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tingly, prickly feeling all over

My problem started about a month ago when I noticed pins and needles/tingly feeling in bottom of feet.  During that week it spread to my legs, along w/ pains in my legs, and to my arms, hands, face, and head.  I am new to this town so I didn't have a GP, so I went to the ER and they ran CBC and urine test...they tested for everything they could.   Also did heart monitor, EKG, pulsox, etc.  Everything came back 100% normal.  So, I went to see a GP finally and she ordered MRI of head, Cspine and Tspine w/ and w/out contrast...absolutely nothing abnormal on any of the tests.  That is good, except now in the places that used to tingle a little now feel sorta prickly...and now I also feel a hot or burning sensation in places on my arms, hands and sometimes legs and face.  People are passing me off as anxiety or hormones, but I just don't know about that - I'm 28 y/o female.  Anyone have any ideas??
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I have found that moving, exercising, however small, Qi Gong, very easy to do, or walking helps quite a bit with the condition of numbness, tingling ect.  Take time to just sit & breathe holding your finger on one nostril as you breathe in & letting the finger go & breathe out then  hold the other side & do the same thing.  Alternate nostil breathing technique.  At least 5 times  at each session & do it throughout your day so you can spend only a few min. each time.  Outside is the best place to breathe in the beauty of the green plants, earth , especially in the mountains or on the beach.    Doesn't sound like much but it really helps your parasympathetic nervous system which can cause a lot of this crazy unexplained stuff we get. Chlorella & B vitamins , no prepackaged foods, junk food drive thrus, mostly vegetables, fish & fruits washed & mostly raw. Hope it helps someone.
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
329495 tn?1212424182
I see you told Beth you had the same things going on tingling in the feet needle feeling in feet arms wrist hand and sometime face i have been on paxil for 4 yrs for hot flases ..do u think it could be from my meds ...im going to for a EMG in 2 day ...i scared of what they will find ..I have panic attacts all the time over this ...please help ....Judy
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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Have they tested you for Fibromyalgia?  I have this and along with sharp stabbing pains I get itchy, prickly and tingling all over my body. I was tested about 5 years ago and 15 of the 18 points painful. just thought I'd mention it.
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I have been experiencing stabbing shin pain in 1 leg over the last 8 months and most recently vibrating in my feet and legs. It has moved all over my body including twitching and now prickling in my fingers. Doctors cannot seem to figure out what is causing this ( of Course) ive been going to a Chiro for the last few months, helps a little. I recently came across a Book that just released called the Medical Medium (author Anthony William).. I've read 200 pages into the book and im amazed and think this might be an answer for everyone.  He talks about all the mystery illnesses like Fibro,Lupus,MS, Chronic Fatigue "auto immune" conditions. there is a common link to all of them..PLEASE READ THIS BOOK.. I already started detoxing and eating fruits to try and start building up my immune system. He says in the book that its linked to a virus (Epstein Barr) that lies dormant and comes under attack during high stress, or other illnesses that weaken our immune systems..
Christine B
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Thanks for sharing- very informative!.

My Dad (67) is facing similar issues (initial signs) during last 2 months.
Here's a series of events :
1. Around one year back he had a minor fall and developed shoulder pain
2. As per the MRI of cervical spine, he developed mild degenerative changes in C5 - CG vertebrae, leading to minimal spondylosis  and disc lesion
4. Brain MRI showed - Ischemic changes in frontoparietal white matter bilaterally
5. After few months, he developed of "feeling of imbalance" as though he'll fall while walking. He jogs 2 miles every day in morning without any issues though.
6. Neurologist prescribed blood thinning medicine (Clopet 75mg), and vertigo medicine (Betavert 24mg), which gave temporary relief and then he stopped the meds, but within a week later, problems started to occur again. Also, due to long dosage of these medicines (8 months), he started having stomach problems like digestion issues, loss of appetite.
7. He also tried vitamin D, vitamin B, and B+, stay longer in sun... but several vitamins caused stomach problems and he had to stop them. He is not having any vitamins at this point.
8. His blood test, BP, thyroid, physical checkup reports are all normal. He has some prostate issues though for which he’s taking Tonact 5mg
9. More importantly since last 2 months, he's complaining of "needling feeling", most of the times in feet, other times in rest of the body, and even in head, which is very irritating. It happens throughout the day, and then goes away after some time . He feels a burning sensation inside the body at that time,  but is also feeling cold at the same time...lot of times it happens in night, and disturbs his sleep. it's the sensation which is driving him crazy, doctors says it's related to anxiety, but that's not the case with him as he’s a happy go lucky kind of person.

