147426 tn?1317265632

Psychic Groans - Anxiety or the Real Thing?

This topic of anxiety symptoms versus real ones has come up a couple times recently and I decided to do a blurb on "Somatization" or the appearance of symptoms that represent anxiety or psychiatric difficulty expressed as physical symptoms.

For the last week I have been doing reading and I will tell you that I come away both suspicious of the medical profession's take on this topic and confused about what I really know and what I want to believe.

I have always believed that people can express their fears, anxiety, and psychological pain with physical maladies.  Afterall  we all know by now that there is no real separation of the mind and body.  As a pediatrician I saw babies children with vomiting and abdominal pain in response to parental fighting, or problems at home.  Children with a parent with a back injury would begin to include back pain in their common complaints.  My mother was a caretaker for my grandparents.  My grandma was rather immature and always had vague complaints - as well as serious real ones.  She would invariably end up in the ER within a day of any vacation my mother had planned.

We all know that some of this exists all around us.  We all know people who truly live in great fear that every symptom they have is something dread and fatal.  Or people that magically develop every symptoms they hear about.  Okay.  Those people do exist.  But, I have also noticed that these people "know" they are anxious, but can't fight it.

I have to say, though, that after 30 years in medicine and another two on this forum, I am beginning to feel that there is a HUGE group of people out there with real disease that the medical profession is completely dismissing - all with good intentions.  On one hand there is the recommendation to make sure people do not have something serious, but it is countered by equally strong recommendations to NOT "feed into people's neuroses" by doing a large workup.

When I look at the articles and psychiatric journals that describe this I tried to discern the characteristics of somatic complaints, the type of symptoms that they are calling somatic and how they presume to tell the difference.  

First I looked at the lists of symptoms that are given as typical of somatic complaints:

Abdominal pain *
Back pain *
Bloating *
Chest pain *
Diarrhea *
Difficulty swallowing *
Dizziness *
Excessive menstrual bleeding
Fatigue *
Frequent urination *
Headaches *
Impotence *
Irritability *
Irregular menstruation
Joint pain *
Nausea *
Pain during intercourse
Pain during urination *
Pain in the legs or arms *
Palpitations *
Paralysis or muscle weakness *
Poor Balance*
Poor Memory *
Tingling in places*
Sexual apathy
Shortness of breath *
Vision changes *
Weakness *

* = things seen commonly in  diseases like MS, Lyme Disease and Autoimmune disorders

I found the lists of symptoms completely unhelpful.  Some lists led me immediately to a mental diagnosis of MS!  

Then I tried to see what characteristics these symptoms seemed to have.  This was "a little" more helpful.  These are the things that frustrate the doctors caring for such people.

1) Symptoms are vague, yet described with very expressive and unusual language

2) Symptoms move around from place to place often, or they are fleeting. (I kind of agree with this one)

3) Sensations are felt "all over" with no ability to describe differences from one location to another.  Examples, "I hurt all over."  Or weak all over.  Numb all over.

4) Symptoms that do not correspond with things found on exam.  Example, the complaint that the legs are weak, but on exam the strength is completely normal or complaint of blurred vision, but acuity is normal.

5) Symptoms do not change, nothing improves them and no cause is found.

6) A history of many different symptoms for which a cause is never found and that eventually go away.

7) A recurring history of symptoms that occur when stressed, only to resolve.

I tried really hard to think through all of these characteristics and I was still not impressed that they were clues to somatic complaints.

The ones that I found most persuasive are 1) the complaints that are "global" and vague and constantly changing - hurting or numb all over without being able to pinpoint any differences (but, this can happen with people who are not very self-aware or who have poor skill in expressing themselves)  2) a patient's history that over years many complaints would come up and never be shown to have a cause, then would resolve only to be replaced by another, 3) the history that the symptoms dance around rapidly.  Another big point here is that these people must never have suffered any kind of deterioration or disability related to their symptoms (but, of course this can be determined only in hindsight.  This is not useful if you are looking at a disease which has a disappearing window for effective treatment.

But, when I thought about these points, they still didn't convince me that somatic disorders are widespread.  Not all chronic diseases lead to disability.  A person with Celiac Disease may just live their entire life with terrible abdominal symptoms (pain, diarrhea, bloating) but otherwise be pretty "healthy."  

Another tip-off cited is when a person comes in with complaints in many different systems in the body.  Uhhhh, does MS ring a bell?  The hallmark of many autoimmune deseases and many infections, like Lyme Disease, is the vast nature of their possible symptoms.  So, that criterion didn't impress me either.

Another tip off was "doctor-shopping."  The history that the patient sought help from numerous doctors for their problems.  This will be a whole discussion soon.

Finally, there was this "tip-off" that was frequently mentioned:  The doctor finds himself frustrated and/or angry at the patient that seems to be wasting his time.  If he's frustrated maybe it's because the patient doesn't have anything wrong.

So, what did I end up deciding?  I still believe that many people have vague discomforts from internal stress.  These come and go.  But, I am more and more convinced that the medical profession is losing our confidence because of the diagnosis of "It's due to anxiety" is thrown out too fast and too early and is substituting for real thinking.  And, too often real abnormal findings (on exam and tests) are ignored in the rush to blame it on the patient.

