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tingly, prickly feeling all over

My problem started about a month ago when I noticed pins and needles/tingly feeling in bottom of feet.  During that week it spread to my legs, along w/ pains in my legs, and to my arms, hands, face, and head.  I am new to this town so I didn't have a GP, so I went to the ER and they ran CBC and urine test...they tested for everything they could.   Also did heart monitor, EKG, pulsox, etc.  Everything came back 100% normal.  So, I went to see a GP finally and she ordered MRI of head, Cspine and Tspine w/ and w/out contrast...absolutely nothing abnormal on any of the tests.  That is good, except now in the places that used to tingle a little now feel sorta prickly...and now I also feel a hot or burning sensation in places on my arms, hands and sometimes legs and face.  People are passing me off as anxiety or hormones, but I just don't know about that - I'm 28 y/o female.  Anyone have any ideas??
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I have had this for 2 years. Been through all of the tests 100%. My last resort naturapathy.
Seems to be helping. The doctor said he could fix it. I have had to detoxify and then started some remedies. I have been on antidepressants for a long time. I have had to change my lifestyle and diet because he says my body is out of balance. Even though your liver checks out fine it is having trouble detoxifying all the gunk in your body. The body now has found somewhere else to release the toxins and that is the nerve endings and skin. He says it shouldn't cause any damage but will take a while to change, because it has taken a long time to get to that point. Your thinking has to change with the remedies and you will have some fall backs but in time it should get better.
Hope this helps, please respond.
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
329495 tn?1212424182
I am 55 and i have the same things goin on ..i have been on paxil for 4 yrs ...maybe its the meds i have been on for so long ...im having a EMG in 2 day ...i am scared dont know whats wrong with me
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329495 tn?1212424182
I see you told Beth you had the same things going on tingling in the feet needle feeling in feet arms wrist hand and sometime face i have been on paxil for 4 yrs for hot flases ..do u think it could be from my meds ...im going to for a EMG in 2 day ...i scared of what they will find ..I have panic attacts all the time over this ...please help ....Judy
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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Hi my body has suffered from feeling hot for a couple of years which use to lead to sweating that was very very unconfortable on lts own, but ever since november 2007 I have had prickly heat all over my body which is very painfall when it happens and it happens all the time because im always feeling hot, but ever since last week the 14th july 2008 i stil have the problem but also have a another problem which is that my body feels prickly all the time every second but its painless, im not even feeling hot or sweating but is continuous every second, in a few hours it smells really bad as if I have sweated so much when I havnt, but the funny thing is i havnt even sweated or felt hot. Can anyone please help me as I dont really no whats wrong with me as this is very new and I dont really even no what to go and tell the docter apart from the prickly heat, I feel like im not in any control of my body anymore and has affected my life so badly.

Any Help as to what might be wrong with me.

Many thanks

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Beth, I'm 27yrs old and too get pins and needle feelings throughout my body. I got an MRI done and it revealed that I either have a low-grade tumor or the beginning of MS. My specialist is at MassGeneral in Boston, so I know I'm in the best hands. However he told me that this ball of anxiety in my brain is not causing any of my physical symptoms. So as I'm sure you have tried to do, I'm trying to get right w/myself. Mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. I know it sounds aggrevating, but I'm hoping this works for, to see a therapist. If your open to the idea, or if you already have, alleiving some of your anxiety may help you. I send my best to you, and confident you will be fine...
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I am 21 yr old female and I have been sufferin from tingly/prickly skin mainly on my buttocks and backs of legs but sometimes on my face and hands. Sometimes my hands go completely numb. I was also told it's anxiety but I have also suffered from other symptoms of anxiety so they are probably right. I am sure what you have is related to anxiety. This can be caused by lack of vitamin B, I have recently started taking centrum and since then my anxiety symptoms have rapidly reduced. Unfortunately my Nan died of MS and I think this has affected me so much that my mind is mimmicking the symptoms of it, although I have never been tested for it so maybe I should.
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Sorry to hear your troubles. I have similar situation with no clear diagnosis. I was intrigued that they ran MRI lower than your head. I figured that if I had tingling, etc., in the face and head (which I do), that it must be brain-related.  I happen to have old injury in my neck (around shoulder blades) and am now wondering if I should have MRI there, if a lesion or something could lead to tingling, etc., in the face/head.  

