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Electric-shock like pain in knee

Hello; for the past few months I have been experiencing a pain in my
knee, it is just to the outside of the patella. It is a very sharp pain, like an electrical shock. It happens totally at random. It can happen when I am walking, sitting, sleeping, etc. When the pain is not occurring, my knee feels
completely normal. When it happens, it usually happens every few
seconds or minutes, then stops for several hours. I am not aware of
any injury or unusual stress to that area. X-ray was normal and doctor's examination was clear. Any ideas?
172 Responses
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Hello everyone. I have found a solution to the electric shock like pain in the knee problem. I currently work as a personal trainer in Norway. This jolting pain is most likely caused by VMO - or Vastus Medialis Oblique, one of your inner thigh muscles - left side of quads. My solution is to get a hold of a foam roller - you might have to buy one, but usually training centers have one. What to do: You need to lie down on the floor with the foam roller and put your inner thigh perpendicular on it. Start rolling back and forth applying alot of pressure with your body weight. This should be very uncomfortable and will hurt alot when done correctly. Do very long rolls from the base of the knee, all the way to the top of your inner thigh. This can become physically straining and you might have to take short breaks or do sets of rolls. I usually do 30-50 hard rolls (very uncomfortable) and it fixes the problem for me INSTANTLY!
It's not completely gone, I do get it from time to time, but then I just repeat and it's gone again. The rolling looks very silly though and might best be done alone, but to get rid of this incredibly excruciating knee pain it's worth it! I had this problem for many years before I did this. This usually works on MANY other muscle problems - foam roll before you go the surgery route! Hope this works for you all! :)
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i too have this pain. and i'm a doctor and know about what to narrow it down to.  all your responses have been very helpful.  mine starts outside slightly posterior knee and moves up the back of my leg.  unusual because it would usually track down a nerve.  anyway. it is 10/10 i cry out i hit the spot and massage. it usually goes away in 10 seconds. mine comes on about once a week only.  two months ago i had a serious knee surgery. my right leg had been doing all the work for almost a year.  my right hip was also failing me.  so i now have had a right hip replacement.  the pain started before the hip replacement but after the right leg had been the only worker.  my PT thinks it has to do with tight muscles causing nerve entrapment and i tend to agree with the anatomy of it.  she gave me some piriformis stretching exercises because a short muscle will cause the entrapment . i just want a nerve ablation.  if i can't get it to stop with PT that is my next ask. she also suggested the roller on the outer leg.  a nerve entrapment can be caused by a variety of things so need to find out what is causing the entrapment and treat that problem.
i did not mean piriformis i meant to say ileal tibial band stretching.  it is most likely my peroneal nerve getting entrapped in a tight IT band and if i can stretch it out it will relieve.
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Same here, for many years I have electric shock like pain in my left knee in lower part. This pain appears completely randomly, it doesn't matter if I'm sitting, walking, laying. This pain is so strong that I even jump up and usually scare all people around me. After that and before that my knee feels completely fine. MRI and X-rays showed nothing. My dr thinks I'm crazy and I imagine this pain. I'm glad i found these post which proves that I'm normal or all of us here are crazy:) PLEASE, IF ANYONE FOUND SOLUTION TO THIS, PLEASE LET US KNOW. I'll try piriformis syndrome exercises, but I doubt that it is piriformis syndrome, as I don't have other symptoms except this crazy knee pain.
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did you ever get any answers to this, please let us know
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Well I have had the same issue under my Left Knee.
2 years now and 1 fender bender.

Scans, MRI, Xrays, nothing wrong.
So I started looking at my diet. Wrote Everything down and then when my little friend came back around I looked at my diet.
What I found was I was always eating one thing different in the days/weeks leading up to it.

Nuts, I really like nuts.
So, I stop the nuts (any kind) weeks later no issues.
Eat nuts (like two bags you get at the food marts.
couple days later it happens.

So after a few months of testing I think it has something to do with nuts, what that means, I have no idea.