Finally most of the articles point out that all of the things that are mentioned above can also be seen in people with "real" disease.  There are criteria for diagnosing people with somatic complaints.  I have read them and need to find them again.  And studies have been done to assure practitioners that the diagnostic criteria are quite accurate by following up with people and showing that they didn't actually have some real disease.  The articles also comment on how hard it is to treat this "condition."  Could this be because talk therapy doesn't undo real disease?

But, I still don't find that reassuring.   In my mind our limbolanders might fit that "follow up", but does a lack of diagnosis "really" mean there isn't disease?  For two years I was without a diagnosis after having been judged to be one of the Walking Worried.  If you checked on me before I saw the right neuro you might have assumed that the diagnosis of "Somatic" was correct.

I am throwing these thoughts out for discussion.  How do we know when we are having a "psychic groan" symptom?  How does a doctor really know?  How many of you have ever had a symptom that you were told was due to anxiety and you could see that it was likely true?  When there are real abnormalities on exam, can the diagnosis of anxiety still be true?

The floor is open for discussion.

69 Responses
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559187 tn?1330782856
Quix, we all appreciate the time you spent putting out your thought on this subject.  It is a subject that each of us have thought about at least once or more.  

One thing that I think doctors as well as patients need to understand about stress or anxiety induced symptoms is that although there may be a psychological or psychiatric component to explain our symptoms, that does not negate the fact that there could also be a concurrent and real medical problem that has just not reared its head high enough to show up on medical tests.  When a patient is told that their symptoms are stress related, they may walk away feeling frustrated and angry or walk away in agreement with what they were told.  I would rather walk away frustrated and angry because I am not one to give up if I know there is a problem.  Quix, you are correct that you have to look for the right doctor.  Doctor's hate seeing patients who appear to be "doctor shopping", but what about doctor's who "doctor shop" as my old neuro was doing by sending me for a 2nd opinion to one doctor and was suggesting that I go to a 3rd opinion with another neuro.  He was looking for other doctors to agree with his suggested diagnosis of conversion disorder and when a neurosurgeon and an MS neurologist did not agree, well, that was when he started treating me differently by suggesting more follow-up. I think I have found my right doctor.

On another side, we all know ourselves better than any one will ever know us.  If we know there is a possibility that stress is playing a key role in our symptoms, then we know it inside.  If we don't or are not sure, then that would be a good time to seek counseling to see what is really at the root of the symptoms.  

This will be an interesting discussion.  I look forward to hearing what others have to say.  Thanks again Quix for bringing this subject back to our forum family.

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So you think this would explain why my cardio asked how I felt and I told him I felt like c rap, he didn't ask me specifically why I felt that way?  Fortunately he knows I have real illnesses and accompaning symptoms and doesn't dismiss it as being in my head.

But that brings up a point I have discussed before - the patient's responsibility to be prepared when they go to the doctor to talk about specifics and not generalities (like I did!).  Doctors need something concrete to work with - just giving a response that  covers a lot of possibilities, such as "I'm tired" instead of something like "I tire when I walk more than xx distance" gives them too much opportunity to dismiss our complaints as less than real.  The other reality is doctors don't have the time to play 20 questions with every patient they see and if you can give them specific symptoms they are more like to investigate those complaints.  

I think all of us at some time or another doubt our own symptoms as being real when dealing with an unknown disease.  I certainly have wondered if my chest pain was in my head, but then realize that waking up from a dead sleep in bed is a pretty clear sign it is physical and not mental.  When we doubt ourselves, is it possible we somehow convey that hesitation to our doctors as well?  

Great job as usual Q in articulating the topic.  I hope others will jump in and give you their feedback.

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580765 tn?1274919360
Thank you for your post.  I know that I am not the only one who appreciates the time that you put into compiling the above information.  

I have a friend who was told by a doctor that if she did not see a therapist, he would drop her as a patient.  She begged him to do one more set of tests because she KNEW that it was not all in her head.  He agreed with the understanding that if they were negative, she would submit to therapy.  The tests showed that she had lupus.  She is now on oxygen and undergoing a chemo- like treatment.

As you stated, I think psychic groaners know deep down that they are groaners.  I think that people with true symptoms 'just know' when something is not right.  My whole life, nothing has stopped me from living and enjoying my life.  What ever is going on now will not either.  It may slow me down, but it will not stop me from living my life.  I do, however, have a sense of urgency to find out what is causing my wacky symptoms in hopes of treating 'it' to prevent further progression- if that is part of 'it's' course of treatment.  I am sure that this sense of urgency may look like I am one of the Walking Worried, but until someone has walked in worried shoes, it is hard to judge the reason for the urgency.  

I feel like a number in many doc's offices.  If they took the time to know the patient, maybe they could better discern if they are dealing with a worrier or a true limbolander.
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293157 tn?1285873439
thank you for adding this post and putting so much information into it.  I am yet not DX..it's been over three years of Vertigo and then all sorts of other symptoms.  But the first part started 10 years ago with Vertigo, then it stopped.

I went to Neuro, Rheumo, ENT, Lung specialist, etc etc... I was in a hospital for two weeks to have students check me over to find out why I had vertigo and off balance, headaches, joint pains, etc....

