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Cold/Wet Feeling on an area on my leg

I have no idea where to post this question of mine.  

Often times I have found myself trying to dry off my left leg below the knee because I thought I felt my leg get wet.  It is so annoying!!! There is nothing I could see on my leg and every brush I do, my hand ends up being dry, not wet.  What could be the possible cause of this???

I thought about posting in the Neurology forum as well as skin-ology.  I thought it might be possible it had something to do with nerves in my leg that's causing this wet feeling.


195 Responses
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I  know this is going to sound soooooo 'out there' but I have to ask as these symptoms have "just started' in a lot of people. Don't boot me off the forum here for what I am going to ask..but here goes.... "Have a lot of you people had any 'strange' experiences or 'dreams' at night lately..ie..dreams that have felt sooo real that you actually feel like they are?? Are there any of you that'know' something strange is happening but are too scared to say anything??  Just needed to ask this as I believe there is more to this...I won't say what just yet.
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Yes! I would love to talk with u and hear your thoughts
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I have been having this wet /cold feeling on the lower back part of my knee (right) for months now. I have recently been told I have the start of cervical cancer. My hand gripping s well is going. It is so frustrating feeling like my grip is not what it use to be. What could all this be? I woke up last night screaming cause my body Was in so much pain. I have also been having very intense night sweats. So bad I keep a change of cloths by my bed...what s going on with me???? Help?
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Hi all
I have been experiecing this sensation also.mostly on the top of the foot & around the ankle.its feels very much like water dripping on the area.
Iam a crohns sufferer & am taking various medication. I.e amatryptiline,codeine phosphate infliximab infusions every 6 weeks.
These strange sensations only started a few weeks ago.I've also been suffering with a stiff neck for last few weeks which i,m just taking anti inflammatory for.i've also just finished a course of B12 injections.
I feel this wet feeling could be to do with poss nerve damage or inflamation.
Sounds weird but like an earlier post made by someone i also have had a strange but realistic dream recently.i have been wondering about it but putting down to all the medication.
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20898741 tn?1592361935
I had this problem also. First symptom was a tightness around my waist then a cold feeling on the top of my thigh then both thighs then coldness down my legs and feet. Turns out I had a tumor at the T1-T2 level in my spinal cord. My whole body was slowly going numb but it was so gradual only these cold feelings  gave me warning. Mayo clinic removed it. They say they have around 400 cases of this a year. Mainly in women. I was misdiagnosed by 3 doctors and a PA, one of which was a spinal surgeon. Insist on a thoracic MRI if your feelings spread.
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Hey, so this morning I started to feel a wet spot in my underwear. Left thigh underneath my butt cheek. No bigger than a dime. It feels wet and cold and lasts for a second or two and then when I investigate it goes away. Not trying to be funny here but I thought I farted and left a wet one. I checked my underwear and no wetness. When I got home from work, it started happening again. My wife thinks its nerves or stress maybe? I dont know but I changed underwear and want to see if it will happen again. Very strange. I will report back tomorrow. Thanks
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I have a cold spot from butt, but the butt is warm, the cold spot runs down back of thigh, from below butt to knee, the closer to my bottom, the colder it gets. The problem I have is I have spinal cord injury and below knee amputation. The closer to the knee the warmer my cold spot is. So confusing.  Any suggestions?
9576600 tn?1475757952
Okay, I have the same crazy thing. This wet/cold spot on my knee which doesnt exist. My back hurts me often, just a bit but I know my muscles arent strong enough right now, I dont exercise neither well nor often... I just hope that with exercise it will get better. If you found out, please tell me!
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I am getting this too. I had knee surgery 10 days ago and sometimes I think my incision is bleed or I spilled water on it but when I check my steri strips are bone dry.
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This is parestesia. It is a nerve disease. I have since last 10 years. There is no cure. I am taking gabapentin. This  is for nerve pain. Neurologist can confirm the diagnosis and the treatment.It is lifetime disease. I am 87.I will be happy if some one comes with the solution of this problem.Usually doctors say the pathology of the disease is not known.
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September 2017 - experiencing same symptom on both legs between knees and ankle. When googled, an article appeared on how this is a common anxiety-related symptom. It may not be the same for all of us, but for some of us.
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I have the same thing. About 2 weeks now, but also it feels like my leg is asleep and just buzzing like crazy. No pain. Can anyone help???
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Okay it is 2017 and it just started yesterday. I looked up wet cold feeling on right leg and it brought me here. I am amazed at how many are on here with the same. Anyone have any luck at all?
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Today is July 10 2017 I have the same wet feeling in my ankles but when I feel my pant leg and ankles they are dry. Did you find anything out? Did it go away? ***@****
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Don't have answers, just the same symptoms. I had right shoulder rotator cuff surgery in April 2016 (it's now Nov). Ever since then, I have had that cold, wet sensation mostly on my upper arm (surgery-side) but also sometimes on head, upper legs (one or the other or both), etc. Pretty consistently on upper arm. I keep waiting for it to just GO AWAY.