My two cents

Big Daddy
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Wow I think you may be onto somthing here. As I just started randomly grabbing a handfull of nuts again recently and the shock like jabs in the the knee started again.
this is bizarre.  I wondered they same thing... food related?  Any more follow up?
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I was suffering from the same pain too. I felt it go up my knee and then it would be followed by a tingling sensation. I finally got it looked at and it is basically the hamstring and your knee muscals are tight! So, when you walk or do anything, your knee and leg muscles are contracting and de- contracting, in which the nerve in by the patella is getting caught in the contacting and de contracting process. Talk to your dr about streches you can do.
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Hi, HAS ANYONE FOUND DIAGNOSIS? PLEASE... or solution how to deal with this madness as it gets worst over the years and I have no idea how to live my everyday life with this crazy pain repeating more and more often. Went to 4 neurologists and nothing. Please, if anyone knows solution to this problem, please, share...
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The periodic electric shocks on my right knee were caused by kneeling on concrete floors at our workshop. This pinched a nerve in my kneecap causing excruciating pain. Gabapentin was the only thing that helped. I retired from work and no longer kneel, so I was finally able to stop taking the Gabapentin and the pain hasn't returned. Hope this helps, and you can find relief soon.
I had a gel injection in the knee and it helped it. Before that they tried cortisone.  Went thru all kinds of tests and nerve block in back, nerve test on leg, etc.  also seems very important to take take a joint supplement with glucosamine, turmeric, condition, MSM, etc. look on Amazon for one and read reviews. and of course LOTS of prayer! I am so sorry you are going thru this. I was also on gabapentin. Best wishes resolving this! Please keep us updated on what helps you.
I commented on this post a few years ago now. I used Gabapentin 400mg per day. Over a period of a couple of months the electric shocks stopped. I stopped using the gabapentin shortly after the shocks stopped.  They have not returned to this date.
None of the medical professionals could give me a diagnosis. I found my answer on this thread. Try Gabapentin!
Hey camo78! I apologize for not replying to your question about the dosage of Gabapentin. I was taking 300mg twice a day to start, then when the shocks subsided, I took one 300mg pill every morning. I took them for a couple years because I could still feel a twinge in my knee every once in a great while, and I didn't want to take any chances of the shocks returning. I stopped taking the pills right after I retired,(no more kneeling) and the shocks have not returned. You are so right. The medical professionals had no idea what was going on with me. I found relief on this thread. So glad you are still shock free! Yes, Gabapentin is a lifesaver!
I am very thankful to all of you guys for all your tips and suport and this little hope (Gapabentin), actually now I remebered that I had Gabapentin prescription some years ago but I did not use it as I have very sensitive stomach and I was thinking they are giving me medicine without knowing what is wrong with me, but now I will definetlty try it as everything is getting worse (scarest part is that I have to drive car in order to help my barely walking mom to reach doctors so I am scared not only for myself but also about not being able to help my mom or to raise my child). Thanks again, stay healthy everyone and as they say, healthy beggar is happier than an ailing king.
I haven't had the problem for several years now. My pain was likely triggered by overdoing workouts on an exercise bike. I was participating in a study on muscle development. A physical therapist suggested that I had overdeveloped certain leg muscles causing an uneven pull on my kneecap. He recommended some stretches and leg swings that helped alleviate the problem. The issue did come back after a year or so, but I again used stretching to get relief.  The stretching didn't immediately solve it, but it stopped occurring after a few weeks.  I am more careful about the type of exercise I do and I throw out shoes when the soles start to wear down.
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I was on an inversion table and stayed too long and suddenly felt my knees and center of legs become unstable. Since then I have these shocks. Wasn't noticed on an MRI, but I know I probably tore something right behind the knee cap. Just a heads up for all of you that feel that shocking pulsating pain because I know why mine happened.
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and I should add, is still happening ... praying they actually see the issue and know how to fix it when I go to my next appt.
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Thanks all, same symptoms, only one week. I'm male, 49, not the athletic type but only slightly overweight. This conversation (2007-2021!) was incredibly helpful, not because of any specific answer but because of the feeling of not being alone, giving me hope and encouraging me to research and try to understand what I might have changed in my behaviors.