I had LP, full body xrays, Bone Marrow biopsy, Lung function tests, blood test galore, brain MRI an C spine MRI...another brain MRI showed changed.

well, the first year after I was in the hospital I was told by numerous Neuro that all my symptoms most likey are from stress and thought I should see a therapist as my parent weren't the best...

so I went to see a psyciatrist... we talked for quite a few hours... she said the test resutls came back showing things wrong...like Granulomas in your Bone Marrow, Ilg bands in your blood... lesions in your brain, and all the symptoms that come and go...and seem to get worse then better....

she said it's not in my head and to get to another Neuro for more testing.. I have done that and now seeing MS specialist..who I feel will help me find a Dx either with MS or not MS...

I really don't think that people with symptoms from stress, anxiety do know that it's from stress or anxiety... Having these types of symptoms effects your life...from an illness like Lupus, MS...or ANXIETY...Mental Health is a big issue and alot of people will write it off like take a pill and you will be all better.  

Mental Health should be just as important as any other disease... people have taken their own lives over this type of disease... because you don't have a cast on or a Dx...that people accept... it still is a issue that should be taken care of and any respectable DR should help a patient when they feel it might be from aniexty...and not just tell them to go and see a therapist...they should refer and follow up etc...

now, that's my opinion...my hubby and I have discuss this alot as I really would love our lives back to how they were a few years ago.  I can't even go to Safeway with my hubby and shop without having to sit down...and that's it for going out for awhile...it tires me out?  I sometimes wish it would help to see someone again...but my GP says No...there is something wrong and we just have to find it..

well, enough from me.. hope all is well
take care
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147426 tn?1317265632
Okay, I think that's valid.  Some people might not know what could be from stress and what might not.  I can see that some people might be convinced by doctors that they are actually mentally ill and are manufacturing symptoms.

Do any of you think that most/some people know deep down that they are deeply depressed or anxious beyond that that is caused by being so ill?  What I am getting at is whether we have an inkling of whether there might be some validity to seeking help.  If we believe that there is some validity, should we cooperate and accept medication/therapy to help depression and/or anxiety?

I agree whole-heartedly with Wobbly that the doctor who thinks that treatment for depression or anxiety should refer and follow up.  I think they don't because the articles that I read all say that severe "somatic" symptoms are very hard to treat.  So it seems everyone gives up.

I'm looking for the right things to say to someone who has been dismissed with:  "Everything looks normal so it must be that you are anxious."  My stance has always been, "if you agree there is some underlying depression or anxiety, then treat it and see what is left.  Exercise or meditate, clean the sugar out of your diet, do whatever may be adding to the problem.  If, on the other hand, you KNOW you are not anxious and you know that any depression came on after and because of the undiagnosed symptoms, then what?

Do you seek the advice of a psychiatrist like Momzilla and others did?  And then have that validation to take back to your doctors?  How do you convince a doctor that a person can have both a mental illness AND physical disease?

Perhaps the assessment that a patient's problems are driven by mental illness really should be confirmed by an expert, but I believe it should not be of the neuro's choosing.  They would tend to chose psychiatrists that they think would agree with them.

Or do you look for doctors who will take you seriously?

Every doctor that you add to your list can also add to this assessment that you do not have an underlying neurological problem.

I don't think there is a right answer, but it's an important discussion.
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559187 tn?1330782856
I went to sleep last night thinking about this discussion.  And Quix is right that there is no right answer that would apply to all patients all the time.  

I posted a question a few months ago to you all about the suggestion my neuro gave that I had conversion disorder because I didn't get back to "normal" fast enough after I got sick in May.  He thought that was a sure sign that the stressors in my life, hubbiie going to a war zone, was the cause of what happened to me.  He suggested going to a psychiatrist to work through it.  I listened to the comments you all sent my way and read with interest how others handled this same scenario. I feel I know my body better than anyone my doctor included, and knew that I had to push forward with the medial issue and later deal with whatever psychological issue might be going on.  My PCP suggested I do both concurrently, but that was a scary proposition.  First, we don't have any control how a psych eval is going to come out and what impact good or bad it will have until all is over and done with.  Doing the psych eval could be the best thing if the eval states that the symptoms are not psychosomatic but likely due to a real medical cause. But on the other hand, what if it comes back saying, even in vague terms, that there could be an underlying psych problem.  Well, if my old neuro got a hold of that type of report it would have validated his assumptions and I would have been dismissed in a minute because that is his way out. Where would that leave me?  Back in limbo big time.  So, I decided to stay on the path for finding a medical cause for what is happening and when the time comes I'm sure it will be appropriate to get some counseling.  I think we should trust our instincts, listen to doctors, but still to trust that inner voice that lets us know when things we are being told or even reading doesn't set well with us.  I call it the "set well principle"  IF it doesn't set well, then move on and keep looking for answers.  

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There is the very real desire in all of us when we recognize depression and anxiety in ourselves to believe we can handle it on our own, for fear of being labeled something that is not the correct physical diagnosis.  I think few of us willingly admit the need for anti-depressants or guidance through therapy.  

In my own experiences with multiple doctors this year, the question of depression has only come up one time in umpteen doctor appts.  That was my neuro on the very first appt. and he asked my husband and not me - "do you think she is depressed?" and they talked about it in front of me and decided my personality had changed and with all that had happened this year I would be normal if I were deprressed.  END OF DISCUSSION.