Anyway, did hyour Dr. recommend T and Cspine MRI after you had symptoms in your head? Thanks, Jason
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Im a 47 years old male,,,I take a simvastin/and spirriva/and analipril for over 3 years,,last year I started getting this horrible prickly feeling and itching all over my body esp,,when I get hot or nervouse fast,,then it goes away?????
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Im a 54 yr old Male, This started a few months back and has progressively gotten worse as the weather is warming up. I've noticed when Im in stressful situtions it's really the worst. Even when I'm around the stove cooking I can hardly stand it. A prickely feeling mostly in the face and upper body. What the heck is going on ?. I've lost my job and med Ins and can't afford to go to Doctor! Any HELP OUT THERE
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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I started suffering from this about ten years ago, in my early 40s.  I couldn't sleep through the night for these sharp pricks in my feet, but they reminded me of the tingle that I used to get when taking Niacin supplements.  So one day, I bought a bottle of 200 mg. time release Niacin and stayed up all night taking them.  I never got flushed, as you do when you reach a high enough level of Niacin in your blood stream, although I took a total of 13 tablets over a 13 hour period.  But I have never had the problem in the ten years since doing my own experiment.  I think for some people the problem is a B-vitamin shortage, as the B's coat the nerve endings and can be killed off by a variety of substances like alcohol or lack of nutrients, such as extreme dieting.  Don't be complacent, however.  My best friend started suffering from these lower leg prickles and was eventually diagnosed with late onset MS.  Try improving your diet or taking supplements first, then consult a neurologist, if you don't get better.  Good luck All!
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o have this tingly and prickily feeling all over my face and head ,i'm 22 and it just started yesterday i feel fine except for it and i wanted to hear anyones advice before i went to the doctor
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The symptoms sound like they could be neuropathy.  I'm 29 and have had type 1 diabetes for almost 20 years.  I began to suffer from neuropathy 2 years ago.  Neuropathy can be diagnosed with an EMG test.
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This can be a symptom of nerves (Very Likely) Iam into body building and I noticed prickly sensations I felt all over my body as if I were being slapped by cactus.  I was taking Criotien at the time.  The sensations are usually caused by abnormal supplements you ingest or simply from ingriedents from prepared food.  If you are taking vitamens swap to a different type. Exercise everyday.  You will feel that senation hit then if you are running run harder, use the sensation.  Ultimatly your body will burn whatever forgein substance is in your body thus reducing and most of the time eliminating the sensation.  Another Key component to this stratagie is not to over sleep.  All the human Body needs is 7-8 hours of rest.  Over sleeping causes your blood to settle if especially if you have poor circulation and the substance that is causeing you the sensation will settle and you will have immidiate sensations when you go from hot to cold (A/C to outside) SO EXERCISE  
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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Wow!  I typed in 'prickly, stabbing like feeling all over head, what is it'---not expecting anything to come up---and this site(along w/others I haven't checked yet)came up!!!  I've asked diff drs since it started in fall '08---primary, cardio,endocrinlogist,and neurologist---to no avail. I wonder if it's cholesterol drug related, b/c I've been on pravastatin and niaspan for 3-4yrs, but endo.(diabetes dr)put me on Crestor instead in '08. Very first night this happened to me---very strong, and very scary.