I had recently decided to do something about my blood pressure so I started using a stationary bicycle about half an hour a day, and using a magnesium supplement.

Today I did not take the magnesium supplement and did some stretching specific to the upper thigh (grabbing an ankle and pulling up), after the workout.

Today had only a hint of pain, but essentially zero.

So my working theories: slight magnesium/potassium imbalance or maybe excess magnesium? Or perhaps something related to thigh muscle healing after the workout, pulling nerves?
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Quick update:
I had an MRI last week on my pelvis to try and determine whether the Femoral Cutaneous Nerve was entrapped or compressed. The MRI showed that it was not. Everything was clear apart from a small cyst they found which the doc said was not related. The next course of action is a nerve conductivity test with a neurologist. I will be organising this soon and will update on  this once it happens.
In the meantime,  I have been able to successfully manage the electric shock pains with 1200mgs of Gabapentin taken as 400mg doses 3 times a day. I still get an occasional mild pain but for the most part the pains are gone. However if I wait too long between doses I can feel the shocks returning.
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Really glad you are having the follow up testing to get an answer.  I'm sure you don't want to be on Gabapentin forever!  But it's a lifesaver that it is helping and making you able to be comfortable and function.  How long has your issue been going on?
This has been going on for approximately 7-8 weeks now.
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This pain is not muscular. It’s nerve pain. Stretching muscles does not help.
For me it occurs just above my left knee front and centre. I have had blood test, untralsound, X-ray and ct scan on my lower back/spine and hip. Nothing has been discovered from those scans.
I am still trying to find the cause. In the meantime I have been taking a medication for nerve pain called Lyrica. It has helped somewhat but not stopped it from happening. Has mainly just reduced symptoms.
I am going to try Gabapentin as mentioned above and keep looking for a cause. I haven’t had an MRI yet.
Will keep this thread updated because alit of people have disappeared from it and never returned to give updates. I’m presuming this pain subsides and goes away over time perhaps and that’s why people don’t report back?  
If this is the case for you let us know please.
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Well, my neurologist felt it was muscular. Even if it's neurological, it's feasible that stretching muscles could help if it repositions a muscle impinging on a nerve. It may not. Mine goes away for 2-3 weeks at a time and then returns. I have no update because I haven't really done anything to pursue it. Eventually I may.
Try to be more active. It has happened to me two times since i didnt do a proper work out for 10 days. Now after jogging 3 times  and stretching properly, 8 stretches for each leg, its gone. Yes the pain is nerve pain, but muscles may still have a huge impact in cause and prevention. I think we shouldnt split the two as our body is made up  of a cohesive structure. I have taken 0 medication, and have no pain.
I run 7 in morning days per week and lift weights 5 nights a week. It doesn’t occur when training generally, especially running. It occurs during times of rest.
*7 days per week*
Update. The nobody knows what was causing this problem,  mri, ultrasound and xrays showed nothing. I was taking Gabapentin to treat this for 6 months which helped alot with the shocks. They ended up easing off and disappearing. I have not taken any medication for around 5-6 months now and am pain free for now.
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I found the reason of the electrical shock like pain in my knee is because a reaction to a specific brand of probiotics dietary supplement that I was taking. It was from “megafood” brand; and when I stopped taking them, the pain has gone. Hope this would help some others here.
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Hello all
I have been experiencing these random electric shock type pains just above my left knee towards the middle of my leg for the past three weeks. Might go a couple of days with no pain and then.... Bang! hits me like a ton of bricks then pulsates on and off for around 30 seconds until it subsides.
I went to docs and she looked at me perplexed and said give it some time and if it doesn't stop get an ultra sound.
What the hell is wrong with me?
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The doctors had the same reaction when I tried explaining the shocks in my knee.  X-rays and MRI's showed nothing. My shocks were caused from kneeling at work. The only way to make the shocks stop was to take a Gabapentin pill twice a day to start then ween off it to once a day. It was the miracle drug. After I retired and no longer had to kneel down on a concrete floor I stopped taking the pills and the shocks haven't returned. Hope this helps and you find relief soon.
I’ve been back to docs (different doc to the first one). He was just as perplexed as the first one. I asked him if he knew what it was and His words were “Wouldn’t have a ******* clue” lol. I spoke to him about this thread and mentioned Gabapentin. He said “you’ve done some good research” and wrote me out a script for an equivalent drug here in Australia called Lypralin. I have been taking it for 2 days now and I am very please with how it is working so far. I’ve still had a couple of milder shocks here and there but it’s only day 2. I got a full nights sleep last night which was extremely good as I have not been able to get through a full night in a couple of weeks without being woken up by the shocks. I am extremely happy that I found this thread and thank you Dieseldude for your post especially. You’ve been the most help out of all the replies I read.
F.Y.I I found that ice worked much better than heat to manage shocks. Heat made it worse.
This pain is not muscular. It’s nerve pain. Stretching muscles does not help.
