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Information/opinions Please?

I hope someone can answer this question.  I do get migraine headaches which cause eye disturbances like numbness around the eye , twitching that is very visible and distorts vision, similar to a camera shutter and sometimes a very droopy lid that sags down almost over the eye.  Now I do get headaches with this and it does make it worse but I also don't get any headaches and then assume it's the aura.

Now this has been going on for months and months and months (daily) and the twitching was driving me insane, I went back on gabapentin for nerve pain and this seemed to help the twitching heaps but I still keep getting it but not as bad as before

HOWEVER... when I have a shower, put a warm face washer etc. on that eye, get hot, even steam from the stove when I am cooking will send the eye either numb or into a twitching fit...lol., so just placing a warm facewasher on my eye for a few moments will start the twitching.

NOW MY QUESTION:  If this was MS related would that kind of heat for a short time cause disfunction? I thought with MS heat related things your whole body temperature would have to rise, I find on a hot day or after a hot shower my symptoms are worse but I thought just placing a hot face washer on the area of effected nerves would not make symptoms happen?

I guess I am now wondering if this was migraine how come the heat is affecting this and should I tell my neuro?  I seriously doubt after all this time I would have MS but I guess seeing I have had TM it could change to MS.. and there is slits in the nerve fibre in my eye (right eye) same one with the problems of twitching and the optic disc in palor in that eye and most eye specialist suspect that I might have had ON a long time ago and I certainly believe the symptoms that I had at the time fit.  Plus I did have an abnormal VEP but repeat one at a later date was normal.

Thoughts is my twitching migraine?  I didn't think warmth would make it happen.

Sorry for the ramble..
4 Responses
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667078 tn?1316000935
Funny you mention eye twitching mine just started last Wednesday. I can't decide if it is migraine or MS. I have migraine symptoms where I lose vision until my headache medicine kicks in but the twitching is new.

I am having bad headache from allergies and stress. It started on the way to my brother's for Thanksgiving. I had a friend who could not be with family on Thanksgiving because of a root canal and I envied her. LOL.

I have patched it at night and it feels better. Besides my husband likes it. But he wants me to wear a red bandanna with it and a parrot. Go figure.


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I am laughing, I have this vision of you with the parrot and the bandanna.  I am like you i have two problems, the TM which gives me symptoms similar to that of MS with pins and needles, burning, weakness etc. mainly legs but I also have facial symptoms.  My neuro thought my facial symptoms were from migraine aura (as I never seemed to develop much of a headache), this was vertigo, numbness etc. but this eye twitching is worse with migraine but seems to occur daily and is aggravated by the heat and shower etc?  I know you can eye twitching with MS as well. I can't work out what is what, I can't see the trees for the forest!  I am confused!  I wish I had some guidance, that I could ring my neuro and just chat to him and then I would feel so much better about all this!

I guess for me I am just confused, confused and more confused and fed up with weird stuff happening!  I guess it's not the end of the universe.  My last brain MRI was over two years ago and the previous one to that was prob. 8 years earlier.  I feel like I am  having new symptoms but it could or they could be just migraine.  When I had the initial TM attack there was no disputing that there was something 'big" wrong with me. Now I just have annoying things like twitching eye, tingling, bladder spasms, extension tremor, vertigo etc. etc. most of these symptoms could be attributed to migraine and or MS.  My facial stuff is not TM.  As TM is spinal and he thinks I have a lesion in my cervical and thoracic, so that would not affect my face. Though he did mention brainstem too, so I don't know!  

I should try migraine medicine and see what that does but at the moment I am taking enough crap for my poor body.  I am taking this vesicare to see if it helps with my bladder and the gabapentin.  I too have had migraines where I have lost my eye sight all be it for only a few seconds.

I am permanently confused!
Udkas (confused)
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I don't have an answer, but I have somewhat similar sx.  My left eye (and sometimes my right) has daily vision problems (blurriness).  I do get episodic pain in the left eye (though not daily) and have droopiness in the eyelid with the pain.  

I can't tell if it's migraine, pain from TN, or something else.  I haven't asked my neuro about it because the optomitrist said my eyes were fine and perfectly healthy and my glasses rx hasn't changed.  The blurriness an dpain come and go, so doesn't seem to be ON.  I've been assuming migraine, but who knows...

I, like you Udkas, am permanently confused!

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410281 tn?1254229064
Udkas, my dear - I have never heard of migraine causing twitching or being prevoked by heat.  I, too, have had serious eye pain and twitching, numbness in the face (but I'm fine....).  Migraine was dismissed for me because none of the migraine meds worked.  Thankfully, I have not yet lost my vision, but some how I always expect it with the severe pain in my eye.

I don't have an answer, but I certainly can sympethize!

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