I always write notes before I go to the doctors about my symptoms and lately find that I list depression as a possibility - not one doctor is even going there in our discussions.  I have an outgoing personality and that perhaps masks what I am feeling internally.  

I would venture the unsubstantiated guess that few of us here, diagnosed or in limbo, aren't suffering from some form of anxiety or depression.  Isn't that a normal response to the betrayal of our bodies or the dramatic shift in our lifestyles , financially  and socially brought on by a lifelong disease such as MS?  

I believe mental health treatment should be routinely used along with the medicines for diseases such as MS or heart ..... isn't the role of medicine to treat the whole person and not just the pieces and parts?

I hope this all came out right - this is awfully early for me to already try to construct thoughts ...

Be well all,

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233622 tn?1279334905
This is what I have worried about. In my younger years I had a severe problem with panic attacks and OCD. I  went to several doctors but not one of them offered to put me on an anti depressant to help me.  They wanted to drug me but with valium. I desperatly needed someone to listen to me.  I lived in fear and felt like I was crazy, possessed, for years.  I finally feel released from all of that due to the antidepressant. I can be alone now and not feel like I am going to have a heart attack and die by myself.

That history kept me from getting the help I needed for a long time.  Now that I am on Prozac my mind feels so much better. I am not struggling mentally any more.  The snow is not making me depressed.  But I do have to say this 20 degree weather is making me very cold!!

I have been on antidepressants for 6 months now but I still have optic neuritis, double vision, foot drop, muscle weakness in my legs, balance problems severe enough to need a walker and cane, trigeminal neuralgia.  The anti depressant did not take care of any of these issues.

At my last MS appointment I left confused. The doctor noted a significant decline during the 3 months since my last appointment.  He said sometimes people with MS can have new symptoms appear because of the stress associated with the MS diagnosis.  He checked me for fibromyalgia.  When he asked me to walk heel to toe I  couldn't. He said well it looks like you are afraid you are going to fall.  Well yes I was going to fall.  I  got the feeling that he was not sure what was going on.  That really bothered me.

So he changed my Lexapro to Prozac and sent me to PT.  He said if the combination of PT and Prozac did not improve me situation that he was going to add another MS medication but for the time being he wanted me to stay on the Avonex.  

Nothing has changed in my legs.  I had 4 sessions of PT and did at home therapy.  When I do too many exercises I start to get tremors in my foot especially.  The PT even questions whether or not I should be driving.  I can not get my right foot up onto a step without catching my toe.  I can stand for about 43 seconds without holding onto something.  Around home it is not a big problem because I can hold onto the wall, a kid, the counter, washer, dryer.....anything within my reach.  

I hope the PT sessions with give my MS doctor a clearer picture of what is going on.  When I first started having problems several years ago I knew my past history of panic attacks would come back to haunt me.  It has not been as bad as I had feared but it is still in the back of my mind.

I left my last appointment worried and confused because of this exact issue. I felt like he was questioning my MS dx, although HE is the one that gave it to me, but I don't know.  It is my fault for not asking me questions.  

The bottom line is the PT and medication has not improved anything.  My PT sessions were a mixed bag.  Somet things improved one week while other things got worse.  Then it would reverse the next session.  My overall score actually went down by one point.

I  go to the doctor again this Wednesday.  I feel so bad for you all in limbo.  It is a very difficult place to be.  Having ON twice and an abnormal MRI got me out of the limbo mess after 10 months.  My first bout of ON was in May of 2007.  My second was in January of 2008. I was dx'd in Feb 2008.  The one thing I had in my corner was my PCP has felt I had MS for several years.  


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559187 tn?1330782856
AMEN to what you stated, and so eloquently in the early morn.  It is interesting that the issue of depression never came up until the neuro exam.  But then again, neuros probably have a lot better training than most other specialties in recognizing depression. Also you mentioned that you have an outgoing personality and that that probably throws a doctor off with whether depression is an issue.  

My old neuro wrote that he thought I had depression in the progress notes to my PCP.  When I went to see the PCP's physician assistant who I love, I was told about this remark in the letter.  After talking to me and knowing me as well as she does, she said "well, you don't seem depressed to me and she asked me if I was depressed".  I was surprised at how I answered her. I told her that I thought I had a little depression especially with all I have been through over that last 6 months. We talked about chronic illness and she said that it is normal to have depression when you are going through this.  That would depress even the heartiest person.  And like you Lu, I was very outgoing to.  My friends and family will attest to the fact that I'm not quite the same person I was.  That is the consequence of a chronic illness, but not the cause of it don't you think?

And I absolutely agree with you that mental health should be a part of a health care regime and I think it is in situations where you are diagnosed with a disease at a specialty clinic like a cancer center, heart center, diabetes clinic, and the MS center that I am now going to. But do you know who falls through the cracks in this type of focused treatment?  People who are getting medical care from their PCP or a specialist doctor who may decide their patient needs to be on anti-anxiety drugs or anti-depressants and never follows up on how they are doing.  I know because my son is in training to become a pharmacist and he sees it all the time.  Patients come in with a handful of scrips for mood modifying drugs and when he asks if they are in follow-up, he hears that most are not.  He told me that patients didn't even know they needed to be followed by anyone when taking these drugs.  The doctor just writes the script and sends patients out the door to figure things out for themselves.  