For me it occurs just above my left knee front and centre. I have had blood test, untralsound, X-ray and ct scan on my lower back/spine and hip. Nothing has been discovered from those scans.
I am still trying to find the cause. In the meantime I have been taking a medication for nerve pain called Lyrica. It has helped somewhat but not stopped it from happening. Has mainly just reduced symptoms.
I am going to try Gabapentin as mentioned above and keep looking for a cause. I haven’t had an MRI yet.
Will keep this thread updated because alit of people have disappeared from it and never returned to give updates. I’m presuming this pain subsides and goes away over time perhaps and that’s why people don’t report back?  
Hey Camo78!  I'm just seeing your post from June 29th.  Thanks for the kind words!  So glad the Lypralin is helping. I had the same results after two days of Gabapentin where the shocks diminished from a feeling of being electrocuted to small mild shocks. I could tell the pills were working. The MRI's showed nothing for me as did the x-rays. You're are absolutely right. The pain is not muscular but most definitely nerve pain.  I wish more people would check in and let us know what is working for them. Hopefully you can find a permanent solution.
Hey dieseldude, what dosage of Gabapentin were you on in milligrams each day? I’ve just switch to try out. Currently on 200mg per day. Second day but still getting shocks. I gave an MRI on my hip scheduled Monday week. Doc thinks it’s an entrapped nerve in hip. Will keep updated
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Possible solution that worked for me. I've had these pains on and off for a couple of years. They seem to happen whenever I don't stretch my legs properly after a work-out / physical activity. Yesterday I had the pains for 24 hours - probably happened 10-15 seconds 150-200 times. Very painful... However I've had good experiences before by stretching my legs properly, so I decided to go for a jog - 10-15 minutes. Didn't get a single shock while jogging. I got home and started stretching every part of my leg (Right leg is the problem for me) Stretching hamstrings - quads, adductors and gastrocnemius, also sitting on the floor with a straight leg stretching outside and inside by pushing on the upper part of my foot both right and left. Also stretched my glutes, no shock happened. However when I was stretching my upper thigh (By putting my left leg on an elevated surface - and pushing my right hip forward) that's when the shocks triggered like crazy. So I kept pushing even though the shocks continued to happen. I kept at it until I didn't feel anything when doing that hip stretch. Got 1 shock after going to bed, and after that, nothing. I am completely fine. If you want to give this a go - walk / or jog if you can, to warm up your muscles - 15 minutes should be enough. Stretch every part of your leg. If a certain stretch triggers the shocks, like it did for me, I just pushed through it, and that's what fixed it for me. Good luck. Would love to hear back if this worked for you! We all know the pain involved in this, and we have to share our solutions asap to relieve the pain for the people who suffer from this!
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This pain is not muscular. It’s nerve pain. Stretching muscles does not help.
For me it occurs just above my left knee front and centre. I have had blood test, untralsound, X-ray and ct scan on my lower back/spine and hip. Nothing has been discovered from those scans.
I am still trying to find the cause. In the meantime I have been taking a medication for nerve pain called Lyrica. It has helped somewhat but not stopped it from happening. Has mainly just reduced symptoms.
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Shocking when it happens, I'm never prepared for the extent and severity of the pain  It only lasts 4-10 seconds, max.  The pain is under the left knee cap towards the inner part of leg.  It feels as though someone takes a gun straight to the spot or an ice pic and it pulses.  The pain is so severe I scream bloody murder!  It shocks everyone around and is happening in my sleep.  Right now it happens about 6 times during any given day and 2-3 times during the night.  Went 2 days ago to a Ortho Urgent Center and the doc thought it was pes anserine bursitis.  They gave me a cortisone shot and it was worst the next day.  Please please if anyone gets more of a diagnosis, post here as soon as possible.
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I haven't had the problem for several years now.  Mine originated after participating in a medical study where I built up my leg muscles over several months on a stationery bike.  It took months to go away and came back for awhile a couple years later.  That, too, may have been exercise related, I can't recall.  The best explanation I received was a suggestion that I had built up part of my quads more than the rest which resulted in some off center pressure on the knee cap.  Certain leg stretching exercises seemed to help.  If your issue might be exercise related and you don't have a disease causing your problem, consider working with a physical therapist, especially one involved in sports medicine.
Haven't found a cure but have been taking Gabapentin for years (Diabetic) and I
still have the shooting pain in my knee for about two months now..Very irritating to say the least.
I have researched this problem extensively because I can't stand it and I'm trying to find a solution.  Best I've come up with is Meralgia Parasthetica. It's a result of an entrapped lateral femoral cutaneous nerve in the hip. I am currently on 500mgs of Gabapentin and increasing the dosage weekly as ive just started using it. So far I've had no side effects but can't say it's helping a great deal. I am researching the use of a drug called Cymbalta which may help too. I am booked in for an MRI next week.  Im completely over this damn pain, it's causing me alot of distress in my life so I won't stop until I get rid of it. Will keep updated.
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Hi All,