Right now the needling sensation, or pricking feeling is troubling him a lot. Given your experiences and effective remediation, please share your views and advise what could be the issue, and remediation to slow it down at least?? Right now nothing seems to be working! Thanks!
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I have been experiencing the prickling/itching for 5 years now and is getting worse. I also get extreme icy sensations in arms and legs and have to cover myself with blankets when sitting still. It is affecting my whole life as I can't sit still for choir or to watch TV etc. Ironically, covering up with thick jumpers and blankets (which I have to do if sitting still even when out at friends- embarrassing!) even in the summer makes me feel uncomfortably warm in my core and I sweat whilst still feeling icy and prickly on arms and legs.
I am or have been a very active person, I belong to several drama groups and write , direct and perform I am involved in about 5 productions a year and love it but this is beginning to prevent to doing some of the things I love.
I have seen allergists , dermatologists and gynaecologist as the night sweats and flushes were unbearable and I thought that the prickling/itching was  pruritis (as a result of menopause- I am 64) I can't go to the gym any more as this makes me sweat and prickle. I am currently waiting to see a neurologist but have been told this could take up to a year.
Interestingly , as I notice others had the same problem, I was found to be very Vit D deficient. (14) and have had Vit D supplements to bring it up to a norm . Now on a maintenance dose.
I have tried magnesium supplements but found this to increase the tingling and I experienced numbness as well whilst taking this.
I have tired acupuncture and herbal medicine and have an appointment in a few weeks to try a bio meridian assessment to see what exactly is going wrong in my body.
I am at a loss as to where to turn next and these sensations are driving me nuts! My B12 tests were supposedly OK although I was taking a B vit supplement at the time so wonder if this skewed the results.
Any ideas anyone?!
Desperate...Amdram Annie
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This is what my problem is too. Vitamin D. I was only at 17. Normal is 30-100. Starting Rx of Vitamin D tomorrow!!
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I had a very similar prickly skin/pins and needles problem as Anundsjo. He mentioned going to the naturopath and that's what I did. There may be variants of this unnamed illness, but the one I had made the prickly skin worse when the body temperature went up. For example, if would jog I would feel sharp needless all over my body, or if I sat in a hot car I would immediately have prickly skin over my my body, mostly in the back.

The naturopathic detox did it for me. After about 6 weeks I noticed huge improvements in the prickly skin problem. Now, almost 2 months into the diet, 90% of my problem has gone away. I can play tennis, basketball, and hike for 10km in one day without any problem. The remaining 10% is expected to go away soon.