I've thought of possibility of stroke on the horizon. (Awful thought!!! ) Since '08 it's happened off and on several times(went off Crestor right away--thinking that was causing. Just happened again a couple days ago, and this morning. Wondering---off Niaspan for 3-4wks-trying to 'cut down', but just restarted it. ???  But I also started retaking glucosamine/MSM again for joints---at the same time. So, hard to tell.
Wish someone knew for sure!!!  Seen the neurologist several times since '08---he gave me no indication of what, nor did he offer to do any kind of test(MRI, etc.) So, don't know what to do---see that MS was brought up---know nothing about, but maybe should check online, too.
I am 59---and like some have also said here---I'm a very worried,anxious, stressed person. I know it's not good/not healthy---can't seem to stop it, and don't want MORE medicine.  I do have clonopin---as needed, to 'take the edge off', but hardly take(one 30 day bottle could last me 3-6 mos.  last script was filled in June.  Well, that's it, hoping to get some more input.   Thanks.
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I am 58, just started having these prickly pain feelings in my leg and foot. I am on simvastatin for several years. I will try Vitamin B, but yes it is scary.  Let me know how you are doing.
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I'm 19,
About 2 years ago or so, i got the first light prickly pain / tingling sensation, which then came and went over awhile, i went to my GP he took samples of my blood for alergy tests it came back as nothing and he said nothing more, i was active back then ( in school and playing sports) it didnt really stop me from doing much, since finishing school and stopping cricket for unrelated injury, i became very lazy and inside all the time, not long after, it came back strong, i kinda just put up with it for a few months, then it stopped again, just 2 months ago, (after being house-ridden awhile) i could go outside, go to the beach, and the symptoms would not be there) but just over the last 2 weeks or so, its happening more frequent and more painful then ever, if its hot, i must be infront of air conditioner or i will get pricky pain intensely Chest / back / arms / hands / legs, iv'e had to leave the house ofcourse sometimes, but when i do, for example in the car the pain would just come relentlessly and not stop until i get home (After it is at "maximum pain" for 5 mins or so the pain will reduce abit but it will still be very uncomfortable and painful, i will get white lumps kinda like goosebumps during the start of the pain and after it reaches i dunno... the most pain? it breaks into red dots, usually only on the arms, but my chest will be flush red and even patchy red on my back, i honestly dont think this is anxiety related, although recently i have become very anxious/nervous about doing anything that will trigger the pain (but i wasnt like that when it first started) and even in air conditioned room it can still tingle etc.. and sometimes i wake up with the prickly sensation because i have blankets on me as soon as i remove the quilts from over my chest they immediately stop :S, ( I cant honestly be anxious in my sleep) no, so i dont know, its terrible to have to live with, im seeing a skin specialist next month, wait and see
Any suggestions welcome
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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Hi, i'm 20, i've had this prickly itchy feeling for as long as i can remember, although it's gotten worse over the last few years. I feel it anytime my body starts to get hot for any reason (temperature, exercise, because i'm nervous or anxious etc.). Since i've always felt this prickly itchy feeling whenever there is a rise in my core temperature, i figured it was just something that happend when people get hot and that everyone felt the same sensation (I have eczema so im used to feeling itchy anyway). I mentioned it to my mum a few weeks ago (she works in a pharmacy) and she told me my dad has always had the same thing. It's been annoying me more than usual recently but im fairly used to it now and dont really know any different. After researching online there doesn't seem to be a "quick fix" (an i'm too lazy to try anything that requires alot of effort or time).