Suggested Solution - Based on what Quix already stated and others I feel that If a doctor thinks a patient has depression and that the depression is the underlying cause of the symptoms based on good medical testing prior, then by all means explain the need for a trial use of anxiety or depression drugs for a fixed period of time and then FOLLOW+UP with the patient.  It is amazing how that f/u can help the patient feel that the doctor really cared about helping them.  Some doctors already do this and good for them.  But the rest of their profession, no matter their specialty, should be doing this as well.  This should be a Standard of Care in all specialties - Period!

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Thank you Quix, this is a great topic and it comes up on the forum frequently.  I don't think we could ever discuss it enough.

I've been a limbolander for over 15 years.  I haven't been told by a dr that anxiety or depression is the cause, once when I was in my late 40's I was told that my problems we're due to getting old, though.  This was told to me without any testing being done, my complaint was extreme fatigue and not being able to do the things I needed to do.  I was totally dismissed.

I do suffer from stress and depression.  Are my symptoms caused by this, I strongly disagree.  I'm stress and depressed because I can't do the things I long to do, my mental acuity is so impaired that I have days I feel like I'm living in a fog.  

In days before symptoms took over my life, when stressed I would either ride horses or run.  Now I can't do that, but I have found a way to deal with the stress and depression.  

This forum..................there are always others that need to be comforted and supported, who are having a harder time than me.  Giving support to others has been a great stress reliever and something I can still control, even with the symptoms, I can be a friend and show support for those who need it so badly at times.

I guess it is all in your perspective and how to deal with issues on any given day.  I don't understand how any physician can sieze on this anxiety/depression dx when most times they have no idea who their patient really is.  They don't know who this person was before the symptoms and health problems took over their lives.  How can anyone, even a physician, after tests, put a label on a person that they DO NOT KNOW?

As Quix's post read, so many of these symptoms are symptoms suffered by patients with Lyme, MS, and other autoimmune diseases.  Not having a dx, I can't say that I have MS, but there is something wrong, and I know it is not from anxiety or depression.

We all know ourselves and our bodies better than anyone.  To be labeled, somatic, is not appropriate, but I don't know how any of us can fight a physician who has made up his mind to label us as such.  

Would I seek the advice of a therapist if the dr asked me to?  Yes, as Chris did, to cover that avenue of excuse the dr wants to use.  If this is done, then you would hope that a real dr would persue all the options to really find what is wrong with their patient and not use the anxiety/depression ruse that makes things easier for them.

I do hope that I have made a little sense in this post.  I get to have one of my cog fog days today, but this is a extremely important subject and I wanted to post my muddled thoughts, anyway.  I guess I'm just depressed, huh?   heeheehee

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Oh, I couldn't stay away.  What a wonderful thread.  The last thing someone with troubling symptoms needs is to feel like their sanity is being questioned, but it is astounding how many people have had to go through that.  I think doctors need to be better trained to handle this issue.  I am very thankful for the wonderful, caring doctors I have ended up with.  I've seen many that have told me, in nearly these same words, that I was wasting their precious time.

I have at this time accepted the anxiety thing, because I know anxiety can make symptoms worse.  I felt great about my decision a couple days ago to accept this, but I am not giving up.  None of my family or friends think I'm depressed, even my husband!  But, I know I'm anxious from all the testing, so I am going to take a break from things, I can live with what's going on, and I figure if I have ms or something it will one day reveal itself to the doctors.  Having a diagnosis of somatoform or whatever does not mean I'm crazy.  I actually am happier than I've ever been in my life, have my dream job, have been promoted to do something that I've dreamed of doing my whole life, and don't have big financial woes.  

The only thing that has made me unhappy is my pursuance of a diagnosis, so, I've decided I'd rather be happy than submitted to test after test.  For awhile, I was so desperate for a diagnosis that I couldn't enjoy what I'd been enjoying.  

I'd consider myself a happy medium on the subject right now, I think anxiety can cause some of my symptoms, and I think something else could possibly be going on.  But if I focus on what could possibly be going on it will get me nowhere because all the tests say I'm fine.  Yes, tests can be wrong, but if I dwell on that I'll be miserable.  

What has helped me through this is the kindness of my doctors, and their willingness to explain.  The neuro said that he knew that we can get mad at doctors in this type of situation and frustrated.  He seemed to know and care how I was feeling, and almost acted like it was hard to walk out of the exam room because at that point I was in shock I think.  But, if I could give him a big hug I would.

My symptoms are still here, but heck, they're kind of exciting!  This morning my left hand was shaking so bad I couldn't hold my strawberry mini wheat!  It's never shook before so it's always fun to have something new, right?  And the shock sensations are exhilarating!  Those are also new in the last few days.  But I'm going to just live and be thankful for the good things, and I'm even going to clean my house.  That might be the answer to all my problems (at least my mother would say so).  And you know what, there's an element of truth in that.  It doesn't mean my symptoms aren't real.  And now that I have Provigil I can think and have energy to clean my house!