I am in the similar situation as many of you. However, I am on my third day. But something has helped me. Read below -

1) Day 1: I got two electric shocks one at 8:00 am another 11:00 am, I was in pain for 5 secs or so then gone, like most of you have mentioned, terrible feeling, excruciating pain from the back of my inner right knee all the way down to the right leg.
2) Day 1: did a thorough research spoke to my physio
3) Day 2: Did lower spine release/mobility work(physio did it), did yoga stretches(learnt it in past), did foam roller on T-band and inner thigh (have learnt in past), took vitamin D tablets (as prescribed by my doc), did not sit for more than 30-45 at a stretch and did a small stretch walk after every 30-45 of sitting (my job demands long hours of sitting)
4) Day 2: Attack came back at 2:00 pm but was 1/4th of the intensity of what had happened to me on Day 1
5) Day 3: is today - I am gonna repeat what I did on Day 2 above and see how it goes.

Other Info -My lifestyle is otherwise healthy in terms of food I take and water I drink. I used to play a lot of sports but taking a break from the same from last 2 months.

I had a sports injury on my right knee twice in last 30 years. I am 43 years old male. Not overweight.

Somewhere above "ehlet" has described this approach too and while I did my online research I found his recommendation very sensible and derived by an approach from there. So thanks "ehlet" for the same.

I am a fresh case only on Day 3 so I will keep you guys posted on how my pain goes and will write back in a weeks time.

till then, take care and I will experiment with my approach and post back.