My little story goes something like this: I have other conditions for which I take multiple medications. These medications sometimes increase the appetite and hence I would eat more but tended to eat more junk like fast food. My addiction got so bad that I was eating out every single day! About a year and half later, I noticed the pins and needles in my body whenever I would exercise. I also developed neuropathy in my toe that made the whole experience uncomfortable. Luckily, because of Anundsjo's post, I'm back to eating healthy again and feel very lucky to be out of a horrible position.
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I have experienced the prickly itch all over my body for years.  The first time it started was in 1994, it lasted for about six months the stopped.  It returns every ten years beginning in November but this year it started in February.  I have bought almost every lotion on the market, soaked in epsome salt, apple cider vinegar, baking soda and oatmeal but nothing seem to work.  I saw an allergist and dermatologist but all test were negative.  I finally saw a Neurologist and he thought I had Erythromelalgia.  If any of you have redness and burning in your hands and feet, you might want to research this it also affects people around 60 and older.  Anyway, the neurologist prescribed Gabapentin and it doesn't completely stop the prickly sensation but it's about 90% affective.  I continue to research my symptoms and I believe I found the problem.  First, I want to ask a few questions.  Did any of you injure your back, have nerve damage or have carpal tunnel and do you have the taste of metal in your mouth?  These might be the common denominator to having "Small Fiber Sensory Neuropathy".  It's a disorder of the peripheral nerves.  The symptoms are pins and needles, burning, pricks, tingling, numbness, electrical shock like brief painful sensation, a lack of sweating.  Please research this.  Checked the symptoms, if they match what you are experiencing go see a Neurologist, tell them your symtoms and tell them about SFSN.  You will also see treatments for this condition on the web sites.  One more thing, the prickly itch sensation may not be an itch at all.  It could be the sensation of the small nerve fibers that feel like you're itching and the metal taste in your mouth could be the tingling sensation on your tongue.
I pray this will help all of you.  God bless you and good luck.  
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Hi Alice,
Thank you for your Niacin idea. I had a blow to the head/face when back on the playground teaching in 2001. This followed by a physiatrist who electrocuted my head terribly in some goofy therapy I was prescribed. It all ended badly with L & I negating my symptoms - only replacing my first set of front teeth. That said, I've been thru many years attempting to heal & manage many symptoms. I got no regular med help from Dr's. Natural healing remedies, supplements, my Christian faith, & cranial massage have been a Godsend. I've recently had terrible stress from many family problems, & an addict child with cancer who moved home...just a lot of stuff. Today-I awoke with a massive headache (formerly common w/my head injury), itchy head & began this tingling in my extremities (Niacin like). It's not subsided - hence, my web search. Thank you for your Niacin experiment as I realized I've not focused on my own health lately being a constant caregiver for four people & am remiss on my B vitamins. I just took some Niacin & will try this for a bit to see if it works. Thank you for sharing.
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Hi Alice,
Thank you for your Niacin idea. I had a blow to the head/face when back on the playground teaching in 2001. This followed by a physiatrist who electrocuted my head terribly in some goofy therapy I was prescribed. It all ended badly with L & I negating my symptoms - only replacing my first set of front teeth. That said, I've been thru many years attempting to heal & manage many symptoms. I got no regular med help from Dr's. Natural healing remedies, supplements, my Christian faith, & cranial massage have been a Godsend. I've recently had terrible stress from many family problems, & an addict child with cancer who moved home...just a lot of stuff. Today-I awoke with a massive headache (formerly common w/my head injury), itchy head & began this tingling in my extremities (Niacin like). It's not subsided - hence, my web search. Thank you for your Niacin experiment as I realized I've not focused on my own health lately being a constant caregiver for four people & am remiss on my B vitamins. I just took some Niacin & will try this for a bit to see if it works. Thank you for sharing.
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Any update I am having similar symptoms
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My life is FINALLY back to normal, Thank you god!!
Here is my story!
Starting back in August of last year, I started getting an itching/prickling sensation all over my hands and feet. Sometimes I would even get them on my legs, back and face and this went on for 8 months. I didn’t know what to do, this annoying sensation was disrupting my life. I couldn’t focus at work, home or school because of the itching/pricking/needle feeling all over my body. It would even occur at night or while in the bed. I was losing it people…I went through 8 months of torture. After trying tea tree old, taking bleach baths, using all types of ointments, sulfur baths etc NOTHING seem to work. I even thought I had scabies or some type of bug that crawled under my skin and laid eggs. I even though it was fleas…so we hired carpet cleaning people to steam clean our carpet up to 200 degrees, we even hired several pest control people to come out and spray. My husband and I spent 1000s of dollars but nothing was working.  Oh I forgot to mention that my husband was not having the itching problem, it was only me! Well we sold our house and got rid of all our furniture because of the annoying sensation I was having. I prayed everyday asking the lord to help me and after moving into our apartment something hit me!! I thought that I should go to a dermatologist even though I read many stories online saying that dermatologist are no help…Well I went to the dermatologist and he asked me several questions:
1. Do I take long HOT bathes? Yes
2. What kind of soaps do I use? I said dove
3. Do I moisturize my skin after getting out of the tub? No
4. Does the itchy/prickling sensations come when I turn the heat on? Yes
5. Does it happen more at night? Yes
6. Does the itching occur when your body over heats? Yes
The dermatologist told me that the HOT HOT water from the bathes I take has dried my skin completely out. He said this is what’s causes the pricking/itchy sensation. He said that my skin is cracking and it cracks a lot more when my body over heats. He then told me what to use to get rid of the prickling sensation and was 100% sure that it will work. He said that my skin needs moisture and recommend I use CeraVe Moisturizing Cream at night after I get out of the shower and in the morning for 1 whole month. He said when you get out of the shower, rub the cream all over your body, Head to Toe. Then do it in the morning before you go outside. Doing this will put moisture back into your skin and restore it. It took 1 week for this cream to work on me!!! Here it is a month later and I haven’t felt any type of prickling sensation or anything. 
I don’t know if this will help everyone but it sure did help me. You can buy the CerVe at Walmart or Walgreens, its in a white jar. Rub it all over your body and stay away from HOT HOT bathes. Take only warm bathes. HOT bathes try your skin out…the dermatologist says HOT water KILLS your skin and a lot of people don’t know that. CeraVe is safe to use, it’s like a lotion so you can use it everyday all day if you like.  
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My life is FINALLY back to normal, Thank you god!!
Here is my story!
Starting back in August of last year, I started getting an itching/prickling sensation all over my hands and feet. Sometimes I would even get them on my legs, back and face and this went on for 8 months. I didn’t know what to do, this annoying sensation was disrupting my life. I couldn’t focus at work, home or school because of the itching/pricking/needle feeling all over my body. It would even occur at night or while in the bed. I was losing it people…I went through 8 months of torture. After trying tea tree old, taking bleach baths, using all types of ointments, sulfur baths etc NOTHING seem to work. I even thought I had scabies or some type of bug that crawled under my skin and laid eggs. I even though it was fleas…so we hired carpet cleaning people to steam clean our carpet up to 200 degrees, we even hired several pest control people to come out and spray. My husband and I spent 1000s of dollars but nothing was working.  Oh I forgot to mention that my husband was not having the itching problem, it was only me! Well we sold our house and got rid of all our furniture because of the annoying sensation I was having. I prayed everyday asking the lord to help me and after moving into our apartment something hit me!! I thought that I should go to a dermatologist even though I read many stories online saying that dermatologist are no help…Well I went to the dermatologist and he asked me several questions:
1. Do I take long HOT bathes? Yes
2. What kind of soaps do I use? I said dove
3. Do I moisturize my skin after getting out of the tub? No
4. Does the itchy/prickling sensations come when I turn the heat on? Yes
5. Does it happen more at night? Yes
6. Does the itching occur when your body over heats? Yes
The dermatologist told me that the HOT HOT water from the bathes I take has dried my skin completely out. He said this is what’s causes the pricking/itchy sensation. He said that my skin is cracking and it cracks a lot more when my body over heats. He then told me what to use to get rid of the prickling sensation and was 100% sure that it will work. He said that my skin needs moisture and recommend I use CeraVe Moisturizing Cream at night after I get out of the shower and in the morning for 1 whole month. He said when you get out of the shower, rub the cream all over your body, Head to Toe. Then do it in the morning before you go outside. Doing this will put moisture back into your skin and restore it. It took 1 week for this cream to work on me!!! Here it is a month later and I haven’t felt any type of prickling sensation or anything. 
I don’t know if this will help everyone but it sure did help me. You can buy the CerVe at Walmart or Walgreens, its in a white jar. Rub it all over your body and stay away from HOT HOT bathes. Take only warm bathes. HOT bathes try your skin out…the dermatologist says HOT water KILLS your skin and a lot of people don’t know that. CeraVe is safe to use, it’s like a lotion so you can use it everyday all day if you like.  
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I've had this problem for quite some time and just recently figured out what it might be.  Have you tried changing deodorants?  There are a lot of really bad chemicals in most deodorants which block your body from naturally perspiring.  Trying changing to an all natural deodorant for a few weeks and seeing if that helps.  Other things like lotions, shampoos, soaps, could also have some of the same effects......so it might be good to try switching those out as well.
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Sounds like you are seeing a choirpractor (purposely mis-spelled). The common diagnosis of many of the choir-practors is the "toxins" story, the their money grabbing treatment modality pushes treatments such as mega-vits, and especially "these things take a long time". Hopefully, you will bite on this crap and be his patient for a very long time as he tries one piece of dog-crap therapy after another as he continues to drain your bank account.