Below is something i found on another forum that you might find helpful:

"I am a new user to this forum and I have the same symptoms as you. I'm not a medical practitioner but here's what I have so far.

I believe the medical term for our condition is: Cholinergic Urticaria. Cholinergic urticaria is a physical allergy characterized by the development of punctate (1 to 3 mm diameter) intensely pruritic wheals with erythematous flaring after an increase in core body temperature or stress.

In particular, our case seems to be of the sub-category of Exercise-induced Anaphylaxis. http://www.jcaai.org/pp/anaph_23_exercise. asp#anaph_XXIII_

Essentially, a raise in core body temperature or stress level can trigger an attack. No obvious sign/rash on skin to suggest anything wrong.

Like you, I get an attack in the following situations:
1) When I know I'm about to sweat, brief walk/exercise etc
2) When I'm nervous/stressed (happens a lot in my job)
3) After a hot shower (I've stopped having them since)

I've been having this since the start of this year. I'm 29 yrs old.

Bad news is I don't have any definite answer for you. I've relatively new to trying to cure this so I don't have a lot of suggestions. Below is what I suggest:

1) All literature agrees that the itchiness/pricking sensation is caused by the release of histamine in your body. Hence, anti-histaimine should help to minimize or at least lessen the attack. However, there are many different formulaes ofr anti-histaimine, including first-generation and second-generation types, H1 vs H2 etc. I am not a medical person so I don't know the difference. I hope to do more research on this in the coming weeks and find out what is best for me.
2) You mentioned Zrytec didn't work for you. How often were you taking it? What was your dosage? I've read that in some case you might need to keep taking it regularly to build up sufficient dosage in your body. http://www.jcaai.org/pp/ur_part_1.asp. My doctor said I can take up to 3 tablets a day.
3) Some literature also suggest H1 and H2 anti-histamine is required together to be effective
4) Other medicines that have reported to be effective on similar sitautions, Benedryl, Ketotifen, Cimitidine Magicul 800, ephinephrine. I have no idea what these are but am simply collecting what other people said has helped in the past. Don't use them without medical advise.
5) Some poster on this board reported Acupunture or Homeopathic Medicine to be useful. Again, not sure whether this is applicable for us but something to keep in mind.

I saw a dermotologist last week but he wasn't very useful. Apart from giving me the above medical term he essentially gave me 3 types of drugs (Claratyne, Zyrtec and Telfast) and told me to go try it out. I'm also trying to see whether there is a Cholinergic Urticaria specialist in Melbourne that can help with this.

For the next few weeks I'm going to take regular dosage of Zyrtec (3 times a day) and will test out the effects during that period."
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I've changed my mind, i thought i could ignore it but it's just too much now. I seem to be getting it alot easier too, like if i'm just walking round town and the weather is nice or it's warm in a shop it hits me an i have to find somewhere cool to sit till i cool down. I tried taking 'Piriton' briefly but it didnt seem to do much and the side effects really hit me. I'm going on holiday to Corfu soon an im getting a bit anxious since it's gona be hot out there. Any help would be appreciated.
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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Same thing here. Pins and needles. Started in legs now it is in all my joints. Elbows, fingers, knees, ankles. Why is it concentrating in joints?? Any ideas? I feel for you. It is annoying and worrisome. Thought maybe B-12 deficiency but why in the joints?
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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Hi Im 23 years old/man and I have been having the same symptoms you are not alone. I have a tingling, prickly, pins and needles feeling through out my body. It happen when I get hot. When the weather gets hotter it's worst. I have to find place to cool off. I have to walk around with a bottle of cold water and rag to cool off. It's been going on for months now and I have been tested for so many things. I been tested for thyroid problems and it came back fine. I got tested for B-12 deficiency it was fine. I got two MRI done on my lower spine and cervical spine for anything strange like MS. But again everything is good except I have a bulging disc which the doctors say can't be causing it. Also had Brain looked at which is completely normal. Now there just passing it off as stress and anxiety. It mostly happens when I get worked up and hot. It also happens when I get nervous. People tell me to exercise but it's hard when you have this feeling like electric shocks stinging you. When it is really bad sometimes I break out in my skin but when my body cools down the rash goes away. I don't know what else to do. If anyone has ideas please write something. Myself and everyone else with this issue would love to know.
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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i too have this tingly, prickly and a lil' bit of numbness.. i went to emergency last night and found out that i had a uti(urinary tract infection). it causes diturbance to skin sensation.
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Thanks for sharing, it's good to know I'm not alone.  Mine started 2 days ago and it feels like prickly all over, a stinging, sun-burn sensation inside my elbow joints, bottom of feet, back of neck, head hand/fingers things, knees.  Wierd.  I can only ascribe it to stress/anxiety (I don't take any medicines but vitamins, ibuprofen or Tylenol) but belle86 said UTI might be the cause so I might have to check myself out...though I'm a 34 yo male (better safe than sorry I guess).  I had blood level and blood pressure checked 2 days ago (normal) and a CATscan (for something unrelated) about 6 months ago (normal).  I'm going with stress and/or foreign element in blood that needs to just be waited out.  Be at peace, everyone, we'll be alright!
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Would appreciate much if you can go specific:)
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I had a similar problem for about three years and it was making my life a living hell. Thank god I found a solution.

