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MS and Exercise and Weight Loss

Ok here's another challenge that I MUST conquer.

Like about 80% or more people with MS my biggest enemy is chronic fatigue.  So how do I manage to do a regular, effective, workout where I don't have to bail out half way through for a nap and that will actually result in weight-loss. Any advice or resource suggestions?

29 Responses
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667078 tn?1316000935
Go slow and be reasonable. I put the goal of 10 pounds a year when I started with the MS. I gradually cut out foods and gradually increased activity. When I was 50 pounds over weight it was a lot harder to lose ten pounds. The next year a bit easier. It helps if your family is on board and junk is just not in the house. People complain when they visit because we have no soda, bread, processed food, etc in the house. Drinking water is a big part of it.

I time my exercise and go home and take a nap because I know I am tired. I also need motivation. For me it is riding the horse which I really enjoy or walking my Service Dog in training Grady. If I do not take Grady to the mall or out to work he gets bored and starts causing mischief at home to tell me so. Even now with me very ill I walked him at the mall today because I know he is frustrated.

I now no longer need to lose weight I just get out to keep moving.

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338416 tn?1420045702
I have to disagree with you - exercise DOES burn calories.  Don't use exercise to burn the calories that you decided to eat - just don't eat the calories in the first place.

Of course, I'm not advocating that you starve yourself!  That would be silly.  1200 calories a day is the minimum amount of calories that any human being needs.  Those calories should be real calories - fruits, vegetables, protein, whole grains.  

Cardio and weight lifting are also up to the individual patient.  I really do advocate lifting weights if you're going to exercise.  Strengthening the torso can help with many back problems.  Exercising the arms helps to hold you up.  Like I said before, exercise the muscles that work.  If you have a problem with that muscle because of neurological damage, then don't bother - exercise won't help it get stronger.  But exercising the muscles around it will help with the weak muscle.  It'll help with spasticity.  I can't begin to talk about the benefits of regular exercise and weight lifting!

Exercise also helps with constipation, a common complaint among MSers.

I'm not going to blame MS for my weight problem.  I blame my weight problem firmly and squarely where it belongs - on my intake.  I eat too many calories for the amount of calories I burn.  Any responsible person who really intends to lose weight needs to look at their intake and think about their activity level, and start there.  

I've managed to lose 20 pounds in two years by the simple principle of eating less than I want.  I have been so busy in the last couple of years that I rarely get to exercise.  I also have problems with leg weakness and bladder control - anything with impact is a problem.  

So yes, it is possible to lose weight just by cutting your calories.  Just do it responsibly.
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1394601 tn?1328032308
This problem belongs in the hands of the opening posters doctors...not  what works for other posters.  Some, believe it or not, are unable to do the the type of exercise necessary to burn calories...PERIOD.  To tell the poster to cut calories is dangerous as she may find herself cutting out important nutrition that her body needs.  

Weight lifting?  Not all MSers have the strength to lift weights and it isn't because they are out of shape and not trying to lift the dang things.  Their bodies just are too weak.  Truly, I am sorry the OP brought the subject to the board.  I feel it is placing blame on her for the problem where it should be placed square on the shoulder of MS.

For me exercise to for ONE thing...to keep mobility.  It doesn't burn calories.  Again, cutting calories may not be an option.  That call is for her doctor not us.  

Just my opinion.
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1760800 tn?1406753451
I am battling this demon as well on top of this I am Hypothyroid so I already only take in 1000-1200 calories a day with my limited mobility it is awful -  I am hoping that now I am starting PT I can increase mobility and get moving more - My neuro suggested Yoga and Pilates as it is stress relieving as well as stretching and strengthening.
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382218 tn?1341181487
My MS nurse advised me to break up my exercise sessions to 3 or 4 x 10 minute sessions throughout the day vs going hard for 30-40 minutes without a break.  I'm off work right now so this is easier to accomplish.  Apparently there is research that says the benefits are the same either way.  

I mainly just do treadmill but I know I need to get back to some strength training.  We have the equipment so I really have no excuse.  

I've also been talking to an old friend via FB who is now a yoga instructor.  He gave me lots of good suggestions and encouragment to get started on a program.  I've never stuck with it in the past but really need to as I need to work on my balance and flexibility.  Yoga can address so many MS related issues and doesn't cause the overheating problem to the same degree as aerobic exercise, just can't do a hot yoga class.  I actually have a book callesd Yoga & MS or MS & Yoga to get me started though what I really need is a DVD and I'm researching currently researching what might suit me best.  I'll let you know how I make out if you have any interest in trying yoga.

And sadly, jen is right.  The less we move, the fewer calories we need.  To incorporate eercise that burns 500 cals/day plus cutting back on 500 cals/day (if there's room in your diet to scale back that much), that's 1,000/day and a 2 lb weight loss per week.  But even at a normal healthy weight, exercise is still so necessary to keep us moving and to stave off some of the ill effects of our disease, our medications, and aging.
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1816210 tn?1327354884
My left leg stops completely stops working after about 5 min.  Can this be overcome too?

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