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Low Blood Pressure

Hi All,

My wife has low blood pressure and needs a jolt or two of coffee every morning. Lately this has been upsetting her stomach.

We would like to try caffeine in a pill but I'm not sure that it exists in a simplified form. Whatever I saw at the drugstore had an additional ingredient such as an analgesic added to it.

How can my wife get her caffeine jolt without coffee?

Thanks in advance,

2 Responses
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ginseng can help increase energy and normalize blood pressure. Whole licorice (not licorice candy) can also help raise low blood pressure.

Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably organic) for their protective phytochemicals and micronutrients needed for optimal metabolism.
Become a grazer. A large meal can trigger the body to release more insulin, resulting in low blood sugar levels and fatigue. Eating smaller meals or healthy snacks throughout the day can help keep blood sugar levels steady.
Stay hydrated. Dehydration is a common cause of fatigue - drink purified water or other healthy liquids throughout the day.
Snack right. Choose healthy snacks that contain some protein, carbohydrates and beneficial fats. Good options include a handful of unsalted nuts, fresh or dried fruit, yogurt, vegetable sticks and whole-grain bread or crackers.
Eat more fiber. Navy beans, kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils are all rich in fiber, which slows the release of insulin and helps maintain a steady supply of energy.
Almonds are standouts among healthy foods, as they contain important nutrients like magnesium and B vitamins which help convert food to energy. "Research shows that people with low magnesium levels tend to tire more quickly during exercise due to magnesium's role in energy metabolism," explains Rachel Berman, RD, Insufficient B vitamins can lead to fatigue, irritability, and poor concentration.
Salmon Has Omega 3 helps boost energy. Bananas are filled with fiber, B vitamins, and potassium  nutrients that promote sustained energy.
Kale contains the amino acid L-tyrosine, that helps give you a mental lift.
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1340994 tn?1374193977
She could try Folgers Simply Smooth coffee.  My boyfriend does fine with that if he also takes 5 Metamucil capsules with a glass of watre at night.  It forms a gel I guess and stops splashing.  

Other forms include tea, and green tea with mint might be soothing.  It is lower in caffeine.

For the low BP, she might just need a little more salt in her diet.  Sea salt is not that bad for most people.  It will help her drink more water and improve her BP.  
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