stomach so the opposite of yours.
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Lisa, did you follow up with your Neuro? If this happens again, please swallow the pride and go to the e.r.  Perhaps if doctors see you like that it will fill in the diagnostic blanks.  I'm so sorry you had this problem.
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352007 tn?1372857881
Aww thank you guys for answering.

My poll really sucked, didn't it? LOL!

Honestly, I have no clue as to what happened.  Although, I figured out that it most likely was neurological -- I just don't know why.  

I never, EVER experienced the inability to walk or to get up from a laying position.  I never, EVER experienced incontinence of stool (but yes to urine). It was dehumanizing and the paramedics wanted to call the ambulance and send me to the hospital and here I was thinking, I'm sitting in my **** and **** and no I do not want to go --- thank you very much.

However, I have been back out in the 'heat' so to speak and did not have that experience again (The shortness of breath, muscle weakness to where you know that the only thing that is keeping you standing is the foundation of your leg bones, the dimming of vision, the awareness that you're urinating because you feel it but have no sphincter control and the other one too but I dont want to mention it too many times).  I never had this before.

I was literally scared and begged the woman who passed me by NOT to leave me because I thought I was literally going to die. I did!  

Thank you again for your words of comfort.

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3095281 tn?1340994458
That sounds like a bad combo of neurological and heat exhaustion.
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645800 tn?1466860955
I have to agree with Lulu as it being neurological. Both heat exhaustion & Heat stroke result in high pulse rates but 68 is pretty much normal.

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900662 tn?1469390305
I'm not  going to get in trouble  and say  getting old.  

Hope your feeling much better and well hydrated too,
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That's a tough one to just. Pick one.  I sounds neurological to me.  Good luck with staying cool
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