One theory I have, and it's just a theory from someone doped up on Provigil and Effexor, is that some people are more sensitive to changes in their body and may feel the symptoms of ms sooner than the average Joe, and therefore nothing shows up on tests because it's too early.  I'm not saying that's me, I'm just saying I don't see why this couldn't be possible.  Some people are more apt to trudge through until they drop, while others know something's a little off and it might be a good idea to check it out.  That's probably where most of us began.  Before weird things happened to me, like my body jerked and I'd fall down, I never went to the doctor for anything because I was too cheap and could put up with a lot.  But when I was constantly jerking and taken to the emergency room and ms was mentioned and fancy tests were done I was frightened and wondered what the heck was going on.  If that had never happened, I doubt I'd have been worried about a tingle here and there, but my experience and other symptoms made me pay attention to the tingling.  Now that I'm being electrocuted on a daily basis I'd have to say that's another attention-getter.

I could just go on and on, but this is so important.  People in limbo need help, and thankfully this forum offers that.  It can be the loneliest place, but here we have friends!
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627818 tn?1271777026
Excellent post! I was in a very stressful job for several years. While there I developed asthma. I found I was having palpitations and feeling faint when I saw the big boss coming so I knew that was anxiety induced. One day I really had trouble breathing, and was sent to my asthma doc. She very sweetly asked, after checking me out, if I had ever talked to my pcp about anxiety. My lungs were fine. Hmmm. Well, I told her I had an appointment in a few days and would bring it up. I knew something was wrong. I wasn't sleeping well, I obviously was reacting physically when stressed and I also knew I was withdrawing from everyone. My husband and I talked and I remember telling him I thought I only needed something for sleep - it was only sleep deprivation, I was sure! Well, my very wise and dear nurse practitioner asked the right questions, and stated that I had about 7 out of 10 symptoms of depression and anxiety disorder. She immediately put me on Paxil and asked if I would be willing to talk to someone. I knew of a good therapist and after awhile I began to deal with "stuff" that I had locked away. I saw him for a long time and was amazed at how much better I felt about myself. I quit looking in the mirror and saying horrid things to myself! While I knew something was wrong with me, the whole depression/anxiety thing was also very insidious. I could rationalize it all away quite easily. I am SO glad I got help. I learned coping techniques and lightened up on myself. This was all before an official dx of MS. The neuro was pleased that I was already on an antidepressant. As Lulu stated so well, mental and physical health are intertwined and help for both is sometimes needed. I am on a different antidepressant now and doing well. It is easier to seek help for those things that are obvious and physical and not so much for the unseen and nebulous.
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378497 tn?1232143585
I've mentioned it before, but I'll mention it again on this thread. I KNOW anxiety because 20 years ago, I had a horrible experience with it that lasted about a year as my entire nuclear family fell apart because of my parents' divorce, my father's suicide attempts, and my own divorce, along with a major career change, money difficulties, and a host of other things. I mean...it would have been pretty hard to find another stressor to add onto all of it. And...I developed anxiety. I knew exactly what it was, and I sought help for it in the form of Xanax, which I took for about two months. The whole thing took about a year to finally resolve so that I could eat again (when I'm stressed, I don't want to eat and eating is tiring to me). And I have not had an experience like that since then. In fact, I'm having less anxiety now than I've probably had in my entire life because everything is very stable and going well.

And strangely enough, coincident with that stability (well, really about a year into it), these symptoms started up. A year before they started, I had a raging case of mono that lasted for over two months and coincided (or caused? Don't know) a miscarriage that dragged out for weeks because it was (a) missed, (b) incomplete when it finally happened, and (c) required surgery to finalize. The mono flattened me out like I've never been flattened before. Everyone who saw me was horrified by my appearance--I guess I looked pretty bad.

I had the mono, then became pregnant again and had our third (and last) child a year later. In the interim, my thyroid suddenly went insane--had no TSH and high TPOs, with huge nodules--and the whole thing was removed. Then had a large adenoma removed from my colon. Then three uterine polyps removed. Then the baby turned one. Three months later, these symptoms I have now--focused on my right foot, where they still reside--began. That was one year after the mono, six months after the thyroid came out. I had not had a medical issue in the six months before the foot fired up and was feelin' pretty sassy, really.

And now...over a year after it fired up, my foot is still a problem, my reflexes are abnormal (some of 'em), I have +rombergs, my left pinkie and ring finger go numb--solid numb--at night frequently, I get dizzy if I look upward and then look down again, I slur words that have a letter s at the beginning, and I have Lhermittes. I wake up in the morning with both feet feeling like cinderblocks, buzzing and burning and stiff, and one numb left pinkie finger.

Anxiety? Nope. I sleep like a stone and just like to hang out, enjoying my work, my family, my friends, my neighborhood, my house, my books, my writing...I love it all. I've dropped doctors for a few months and just let all of this go, essentially. I'm not anxious, but I have occasionally been pretty ticked off at neuros and neurosurgeons and neuroradiologists.

I've had a neuro suggest that some of my symptoms are "real" and some are "conversion disorder." Strangely enough, he was so unconcerned about his perception of my mental state that he failed to refer me for a psychiatric evaluation. I was pissed, to say the least, that he suggested CD, but I have to say that he doesn't know me from Adam, and if I want someone to take me seriously, I have to show them--as much as they have to pay attention to me--what I'm really made of. I've now convinced this man that I do not have CD, and he takes me seriously. But he's certainly a member of the Knee-Jerk Anxiety Dx club, as so many neuros seem to be. It's too bad that for them, that's the first place to start, instead of being just one of many places to look.