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I was on an inversion table and stayed too long and suddenly felt my knees and center of legs become unstable. Since then I have these shocks. Wasn't noticed on an MRI, but I know I probably tore something right behind the knee cap. Just a heads up for all of you that feel that shocking pulsating pain because I know why mine happened.
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Same thing as all of you.  EXTREME shock like pain, interior of right knee ( but not my knee ).  
This happened about a year ago for about 5 -10 seconds.  I was like OUCH!  Then I started doing a spin class and yesterday this came on with a vengeance. Extreme shock pain lasting from 5-30 seconds, at times almost felt like it was pulsating. This went on off and on for about and hour. Then nothing.. no pain, no problems until next attack.  
I remembered hearing something about apple cider vinegar, I drank a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and water and it subsided for about 8 hours. 8 hours later woke me up in middle of night, drank more vinegar.. seemed to help.
At work today rolling around during an episode. My dad gave me a tincture of marijuana oil... seemed to help, then I also found at Walgreens Neuragen ( nerve cream ) this seemed to stop in its tracks.
I really am not sure.  I made an appointment at Dr in am.  Listening to everyone, it does not seem to help.  I personally am going to back off the spin class and see if it subsides the flare up.  
Hope some of these things help you, as they did me.
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what did you find out
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I'm getting it too - it's a sharp electric shock type pain in my knee of my left leg- more to the side of my knee. I had spinal surgery (a benign schnowmma rumour removed) 3 years ago so it may be connected..or maybe not! I'm going to see a doctor asap.
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Maybe this helps a few of you guys.
I had the same symptoms under my left knee for a while
My doctor here in Holland sent his friend round who is a retired knee specialist to many of Hollands football players. Soccer to my American cousins.
He said that the underside of my knee cap is irritated and that causes the weird electric pain. The problem is that there is not much blood supply under the knee cap (of anyone). So he gave me the following excercise to do. (As often as I could).
With a straight leg, but a totally relaxed leg, either on the couch or with the leg diagonally down from my office chair) I am to very very slightly flex my front thigh muscle so that the knee cap very gently rises up towards my head, hold for a second and gently release. Over and over. As often as I could in a day. The idea is that it gently rubs the underside of the knee cap across the top of the knee and thus brings a bit of blood flow. He stressed that the leg should be fully relaxed and the movement gentle. Easiest excercise ever. Six weeks long he said and no running etc. So far it's working. I hope it works for some of you guys.
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I did this exercise. It immediately triggers a delayed episode. I guess it just get my knee cap more irritated.
Me too... OUCH
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Maybe this helps a few of you guys.
I had the same symptoms under my left knee for a while
My doctor here in Holland sent his friend round who is a retired knee specialist to many of Hollands football players. Soccer to my American cousins.
He said that the underside of my knee cap is irritated and that causes the weird electric pain. The problem is that there is not much blood supply under the knee cap (of anyone). So he gave me the following excercise to do. (As often as I could).
With a straight leg, but a totally relaxed leg, either on the couch or with the leg diagonally down from my office chair) I am to very very slightly flex my front thigh muscle so that the knee cap very gently rises up towards my head, hold for a second and gently release. Over and over. As often as I could in a day. The idea is that it gently rubs the underside of the knee cap across the top of the knee and thus brings a bit of blood flow. He stressed that the leg should be fully relaxed and the movement gentle. Easiest excercise ever. Six weeks long he said and no running etc. So far it's working. I hope it works for some of you guys.
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Dear Simon, Thanks for the info.  How have you been feeling?  Any updates?
15319066 tn?1463491505
Just to share my experience after a fall to the knee. The sharp pains started for me mostly just as the swelling/bruising seemed to go away. Im thinking it can be a nerve thing that has to do with recovery in my case. Also for therapy, it might sound dumb but I still play my drums and think it actually is good for this type of injury. All the reading I've done so far suggest in most injuries after resting, ice, heat treatment, you should also do some activity with the knee. Accident happened over a week now and haven't stopped walking, brief bike riding, playing music, etc. all to help reduce the pain. Only thing i can add is I've had some unusual pains mostly in leg all this week and also shooting like pains in leg; Which i'm sure will clear up. Thats a knee injury, ,but some people here have described nerve pains originating possibly from the upper nerves of sciatic nerve, my lucky guess, hehe...thanks for sharing!
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Nerve pain distinguishes itself from regular pain. The most different part is spontaneous.
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I have been suffering random spontaneous electric shock/stabbing/tearing/flashing pain near knee area for about three month. It started earlier but disappeared for a while. I didn't notice it until it becomes very frequent three month ago...