My advice is that you start over and find yourself a RD (Real Doctor), advisably a Medical Doctor (MD) with a university hospital affiliation (preferably on salary at the university in a clinical teaching capacity). The SALARY part is important because then he/she will not be driven to do tests and tests and tests for the sake of profit. If your lucky, your location will be from Canada, England or Europe where medicine is focused patient care instead of the all powerful, almighty BUCK.
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Sounds like you are seeing a choirpractor (purposely mis-spelled). The common diagnosis of many of the choir-practors is the "toxins" story, the their money grabbing treatment modality pushes treatments such as mega-vits, and especially "these things take a long time". Hopefully, you will bite on this crap and be his patient for a very long time as he tries one piece of dog-crap therapy after another as he continues to drain your bank account.

My advice is that you start over and find yourself a RD (Real Doctor), advisably a Medical Doctor (MD) with a university hospital affiliation (preferably on salary at the university in a clinical teaching capacity). The SALARY part is important because then he/she will not be driven to do tests and tests and tests for the sake of profit. If your lucky, your location will be from Canada, England or Europe where medicine is focused patient care instead of the all powerful, almighty BUCK.
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I wanted to add my experience to anyone it might help.  I've recently started having these feelings again after many years of not having them.  I got them before I was diagnosed with low thyroid (hypothyroidism).   I also get them when I take erythromycin.  I had an allergist that said it was called "Formication"  the feeling of ants crawling underneath the skin.

If you are on medications, start looking there first.  I take propanolol and I just got a new prescription. It is a different pharmaceutical company and I think the formulation is bothering me.  My old prescription never caused me any problems, and i've been taking it for 2 years.  

Also, Low calcium and low iron.  Low calcium doesn't always show on a blood test.  

Ladies, it can also be caused by perimenopause/menopause.  It is a symptom.
Cosmetics can also cause internal problems.  If you use a certain soap/shower gel, try getting one with no coloring and use it for awhile.  

I remember having this so badly one time, that I thougtht I would go nuts.  Feels like prickly, tingly, stinging randomly.  I would liken it to being hit by the sparks of a sparkler.  Also, feels on my face, like spider webs hitting my face.  
Good luck.  

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It is discouraging to read that no one has found an answer to this problem of all body prickly sensations. I am 65 and was very healthy until 1 year ago when I ended up in the emergency room for extremely high blood pressure and increasing feelings that I would pass out even coming up stairs. I have exercised vigorously all my life, eat well, don’t smoke and drink lightly. I ended up with lots of blood tests. Had very high calcium and later diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism. The DAY after I had surgery for that 7 months ago, I started having these sensations and they have gone unabated since then. Been to family practice MD, endocrinologist, neurologist—I had very low vitamin D but otherwise test out normally on everything. None of these physicians has a clue why the prickly sensations are happening. I just read of one study where 23 patients developed neuropathy post-surgery and all were tested and found to have nerve inflammation-likely stress from the surgery.  They were given immunosuppressants and got better.  
Those are very strong drugs with huge side effects so don’t know the generalizability of that type of treatment, but I plan to ask about it. These symptoms are getting worse and when they get really bad, I also get “foggy brain”. It is so distressing!  I have tried all kinds of experiments with my blood pressure meds, foods, alcohol, vitamins, etc. Nothing I do seems to make any difference.  The only comfort is that there are lots of others like me.  I plan to continue to experiment as I don’t know where else to turn. Good luck to all and please, if anyone finds anything that works, let us all know.  I plan to try an anti-histamine tonight and see if it does anything.
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I've been going through a lot of forums about people with the same symptoms as I too have been getting prickly itchy sensations in my feet, legs, arms and hands and losing sleep over it. I havnt gone to a doctor as if yet as it has only recently started. But I've been looking at bad circulation because I have low blood pressure and became anemic after giving birth. I will be changing my diet and increasing my intake of vitamins that I'm lacking in. Just thought that might help. Also maybe using ice packs to relieve prickliness. I did some stretches this morning and it seemed to help. Also will be avoiding tight clothing and sitting on my legs.
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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Hi I am 36 and have had the prickly sensation in my head and it washes down over my body. Now I have a pins and needles sensation that mostly hits my face and upper body. Sometimes it feels like it's still there when it passes. I have gotten a bit light headed with it. I do have chronic nerve damage that for some reason has really started causing major issues and now I'm wondering if there is something else wrong.
The tingling gets worse with heat and yesterday my left side of my face felt numb and so did my arm. The tingling has continued pretty steady for two days now. My left side is the one that has the major nerve damage. I am at a loss for what to do.
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I am also in my early 40 and gets this pin prickly feeling on the bottom of my feet whenever I lay on my back on some chairs and place my feet on up on another chair.  It actually happens when I am in snoozinng mode as if to say wake up.  I too am stressed  out.
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Polymorphic light eruption (PLE)
Google it, sounds exactly what Im dealing with.  
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The one thing I haven't seen anyone talk about is their skin colour.  I'm pretty pale and when I go on holidays to hot places the prickling feeling starts and gets worse over the course of the trip.  I did discover that slowly building up a tan over the course of a summer in Canada and then going to a tropical place I was completely fine.  I'm 28 year old male and have been experiencing this as long as I can remember.  Nobody else in my family gets this or understands why.  

Is everyone on here complaining fairly pale skinned?

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