(Coincidently - or not - I also experienced a long (5 mo) bout of skin rash/itching/excessive-dryness/pins&needles which did eventually end. But with that came some actual wetness on backs of legs/upper arms. Related? If not, fine. I just need to figure out this upper right arm cool/wet sensation.)

Making me crazy.
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Two years ago I was having the wet legs feeling right above my knees simultaneously. It went away after a month or two. Recently it started on my right arm, between my wrist and elbow when I swallow hot food or a hot drink. It lasts 10 seconds and returns with every swallow! Strangest thing I've ever felt!
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Hi, I have strange feeling of wet if something touches my leg below the knee. I kept thinking my dressing gown was wet where it was touching. I have a numb and painful foot and lower leg which has shown as a herniated disc on a recent MRI scan.  I also have severe stenosis...this has been getting worse over the past 3 and a half years, when surgery back then was ruled out. I am due to go and see a surgeon again in the near future.
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I also have severe spinal stenosis and I just recently started to get this sensation in my lower right leg by my ankle.  I have neuropathy in that leg also.
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In my case and without seeing a neurologist I suspect I may have lumbar spinal stenosis. 5'8" 47 female w/o medical issues. About 15 years ago started feeling pins and needles in both arms. X-Rays showed cervical curve reversed lordosis (not related to symptoms to the best of my knowledge), MRI test results were inconclusive, nerve conduction study with normal results. Time went by, now I'm overweight at 190 lbs. and for the past year with constant lower back pain that only seems to be mitigated by bending over. Also very light bladder/bowel incontinence issues (when sneezing, coughing) and since about 3 weeks ago a water trickling sensation just behind my right knee. Action plan: loose weight, mild exercises to strengthen back muscles and closely watch for evolution of existing/new symptoms that could rule out my suspicions. Surgery: not worth it. Diagnosis: only if changes in symptoms point to something else other than stenosis.
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Did you ever find anything out about the wet behind your leg.  You said you were going to have an MRI to check it out.  I guess this is pretty common and we don't know what to do about it.
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Me too.  a neurologist checked my nerves in my legs and said I had restless leg syndrome.  How can that be the cause?
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sorry it auto corrected. It should say Arnold chiari malformation
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Have you researched possibly having an Arnold chairing malformation?  And/or syringomyilia?  
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I have had a cold right lower leg chin area for two weeks, I have been through a lot in the last year leaky gut, allergies, paracites, Mercury fillings removed, moved to cold climate, auto immune disease flare up, ect ect.....it is a weird feeling it would be interesting to hear from people that wrote originally to see if it just went away? I see a Natropath and haven't told him yet but I will and I am interested to see what he says. it could be a lack of peripheral blood to that leg? I've had referred nerve pain in my knee before but that feels more like burning, most problems I have I research more myself, this blog was the first place I found, with no clear diffinition, other than get an MRI. It is not as easy as running off for an MRI though. This is a generalised statement but....When you don't have a physical ailment doctors can be a little sceptical, just from my past year worth of problems.
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I don't know if it's the same thing or not but for the past couple of months I frequently experience the sensation of stepping in something wet.  I even took a towel to blot the water off of a kitchen rug, only to dicover that it wasn't  wet.  Several times a day I reach down to feel for a wet spot on the carpet because I'm certain that I just stepped on something wet.  I finally realized that this is a phantom sensation as there never is a wet spot.  This only occurs on the bottom of my foot, nowhere else on my body.  I have had numbness in my toes and the ball of my foot for several years (and that feeling of something balled up in the toe of my she or stuck between my toes) but this sensation of stepping on something wet is new.  Anyone else have this kind of feeling?
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Mine feels like a 'dripping out of my body sensation" from my right groin.
No pain - just annoying and confusing. The same area has a very warm sensation from time to time. My doctor said to keep an eye on it and if it gets worse or more frequent, come back.
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I also have the same symptoms. Im going to see a neurologist to have a proper examination, but there are a lot of causes possible. The causes can be serious, but I also found that it can be in many cases stress related.