This changed my life forever. The pain level is near 8-10/10 before I take Lyrica or Oxcarbazepine. Lyrica didn't work well enough but it does help. Oxcarbazepine is the one remove 90% of the pain and I am still taking it.

I have seen more than a dozen doctors, from sports medicine, orthopedics, and neurologist. Orthopedics can't reproduce the pain no matter how they manipulate my knee. Most doctors in Kaiser have no idea about what's going on. You should think twice if you elect to work with Kaiser. They are slow, ignorant and don't care about your pain.

I eventually went to China to get it diagnosed first order. Orthopedic doctor found a vascular malformation near a place I got hit mildly before. The surgery removed this tumor. However, the pain is still happening but at a different location after surgery.

Neurologists told this is very similar to trigeminal neuropathy. Thus they gave me the medication for that pain: Oxcarbazepine. It works and reduces the pain to a level that is negligible. At least I am not suffering for a while.

I am not completely cured yet. I can feel pulses even they are almost painless. I know the pain level will escalate if I stop the medication. I am still looking for a doctor to cure it if it is curable by certain means.

Please read this link about trigeminal neuropathy. If you find it matches all your symptom, you may want to talk to your doctor. The most important thing I see from this website is: there are at least five different causes of the jolting pain, you have to find the correct one yourself.

I hope god bless you and you will be good. In most cases, I can see people recover from neuropathy by themselves. Good luck to all of us!

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In my research I also found out that a vitamin b12 deficiency can cause brain and nerve damage which is possibly what's causing the electric shock sensation in my knees. Appearantly none of the doctors I've seen read anything from Harvard. Look it up there's many causes of b12 deficiency. Don't really feel like listing them. Oh, and the doctors I've seen had results of a blood test I took and didn't feel it was important to mention to me my b12 was low. I hope if this doesn't apply to you maybe someone else might be.
I am taking Vitamin B supplement.
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This worked for me.  A while back I had a pain in my hip that also radiated to the outside of my knee. The pain lasted for 5-30 seconds and as soon as it was gone all felt normal.  My chiropractor diagnosed it as piriformis syndrome and had me see her staff physical therapist who gave me a set of hip and glute strengthening exercises that I did once or twice a day.  Using the strength exercises combined with stretching, within a week the random pain attacks began to subside. A month into the exercises and the pain was gone.  I continue to do the exercises but not as religiously as before.  I treat occasional flare-ups by stretching the piriformis and using a massager and heat on my glutes. This quick reaction to flare-ups has worked to stop the pain attacks immediately and lasts as long as I keep doing my exercises.  There are a lot of piriformis stretching videos on Youtube but the ones that worked for me were the “glute and hip strengthening” ones. Check out Ask Dr. Jo on Youtube.  Hope this helps!  

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I think I might have this, and came to the same conclusion/diagnosis you did. My doctor has me on a nerve blocker called gabapentin. It helps.
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Are you still on this medication? Do you still have the problem? We’re you ever able to find out what was causing it?
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I am 15 and in the middle of class, I would have a sudden shock in my knee. t hurts a lot and then my knee developers a  rash/bruise that hurts a lot. And then my knee and bottom leg becomes slightly paralyzed. Is it dangerous? What do I need to do ?
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You need to see a good specialist.

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Find out how beta-blocker eye drops show promising results for acute migraine relief.
In this special Missouri Medicine report, doctors examine advances in diagnosis and treatment of this devastating and costly neurodegenerative disease.
Here are 12 simple – and fun! – ways to boost your brainpower.
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Two of the largest studies on Alzheimer’s have yielded new clues about the disease