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To show that anxiety and stress is not a death knell for your health, I must share some things.

This is not whining, this is fact and God's truth.  I have learned to deal with adversity.  

When I was a preteen, our house burned down and we lost everything material,  I lost my dad in an accident when he was 51 (iwas 17).  My husband and I lost an infant to a heart defect.  In 1985 my mother in law was kidnapped and murdered.  In the '90's we lost our home to forclosure after a business closed. I lost my Father in law (who was like a father to me) and my step brother in an 12 month period of time. During that 12 month period of time,  we cared for my mother who had Lewy Body Dementia  24/7, and she died 11 months after Dad.  I have a daughter with Bi Polar disorder and she has a child who is Austic.  

My point- you can have terrible things happen in life,  but you press on, one foot in front of the other.  If I were emotionally liable, my life coud have been as miserable as I choose to make it.  You must have faith, perseverance and appreciate the good things.  Was I ever depressed? H ell yes,  but for all the bad things that happen, there are hundreds and thousands of moments in my life that have been wonderful.  

A Doc could try to say my symptoms are anxiety or depression,  but I know better.  I am a strong person and I have proven it,.  I may get discouraged, but I suck it up and move on.   Health wise, I know myself, and I know something is wrong with my body.

It takes a thread like this to remind me that I should not give up,  I never have, and a indifferent Neuro will not get the best of me...... Thanks Quix.

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378497 tn?1232143585
Exactly, Sally. I have not lived through what you have, just some run-of-the-mill bad stuff for me, but my philosophy has always been, "Just keep movin' forward." Like Dory in Finding Nemo: Just keep swimming. It's not denial, it's just reality. I deal with things as they happen, I let them happen and work through them as necessary, knowing that doing that is necessary. And while I'm doing that, I just keep movin' on.

I'm sorry for your losses. They are terrible indeed.

I have a son who is autistic and another who is ADHD and a third who is "quirky." They are the lights of my life, and I don't stress about them because...it is what it is. They are blessings to me.

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405614 tn?1329144114
Having dealt with depression in the past, I'm very familiar with it.  I found that Prozac helped me out years ago, then stopped working as I was in a very stressful work situation, and kept having health issues; work related injuries, vertigo, cancerous cells on my cervix, a knee injury, insomnia, and fatigue.  

The company I worked for didn't like sick people, though I was still their most productive employee (when I was able to work, they pointed out).  They put my on night crew throwing freight, allowed some anonymous harrassment to go on (just gave the kid a talking to when they caught him), transfered to another location, etc.  Finally, after going home sick one night (after throwing up in my trash from vertigo), I was fired.

I went through a nightmare of stress, anxiety, depression, weight gain, etc. after all of that.  I sought therapy, was put on many different anti-depressants that didn't work or had awful side effects.  

Finally I found a class that taught skills to deal with issues in life; from interpersonal effectiveness, radical acceptance, meditation, and more I've forgotten but have a notebook full of to remind me when I need to dig up those skills if they don't come up automatically.

Last year, with pain and fatigue overwhelming me, my PCP said "you look depressed".  I agreed to see a therapist at the pain clinic, who after two visits told me that I really did not seem depressed, just frustrated and in pain.  I took some pain management classes and some Mindfulness stress reduction classes, and was doing quite a bit better.

Until February when I woke up with tremors, which led to loss of balance, and fatigue like I had never experienced before.  After my brain MRI with lots of little lesions and my first bad neuro, I thought of seeing a therapist again, but I was so ticked off at his lack of care that I had the energy to find another neurologist and move forward again.

When I found this forum, you all helped me deal with all the cr ap that limboland contains, and made me laugh, and feel more able to deal with everything.

I wouldn't hesitate to go back to a therapist if needed; it actually saved my life at one point.  

Reading Quix's list of typical somatic complaints, I thought, "no wonder neuro #1 dismissed me and #2 actually wrote in her chart notes that she suspects somatization!"

No wonder we have a hard time in Limboland!  

I really appreciate Quix's thoughtful examination of the subject, and the input of everyone else.

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What a great attitude you have, you are an inspiration.  Yes, thru adversity we become stronger and gain an attitude of survival.  I'm glad you told us your story.

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645800 tn?1466860955
Great thoughts on your part. I do agree whole hardily that doctor do tend to jump on Psychological reasons too darn quickly. As an example when I first developed symptoms my PCP at the time sent me to a specialist. This so called doctor reported back to my PCP that I suffered from depression and should under go shock therapy. When my PCP told me this I told him "OK then send me to a shrink to determine if I am really depressed or not". Well he did just this and after he got the report back from the shrink my PCP finally took my complaints seriously and ordered about 3 dozen tests to try and figure out what was wrong with me. The shrink told both me and my PCP that I had the healthiest mind he had ever seen.

Over the years since then I have have run up against many doctors that have tried to say this is all in my head. But one doctor in particular gave me a clue into why they are saying this. I was switching to a new doctor because I was moving and had gotten copies of my records from this doctor. As I was reading his notes there was the biggest clue in the world. He had stated that "because I never smile when seeing him that I must be depressed". Well of course I never smile when at the doctors. I'm in constant pain, feeling like death warmed over, etc. Plus since I have trouble understanding things and remembering things that is what I concentrate on. Naturally I do not smile!  If I had ever gone to see one of these doctors when I felt good then I probably would smile.