When worrying about it, it will cause more stress and bring you in a viscious circle. So my advice, try to relax and look if you are maybe to stressfull lately or that there a big changes in your life. It can for sure cause this kind of sensations.

Of course i also advice to consult a doctor, but don't Google yourself sick...
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I googled it and im in shock that this is a thing! Mine is on the side of my right butt cheek. All the sudden I feel I must have gotten wet and I feel there everytime to make sure like an idiot...lol Has anyone gotten answers about this? Weird, not painful, but annoying.
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Me: Athletic male; 47 years old; 6'0"; 170 lbs; no medical conditions; no regular medications; I rarely drugs of any kind (including caffeine, alcohol, and aspirin).

Symptom: A cool sensation on the skin on the right side of the right leg in an indistinct area about 6 inches below the knee. The sensation is mild, like a light breeze blowing against the skin. No pain. No numbness. No diminished capacity of any kind.

Occurrence: Started about 2 weeks ago, coincident with nothing. I notice it a few times each day. Occurs regardless of whether or not I'm wearing clothes over the area. Occurs regardless of activity -- I've noticed it while sitting idle, standing, walking, jogging, and biking. I've never noticed it while in bed.

Progression: Seems to be holding steady. At first, I noticed it only once every couple of days; now several times per day. However, I think I notice it more often due to growing awareness, not increasing prevalence of the underlying effect.

Treatment: None yet. I haven't seen a doctor about it. I haven't tried any home remedies.

Responsiveness: As mentioned above, I haven't tried to treat this yet, so I don't have much to say about its responsiveness to treatment. I can say that I continue using the leg muscles for exercise (hiking, jogging, biking), and the condition seems unresponsive to exercise.

Additional notes:

For at least a week, I thought this was just the fabric of my pants brushing against my leg in an odd way.

Most of the posts describe their sensation as "cold" or "wet"; I can see how those words apply, but they wouldn't be my first choice -- my sensation is more "cool" or "breezy".

It seems that many people posting here are trying to figure out whether this is related to a specific incident, drug, or diagnosis. I will emphasize that for me, I can identify no triggering incident; I take no drugs; and I have no known medical conditions.
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That is the EXACT feeling I had except it was down the right side of my face. It has only happened once so far when I first awoke one morning. I wiped my face thinking I was crying in my sleep or something crazy like my head was bleeding.... but the feeling was so real. When I looked my hand was completely dry. When I sat up the cold mint feeling was all over the back of my head. I am 33 yrs old with a mother who as MS. I have not mentioned this to my parents btw.  I am scared but I know an MRI is needed.
and yes it is very comforting not being alone but what is this?
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