The stinging/prickly sensation used to happen to me whenever my heart would start to pump faster or my temprature would rise. Whenever I went out in the sun or into a heated room the stinging/prickly senasation would begin. Also I seemed to have an innability to sweat, my skin was dry and I would often wake in the early hours of the morning with a burning feeling under my skin (especially on my face and back).

It got so bad that when summer was about to arrive in Australia I moved to England to cool off. To my horror everywhere in England had central heating...der!!!! I remember one day I went to the public library and the central heating was on, within 30 seconds I started to get the stinging prickly sensation which made my heart run faster which made it worse. I ran outside and started rolling around on the cold damp grass. Everyone was staring but I didn't care, i had to do it.

That was the final straw, i came back to australia, went to several doctors who were no hope and said its all in the head. Then one day I saw a naturopath who changed my life.

His solution: RID BODY OF ALL TOXINS. I went on a kidney/liver cleanse diet that cleansed my body. No alcohol, cakes, biscuits, white bread etc for three months. Wola! All of a sudden these prickly sensations that I used to get (that I thought I'd have for ever) were gone.

So although the symptoms only ever came when my body would heat up, the cause of the problem had nothing to do with heat sun etc. It was because my body was in such an unhealthy state and my liver/kidneys were struggling to cope.

So in my case it had NOTHING to do with stress. I'm thinking maybe people who have a poor diet can become stressed and stress can even cause poor diet so chances are that people who hyave these symptoms due to poor diet/lifestyle also happen to have stress.

I realise this is just my personal experience and that might not work for everyone. But I hope this can help even just one person cos I know how bad it was to have it and especially that people just think you're making it up.
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Hi how are you now? I’m sorry I’m super late, I’m in 2020 and the pandemic has made me staying inside without getting enough sunlight or doing any exercise or even a healthy diet. May I ask how long did it take to recover and what did you do to make it go away? What I’m feeling is exactly what you are feeling right now. Did you take any extra supplements or any specific things you did? I’m starting to do small exercises although it hurts a lot.
1604940 tn?1297817960
I have had what I call neuropathy for at least 5 years.  I have come to believe that it is due to pharma/aspartame usage of 25 years, in part.

I also have borderline anemia and low thyroid.  I have started taking an
Iodine product to adjust my thyroid, which is the master planner of the body.

Just had blood tests, going for a consult this week.  I also feel like I am
dying...not the psychological morbid thoughts...no, but that my body is
dying.  It is scary, so I have to take it a day at a time.

I am taking natural therapies with B complex.  When I used to take shots
weekly I felt so much better but didn't have insurance then, so it was costly for me.  My present insurance is covering these tests, so I hope that the doc will give me the B shots, rather than prescription meds.

I too was on pain, anxiety, anti depressants for a period of time until
I felt horrible and the pain was only masked.  

I take Iodine-C compound, B12, Pantothenic Acid which is B 6,
Magnesium, C, double D, Melatonin, and St John to help with stress.

The horrible pain in the extremities have reduced since adding I-C, but the thyroid is slow to respond.  I already had the diagnosis of being border line, so I researched this a bit. I have been on this for 6 weeks.

So much toxic waste is in everything we consume from air to water to
food.  To detox and unload the digestive system, relax the kidneys and
other organs I use broccoli several times a week, make it steamed or make it mush, or soup, and I take Milkthistle, a capsule.  This is
recommended for aspartame toxicity by Dr. Martini, Dr Gold and Dr. Hull.

Still have concerns when I get high anxiety with numbness and cascading pain...but the episodes have lessened.  So, I don't advise
but only say do your research to understand what your body is trying to tell you.  

Here's to your health.

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