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378497 tn?1232143585
It's actually pretty unfair to base a dx on smiling, anyway. Some people have a naturally flat affect or are naturally reserved. You can't diagnose depression based on a "norm" like that.

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147426 tn?1317265632
What an awesome discussion!  I can't thank you all enough.

In terms of my own experience, I have had chronic depression for about 20 years and finally just resigned myself that I will likely need anti-depressants for life.  I have chosen to be the one who brings this up with new doctors or with new symptoms (especially those that might fit with depression).  I try to say something like, "I know depression.  It is something I have batted for the last 20 years.  "This" (meaning whatever I was coming to the doctor about) is not from depression.  This feels completely different."

This way I try to pre-empt the thought that might be forming in their head.  I tell them I know the difference and this isn't "it."  I find they generally accept this.

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428506 tn?1296557399
Thank you Quix for the research and time and heart that went into this.  I have yet to read all the responses, but am looking forward to it.

My condition is not diagnosed and I've had several doctors (including neuros) suggest that stress/anxiety is the underlying problem.  I want to be well and am not fixated on a romantic diagnosis.  I did my best to fairly address the possible role of stress in my health.  I saw psychologists and made lifestyle changes including diet, exercise, and quit smoking and drinking, all in hopes of regaining my health AND to address stress in my life.  While these efforts have no doubt strengthened me and helped me cope with my situation, they did not stop, cure or reverse my condition, nor have they protected me from having my symptoms dismissed as originating from stress.

I would certainly count myself as one who has lost confidence in the medical community.  I would describe the doctors who have failed me as lazy and biased.  

I began my difficult path to get a diagnosis/treatment when my odd symptoms began to present at 28.  The world was my oyster.  I had just gotten out of grad school, I'd won a prestigious and competitive national fellowship, my relationship of over 6 years was going strong, and I was full of self confidence.  Now, I am facing the possible need to take a leave from my work and struggle daily to remain positive.  I know at this point that I have become depressed, and feel as though the label placed on me by my doctors was a self-fulfilling prophesy.  

There is no way that I will stop trying to regain my health.  However, now I need to haul around the baggage of my own mistrust and fear of being labeled and dismissed.  I don't know how to avoid or break the horrible cycle that my acquired obvious discomfort around doctors only supports the branding of me as difficult.

I do still have a gut feeling that I will find my answers, and I still see my old self in the mirror once in awhile and know that I'm not lost.  The past year has given me a new sense of compassion and interest in taking care of myself.  So while this certainly was not "the plan," I've certainly still got some aces up my sleeve.

So in summary, what has for me been the most difficult aspect of the stress diagnosis is that if one is truly chronically ill, it is just a matter of time before one does suffer emotionally.  This may even be sped up by the self doubt and confusion that come with being in limbo.  I can see how for a lazy and disinterested doctor, it is an easy cop out:  Even when the label doesn't fit, they know you'll grow into it over time.

Thanks again Quix, and now I need to read all of the other member comments!

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I must say I am very grateful that I have a brain that produces serotonin in adequate amounts.  
I worked for an OB-GYN who was treating someone for depression and asked him about her (way before HIPPA).  I said she seemed to have everying, great husband, good kids, no financial issues, beautiful home,(everything I could think of).  I couldn't understand what she had to be depressed about.  He is the one to told me,  "this is more than being sad,  this is an illness, an imbalance of hormones in the brain, it's not something she can control".  I had a better understanding after that and had alot more compassion for people who deal with this on a daily basis.
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620877 tn?1282764097
I will say thank you to Quix too - you are such a great wealth of information!  We are so fortunate that you take the time to research and then share these topics with us.  You also do a fantastic job of breaking it down so that those of us who are still learning the terminology can understand it.  Thank you.

I am undiagnosed at this time also.  I have had my PCP tell me that she thought my numbness/tingling was caused by anxiety.  She wouldn't to give me a referral to a neurologist because of that.  I am not an anxious person by nature and when I told family & friends that that was what my doctor thought was wrong - they were all stunned.  I am one of the people mentioned "that knows something else is wrong" and will continue to fight for a diagnosis.  With the way that my symptoms have progressed over the last year, I find it very hard to believe that anxiety is what is causing my health issues.

Do I think that being chronically ill and seeing how my symptoms are gradually worsening with each "episode", is effecting my mental health....without question.  Do I think that being dismissed by doctors who are too busy, too lazy or whatever to do a proper work up or follow up, make me anxious, frustrated, angry....you bet.  Chronic pain or illness has been proven to effect the mental health of the patient.  

My personal opinion is that if a patient's symptoms don't fit into some tidy little box, doctors don't know what to do, so they take the easy way out & say it's anxiety.  Or just write a prescription for valium or xanax...


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re: Somatization - I am so anxious to see how you are going to summarize the responses given here.  There is a concensus among the responders that anxiety and depression go in tandem with MS but are not the cause of our symptoms.  This forum provides some of the best therapy available for all of us in dealing with our individual progression with this process.  My best to all, Lulu
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