724734 tn?1230941272

Lightheaded, brain fog...Not right

Hello everyone, 25/M

About a year ago I began experiencing some strange sensations which I sometimes have trouble finding the words to describe, but their presence is definitely there regardless. In a nutshell my symptoms seem to be fatigue, lightheadedness, "brain fog", trouble focusing, numbness and generally just feeling disconnected. I'm "not there" so to speak, both physically and mentally. I can still function in my daily life, but doing anything that requires real thought (including conversation) is very hard sometimes and it's sort of like my mind and body have been numbed and covered in novocain. I feel stoned and like things just aren't really hitting me so to speak. There are times when it's hard to even focus my eye sight on anything, as all my eyes want to do is drift off and blankly stare in to the middle distance while my head shuts. I'm like a zombie and talking to people is like struggling through improv. It doesn't feel natural and life is sort of like reading the words out of a book and understanding what they mean, but not quite having them quite connect. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy, or that I'm not even a real person...but again, it's hard to describe. I also have fatigue, which hits me very hard toward the end of the day (along with dizzy spells) and all I want to do is crash in my bed when I get home from work. I've also suddenly developed large bags/circles under my eyes over the last year, but I'm not sure how that could be related.

I've had every type of bloodwork done which all came back normal as did my EEG. This has brought me to the conclusion that it has to be something "mental" as opposed to physical, but whether that's anxiety, ADD, depression, depersonalization, post traumatic stress disorder or something else is hard to say. I tried taking Lexapro for a short while which may have helped a bit, but I stopped about a month in since it completely killed my libido and that wasn't even remotely acceptable to me.

Has anyone else experienced similar symptoms? Is this all in my head or are there physical disorders that can result in these feelings? My only other lead is that I started feeling this way shortly after I moved in to my new apartment, so it's possible there's some sort of mold that's making me have problems. I also feel somewhat better when I visit my parents out of state for a week, but that could very well just be in my head or a result of lessened anxiety...Who knows. I just need help and I honestly don't know what else to ask.

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I have pretty much determined that I have been suffering from anxiety.  At first it was the depersonalisation that I felt for about a year and a half, but then I started getting extreme bouts of anxiety and mini panic attacks.  The good news is now I'm fully educating myself on the disorder (generalised anxiety in my case) and I feel confident that I will be able to beat this.  I'm not saying everyone on here suffers from anxiety and that is the cause of all this, but in my case I've made that determination.  Half the problem is figuring out what is wrong with you, and from there you can go on with treatment.  I've been seeing a psychologist, and working at CBT and although my symptoms are still there, at times they are much weaker.  I've decided not to go with any meds as I don't want to just cover up the feelings, I want to get to the root and get rid of them completely.
I highly recommend a website to everyone  
Reading the page about depersonalisation perfectly described all the feelings I've been having and what a lot of you are describing.  I've read his book also and its a quick simple read, but extremely logical as he has gone through all of this himself and come out recovered on the otherside.  Again, I'm not saying anxiety is the cause for everyone, but it could be for some and this page is worth a ready.
All the best
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Yes, I have been on the medications now for 6 months, and still take them every evening.  The doses I am on are very low dose, the high blood pressure med, never did help my lightheadedness or anxiety it just lowered my BP to 125 from 139.  What helped me the most and is still currently working for me is the anxiety med Amitriptyline 10mg, I am very afraid to stop using it daily because I do not want the light headed ness/anxiety symptoms to return and at certain times during the day when I'm under high pressure at work I can feel the anxiety but nothing like I was experiencing before the med so I do think it is working.  
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I have never done any drugs. i have taken an acne medication for about a year or two. other then that no medication either. it ***** that i still feel this way. sometimes i suspect anxiety, but i feel lightheaded everyday. No matter the situation. I just dont know what is going on.
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I have many of the same symptoms described above.  I have suspicions about the root cause.  Does anyone have a history of recreational drug use other than marajuana?  If so, please list them, especially those used heavily or for a long period of time.  Hopefully drawing this correlation can lead to the development of a solution.
Thanks! stay positive!
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Hey Mike, I do and have a similar suspicion. I know this forum is old but what did you use?. Have you come up with any solutions?. My symptoms mirror everybody's except I have a ever so slight tremor in my teeth sometimes and I seem to go through variant phases of this head issue.
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WOW, you just described the way I feel-  Light headed/Brain Fog  I already saw a Psychiatrist 2 days ago and he prescribed Alprazolan (xanax) ER 0.5 twice daily. I have been taking Alprazolan .05 once daily and it does help a little with the light headed and it also helps when I'm short of breath.  Yes, he said I have anxiety which in my opinion came from the 24/7 light headed/Brain Fog I have.   About 2 1/2 months ago I quit my nerve damage medication which I took for 4 months (Gabapentin and Lyrika). Most of us already know all these nerve medications are also used for Anxiety/Depression. Right after that the light headed started 24/7 I ended up at the Hospital which they gave me to take Alpraozolam 0.5 as needed.  So a couple of days later I took one because I was feeling pretty light headed and I felt 80/90% better but will only last for a few hours.  Well, after that looks like my anxiety got a hold of me and I started to run out of air as well.  Yes, who would not if you feel light headed 24/7?  I'm suppose to start the Alprazolan ER (Extended Release) tomorrow when I get them because my  Psychiatrist believes that would take care of the light headed.  If it does then I can deal with it because my anxiety should go down as well and so would my lack of air.  I'm pretty much mad with my PCD because he has done nothing for me besides asking me to get a  Psychiatrist - I asked him to check my D3 and Mag levels because 11 months ago I was low on D3 and he said lets just wait. Yes, I have done every possible test before but like I told my Doctor, the light headed started after I took these test.    
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Are you still taking the medication or did you stop and the symptoms are still gone?  I've been to a walk in mental health clinic and am waiting to see a therapist as I've started having the anxiety and little panic attacks.  The fog in my head has also gotten worse.  Planning on going back to my doctor again as the anxiety and panic is new since the last time I've seen her.  Just want to know because I don't want to be taking anxiety meds my entire life.
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